Package 'fuzzySim'

Title: Fuzzy Similarity in Species Distributions
Description: Functions to compute fuzzy versions of species occurrence patterns based on presence-absence data (including inverse distance interpolation, trend surface analysis, and prevalence-independent favourability obtained from probability of presence), as well as pair-wise fuzzy similarity (based on fuzzy logic versions of commonly used similarity indices) among those occurrence patterns. Includes also functions for model consensus and comparison (overlap and fuzzy similarity, fuzzy loss, fuzzy gain), and for data preparation, such as obtaining unique abbreviations of species names, defining the background region, cleaning and gridding (thinning) point occurrence data onto raster maps, selecting among (pseudo)absences to address survey bias, converting species lists (long format) to presence-absence tables (wide format), transposing part of a data frame, selecting relevant variables for models, assessing the false discovery rate, or analysing and dealing with multicollinearity. Initially described in Barbosa (2015) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12372>.
Authors: A. Marcia Barbosa [aut], Alba Estrada [ctb], Paul Melloy [ctb], Jose Carlos Guerrero [fnd], A. Marcia Barbosa [cre]
Maintainer: A. Marcia Barbosa <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 4.31
Built: 2025-01-27 02:53:54 UTC

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Fuzzy Similarity in Species Distributions


Functions to compute fuzzy versions of species occurrence patterns based on presence-absence data (including inverse distance interpolation, trend surface analysis, and prevalence-independent favourability obtained from probability of presence), as well as pair-wise fuzzy similarity (based on fuzzy logic versions of commonly used similarity indices) among those occurrence patterns. Includes also functions for model consensus and comparison (fuzzy overlap and fuzzy similarity, loss or gain), and for data preparation such as obtaining unique abbreviations of species names, cleaning species occurrence records, gridding (thinning) point occurrence data onto raster maps, converting species lists (long format) to presence-absence tables (wide format), transposing part of a data frame, selecting relevant variables for models, assessing the false discovery rate, or analysing and dealing with multicollinearity. Includes also sample datasets for providing practical examples. A step-by-step illustrated tutorial is available from the package homepage (


Package: fuzzySim
Type: Package
Version: 4.31
Date: 2024-12-27
License: GPL-3


A. Marcia Barbosa

Maintainer: A. Marcia Barbosa <[email protected]>


Barbosa A.M. (2015) fuzzySim: applying fuzzy logic to binary similarity indices in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 853-858.




# add column with species name abbreviations:

rotifers$spcode <- spCodes(rotifers$species, sep.species = "_",
nchar.gen = 1, nchar.sp = 5, nchar.ssp = 0)


# convert species list (long format) to presence-absence table
# (wide format):

rotifers.presabs <- splist2presabs(rotifers, sites.col = "TDWG4",
sp.col = "spcode", keep.n = FALSE)


# get 3rd-degree spatial trend surface for some species distributions:



rotifers.tsa <- multTSA(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:20,
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), id.col = 1)


# get inverse squared distance to presence for each species:

rotifers.isqd <- distPres(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:20,
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), id.col = 1, p = 2, inv = TRUE)


# get prevalence-independent environmental favourability models
# for each species:



rotifers.fav <- multGLM(data = rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:20,
var.cols = 5:17, id.col = 1, step = FALSE, trim = TRUE,
Favourability = TRUE)

# get matrix of fuzzy similarity between species distributions:

# either based on inverse squared distance to presence:
rot.fuz.sim.mat <- simMat(rotifers.isqd[ , -1], method = "Jaccard")

# or on environmental favourability for presence:
rot.fuz.sim.mat <- simMat(rotifers.fav$predictions[ , 5:7],
method = "Jaccard")


# transpose fuzzy rotifer distribution data to compare
# regional species composition rather than species' distributions:


rot.fuz.reg <- transpose(rotifers.fav$predictions, sp.cols = 5:7,
reg.names = 1)


# get matrix of fuzzy similarity between (some) regions'
# species compositions:

reg.fuz.sim.mat <- simMat(rot.fuz.reg[ , 1:10], method = "Jaccard")


Append data


This function appends the rows of a dataframe 'data2' at the bottom of another dataframe 'data1', using the values in the columns with matching names, and (optionally, by default) filling missing columns with NAs.


appendData(data1, data2, fill = TRUE, add.source = TRUE)



object inheriting class 'data.frame' (or that can be coerced with '') to which to append data.


object inheriting class 'data.frame' (or that can be coerced with '') to append to 'data1', with column names matching those of the corresponding columns in 'data1'. Both datasets can have more columns than those whose names match.


logical, whether the result should keep all columns of 'data1' that are missing in 'data2', filling them with NAs in the rows with no data. The default is TRUE. If set to FALSE, the result will keep only the columns of 'data1' that are also present in 'data2'.


logical, whether the result should include an additional column saying from which input data frame ('data1' or 'data2') each row came.


This function is asymmetric, i.e. appendData(data1, data2) may output different columns than appendData(data2, data1). 'data1' dictates the columns that the result will have. Columns of 'data2' that are not matched in 'data1' are not kept in the output.


This function returns a data frame with all the columns and rows of 'data1', extended with the rows of 'data2' with its values for the columns with matching names in 'data1'. By default, with 'add.source = TRUE', there is also an additional column specifying the source input object. If 'fill' is set to FALSE, the result only carries the columns with matching names in both data frames.


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also

rbindlist in package data.table; rbind.fill in package plyr.


df1 = data.frame(A = 3:1, B = letters[1:3], C = c(1, 0, 1))
df2 = data.frame(A = 4:5, B = letters[5:4])

appendData(df1, df2)

appendData(df1, df2, fill = FALSE)

appendData(df1, df2, fill = FALSE, add.source = FALSE)

Biotic threat of a stronger over a weaker species based on their favourability values


This function takes two vectors of Favourability values at different localities for, respectively, a stronger and a weaker species (e.g., a superior vs. an inferior competitor, or an invasive predator vs. an unadapted native prey), and calculates the level of threat that the former may potentially pose to the latter in each locality.


bioThreat(strong_F, weak_F, character = FALSE, ...)



a numeric vector of favourability values (obtained, e.g., with functions Fav or multGLM) for the stronger species.


a numeric vector of favourability values for the weaker species. Must be of the same lenght and in the same order as 'strong_F'.


logical value indicating whether the result should be returned in character rather numeric form. Defaults to FALSE.


additional arguments to pass to favClass, namely the breaks for separating favourability values into low, intermediate and high (see Details).


