Package 'PST'

Title: Probabilistic Suffix Trees and Variable Length Markov Chains
Description: Provides a framework for analysing state sequences with probabilistic suffix trees (PST), the construction that stores variable length Markov chains (VLMC). Besides functions for learning and optimizing VLMC models, the PST library includes many additional tools to analyse sequence data with these models: visualization tools, functions for sequence prediction and artificial sequences generation, as well as for context and pattern mining. The package is specifically adapted to the field of social sciences by allowing to learn VLMC models from sets of individual sequences possibly containing missing values, and by accounting for case weights. The library also allows to compute probabilistic divergence between two models, and to fit segmented VLMC, where sub-models fitted to distinct strata of the learning sample are stored in a single PST. This software results from research work executed within the framework of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, which is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The authors are grateful to the Swiss National Science Foundation for its financial support.
Authors: Alexis Gabadinho [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Alexis Gabadinho <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.95
Built: 2025-01-28 02:37:24 UTC

Help Index

Mining contexts


Extracting contexts in a PST satisfying user defined criterion


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
cmine(object, l, pmin, pmax, state, as.tree=FALSE, delete=TRUE)



A probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


length of the context to search for.


numeric. Minimal probability for selecting the (sub)sequence.


numeric. Maximal probability for selecting the (sub)sequence.


character. One or several states of the alphabet for which the (cumulated) probability is greater than pmin or less than pmax.


logical. If TRUE the cmine method returns a subtree of the PST given as input with selected contexts (including their parent nodes, even if these don't statistify the defined criterion). If FALSE the output is the list of selected contexts. See value.


Logical. If as.tree=TRUE and delete=FALSE, the pruned nodes are not removed from the tree but tagged as pruned=FALSE, so that when plotting the pruned tree these nodes wil appear surrounded with red (can be set to another color) lines.


If as.tree=TRUE a PST, that is an object of class PSTf which can be printed and plotted; if as.tree=FALSE a list of contexts with their associated next symbol probability distribution, that is an object of class cprobd.list for which a plot method is available. Subscripts can be used to select subsets of the contexts, see examples.


The cmine function searches in the tree for nodes fulfilling certain characteristics, for example contexts that are highly likely to be followed by a given state (see example 1). One can also mine for contexts corresponding to a minimum or maximum probability for several states together (see example 2). For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.


## Loading the SRH.seq sequence object

## Learning the model
SRH.pst <- pstree(SRH.seq, nmin=30, ymin=0.001)

## Example 1: searching for all contexts yielding a probability of the 
## state G1 (very good health) of at least pmin=0.5
cm1 <- cmine(SRH.pst, pmin=0.5, state="G1")

## Example 2: contexts associated with a high probability of 
## medium or lower self rated health 
cm2 <- cmine(SRH.pst, pmin=0.5, state=c("B1", "B2", "M"))
plot(cm2, tlim=0, main="(a) p(B1,B2,M)>0.5")

Plot single nodes of a probabilistic suffix tree


Plot the next symbol probability distribution associated with a particular node in a PST


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
cplot(object, context, state, main=NULL, all=FALSE,,, by.state=FALSE, ...)



A probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


character. Label of the node to plot, provided as a string where states are separated by '-', see examples.


logical. Under development.


character. Main title for the plot. By default, the title is the node label.



numeric. Interval for the ticks on the x axis (segments).

numeric. Interval for the ticks on the y axis (probability).


logical. If TRUE, the representation of the probability distribution is done separately for each state of the alphabet.


arguments to be passed to the plot function or other graphical parameters.


The cplot() function displays a single node labelled with context of the tree where one or mode barplots (if object is a segmented PST) represent the probability distribution(s) stored in the node. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

See Also



s1 <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1, L=3)

cplot(S1, "a-b")

Empirical conditional probability distributions of order L


Compute the empirical conditional probability distributions of order L from a set of sequences


## S4 method for signature 'stslist'
cprob(object, L, cdata=NULL, context, stationary=TRUE, nmin=1, prob=TRUE, 
weighted=TRUE, with.missing=FALSE, to.list=FALSE)



a sequence object, that is an object of class stslist as created by TraMineR seqdef function.


integer. Context length.


under development


character. An optional subsequence (a character string where symbols are separated by '-') for which the conditional probability distribution is to be computed.


logical. If FALSE probability distributions are computed for each sequence position L+1 ... l where l is the maximum sequence length. If TRUE the probability distributions are stationary that is time homogenous.


integer. Minimal frequency of a context. See details.


logical. If TRUE the probability distributions are returned. If FALSE the function returns the empirical counts on which the probability distributions are computed.


logical. If TRUE case weights attached to the sequence object are used in the computation of the probabilities.


logical. If FALSE only contexts contining no missing status are considered.


logical. If TRUE and stationary=TRUE, a list instead of a matrix is returned. See value.


The empirical conditional probability P^(σc)\hat{P}(\sigma | c) of observing a symbol σA\sigma \in A after the subsequence c=c1,,ckc=c_{1}, \ldots, c_{k} of length k=Lk=L is computed as

P^(σc)=N(cσ)αAN(cα)\hat{P}(\sigma | c) = \frac{N(c\sigma)}{\sum_{\alpha \in A} N(c\alpha)}


N(c)=i=11[xi,,xi+c1=c],  x=x1,,x,  c=c1,,ckN(c)=\sum_{i=1}^{\ell} 1 \left[x_{i}, \ldots, x_{i+|c|-1}=c \right], \; x=x_{1}, \ldots, x_{\ell}, \; c=c_{1}, \ldots, c_{k}

is the number of occurrences of the subsequence cc in the sequence xx and cσc\sigma is the concatenation of the subsequence cc and the symbol σ\sigma.

Considering a - possibly weighted - sample of mm sequences having weights wj,  j=1mw^{j}, \; j=1 \ldots m, the function N(c)N(c) is replaced by

N(c)=j=1mwji=11[xij,,xi+c1j=c],  c=c1,,ckN(c)=\sum_{j=1}^{m} w^{j} \sum_{i=1}^{\ell} 1 \left[x_{i}^{j}, \ldots, x_{i+|c|-1}^{j}=c \right], \; c=c_{1}, \ldots, c_{k}

where xj=x1j,,xjx^{j}=x_{1}^{j}, \ldots, x_{\ell}^{j} is the jjth sequence in the sample. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


If stationary=TRUE a matrix with one row for each subsequence of length LL and minimal frequency nminnmin appearing in object. If stationary=FALSE a list where each element corresponds to one subsequence and contains a matrix whith the probability distribution at each position pp where a state is preceded by the subsequence.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.


