carData 3.0-5 (2022-01-05)
- Small improvements to docs.
carData 3.0-4 (2020-05-22)
- Added "long"-format version of the O'Brien-Kaiser repeated-measures data set.
- Fix some typos in doc for CES11 data set (fixes courtesy of Andi Fugard).
carData 3.0-3 (2019-11-16)
- Update references in docs and DESCRIPTION.
carData 3.0-2 (2018-09-30)
- Added Rossi recidivism, 2011 Canadian National Election Study, and UN 1998 social indicators data sets.
carData 3.0-1 (2018-03-28)
- Replaced Adler data set with full version of the data.
- Added MplsDemo and MplsStops data sets.
- Renumbered and reordered rows of Blackmore data set.
Initial Version 3.0-0
- Changed level names in Guyer data frame.
- Data sets moved from the car package and effects package.
- Updated the Vocab data set.
- Replaced UN data set with what used to be UN11a; removed the latter.