Based on the notion of "favorableness" by Richerson & Lum (1980), according to which competing species may or may not be able to coexist depending on their relative environmental fitnesses, Acevedo et al. (2010, 2012) and some subsequent studies (e.g. Romero et al. 2014, Munoz et al. 2015, Chamorro et al. 2019) proposed possible biotic interaction outcomes of different combinations of favourability values for two species. Favourability has the advantage, in contrast with other types of potential distribution metrics, of being directly comparable among diferent species, independently of their relative occurrence frequencies (see Fav). This function builds on those proposals by including additional possible combinations of higher, intermediate or low favourability values (following Munoz & Real 2006), producing the following classification of biotic threat across a set of analysed localities:

0 ('grey'): areas where favourability is low for at least one of the species (abiotic exclusion), so biotic threat does not apply.

1 ('green'): areas where favourability is high for both species, so they should both be able to thrive and therefore co-occur (sympatric coexistence), hence biotic threat is low.

2 ('yellow'): areas where favourability is high for the weaker species and intermediate for the stronger species, so the level of threat is moderate.

3 ('orange'): areas where favourability is intermediate for both species, so the stronger one potentially prevails and the level of threat is high.

4 ('red'): areas where favourability is high for the stronger species and intermediate for the weaker species, in which case the level of threat is very high (biotic exclusion).


This function returns either an integer or a character vector (following the 'character' argument, which is set to FALSE by default) of the same length as 'strong_F' and 'weak_F', classifying each locality with the level of biotic threat posed by the former on the latter (see Details).


A. Marcia Barbosa


Acevedo P., Ward A.I., Real R. & Smith G.C. (2010) Assessing biogeographical relationships of ecologically related species using favourability functions: a case study on British deer. Diversity and Distributions, 16: 515-528

Acevedo P., Jimenez-Valverde A., Melo-Ferreira J., Real R. & Alves, P.C. (2012) Parapatric species and the implications for climate change studies: a case study on hares in Europe. Global Change Biology, 18: 1509-1519

Chamorro D., Munoz A.R., Martinez-Freiria F. & Real R. (2019) Using the fuzzy logic in the distribution modelling of competitive interactions. Poster, IBS Malaga 2019 - 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society

Munoz A.R. & Real R. (2006) Assessing the potential range expansion of the exotic monk parakeet in Spain. Diversity and Distributions, 12: 656-665

Munoz A.R., Real R. & Marquez A.L. (2015) Interacciones a escala nacional entre rapaces rupicolas en base a modelos de distribucion espacial. Los casos del buitre leonado, alimoche y aguila perdicera. Informe tecnico, Universidad de Malaga & Fundacion EDP

Richerson P.J. & Lum K. (1980) Patterns of plant species diversity in California: relation to weather and topography. American Naturalist, 116:504-536

Romero D., Baez J.C., Ferri-Yanez F., Bellido J. & Real R. (2014) Modelling favourability for invasive species encroachment to identify areas of native species vulnerability. The Scientific World Journal, 2014: 519710

See Also

sharedFav, Fav, favClass


mods <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 19:20, var.cols = 5:17)
favs <- mods$predictions[ , 3:4]
threat <- bioThreat(strong_F = favs[,1], weak_F = favs[,2])
threat_chr <- bioThreat(strong_F = favs[,1], weak_F = favs[,2], char = TRUE)
data.frame(favs, threat = threat, threat_col = threat_chr)

Clean coordinates


This function takes a data frame with species occurrences and removes the rows whose coordinates do not pass a set of user-specified filters (see Arguments ). Row names are inheritted from the input data frame, i.e. if row "2" is cleaned out, output rownames will be c("1", "3", ...).


cleanCoords(data, coord.cols = NULL, uncert.col = NULL, abs.col = NULL,
  year.col = NULL, rm.dup = !is.null(coord.cols),
  rm.equal = !is.null(coord.cols),   rm.imposs = !is.null(coord.cols),
  rm.missing.any = !is.null(coord.cols), rm.missing.both = !is.null(coord.cols), = !is.null(coord.cols), = !is.null(coord.cols),
  rm.imprec.any = !is.null(coord.cols), rm.imprec.both = !is.null(coord.cols),
  imprec.digits = 0, rm.uncert = !is.null(uncert.col), uncert.limit = 50000, = TRUE, rm.abs = !is.null(abs.col), year.min = NULL, = TRUE, plot = TRUE, extend = 0.1)



an object inheriting class 'data.frame' with the spatial coordinates to be cleaned, or a 'SpatVector' of points.


character or integer vector of length 2, with either the names or the positions of the columns that contain the spatial coordinates in 'data' - in this order, LONGitude and LATitude, or x and y. Can be left NULL if 'data' is a 'SpatVector', in which case the coordinates will be extracted with terra::crds().


character or integer vector of length 1, with either the name or the position of the column that reports spatial uncertainty in 'data' (e.g., in GBIF this column is usually named "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters").


character or integer vector of length 1, with either the name or the position of the column that specifies whether the species is present or absent (e.g., in GBIF this column is usually named "occurrenceStatus").


character or integer vector of length 1, with either the name or the position of the column that specifies the year in which the observation was made (e.g., in GBIF this column is usually named "year").


logical, whether to remove rows with exactly the same pair of coordinates. The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' is not NULL, and FALSE otherwise.


logical, whether to remove rows with exactly the same pair of coordinates, i.e. where latitude = longitude. The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' is not NULL, and FALSE otherwise.


logical, whether to remove rows with coordinates outside planet Earth, i.e. with absolute value >180 for longitude or >90 for latitude. The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' is not NULL, and FALSE otherwise. Note that this is only valid for unprojected angular coordinates in geographic degrees.


logical, whether to remove rows where at least one of the coordinates is NA. The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' is not NULL, and FALSE otherwise.