## Example with the single sequence s1
s1 <- seqdef(s1)
cprob(s1, L=0, prob=FALSE)
cprob(s1, L=1, prob=TRUE)

## Preparing a sequence object with the SRH data set
state.list <- levels(SRH$p99c01)
## sequential color palette
mycol5 <- rev(brewer.pal(5, "RdYlGn"))
SRH.seq <- seqdef(SRH, 5:15, alphabet=state.list, states=c("G1", "G2", "M", "B2", "B1"), 
	labels=state.list, weights=SRH$wp09lp1s, right=NA, cpal=mycol5)
names(SRH.seq) <- 1999:2009

## Example 1: 0th order: weighted and unweigthed counts
cprob(SRH.seq, L=0, prob=FALSE, weighted=FALSE)
cprob(SRH.seq, L=0, prob=FALSE, weighted=TRUE)

## Example 2: 2th order: weighted and unweigthed probability distrib.
cprob(SRH.seq, L=2, prob=TRUE, weighted=FALSE)
cprob(SRH.seq, L=2, prob=TRUE, weighted=TRUE)

Generate sequences using a probabilistic suffix tree


Generate sequences using a probabilistic suffix tree


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
generate(object, l, n, s1, p1, method, L, cnames)



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


integer. Length of the sequence(s) to generate.


integer. Number of the sequence(s) to generate.


character. The first state in the sequences. The length of the vector should equal n. If specified, the first state in the sequence(s) is not randomly generated but taken from s1.


numeric. An optional probability vector for generating the first position state in the sequence(s). If specified, the first state in the sequence(s) is randomly generated using the probability distribution in p1 instead of the probability distribution taken fron the root node of object.


character. If method=pmax, at each position the state having the highest probability is chosen. If method=prob, at each position the state is generated using the corresponding probability distribution taken from object.


integer: Maximal depth used to extract the probability distributions from the PST object.


character: Optional column (position) names for the returned state sequence object. By default, the names of the sequence object to which the model was fitted are used (slot "data" of the PST).


As a probabilistic suffix tree (PST) represents a generating model, it can be used to generate artificial sequence data sets. Sequences are built by generating the states at each successive position. The process is similar to sequence prediction (see predict), except that the retrieved conditional probability distributions provided by the PST are used to generate a symbol instead of computing the probability of an existing state. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


A state sequence object (an object of class stslist) containing n sequences. This object can be passed as argument to all the functions for visualization and analysis provided by the TraMineR package.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.


s1.seq <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1.seq, L=3)

## Generating 10 sequences
generate(S1, n=10, l=10, method="prob")

## First state is generated with p(a)=0.9 and p(b)=0.1
generate(S1, n=10, l=10, method="prob", p1=c(0.9, 0.1))

Impute missing values using a probabilistic suffix tree


Missing states in a set of sequences are imputed by using the probability distributions stored in a probabilistic suffix tree.


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf,stslist'
impute(object, data, method="pmax")



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


a sequence object, i.e., an object of class 'stslist' as created by TraMineR seqdef function, containing the sequences to impute. See details.


character. If method='pmax' the state having the highest probability according to the probability distribution associated with the context preceding the missing status is imputed. If method='prob' the imputation is done randomly by using this probability distribution.


A probabilistic suffix tree (PST) can be used to impute missing states in sequences built on the same alphabet. When a missing state occurs in a sequence the procedure searches in the PST for the context preceding the missing state and impute the state according to the conditional distribution associated with the context. The imputation can be done either randomly (method="prob") or with the state having the highest probability. However, more sophisticated modelling taking account of the non response mechanism could be required for imputing missing states. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


A sequence object (of class stslist) containing original sequences in data with missing states imputed.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 2016, 72(3), 1-39.


## Loading the SRH.seq sequence object

## working with a sub-sample of 500 sequences
## to reduce computing time
subs <- sample(nrow(SRH.seq), size=500)
SRH.sub.seq <- SRH.seq[subs,]

## Learning the model (missing state is not included)
SRH.pst.L10 <- pstree(SRH.sub.seq, nmin=2, ymin=0.001)

## Pruning
C99 <- qchisq(0.99,5-1)/2
SRH.pst.L10.C99 <- prune(SRH.pst.L10, gain="G2", C=C99)

## Imputing missing values in the SRH sequences
SRH.sub.iseq <- impute(SRH.pst.L10, SRH.sub.seq, method="prob")

## locating sequences having missing values
## in sequence object missing states are identified by '*'
have.miss <- which(rowSums(SRH.sub.seq=='*')>0)

## plotting non imputed vs imputed sequence
## (first 10 sequences in the set) 
seqiplot(SRH.sub.seq[have.miss,], withlegend=FALSE)
seqiplot(SRH.sub.iseq[have.miss,], withlegend=FALSE)

Log-Likelihood of a variable length Markov chain model


Retrieve the log-likelihood of a fitted VLMC. This is the logLik method for objects of class PSTf returned by the pstree and prune functions.


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


The likelihood of a learning sample containing nn sequences, given a model SS fitted to it, is

L(S)=i=1nPS(xi)L(S)=\prod_{i=1}^{n} P^{S}(x^{i})

where PS(xi)P^{S}(x^{i}) is the probability of the iith observed sequence predicted by SS. Note that the log-likelihood of a VLMC model is not used in the estimation of the model's parameters (see pstree). It is obtained once the model is estimated by calling the predict function. The value is stored in the logLik slot of the probabilistic suffix tree representing the model (a PSTf object returned by the pstree or prune function). The AIC and BIC values can also be obtained with the corresponding generic functions, which call logLik and use its result. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


An object of class logLik, a negative numeric value with the df (degrees of freedom) attribute containing the number of free parameters of the model.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

See Also



## activity calendar for year 2000
## from the Swiss Household Panel
## see ?actcal

## selecting individuals aged 20 to 59
actcal <- actcal[actcal$age00>=20 & actcal$age00 <60,]

## defining a sequence object
actcal.lab <- c("> 37 hours", "19-36 hours", "1-18 hours", "no work")
actcal.seq <- seqdef(actcal,13:24,labels=actcal.lab)

## building a PST
actcal.pst <- pstree(actcal.seq, nmin=2, ymin=0.001)

## Cut-offs for 5% and 1% (see ?prune)
C99 <- qchisq(0.99,4-1)/2

## pruning
actcal.pst.C99 <- prune(actcal.pst, gain="G2", C=C99)

## Comparing AIC
AIC(actcal.pst, actcal.pst.C99)

Extract the number of observations to which a VLMC model is fitted


The number of observations to which a VLMC model is fitted is notably used for computing the Bayesian information criterion BIC or the Akaike information criterion with correction for finite sample sizes AICc.


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'



A PST, that is an object of class PSTf as returned by the pstree or prune method.


This is the method for the generic nobs function provided by the stats4 package. The number of observations to which a VLMC model is fitted is the total number of symbols in the learning sample. If the learning sample contains missing values and the model is learned without including missing values (see pstree), the total number of symbols is the number of non-missing states in the sequence(s). This information is used to compute the Bayesian information criterion of a fitted VLMC model. The BIC generic function calls the logLik and nobs methods for class PSTf. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


An integer containing the number of symbols in the learning sample.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

See Also



s1.seq <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1.seq, L=3)

## Self rated health sequences
## Loading the 'SRH' data frame and 'SRH.seq' sequence object

## model without considering missing states
## model with max. order 2 to reduce computing time
## nobs is the same whatever L and nmin
m1 <- pstree(SRH.seq, L=2, nmin=30, ymin=0.001)

## considering missing states, hence nobs is higher
m2 <- pstree(SRH.seq, L=2, nmin=30, ymin=0.001, with.missing=TRUE)

Retrieve the node labels of a PST


Retrieve the node labels of a PST


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
nodenames(object, L)



A PST, that is an object of class PSTf as returned by the pstree or prune method.


integer. Depth of the tree for which the node names are retrieved. If missing the names of all the nodes in the tree are returned.


A vector containing the node labels (i.e. contexts).


Alexis Gabadinho


s1 <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1, L=3)

nodenames(S1, L=3)

Compute probabilistic divergence between two PST


Compute probabilistic divergence between two PST


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf,PSTf'
pdist(x,y, method="cp", l, ns=5000, symetric=FALSE, output="all")



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


character. Method for computing distances. So far only one method is available.


integer. Length of the sequence(s) to generate.


integer. Number sequences to generate.


logical. If TRUE, the symetric version of the measure is returned, see details.


character. See value.


The function computes a probabilistic divergence measure between PST SAS_{A} and SBS_{B} based on the measure originally proposed in Juang-1985 and Rabiner-1989 for the comparison of two (hidden) Markov models SAS_{A} and SBS_{B}

d(SA,SB)=1[logPSA(x)logPSB(x)]=1logPSA(x)PSB(x)d(S_{A}, S_{B})=\frac{1}{\ell} [\log P^{S_{A}}(x)-\log P^{S_{B}}(x)]=\frac{1}{\ell}\log \frac{P^{S_{A}}(x)}{P^{S_{B}}(x)}

where x=x1,,xx=x_{1}, \ldots, x_{\ell} is a sequence generated by model SAS_{A}, PSA(x)P^{S_{A}}(x) is the probability of xx given model SAS_{A} and PSB(x)P^{S_{B}}(x) is the probability of xx given model SBS_{B}. The ratio between the two sequence likelihoods measures how many times the sequence xx is more likely to have been generated by SAS_{A} than by S2S_{2}.

As the number nn of generated sequences on which the measure is computed (or the length of a single sequence) approaches infinity, the expected value of d(SA,SB)d(S_{A}, S_{B}) converges to dKL(SA,SB)d_{KL}(S_{A}, S_{B}) Falkhausen-1995, He-2000, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence (also called information gain) used in information theory to measure the difference between two probability distributions.

The pdist function uses the following procedure to compute the divergence between two PST:

  • generate a ransom sample of nn sequences (of length \ell) with model SAS_{A} using the generate method

  • predict the sequences with SAS_{A} and with SBS_{B}

  • compute

    di(SA,SB)=1[logPSA(xi)logPSB(xi))],  i=1,,nd_{i}(S_{A}, S_{B})=\frac{1}{\ell} [\log P^{S_{A}}(x_{i})-\log P^{S_{B}}(x_{i}))], \; i=1, \ldots, n

  • the expected value

    E(d(SA,SB))E(d(S_{A}, S_{B}))

    is the divergence between models SAS_{A} and SBS_{B} and is estimated as

    E^(d(SA,SB))=1ni=1ndi(SA,SB)\hat{E}(d(S_{A}, S_{B}))=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} d_{i}(S_{A}, S_{B})

For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


If ouput="all", a vector containing the divergence value for each generated sequence, if output="mean", the mean, i.e. expected value which is the divergence between models.


Alexis gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

Juang, B. H. and Rabiner, L. R. (1985). A probabilistic distance measure for hidden Markov models. ATT Technical Journal, 64(2), pp. 391-408.

Rabiner, L. R. (1989). A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(2), pp. 257-286.


## activity calendar for year 2000
## from the Swiss Household Panel
## see ?actcal

## selecting individuals aged 20 to 59
actcal <- actcal[actcal$age00>=20 & actcal$age00 <60,]

## defining a sequence object
actcal.lab <- c("> 37 hours", "19-36 hours", "1-18 hours", "no work")
actcal.seq <- seqdef(actcal,13:24,labels=actcal.lab)

## building a PST segmented by age group
gage10 <- cut(actcal$age00, c(20,30,40,50,60), right=FALSE,
	labels=c("20-29","30-39", "40-49", "50-59"))

actcal.pstg <- pstree(actcal.seq, nmin=2, ymin=0.001, group=gage10)

## pruning
C99 <- qchisq(0.99,4-1)/2
actcal.pstg.opt <- prune(actcal.pstg, gain="G2", C=C99)

## extracting PST for age group 20-39 and 30-39
g1.pst <- subtree(actcal.pstg.opt, group=1)
g2.pst <- subtree(actcal.pstg.opt, group=2)

## generating 5000 sequences with g1.pst 
## and computing 5000 distances
dist.g1_g2 <- pdist(g1.pst, g2.pst, l=11)

## the probabilistic distance is the mean
## of the 5000 distances

Plot a PST


Plot a PST


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf,ANY'
plot(x, y=missing, max.level=NULL,
		nodePar = list(), edgePar = list(),
		axis=FALSE, xlab = NA, ylab = if (axis) { "L" } else {NA}, 
		horiz = FALSE, xlim, ylim, 
		withlegend=TRUE, ltext=NULL, cex.legend=1, 
		use.layout=withlegend!=FALSE, legend.prop=NA, ...)



A PST, that is an object of class PSTf as returned by the pstree or prune method.


not applicable


integer. The maximal depth for the display of the tree.


list. A list of parameters for tuning the node representation. Possible parameters are

  • node.size. numeric. The size of the node, in fraction of a unit of the x axis (or y axis if horiz=TRUE).

  • gratio. The ratio between horizontal and vertical dimensions of the node. usefull if the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the plot are not equal. If not provided, it is estimated as a function of the number of leaves represented in the plot and the depth of the tree.


list. A list of parameters for tuning the edges representation. Possible paramters are


logical. If TRUE the axes are displayed on the plot.


character. Label for the x axis.


character. Label for the y axis representing the tree depth.


logical. If FALSE, the tree is represented vertically. The root node at depth L=0 is plotted on the top, and the nodes of maximal depth are plotted on the bottom of the plot. If TRUE, the tree is represented horizontally. The root node at depth L=0 is plotted on the right, and the nodes of maximal depth are plotted on the left of the plot.


numeric. Vector of length 2 giving the x limits for the plot. By default the limits are 1 .. number of terminal nodes (at max.level if specified). This may be usefull to facilitate comparison if several trees are plotted on the same figure.


numeric. Vector of length 2 giving the y limits for the plot. By default the limits are 0 .. max. depth of the tree (max.level if specified). This may be usefull to facilitate comparison if several trees are plotted on the same figure.


defines if and where the legend of the state colors is plotted. The default value TRUE sets the position of the legend automatically. Other possible value is "right".


optional description of the states to appear in the legend. Must be a vector of character strings with number of elements equal to the size of the alphabet. If unspecified, the label attribute of the seqdata sequence object is used (see seqdef).


expansion factor for setting the size of the font for the labels in the legend. The default value is 1. Values lesser than 1 will reduce the size of the font, values greater than 1 will increase the size.


if TRUE, layout is used to arrange plots when using the group option or plotting a legend. When layout is activated, the standard 'par(mfrow=....)' for arranging plots does not work. With withlegend=FALSE and group=NULL, layout is automatically deactivated and 'par(mfrow=....)' can be used.


sets the proportion of the graphic area used for plotting the legend when use.layout=TRUE and withlegend=TRUE. Default value is set according to the place (bottom or right of the graphic area) where the legend is plotted. Values from 0 to 1.


arguments to be passed to the plot function or graphical parameters


The function for graphical representation of a PST uses is recursive. The main argument of the function is a tree represented as a nested list (an object of class PSTr). See also Gabadinho 2016.