logical, whether to remove rows where both coordinates are NA. The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' is not NULL and FALSE otherwise, but it is not used (as it is redundant) if rm.missing.any=TRUE.

logical, whether to remove rows where at least one of the coordinates equals zero (which is often an error). The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' is not NULL, and FALSE otherwise.

logical, whether to remove rows where both coordinates equal zero (which is often an error). The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' is not NULL and FALSE otherwise, but it is not used (as it is redundant) if


logical, whether to remove rows where at least one of the coordinates is imprecise, i.e. has no more decimal places than 'imprec.digits'. The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' is not NULL and FALSE otherwise, but note this is normally only relevant for unprojected geographical coordinates in degrees; if your coordinates are in meters, they are usually precise enough without decimal places, so you should probably set this argument and the next to FALSE.


logical, whether to remove rows where both coordinates are imprecise, i.e. have no more decimal places than 'imprec.digits'. The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' is not NULL and FALSE otherwise, but it is not used (as it is redundant) if rm.imprec.any=TRUE. See 'rm.imprec.any' above for important details.


integer, maximum number of digits to consider that a coordinate is imprecise. Used only if 'rm.imprec.any' or 'rm.imprec.both' is TRUE. The default is 0, for eliminating coordinates with no more than zero decimal places.


logical, whether to remove rows where the value in 'uncert.col' is higher than 'uncert.limit'. The default is TRUE if 'uncert.col' is not NULL, and FALSE otherwise.


lnumeric, threshold value for 'uncert.col'. If rm.uncert=TRUE and 'uncert.col' is provided, rows with values above this will be excluded. The default is 50,000, i.e. 50 km if the values in 'uncert.col' are in meters.

logical, whether rows with NA in 'uncert.col' should be kept as having no uncertainty. The default is TRUE.


logical, whether to remove rows where the value in 'abs.col' is (case-insensitive) 'absent'. The default is TRUE if 'abs.col' is not NULL, and FALSE otherwise.


positive integer specifying the minimum (earliest) value admitted for the year column. The default is NULL (no limit).

logical, whether rows with NA in 'year.col' should be kept as if fulfilling the year.min criterion. The default is TRUE.


logical value specifying whether to plot the result. The default is TRUE.


numeric value specifying the proportion of the input coordinates range by which to increase the extent of the output plot (if plot=TRUE). The default is 0.1, i.e. 10%.


This function applies some basic cleaning procedures for species occurrence data, removing some of the most common errors in biodiversity databases. It is inspired by a few functions (namely 'coord_incomplete', 'coord_imprecise', 'coord_impossible', 'coord_unlikely' and 'coord_uncertain') that were present in the 'scrubr' package by Scott Chamberlain, which was archived ( It implements some additional cleaning procedures, such as removal of records of absence and records older than a given year. It also maps the result.


This function returns a data frame of the input 'data' (or a 'SpatVector' if this matches the input) after excluding the rows that met the specified removal criteria. The row names match the original ones in 'data', at least if 'data' is of class 'data.frame'. Messages are displayed in the console saying how many rows passed each removal filter. If plot=TRUE (the default), a plot is also displayed with the selected points (blue dots) and the excluded points (red "x").


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also



## Not run: 
    # you can run these examples if you have the 'geodata' package installed

    # download some species occurrences from GBIF:
    occ <- geodata::sp_occurrence(genus = "Orycteropus", species = "afer",
    fixnames = FALSE)

    # clean occurrences:
    occ_clean <- cleanCoords(occ,
                      coord.cols = c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude"),
                      abs.col = "occurrenceStatus",
                      uncert.col = "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters",
                      uncert.limit = 10000,  # 10 km tolerance
                      year.col = "year", year.min = 1950)
## End(Not run)

Select among correlated variables based on a given criterion


This function computes pairwise correlations among the variables in a dataset and, among each pair of variables correlated above a given threshold(or, optionally, below a given significance value), it excludes the variable with either the highest variance inflation factor (VIF), or the weakest, least significant or least informative bivariate (individual) relationship with the response variable, according to a given criterion.


corSelect(data, sp.cols = NULL, var.cols, coeff = TRUE,
cor.thresh = ifelse(isTRUE(coeff), 0.8, 0.05),
select = ifelse(is.null(sp.cols), "VIF", "p.value"), test = "Chisq",
family = "auto", use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = "pearson",
verbosity = 1)



a data frame containing the response and predictor variables.


name or index number of the column of 'data' that contains the response (e.g. species) variable. Currently, only one 'sp.cols' can be used at a time, so an error message is returned if length(sp.cols) > 1. If left NULL, 'select' will be "VIF" by default.


names or index numbers of the columns of 'data' that contain the predictor variables.


logical value indicating whether two variables should be considered highly correlated based on the magnitude of their coefficient of correlation. The default is TRUE. If set to FALSE, this classification will be based on the p-value of the correlation, but mind that (with sufficient sample size) correlations can be statistically significant even if weak.


if coeff=TRUE (the default): threshold value of correlation coefficient above which (or below which, for negative correlations) two predictor variables are considered highly correlated. The default is 0.8. If coeff=FALSE: threshold value of p-value below which two predictor variables are considered highly (or significantly) correlated. The default is 0.05.


character value indicating the criterion for excluding variables among those that are highly correlated. Can be "VIF" (the default if 'sp.cols' is NULL), "p.value" (the default if 'sp.cols' is specified), "AIC", "BIC", or "cor" (see Details).


argument to pass to the FDR function (which, in turn, passes it to anova) if test="p.value". The default is currently "Chisq" for back-compatibility.


If 'sp.col' is not NULL, the error distribution and (optionally) the link function to use for assessing significant / informative variables (see glm or family for details). The default "auto" automatically uses "binomial" family for response variables containing only values of 0 and 1; "poisson" for positive integer responses (i.e. count data); "Gamma" for positive non-integer; and "gaussian" (i.e., linear models) otherwise.


argument to pass to cor indicating what to do when there are missing values. Can be "pairwise.complete.obs" (the default here), "everything", "all.obs", "complete.obs", "na.or.complete".


argument to pass to cor specifying the correlation coefficient to use. Can be "pearson" (the default, with a recommended minimum of 30 rows of data), "kendall", or "spearman" (with a recommended minimum of 10 rows of data).


integer value indicating the amount of messages to display. The default is 1, for a medium amount of messages. Use 2 for more messages.