Alexis Gabadinho, based on code from plot.dendrogram


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.


s1 <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1, L=3)
plot(S1, horiz=TRUE)
plot(S1, nodePar=list(node.type="path", lab.type="prob", lab.pos=1, lab.offset=2, lab.cex=0.7), 
	edgePar=list(type="triangle"), withlegend=FALSE)

PST based pattern mining


Mine for (sub)sequences satisfying user defined criteria in a state sequence object


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf,stslist'
pmine(object, data, l, pmin=0, pmax=1, prefix, lag, average=FALSE,
output="sequences", with.prefix=TRUE, sorted=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE, score.norm=FALSE)



A fitted PST, that is an object of class PSTf as returned by the pstree or prune method.


A sequence object of class 'stslist' as defined with the seqdef function of the TraMineR library.


integer. Length of the subsequence to search for.


numeric. (Sub)-sequences having average or per state probability greater or equal than pmin are selected. Default to 1, meaning no lower threshold for the probability.


numeric. (Sub)-sequences having average or per state probability less or equal than pmax are selected. Default to 1, meaning no upper threshold for the probability.


character. Subsequences are searched in sequences starting with 'prefix', where 'prefix' is a string representing a subsequence with states separated by '-'. This option can be used to search for -most- likely patterns in sequences starting with 'prefix'.


integer. The lag first states in the sequence are omitted. If prefix is


logical. If TRUE, the pmin or pmax probability is supposed to be the average state probability in the (sub)sequence. If FALSE (sub)sequences having every state probability less than pmax or greater than pmin are selected.


character. If output='sequences' the whole sequence(s) where the user defined criteria is satisfied are returned. If output='patterns' only the (sub)sequences satisfying the user defined criteria are returned.


logical. If 'output=patterns', should the patterns in the output be preceeded by their prefix, that is by the whole sub-sequence preceding the pattern.


logical. If 'sorted=TRUE', selected patterns or sequences are sorted according to their score, i.e., their average probability.


logical. If 'sorted=TRUE', should sort order be decreasing or increasing ?


logical. If TRUE, the score attached to each selected pattern or (sub)-sequence (the weights in the returned sequence object) is the average per state probability, and is thus normalized by the length of the pattern. If FALSE, the score is the whole (sub)-sequence probability.


The likelihood PS(x)P^{S}(x) of a whole sequence xx is computed from the state probabilities at each position in the sequence. However, the likelihood of the first states is usually lower than at higher position due to a reduced memory available for prediction. A sequence may not appear as very likely if its first state has a low relative frequency, even if the model predicts high probabilities for the states at higher positions.

The pmine function allows for advanced pattern mining with user defined parameters. It is controlled by the lag and pmin arguments. For example, by setting lag=2 and pmin=0.40 (example 1), we select all sequences with average (the geometric mean is used) state probability from position lag+1,,lag+1, \ldots, \ell above pmin. Instead of considering the average state probability at positions lag+1,,lag+1, \ldots, \ell, it is also possible to select frequent patterns that do not contain any state with probability below the threshold. This prevents from selecting sequences having many states with high probability but one ore several states with a low probability.

It is also possible to mine the sequence data for frequent patterns of length j<\ell_{j} < \ell, regardless of the position in the sequence where they occur. By using the output="patterns" argument, the pmine function returns the patterns (as a sequence object) instead of the whole set of distinct sequences containing the patterns. Since the probability of a pattern can be different depending on the context (previous states) the returned subsequences also contain the context preceding the pattern. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


A state sequence object, that is an object of class stslist, where weights are the probability score of (sub)sequences.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

See Also

cmine for context mining


## activity calendar for year 2000
## from the Swiss Household Panel
## see ?actcal

## selecting individuals aged 20 to 59
actcal <- actcal[actcal$age00>=20 & actcal$age00 <60,]

## defining a sequence object
actcal.lab <- c("> 37 hours", "19-36 hours", "1-18 hours", "no work")
actcal.seq <- seqdef(actcal,13:24,labels=actcal.lab)

## building a PST
actcal.pst <- pstree(actcal.seq, nmin=2, ymin=0.001)

## pruning
## Cut-offs for 5% and 1% (see ?prune)
C99 <- qchisq(0.99,4-1)/2
actcal.pst.C99 <- prune(actcal.pst, gain="G2", C=C99)

## example 1
pmine(actcal.pst.C99, actcal.seq, pmin=0.4, lag=2)

## example 2: patterns of length 6 having p>=0.6
pmine(actcal.pst.C99, actcal.seq, pmin=0.6, l=6)

Plotting a branch of a probabilistic suffix tree


The ppplot function displays the probability distributions of a node and all its parent nodes (suffixes) in the tree. IF the name of a gain function and a vector of pruning cutoffs are provided, the graphic will display the outcomes of the gain function, i.e., whether a node represents an information gain relative to its parent.


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
ppplot(object, path, gain, C, cex.plot = 1, nsize = 0.3, nlab=TRUE,
	psize = nsize/2, pruned.col = "red", div.col = "green", ...)



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


character. Either a character string representing the node label (i.e., the context) where symbols are separated by '-', or a vector where each element is a symbol. See example.


character or function. Gain function, see prune.


numeric. Value of the cutoff used by the gain function, see prune.


numeric. Expansion factor for setting the size of the font for the axis labels and names. The default value is 1. Values lesser than 1 will reduce the size of the font, values greater than 1 will increase the size.


numeric. Size of the circles representing the nodes.


logical. Should the node label be displayed inside the circle?


numeric. Size of the circles representing the outcome of the gain function.


character. Color used to represent a terminal node which provides no information gain relative to its parent.


character. Color used to represent an internal node which provides information gain relative to its parent.


additional parameters to be passed to the plot function.


For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

See Also

cplot, prune


s1.seq <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1.seq, L=5, ymin=0.001)
ppplot(S1, "a-a-b-b-a", gain="G1", C=c(1.1, 1.2))

Prediction quality plot


Plot the predicted probability of each state in a sequence


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf,stslist'
pqplot(object, data, cdata, L, stcol, plotseq=FALSE, 
	ptype="b", cex.plot=1, space=0,
	measure="prob", pqmax, seqscale, ...)