Correlations among variables are often considered problematic in multivariate models, as they inflate the variance of coefficients and thus may bias the interpretation of the effects of those variables on the response (Legendre & Legendre 2012). Note, however, that the perceived problem often stems from misconceptions about the interpretation of multiple regression models, and that removing (albeit correlated) variables usually reduces predictive power (Morrissey & Ruxton 2018, Gregorich et al. 2021, Vanhove 2021). Removing high correlations is, however, a way of reducing the number of variables to include in a model, when the potentially meaningful variables are still numerous and no better a priori selection criterion is available.

One of the strategies to reduce correlations within a dataset consists of excluding one from each pair of highly correlated variables. However, it is not always straightforward (or ecological knowledge is not alway sufficient) to choose which variable to exclude. This function selects among correlated variables based either on their variance inflation factor (VIF: Marquardt 1970; Mansfield & Helms 1982) within the variables dataset (obtained with the multicol function and recalculated iteratively after each variable exclusion); or on their relationship with the response, by simply computing the correlation between each variable and the response and excluding the variable with the smallest absolute coefficient; or by building a bivariate generalized linear model (glm) of each variable against the response and excluding, among each of two correlated variables, the one with the largest (worst) p-value, AIC (Akaike's Information Criterion: Akaike, 1973) or BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion, also known as Schwarz criterion, SBC or SBIC: Schwarz, 1978), which is calculated with the FDR function.

If 'select' is NULL, or if 'select' is other than "VIF" but 'sp.cols' is NULL, the function returns only a table showing the pairs of variables that are correlated beyond the given threshold, without selection or exclusion. If the 'select' criterion requires assessing bivariate relationships and 'sp.cols' is provided, the function uses only the rows of the dataset where 'sp.cols' (used as the response variable) contains finite values against which the predictor variables can be modelled; rows with NA or NaN in 'sp.cols' are thus excluded from the calculation of correlations among predictor variables.


This function returns a list of 7 elements (unless select=NULL, in which case it returns only the first of these elements):


data frame showing the pairs of input variables that are correlated beyond the given threshold, their correlation coefficient and its associated p-value.


data frame with the individual p-value, AIC, BIC and correlation coefficient (if one of these was the 'select' criterion and if 'sp.cols' was provided) of each of the highly correlated variables against the response variable.


character vector containing the names of the variables to exclude (i.e., from each highly correlated pair, the variable with the worse 'select' score.


character vector containing the names of the variables to select (i.e., the non-correlated variables and, from each correlated pair, the variable with the better 'select' score).


integer vector containing the column indices of the selected variables in 'data'.


numerical value indicating the strongest correlation coefficient among the selected variables.


data frame showing the multicollinearity among the selected variables.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Akaike H. (1973) Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In: Petrov B.N. & Csaki F., 2nd International Symposium on Information Theory, Tsahkadsor, Armenia, USSR, September 2-8, 1971, Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, p. 267-281.

Gregorich M., Strohmaier S., Dunkler D. & Heinze G. (2021) Regression with Highly Correlated Predictors: Variable Omission Is Not the Solution. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18: 4259.

Legendre P. & Legendre L. (2012) Numerical ecology (3rd edition). Elsevier, Amsterdam: 990 pp.

Marquardt D.W. (1970) Generalized inverses, ridge regression, biased linear estimation, and nonlinear estimation. Technometrics 12: 591-612.

Mansfield E.R. & Helms B.P. (1982) Detecting multicollinearity. The American Statistician 36: 158-160.

Morrissey M.B. & Ruxton G.D. (2018) Multiple Regression Is Not Multiple Regressions: The Meaning of Multiple Regression and the Non-Problem of Collinearity. Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 10: 003. DOI: 10.3998/ptpbio.16039257.0010.003

Schwarz, G.E. (1978) Estimating the dimension of a model. Annals of Statistics, 6 (2): 461-464.

Vanhove J. (2021) Collinearity isn't a disease that needs curing. Meta-Phsychology 5, MP.2020.2548. DOI: 10.15626/MP.2021.2548

See Also

multicol, FDR, cor; and collinear in package collinear, which handles continuous and categorical variables



corSelect(rotif.env, var.cols = 5:17, select = NULL)

corSelect(rotif.env, var.cols = 5:17)

corSelect(rotif.env, sp.cols = 46, var.cols = 5:17)

corSelect(rotif.env, sp.cols = 46, var.cols = 5:17, cor.thresh = 0.7)

corSelect(rotif.env, sp.cols = 46, var.cols = 5:17, select = "BIC", method = "spearman")

(Inverse) distance to the nearest presence


This function takes a matrix or data frame containing species presence (1) and absence (0) data and their spatial coordinates (optionally also a pre-calculated distance matrix between all localities), and calculates the (inverse) distance from each locality to the nearest presence locality for each species.


distPres(data, sp.cols, coord.cols = NULL, id.col = NULL,
dist.mat = NULL, CRS = NULL, method = "auto", suffix = "_D",
p = 1, inv = TRUE, verbosity = 2)



a matrix or data frame containing, at least, two columns with spatial coordinates, and one column per species containing their presence (1) and absence (0) data, with localities in rows.


names or index numbers of the columns containing the species presences and absences in 'data'. It must contain only zeros (0) for absences and ones (1) for presences.


names or index numbers of the columns containing the spatial coordinates in 'data' (in this order, x and y, or longitude and latitude).


optionally, the name or index number of a column (to be included in the output) containing locality identifiers in 'data'.


optional pre-computed pairwise distance matrix for the localities in 'data'. If provided, arguments 'CRS' and 'method' are not used.


coordinate reference system of the 'coord.cols' in 'data', in one of the following formats: WKT/WKT2, <authority>:<code>, or PROJ-string notation (see terra::crs()). Ignored if 'dist.mat' is not NULL. Otherwise, if 'CRS' is provided and the 'terra' package is installed, distances are computed with terra::distance(), thus accounting for the curvature of the Earth.