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


a sequence object, i.e., an object of class 'stslist' as created by TraMineR seqdef function, either subsetted with the index of the sequence to predict or containing one sequence.


Not implemented yet.


integer. Maximal context length for sequence prediction. This is the same as pruning the PST by removing all nodes of depth<L before prediction.


character. Color to use to plot the prediction qualities.


logical. If TRUE, the sequence is displayed separately, and the prediction plot is plotted above.


character. Type of plot, either 'b' for barplot or 'l' for line.


numeric. Expansion factor for setting the size of the font for the axis labels and names. The default value is 1. Values lesser than 1 will reduce the size of the font, values greater than 1 will increase the size.


numeric. Space separating each state in the plot.


character. Measure used for prediction quality. Either 'prob' or 'logloss'.$


numeric. Maximum coordinate for the prediction quality plot, i.e. the max of the y axis.


numeric. If plotseq=TRUE, width of the bar representing the sequence as a proportion of the y axis range.


optional graphical parameters to be passed to the plot function.


The pqplot() function displays either the predicted probabilities or the log-loss for each position of a single sequence as a series of barplots. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016) Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), 1-39.


s1 <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1, L=3)

z <- seqdef("a-b-a-a-b")
pqplot(S1, z)
pqplot(S1, z, measure="logloss", plotseq=TRUE)

Compute the probability of categorical sequences using a probabilistic suffix tree


Compute the probability (likelihood) of categorical sequences using a Probabilistic Suffix Tree


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
predict(object, data, cdata, group, L=NULL, p1=NULL, output="prob", decomp=FALSE, base=2)



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


a sequence object, i.e., an object of class 'stslist' as created by TraMineR seqdef function, containing the sequences to predict.


not implemented yet.


if object is a segmented PST, providing a vector of group membership so that each sequence probability will be predicted with the conditional probability distributions for the group it belongs to. If object is a segmented PST and group is not provided, each sequence will be predicted by each of the submodel, and the output will be a matrix with nbgroup columns, where nbgroup is the number of segments in the PST.


integer. Maximal context length for sequence prediction. This is the same as pruning the PST by removing all nodes of depth<L before prediction.


vector. A probability distribution for the first position in the sequence that will be used instead of the root node of the tree.


character. One of 'prob', 'logloss', 'SIMn' or 'SIMo'. See details.


logical. If TRUE the predicted probability for each state in the sequence(s) is returned instead of the whole sequence probability.


integer. Base for the logarithm if a logarithm is used in the used prediction measure.


A probabilistic suffix tree (PST) allows to compute the likelihood of any sequence built on the alphabet of the learning sample. This feature is called sequence prediction. The likelihood of the sequence a-b-a-a-b given a PST S1 fitted to the example sequence s1 (see example) is

PS1(abaab)=PS1(a)×PS1(ba)×PS1(aab)×PS1(aaba)×PS1(babaa)P^{S1}(abaab)= P^{S1}(a) \times P^{S1}(b|a) \times P^{S1}(a|ab) \times P^{S1}(a|aba) \times P^{S1}(b|abaa)

The probability of each of the state is retrieved from the PST. To get for example P(a|a-b-a), the tree is scanned for the node labelled with the string a-b-a, and if this node does not exist, it is scanned for the node labelled with the longest suffix of this string, that is b-a, and so on. The node a-b-a is not found in the tree (it has been removed during the pruning stage), and the longest suffix of a-b-a found is b-a. The probability P(a|b-a) is then used instead of P(a|a-b-a).

The sequence likelihood is returned by the predict function. By setting decomp=TRUE the output is a matrix containing the probability of each of the symbol composing the sequence. The score PS(x)P^S(x) of a sequence xx represents the probability that the VLMC model stored by the PST SS generates xx. It can be turned into a more readable prediction quality measure such as the average log-loss

logloss(S,x)=1i=1log2PS(xix1,,xi1)=1log2PS(x)logloss(S,x)=-\frac{1}{\ell} \sum_{i=1}^{\ell} \log_{2} P^{S}(x_{i}| x_{1}, \ldots, x_{i-1})=-\frac{1}{\ell} \log_{2} P^{S}(x)

by using 'output=logloss'. The returned value is the average log-loss of each state in the sequence, which allows to compare the prediction for sequences of unequal lengths. The average log-loss can be interpreted as a residual, that is the distance between the prediction of a sequence by a PST SS and the perfect prediction P(x)=1P(x)=1 yielding logloss(PS,x)=0logloss(P^{S},x)=0. The lower the value of logloss(PS,s)logloss(P^{S},s) the better the sequence is predicted. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


Either a vector of sequence probabilities (decomp=FALSE) or a matrix (if decomp=FALSE) containing for each sequence (row) the probability of each state in columns.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016) Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), 1-39.


s1 <- seqdef(s1)

S1 <- pstree(s1, L=3, nmin=2, ymin=0.001)
S1 <- prune(S1, gain="G1", C=1.20, delete=FALSE)

predict(S1, s1, decomp=TRUE)
predict(S1, s1)

Print method for objects of class PSTf and PSTr


Display a probabilistic suffix tree


## S4 method for signature 'PSTr'
print(x, max.level = NULL, digits = 1, give.attr = FALSE, 
    nest.lev = 0, indent.str = "", stem = "--")



A PST, that is an object of class PSTf as returned by the pstree or prune method.


integer. The maximal depth for the display of the tree.


integer specifying the precision for printing.


logical. If TRUE the attributes of each node (an object of class PSTr) are displayed.


integer. Parameter used internally by the function.


character. String used to indent each line when displaying the tree. Default to ”.


character. String used to display the stems. Default to '–'.


signature(x = "ANY")
signature(x = "PSTf")
signature(x = "PSTr")

Prune a probabilistic suffix tree


Prune a PST, using either a gain function, a maximal depth or a list of nodes to keep or remove. Optionally, nodes are not removed from the tree but tagged as deleted, helping to visualize the pruning process.


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
prune(object, nmin, L, gain, C, keep, drop, state, delete = TRUE, lik =TRUE)



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


integer. All strings having counts less than nmin are removed.


integer. If specified the the tree is cut at depth L., that is all nodes with depth > L are removed.


character. Function for measuring information gain. See details.


numeric. Cutoff value to use with the gain function


character. A vector of character strings containing the names of the nodes to keep in the tree. All nodes that are not a suffix of contexts in keep are removed from the tree.


character. A vector of character strings containing the names of the nodes to remove from the tree. All nodes that are a suffix of contexts in drop are removed from the tree as weel.


character. All nodes corresponding to contexts which include state are pruned.


Logical. If FALSE, the pruned nodes are not removed from the tree but tagged as pruned=FALSE, so that when plotting the pruned tree these nodes wil appear surrounded with red (can be set to another color) lines.