(if 'dist.mat' is NULL) argument to pass to dist or to terra::distance() specifying the method for computing the distance matrix. Results are more accurate if a terra::distance() method is used and the 'CRS' argument is provided. The default is "auto". With this, the method is "euclidean" if the 'terra' package isn't available; else "haversine" if there are distances < 1 m or 0.00001 degrees, or "cosine" (faster but inaccurate for small distances) otherwise. You can instead choose method="geo" for the most accurate, yet slowest distance method (see ?terra::distance). For 'terra' versions before 1.8.7, only "geo" is available and will be used.


character indicating the suffix to add to the distance columns in the resulting data frame. The default is "_D".


the power to which distance should be raised. The default is 1; use 2 or higher if you want more conservative distances.


logical value indicating whether distance should be inverted, i.e. standardized to vary between 0 and 1 and then subtracted from 1, so that it varies between 0 and 1 and higher values mean closer to presence. The default is TRUE, which is adequate as a fuzzy version of presence-absence (for using e.g. with fuzSim and simMat). In this case, presences maintain the value 1, and inverse distance to presence is calculated only for absence localities.


integer specifying the amount of messages to display along the process. The default is 2, for the maximum amount of messages available.


This function can be used to calculate a simple spatial interpolation model of a species' distribution (e.g. Barbosa 2015, Areias-Guerreiro et al. 2016).


This function returns a matrix or data frame containing the identifier column (if provided in 'id.col') and one column per species containing the distance (inverse by default) from each locality to the nearest presence of that species.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Areias-Guerreiro J., Mira A. & Barbosa A.M. (2016) How well can models predict changes in species distributions? A 13-year-old otter model revisited. Hystrix - Italian Journal of Mammalogy, in press. DOI:

Barbosa A.M. (2015) fuzzySim: applying fuzzy logic to binary similarity indices in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 853-858

See Also






# calculate plain distance to presence:

rotifers.dist0 <- distPres(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:47,
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), id.col = 1, p = 1,
inv = FALSE, suffix = "_D")  # in degrees (inconsistent across latitudes)

rotifers.dist <- distPres(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:47,
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), id.col = 1, p = 1,
inv = FALSE, suffix = "_D", CRS = "EPSG:4326")  # in meters


# calculate inverse squared distance to presence:

rotifers.invd2 <- distPres(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:47,
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), id.col = 1, p = 2,
inv = TRUE, suffix = "_iDsq", CRS = "EPSG:4326")


Degree-minute-second to decimal degree coordinates


This function converts degree-minute-second geographic coordinates to decimal degree (numeric) coordinates appropriate for mapping and analysis.


seps = c("\\u00ba", "\\u00b0", "\\'", "\\'", "\\\"", "\\\\?"))



character vector of geographic coordinates (latitude or longitude) in degree-minute-second-hemisphere format, e.g. 41° 34' 10.956" N (with or without spaces); or in degree-decimal minute format, e.g. 41° 34.1826' N (with or without spaces)


character vector of possible separators in 'dms'. The default includes commonly used symbols for degrees, minutes and seconds, converted with stringi::stri_escape_unicode() for portability


This function returns a numeric vector of the input coordinates after conversion to decimal degree format.


A. Marcia Barbosa ( with contributions by Paul Melloy (


coords_dms <- structure(list(Longitude = c("31Âş40'44.12''E", "31Âş41'23.35''E",
"31Âş37'01.94''E", "30Âş53'07.75''E"), Latitude = c("24Âş54'36.44''S",
"24Âş05'02.09''S", "25Âş09'46.72''S", "24Âş12'09.02''S")), row.names = c(NA, 4L),
class = "data.frame")

lon_dec <- dms2dec(coords_dms$Longitude)
lat_dec <- dms2dec(coords_dms$Latitude)

coords_dec <- sapply(coords_dms, dms2dec)

(Fuzzy) entropy


This function computes fuzzy entropy (Kosko 1986, Estrada & Real 2021), or optionally Shannon's (1948) entropy.


entropy(data, sp.cols = 1:ncol(data), method = "fuzzy", base = exp(1),
plot = TRUE, plot.type = "lollipop", na.rm = TRUE, ...)



a vector, matrix or data frame containing the data to analyse.


names or index numbers of the columns of 'data' that contain the values for which to compute entropy (if 'data' is not a vector). The default is to use all columns.


character value indicating the method to use. Can be "fuzzy" (the default) or "Shannon". The former requires the input to be a fuzzy system (e.g. Favourability values), while the latter requires probabilities. If method="Shannon" and the values for a vector or column do not sum up to 1, they are divided by their sum so that this additional requirement is met (Estrada & Real 2021).


base for computing the logarithm if method="Shannon". The default is the natural logarithm.


logical value indicating whether to plot the results (if 'data' has more than one column). The default is TRUE.


character value indicating the type of plot to produce (if plot=TRUE). Can be "lollipop" (the default) or "barplot".


logical value indicating whether NA values should be removed before computations. The default is TRUE.


additional arguments to be passed to barplot or to modEvA::lollipop.


Fuzzy entropy (Kosko 1986) applies to fuzzy systems (such as Favourability) and it can take values between zero and one. Fuzzy entropy equals one when the distribution of the values is uniform, i.e. 0.5 in all localities. The smaller the entropy, the more orderly the distribution of the values, i.e. the closer they are to 0 or 1, distinguishing (potential) presences and absences more clearly. Fuzzy entropy can reflect the overall degree of uncertainty in a species' distribution model predictions, and it is directly comparable across species and study areas (Estrada & Real 2021).

Shannon's entropy requires that the input values are probabilities and sum up to 1 (Shannon 1948). This makes sense when analysing the probability that a unique event occurs in a finite universe. However, if a species has more than one presence, the sum of probabilities in all localities equals the number of presences. To satisfy the condition that the inputs sum up to 1, this function divides each value by the sum of values when this is not the case (if method="Shannon"). Notice that this has a mathematical justification but not a biogeographical sense, and (unlike fuzzy entropy) the results are comparable only between models based on the same number of presences + absences, e.g. in a context of selection of variables for a model (Estrada & Real 2021).