Logical. If TRUE, the log-likelihood of the pruned model, i.e. the likelihood of the training sequences given the model, is computed and stored in the 'logLik' slot of the PST. Setting to FALSE will spare the time required to compute the likelihood.


The initial tree returned by the pstree function may yield an overly complex model containing all contexts of maximal length LL and frequency N(c)nminN(c) \geq nmin found in the learning sample. The pruning stage potentially reduces the number of nodes in the tree, and thus the model complexity. It compares the conditional probabilities associated to a node labelled by a subsequence c=c1,c2,,ckc=c_{1},c_{2}, \ldots, c_{k} to the conditional probabilities of its parent node labelled by the longest suffix of cc, suf(c)=c2,,cksuf(c)=c_{2}, \ldots, c_{k}. The general idea is to remove a node if it does not contribute additional information with respect to its parent in predicting the next symbol, that is if P^(σc)\hat{P}(\sigma | c) is not significantly different from P^(σsuf(c))\hat{P}(\sigma | suf(c)) for all σA\sigma \in A.

The pruning procedure starts from the terminal nodes and is applied recursively until all terminal nodes remaining in the tree represent an information gain relative to their parent. A gain function, whose outcome will determine the pruning decision, is used to compare the two probability distributions. The gain function is driven by a cut-off, and different values of this parameter will yield more or less complex trees. A method for selecting the pruning cut-off is described in the tune help page.

A first implemented gain function, which is used by the Learn-PSA algorithm, is based on the ratio between P^(σc)\hat{P}(\sigma|c) and hatP(σsuf(c))hat{P}(\sigma|suf(c)) for each σA\sigma \in A. A node represents an information gain if for any symbol σA\sigma \in A the ratio is greater than the cut-off CC or lower than 1/C1/C, that is if

G1(c)=σA1[P^(σc)P^(σsuf(c))C    P^(σc)P^(σsuf(c))1C]1G_{1}(c)=\sum_{\sigma \in A} 1 \left[ \frac{\hat{P}(\sigma |c)}{\hat{P}(\sigma | suf(c))} \geq C \; \cup \; \frac{\hat{P}(\sigma |c)}{\hat{P}(\sigma | suf(c))} \leq \frac{1}{C} \right] \geq 1

where CC is a user defined cut-off value. Nodes that do not satisfy the above condition are pruned. For C=1C=1 no node is removed since even a node having a next probability distribution similar to the one of its parent does not satisfy the pruning condition.

The context algorithm uses another gain function, namely

G2(c)=σAP^(σc)log(P^(σc)P^(σsuf(c)))N(c)>CG_{2}(c)=\sum_{\sigma \in A} \hat{P}(\sigma|c)\log \left( \frac{\hat{P}(\sigma|c)}{\hat{P}(\sigma|suf(c))} \right) N(c) > C

where cc is the context labelling the terminal node, N(c)N(c) is the number of occurrences of cc in the data. The cutoff CC is specified on the scale of χ2\chi^{2}-quantiles Maechler-2004

C=C(α)=12qchisq(1α,v),v=A1C=C(\alpha)=\frac{1}{2}qchisq(1-\alpha,v), v=|A|-1

where qchisq(p=1α,v)qchisq(p=1-\alpha,v) is the quantile function of a χ2\chi^{2} distribution with vv degrees of freedom. The cutoff CC is a threshold for the difference of deviances between a tree S1S^{1} and its subtree S2S^{2} obtained by pruning the terminal node cc. Typical values for α\alpha are 5%5\% and 1%1\%, yielding p=0.95p=0.95 and p=0.99p=0.99 respectively. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


A probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class PSTf.


Alexis Gabadinho


Bejerano, G. & Yona, G. (2001). Variations on probabilistic suffix trees: statistical modeling and prediction of protein families. Bioinformatics, 17, pp. 23-43.

Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

Maechler, M. & Buehlmann, P. (2004). Variable Length Markov Chains: Methodology, Computing, and Software Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 13, pp. 435-455.

Ron, D.; Singer, Y. & Tishby, N. (1996). The power of amnesia: Learning probabilistic automata with variable memory length Machine Learning, 25, pp. 117-149.

See Also

tune, ppplot


s1.seq <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1.seq, L=3, nmin=2, ymin=0.001)

## --
S1.p1 <- prune(S1, gain="G1", C=1.20, delete=FALSE)

## --
C95 <- qchisq(0.95,1)/2
S1.p2 <- prune(S1, gain="G2", C=C95, delete=FALSE)

Flat representation of a probabilistic suffix tree


The class "PSTf" is the flat representation of a probabilistic suffix tree (PST) storing a variable length Markov chain model. The flat representation is a list where each element corresponds to a given depth. It is the prefered representation and is used by all functions for model fitting and sequence analysis with PST. The nested representation "PSTr" is used only for printing and plotting PSTs.

Objects from the Class

Objects of class "PSTf" are returned by the pstree, prune and tune function.



Object of class "list", a list where each element corresponds to one level of the tree and is itself a list of nodes, i.e., objects of class "PSTr".


Object of class "stslist". The learning sample to which the PST is fitted, i.e., a sequence object created with the seqdef function.


Object of class "stslist"


Object of class "character". Alphabet on which the sequences, and the PST are built.


Object of class "character" containing the long state labels.


Object of class "character". Color palette used to represent each state of the alphabet.


Object of class "logical" indicating whether the tree is segmented. See pstree.


Object of class "factor" containing the group membership for each sequence in data.


Object of class "call".


Object of class "numeric", containing the log-likelihood of the VLMC model represented by the PST.


Class "list", from data part. Class "vector", by class "list", distance 2.



signature(object = "PSTf"): context mining, see cmine,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): plot single nodes of a PST, see cplot,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): generate artificial sequences, see generate,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf", data = "stslist"): impute missing values in sequence data, seeimpute,PSTf,stslist-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): extract log-likelihood of the VLMC model represented by a PST, see logLik,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): number of observations (symbols) in the learning sample to which a VLMC model is fitted, see nobs,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): retrieve the node labels of a PST, see see nodenames,PSTf-method.


signature(x = "PSTf", y = "PSTf"): compute probabilistic divergence between two PSTs, see pdist,PSTf,PSTf-method.


signature(x = "PSTf", y = "ANY"): plot a PST, see plot,PSTf,ANY-method.


signature(object = "PSTf", data = "stslist"): pattern mining, see see pmine,PSTf,stslist-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): plotting a branch of a PST, see ppplot,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf", data = "stslist"): plot the predicted probability of each state in a sequence, see pqplot,PSTf,stslist-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): predict the likelihood of sequences, see predict,PSTf-method.


signature(x = "PSTf"): print a PST, see print,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): prune a PST, see prune,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): retrieve counts or next symbol probability distribution from a node in a Probabilistic Suffix Tree, see query,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): extract a subtree from a segmented PST, see subtree,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): see summary,PSTf-method.


signature(object = "PSTf"): AIC, AICc and BIC based model selection, see tune,PSTf-method.