This function returns a numeric value of entropy for 'data' (if it is a numeric vector) or for each of 'sp.cols' in 'data' (if it is a matrix or data frame). Optionally (and by default), a plot is also produced with these values (if there is more than one column) for visual comparison.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Estrada A. & Real R. (2021) A stepwise assessment of parsimony and fuzzy entropy in species distribution modelling. Entropy, 23: 1014

Kosko B. (1986) Fuzzy entropy and conditioning. Information Sciences, 40: 165-174

Shannon C.E. (1948) A mathematical theory of communication. Bell System Technical Journal, 27: 379-423



pred <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:20, var.cols = 5:17)$predictions


entropy(pred, sp.cols = c("Abrigh_F", "Afissa_F", "Apriod_F"))

entropy(pred, sp.cols = c("Abrigh_P", "Afissa_P", "Apriod_P"), method = "Shannon")

Favourability (probability without the effect of sample prevalence)


Computes prevalence-independent favourability for a species' presence, based on a presence/(pseudo)absence model object, or on a vector of predicted probability values plus either the modelled binary response variable, the total number of modelled ones and zeros, or the prevalence (proportion of ones) in the modelled binary response (i.e., in the training data).


Fav(model = NULL, obs = NULL, pred = NULL, n1n0 = NULL, sample.preval = NULL,
method = "RBV", true.preval = NULL, verbosity = 2)



a binary-response, presence/(pseudo)absence probability-producing model object of class "glm", "gam", "gbm", "randomForest" or "bart" (computed with keeptrees=TRUE), obtained with weights=NULL.


alternatively to 'model', a vector of the 1 and 0 values of the binary response variable (e.g. presence-absence of a species) in the model training data. This argument is ignored if 'model' is provided.


alternatively to 'model', a numeric vector, RasterLayer or SpatRaster of predicted presence probability values, produced by a presence/(pseudo)absence modelling method yielding presence probability (obtained with weights=NULL). This argument is ignored if 'model' is provided.


alternatively to 'obs' or 'sample.preval', an integer vector of length 2 providing the total numbers of modelled ones and zeros (in this order) of the binary response variable in the model training data. Ignored if 'obs' or 'model' is provided.


alternatively to 'obs' or 'n1n0', the prevalence (proportion of ones) of the binary response variable in the model training data. Ignored if 'model' is provided.


either "RBV" for the original Real, Barbosa & Vargas (2006) procedure, or "AT" if you want to try out the modification proposed by Albert & Thuiller (2008) (but see Details!).


the true prevalence (as opposed to sample prevalence), necessary if you want to try the "AT" method (but see Details!).


numeric value indicating the amount of messages to display; currently meaningful values are 0, 1, and 2 (the default).


Methods such as Generalized Linear Models, Generalized Additive Models, Random Forests, Boosted Regression Trees / Generalized Boosted Models, Bayesian Additive Regression Trees and several others, are widely used for modelling species' potential distributions using presence/absence data and a set of predictor variables. These models predict presence probability, which (unless presences and abences are given different weights) incorporates the prevalence (proportion of presences) of the species in the modelled sample. So, predictions for restricted species are always generally low, while predictions for widespread species are always generally higher, regardless of the actual environmental quality. Barbosa (2006) and Real, Barbosa & Vargas (2006) proposed an environmental favourability function which is based on presence probability and cancels out uneven proportions of presences and absences in the modelled data. Favourability thus assesses the extent to which the environmental conditions change the probability of occurrence of a species with respect to its overall prevalence in the study area. Model predictions become, therefore, directly comparable among species with different prevalences, without the need to artificially assign different weights to presences and absences.

Using simulated data, Albert & Thuiller (2008) proposed a modification to the favourability function, but it requires knowing the true prevalence of the species (not just the prevalence in the modelled sample), which is rarely possible in real-world modelling. Besides, this suggestion was based on the misunderstanding that the favourability function was a way to obtain the probability of occurrence when prevalence differs from 50%, which is incorrect (see Acevedo & Real 2012).

To get environmental favourability with either the Real, Barbosa & Vargas ("RBV") or the Albert & Thuiller ("AT") method, you just need to get model predictions of presence probability from your data, together with the proportions of presences and absences in the modelled sample, and then use the 'Fav' function. Input data for this function are either a model object of an implemented class, or the vector of presences-absences (1-0) of your species and the corresponding presence probability values, obtained e.g. with predict(mymodel, mydata, type = "response"). Alternatively to the presences-absences, you can provide either the sample prevalence or the numbers of presences and absences in the dataset that was used to generate the presence probabilities. In case you want to use the "AT" method (but see Acevedo & Real 2012), you also need to provide the true (besides the sample) prevalence of your species.


If 'model' is provided or if 'pred' is a numeric vector, the function returns a numeric vector of the favourability values. If 'model' is not provided (which would override other arguments) and 'pred' is a RasterLayer or a SpatRaster, the function returns an object of the same class, containing the favourability values.


This function is applicable only to presence probability values obtained without weighting presences and absences differently (i.e. with weights=NULL), thus reflecting the sample prevalence, which is generally the default in presence/absence modelling functions (like glm). Note, however, that some modelling packages may use different defaults when calling these functions, e.g. biomod2::BIOMOD_Modeling() with automatically generated pseudo-absences.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Acevedo P. & Real R. (2012) Favourability: concept, distinctive characteristics and potential usefulness. Naturwissenschaften 99: 515-522

Albert C.H. & Thuiller W. (2008) Favourability functions versus probability of presence: advantages and misuses. Ecography 31: 417-422.

Barbosa A.M.E. (2006) Modelacion de relaciones biogeograficas entre predadores, presas y parasitos: implicaciones para la conservacion de mamiferos en la Peninsula Iberica. PhD Thesis, University of Malaga (Spain).

Real R., Barbosa A.M. & Vargas J.M. (2006) Obtaining environmental favourability functions from logistic regression. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 13: 237-245.

See Also



# obtain a probability model and its predictions:



mod <- with(rotif.env, glm(Abrigh ~ Area + Altitude +
AltitudeRange + HabitatDiversity + HumanPopulation,
family = binomial))

prob <- predict(mod, data = rotif.env, type = "response")

# obtain predicted favourability in different ways:

Fav(model = mod)

Fav(obs = rotif.env$Abrigh, pred = prob)

Fav(pred = mod$fitted.values, sample.preval = prevalence(model = mod))

Classify favourability into 3 categories (low, intermediate, high)


This function takes a vector of Favourability values and reclassifies them into 3 increasing categories: low, intermediate or high. By default, the breaks between these classes are 0.2 and 0.8 (see Details), although these can be changed by the user.


favClass(fav, breaks = c(0.2, 0.8), character = FALSE)



a numeric vector of favourability values (obtained, e.g., with functions Fav or multGLM).


a numeric vector of length 2 containing the two values which will divide fav into the 3 classes. Defaults to c(0.2, 0.8) following the literature (see Details).


logical value indicating whether the result should be returned in character rather numeric form. Defaults to FALSE.


Some applications of species distribution models imply setting a threshold to separate areas with high and low probability or favourability for occurrence (see, e.g., bioThreat). However, it makes little sense to establish as markedly different areas with, for example, 0.49 and 0.51 favourability values (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 1989). It may thus be wiser to open a gap between values considered as clearly favourable and clearly unfavourable. When this option is taken in the literature, commonly used breaks are 0.8 as a threshold to classify highly favourable values, as the odds are more than 4:1 favourable to the species; 0.2 as a threshold below which to consider highly unfavourable values, as odds are less than 1:4; and classifying the remaining values as intermediate favourability (e.g., Munoz & Real 2006, Olivero et al. 2016).


This function returns either an integer or a character vector (following the 'character' argument, which is set to FALSE by default), of the same length as fav, reclassifying it into 3 categories: 1 ('low'), 2 ('intermediate'), or 3 ('high').


A. Marcia Barbosa


Hosmer D.W. Jr & Lemeshow S. (1989) Applied logistic regression. John Wiley & Sons, New York

Munoz A.R. & Real R. (2006) Assessing the potential range expansion of the exotic monk parakeet in Spain. Diversity and Distributions, 12: 656-665

Olivero J., Fa J.E., Real R., Farfan M.A., Marquez A.L., Vargas J.M., Gonzalez J.P., Cunningham A.A. & Nasi R. (2017) Mammalian biogeography and the Ebola virus in Africa. Mammal Review, 47: 24-37

See Also

Fav, multGLM


mods <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 20, var.cols = 5:17)
fav <- mods$predictions[ , 2]
data.frame(fav = fav, favcl_num = favClass(fav), 
favcl_chr = favClass(fav, character = TRUE))

False Discovery Rate


Calculate the false discovery rate (type I error) under repeated testing and determine which variables to select and to exclude from multivariate analysis.


FDR(data = NULL, sp.cols = NULL, var.cols = NULL, pvalues = NULL,
test = "Chisq", model.type = NULL, family = "auto", correction = "fdr",
q = 0.05, verbose = NULL, verbosity = 1, simplif = FALSE)



a data frame containing the response and predictor variables (one in each column).


name or index number of the column containing the response variable (currently implemented for only one response variable at a time).


names or index numbers of the columns containing the predictor variables.


optionally, instead of 'data', 'sp.cols' and 'var.cols', a data frame with the names of the predictor variables in the first column andtheir bivariate p-values (obtained elsewhere) in the second column. Example: pvalues <- data.frame(var = letters[1:5], pval = c(0.02, 0.004, 0.07, 0.03, 0.05)).


(if 'pvalues' not provided) argument to pass to anova to obtain the p-value for each variable. Should be one of "Chisq" (currently the default, for back-compatibility), "Rao", "LRT" or "F" (the latter is not appropriate for models of family "binomial").


this argument (previously a character value, either "LM" or "GLM") is now deprecated and ignored with a warning if provided. This information is now included in argument 'family' – e.g., if you want linear models (LM), you can set 'family = "gaussian"'.


The error distribution and (optionally) the link function to use (see glm or family for details). The default "auto" automatically uses "binomial" family for response variables containing only values of 0 and 1; "poisson" for positive integer responses (i.e. count data); "Gamma" for positive non-integer; and "gaussian" (i.e., linear models) otherwise.


the correction procedure to apply to the p-values; see p.adjust.methods for available options and p.adjust for more information. The default is "fdr".


the threshold value of FDR-corrected significance above which to reject variables. Defaults to 0.05.


deprecated argument, replaced by 'verbosity' (below).


integer value indicating the amount of messages to display. The default is 1, for a medium amount of messages. Use 2 for more messages.


logical value indicating if simplified results should be provided (see Value).


It is common in ecology to search for statistical relationships between species' occurrence and a set of predictor variables. However, when a large number of variables is analysed (compared to the number of observations), false findings may arise due to repeated testing. Garcia (2003) recommended controlling the false discovery rate (FDR; Benjamini & Hochberg 1995) in ecological studies. The p.adjust R function performs this and other corrections to the significance (p) values of variables under repeated testing. The 'FDR' function performs repeated regressions (either linear or logistic) or uses already-obtained p values for a set of variables; calculates the FDR with 'p.adjust'; and shows which variables should be retained for or excluded from further multivariate analysis according to their corrected p values (see, for example, Barbosa, Real & Vargas 2009).

The FDR function uses the Benjamini & Hochberg ("BH", alias "fdr") correction by default, but check the p.adjust documentation for other available methods, namely "BY", which allows for non-independent data. Input data may be the response variable (for example, the presence-absence or abundance of a species) and the predictors (a table with one predictor variable in each column, with the same number of rows and in the same order as the response). Alternatively, you may already have performed the univariate regressions and have a set of variables and corresponding p values which you want to correct with FDR; in this case, get a table with your variables' names in the first column and their p values in the second column, and supply it as the 'pvalues' argument (no need to provide response or predictors in this case).


If simplif = TRUE, this function returns a data frame with the variables' names as row names and 4 columns containing, respectively, their individual (bivariate) coefficients against the response, their individual AIC (Akaike's Information Criterion; Akaike, 1973), BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion, also known as Schwarz criterion, SBC, SBIC; Schwarz, 1978), p-value and adjusted p-value according to the applied 'correction'. If simplif = FALSE (the default), the result is a list of two such data frames:


with the variables to exclude.


with the variables to select (under the given 'q' value).