Alexis Gabadinho

See Also




Nested representation of a probabilistic suffix tree


An object of class "PSTr" is a node of a probabilistic suffix tree (PST). The slot prob contains one or several probability distributions (if the PST is segmented) and the slot counts contains the empirical - possibly weighted - counts from which the probabilities are computed. The slot leaf indicates whether the node (segment) is a terminal node (segment). The 'flat' representation of a PST is an object of class "PSTf"), that is a list that contains one element for each level of the tree. Each element of the list is itself a list whose elements are nodes, that is objects of class PSTr. The 'nested' representation of a probabilistic suffix tree (PST) is a nested list whose elements are children nodes of class "PSTr". This representation is used for printing and plotting PST, in which case the flat representation of a PST, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" is turned into an object of class "PSTr" by using the as function.

Objects from the Class

Objects are created when calling the pstree function.



Object of class "list". In the nested representation of a PST, the elements of the list are the children nodes. Otherwise the list is empty.


Object of class "character". Alphabet on which the sequences, and the PST are built. This slot is non-empty only for the root node of the nested representation of a PST.


Object of class "character" containing the long state labels. This slot is non-empty only for the root node of the nested representation of a PST.


Object of class "character". Color palette used to represent each state of the alphabet. This slot is non-empty only for the root node of the nested representation of a PST.


Object of class "matrix". When the PST is segmented, indicates the id of the segment corresponding to each group.


Object of class "matrix". The counts to which the probability distributions are computed.


Object of class "matrix". The number of occurrences of the context in the learning sample, see cprob.


Object of class "matrix". The probability distributions computed from the counts.


Object of class "character". The node label, i.e. the context which is the path from the node to the root node of the tree.


Object of class "integer". The depth of the node in the tree, i.e., the order of the probability distribution(s) stored in the node.


Object of class "matrix". Indicates whether the node (segment) is a terminal node (segment).


Object of class "matrix". If the PST was pruned with the delete=FALSE option, indicates whether the node (segment) is actually pruned. See prune.


Class "list", from data part. Class "vector", by class "list", distance 2.



signature(x = "PSTr"): extract sub-branches of a nested representation of a PST.


signature(x = "PSTr", y = "ANY"): plot a PST, see plot,PSTr,ANY-method.


signature(x = "PSTr"): print a PST, see print,PSTr-method.


signature(object = "PSTr"): see summary,PSTr-method.


Alexis Gabadinho

See Also




Build a probabilistic suffix tree


Build a probabilistic suffix tree that stores a variable length Markov chain (VLMC) model


## S4 method for signature 'stslist'
pstree(object, group, L, cdata=NULL, stationary=TRUE, 
	nmin = 1, ymin=NULL, weighted = TRUE, with.missing = FALSE, lik = TRUE)



a sequence object, i.e., an object of class 'stslist' as created by TraMineR seqdef function.


a vector giving the group membership for each observation in x. If specified, a segmented PST is produced containing one PST for each group.


Not implemented yet.


Not implemented yet.


Integer. Maximal depth of the PST. Default to maximum length of the sequence(s) in object minus 1.


Integer. Minimum number of occurences of a string to add it in the tree


Numeric. Smoothing parameter for conditional probabilities, assuring that no symbol, and hence no sequence, is predicted to have a null probability. The parameter $ymin$ sets a lower bound for a symbol's probability.


Logical. If TRUE, weights attached to the sequence object are used in the estimation of probabilities.


Logical. If TRUE, the missing state is added to the alphabet


Logical. If TRUE, the log-likelihood of the model, i.e. the likelihood of the training sequences given the model, is computed and stored in the 'logLik' slot of the PST. Setting to FALSE will spare the time required to compute the likelihood.


A probabilistic suffix tree (PST) is built from a learning sample of n,  n1n, \; n \geq 1 sequences by successively adding nodes labelled with subsequences (contexts) cc of length L,  0LLmaxL, \; 0 \leq L \leq L_{max} found in the data. When the value LmaxL_{max} is not defined by the user it is set to its theorectical maximum 1\ell-1 where \ell is the maximum sequence length in the learning sample. The nmin argument specifies the minimum frequency of a subsequence required to add it to te tree.
Each node of the tree is labelled with a context cc and stores the next symbol empirical probability distribution P^(σc),  σA\hat{P}(\sigma|c), \; \sigma \in A, where AA is an alphabet of finite size. The root node labelled with the empty string ee stores the 0th0th order probability P^(σ),  σA\hat{P}(\sigma), \; \sigma \in A of oberving each symbol of the alphabet in the whole learning sample.
The building algorithm calls the cprob function which returns the empirical next symbol counts observed after each context cc and computes the corresponding empirical probability distribution. Each node in the tree is connected to its longest suffix, where the longest suffix of a string c=c1,c2,,ckc=c_{1},c_{2}, \ldots, c_{k} of length kk is suffix(c)=c2,,cksuffix(c)=c_{2}, \ldots, c_{k}.
Once an initial PST is built it can be pruned to reduce its complexity by removing nodes that do not provide significant information (see prune). A model selection procedure based on information criteria is also available (see tune). For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


An object of class "PSTf".


Alexis Gabadinho


Bejerano, G. & Yona, G. (2001) Variations on probabilistic suffix trees: statistical modeling and prediction of protein families. Bioinformatics 17, 23-43.

Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016) Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software 72(3), 1-39.

Maechler, M. & Buehlmann, P. (2004) Variable Length Markov Chains: Methodology, Computing, and Software. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 13, pp. 435-455.

Ron, D.; Singer, Y. & Tishby, N. (1996) The power of amnesia: Learning probabilistic automata with variable memory length. Machine Learning 25, 117-149.

See Also

prune, tune


## Build a PST on one single sequence
s1.seq <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1.seq, L = 3)
print(S1, digits = 3)

Retrieve counts or next symbol probability distribution


Retrieve counts or next symbol probability distribution from a node of a probabilistic suffix tree


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
query(object, context, state, output = "prob", exact = FALSE)



A probabilistic suffix tree, i.e an object of class "PSTf") as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


Character. The string labelling the node to retrieve. States must be separated by '-' as for example in 'a-a-b'. If the node labelled with this string does not exist in the tree, the node labelled with the longest suffix is searched for, and so on until an existing node is found.


character. If specified the probability of the specified state is returned instead of the whole distribution.


character. If output="prob" the probability distribution (or a single symbol distribution if state is specified) is returned. If output="counts" the counts on which the probability distribution is calculated are returned. If output="all" the node itself is returned, that is an object of class PSTr.


logical. If TRUE, the information is returned only if the node labelled with context is present in the tree. That is, the longest suffix of context is not searched for if context is not in the tree.


The PST is searched for the node labelled with context. If exact=FALSE, when the node does not exist the PST is searched for the longest suffix of context, and so on until a node corresponding to a suffix of context is found or the root node is reached. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


An object of class cprobd, with available round method.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

See Also

cplot, ppplot


s1 <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1, L=3)
## Retrieving from the node labelled 'a-a-a'
query(S1, "a-a-a")

## The node 'a-b-b-a' is not presetnin the tree, and the next symbol
## probability is retrieved from the node labelled 'b-b-a' (the longest
## suffix
query(S1, "a-b-b-a")

Example sequence data set


Example data set containing one single sequence




A character string representing a sequence of 27 symbols separated with '-'.


A sequence object can be created with the dedicated TraMineR seqdef function. State sequence objects are the main argument for the pstree method that creates probabilistic suffix trees. See example below.


## Loading the data

## Creating a state sequence object
s1.seq <- seqdef(s1)

## Building and plotting a PST
S1 <- pstree(s1.seq, L = 3)

Longitudinal data on self rated health


Longitudinal data on self rated health from waves 1-11 of the Swiss household panel




SRH is a data frame with 2612 observations on the following 15 variables.


personal identification number


a factor with levels man woman


birth year of the respondent


longitudinal weight

p99c01 ... p09c01

factors with levels:
very well; well; so, so (average); not very well; not well at all

SRH.seq is a TraMineR sequence object created from the SRH data frame using the code in example. States are coded as follows:

G1 (very well)
G2 (well)
M (so, so (average))
B2 (not very well)
B1 (not well at all)


Respondant's self rated health is collected at each yearly wave of the SHP with the following question: How do you feel right now?. Possible answers are: very well; well; so, so (average), not very well and not well at all. The sequences are made of an individual's responses over 11 yearly waves of the SHP, starting with wave 1 in 1999. Variable p99c01 contains the self rated health at wave 1, p00c01 contains the self rated health at wave 2, etc... Note that sequences may contain missing values due to wave or item non response.


Swiss Household Panel:


## Preparing a sequence object with the SRH data set

## Long state labels
state.list <- levels(SRH$p99c01)

## Sequential color palette
mycol5 <- rev(brewer.pal(5, "RdYlGn"))

## Creating the sequence object
SRH.seq <- seqdef(SRH, 5:15, alphabet=state.list, 
	states=c("G1", "G2", "M", "B2", "B1"), labels=state.list, 
	weights=SRH$wp09lp1s, right=NA, cpal=mycol5)
names(SRH.seq) <- 1999:2009

Extract a subtree from a segmented PST


Extract a subtree from a segmented PST


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
subtree(object, group=NULL, position=NULL)



A segmented probabilistic suffix tree, i.e an object of class "PSTf") as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


integer. Segment of the PST


Not implemented yet.


See also Gabadinho 2016.


Alexis Gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.


## activity calendar for year 2000
## from the Swiss Household Panel
## see ?actcal

## selecting individuals aged 20 to 59
actcal <- actcal[actcal$age00>=20 & actcal$age00 <60,]

## defining a sequence object
actcal.lab <- c("> 37 hours", "19-36 hours", "1-18 hours", "no work")
actcal.seq <- seqdef(actcal,13:24,labels=actcal.lab)

## building a PST segmented by age group
gage10 <- cut(actcal$age00, c(20,30,40,50,60), right=FALSE,
	labels=c("20-29","30-39", "40-49", "50-59"))

actcal.pstg <- pstree(actcal.seq, nmin=2, ymin=0.001, group=gage10)

## pruning
C99 <- qchisq(0.99,4-1)/2
actcal.pstg.opt <- prune(actcal.pstg, gain="G2", C=C99)

## extracting PST for age group 20-39 and 30-39
g1.pst <- subtree(actcal.pstg.opt, group=1)
g2.pst <- subtree(actcal.pstg.opt, group=2)

## plotting the two PST
plot(g1.pst, withlegend=FALSE, max.level=4, main="20-29")
plot(g2.pst, withlegend=FALSE, max.level=4, main="30-39")

Summary of variable length Markov chain model


Summary of a variable length Markov chain model stored in a probabilistic suffix tree.


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
summary(object, max.level)



A PST, that is an object of class PSTf as returned by the pstree or prune method.


integer. If specified, the summary is computed for the max.level levels of the tree only.


An object of class PST.summary with following attributes:


list of symbols in the alphabet


long labels for symbols in the alphabet


color palette used to represent each state of the alphabet


number of symbols in the data to which the model was fitted


maximum depth (order) of the tree


number of internal nodes in the PST


number of leaves in the PST


number of free parameters in the mode, i.e., (nodes+leaves)*(|A|-1) where |A| is the size of the alphabet

A show method is available for displaying objects of class PST.summary.


Alexis Gabadinho


s1.seq <- seqdef(s1)
S1 <- pstree(s1.seq, L=3)
summary(S1, max.level=2)

AIC, AICc or BIC based model selection


Prune a probabilistic suffix tree with a series of cut-offs and select the model having the lowest value of the selected information criterion. Available information criterion are Akaike information criterion (AIC), AIC with a correction for finite sample sizes (AICc) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC).


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf'
tune(object, gain="G2", C, criterion = "AIC", output = "PST")



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


character. The gain function used for pruning decisions. See prune for details.


numeric. A vector of cutoff values. See prune for details.


The criterion used to select the model, either AIC, AICc or BIC. AICc should be used when the ratio between the number of observations and the number of estimated parameters is low, which is often the case with VLMC models. Burnham et al 2004 suggest to use AICc instead of AIC when the ratio is lower than 40.


If output='PST' the PST (an object of class "PSTr") having the lowest AIC, AICc or BIC value. If output='stats', a table with the statistics for each model obtained by pruning object with the cut-offs in C.


The tune function selects among a series of PST pruned with different values of the CC cutoff the model having the lowest AICAIC or AICcAIC_{c} value. The function can return either the selected PST or a data frame containing the statistics for each model. For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


If output="PST" a PST that is an object of class PSTf. If output="stats" a matrix with the results of the tuning procedure.
The selected model is tagged with ***, while models with IC<min(IC)+2IC < min(IC)+2 are tagged with **, and models with IC<min(IC)+10IC < min(IC)+10 are tagged with **.


Alexis Gabadinho


Burnham, K. P. & Anderson, D. R. (2004). Multimodel Inference Sociological Methods & Research, 33, pp. 261-304.

Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

See Also



## activity calendar for year 2000
## from the Swiss Household Panel
## see ?actcal

## selecting individuals aged 20 to 59
actcal <- actcal[actcal$age00>=20 & actcal$age00 <60,]

## defining a sequence object
actcal.lab <- c("> 37 hours", "19-36 hours", "1-18 hours", "no work")
actcal.seq <- seqdef(actcal,13:24,labels=actcal.lab)

## building a PST
actcal.pst <- pstree(actcal.seq, nmin=2, ymin=0.001)

## Cut-offs for 5% and 1% (see ?prune)
C95 <- qchisq(0.95,4-1)/2
C99 <- qchisq(0.99,4-1)/2

## selecting the optimal PST using AIC criterion
actcal.pst.opt <- tune(actcal.pst, gain="G2", C=c(C95,C99))

## plotting the tree