A. Marcia Barbosa


Akaike, H. (1973) Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In: Petrov B.N. & Csaki F., 2nd International Symposium on Information Theory, Tsahkadsor, Armenia, USSR, September 2-8, 1971, Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, p. 267-281.

Barbosa A.M., Real R. & Vargas J.M (2009) Transferability of environmental favourability models in geographic space: The case of the Iberian desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) in Portugal and Spain. Ecological Modelling 220: 747-754

Benjamini Y. & Hochberg Y. (1995) Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 57: 289-300

Garcia L.V. (2003) Controlling the false discovery rate in ecological research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 553-554

Schwarz, G.E. (1978) Estimating the dimension of a model. Annals of Statistics, 6 (2): 461-464.

See Also





FDR(data = rotif.env, sp.cols = 18, var.cols = 5:17)

FDR(data = rotif.env, sp.cols = 18, var.cols = 5:17, simplif = TRUE)

my_pvalues <- data.frame(var = letters[1:5], pval = c(0.02, 0.004, 0.07, 0.03, 0.05))
FDR(pvalues = my_pvalues)

Fuzzy similarity


This function calculates fuzzy similarity, based on a fuzzy version of the binary similarity index specified in method, between two binary (0 or 1) or fuzzy (between 0 and 1) variables.


fuzSim(x, y, method, na.rm = TRUE)



numeric vector or SpatRaster layer of (optionally fuzzy) presence-absence data, with 1 meaning presence, 0 meaning absence, and values in between meaning fuzzy presence (or the degree to which each locality belongs to the set of species presences, or to which each species belongs to the locality; Zadeh, 1965). Fuzzy presence-absence can be obtained, for example, with functions multGLM, multTSA or distPres in this package, or with any other function that computes presence probability or spatial/environmental suitability for a species.


numeric vector or SpatRaster to overlap with 'x', of the same length and in the same order.


the similarity index to compute between x and y. Currently available options are "Jaccard", "Sorensen", "Simpson" and "Baroni" (see Details).


logical value indicating whether NA values should be ignored. The default is TRUE.


Similarity between ecological communities, beta diversity patterns, biotic regions, and distributional relationships among species are commonly determined based on pair-wise (dis)similarities in species' occurrence patterns. Some of the most commonly employed similarity indices are those of Jaccard (1901), Sorensen (1948), Simpson (1960) and Baroni-Urbani & Buser (1976), which are here implemented in their fuzzy versions (Barbosa, 2015), able to deal with both binary and fuzzy data. Jaccard's and Baroni's indices have associated tables of significant values (Baroni-Urbani & Buser 1976, Real & Vargas 1996, Real 1999).

Note that the Jaccard index's translation to fuzzy logic (where intersection = minimum and union = maximum) is equivalent to the weighted Jaccard index (Ioffe 2010) and to the overlap, coincidence and consistence indices of Real et al. (2010).

Jaccard's and Sorensen's indices have also been recommended as prevalence-independent metrics for evaluating the performance of models of species distributions and ecological niches (Leroy et al. 2018). These indices are equivalent to other previously recommended model evaluation metrics: the F-measure (which equals Sorensen's index), and the proxy of the F-measure for presence-background data, which equals 2 times Jaccard's index (Li and Guo 2013, Leroy et al. 2018).


The function returns a value between 0 and 1 representing the fuzzy similarity between the provided 'x' and 'y' vectors. Note, for example, that Jaccard similarity can be converted to dissimilarity (or Jaccard distance) if subtracted from 1, while 1-Sorensen is not a proper distance metric as it lacks the property of triangle inequality (see


The formulas used in this function may look slighty different from some of their published versions (e.g. Baroni-Urbani & Buser 1976), not only because the letters are switched, but because here the A and B are the numbers of attributes present in each element, whether or not they are also present in the other one. Thus, our 'A+B' is equivalent to 'A+B+C' in formulas where A and B are the numbers of attributes present in one but not the other element, and our A+B-C is equivalent to their A+B+C. The formulas used here (adapted from Olivero et al. 1998) are faster to calculate, visibly for large datasets.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Barbosa A.M. (2015) fuzzySim: applying fuzzy logic to binary similarity indices in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 853-858.

Baroni-Urbani C. & Buser M.W. (1976) Similarity of Binary Data. Systematic Zoology, 25: 251-259

Ioffe S. (2010) Improved Consistent Sampling, Weighted Minhash and L1 Sketching. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 246-255, doi: 10.1109/ICDM.2010.80

Jaccard P. (1901) Etude comparative de la distribution florale dans une portion des Alpes et des Jura. Memoires de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 37: 547-579

Leroy B., Delsol R., Hugueny B., Meynard C. N., Barhoumi C., Barbet-Massin M. & Bellard C. (2018) Without quality presence-absence data, discrimination metrics such as TSS can be misleading measures of model performance. Journal of Biogeography, 45: 1994-2002

Li W. & Guo Q. (2013) How to assess the prediction accuracy of species presence-absence models without absence data? Ecography, 36: 788-799

Olivero J., Real R. & Vargas J.M. (1998) Distribution of breeding, wintering and resident waterbirds in Europe: biotic regions and the macroclimate. Ornis Fennica, 75: 153-175

Real R. (1999) Tables of significant values of Jaccard's index of similarity. Miscellania Zoologica 22: 29:40

Real R. & Vargas J.M (1996) The probabilistic basis of Jaccard's index of similarity. Systematic Biology 45: 380-385

Simpson, G.G. (1960) Notes on the measurement of faunal resemblance. Amer. J. Sci. 258A, 300-311

Sorensen T. (1948) A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species and its application to analyses of the vegetation on Danish commons. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 5(4): 1-34

Zadeh L.A. (1965) Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8: 338-353

See Also

simMat; modOverlap




# you can calculate similarity between binary species occurrence patterns:

fuzSim(rotif.env[, "Abrigh"], rotif.env[, "Afissa"], method = "Jaccard")
fuzSim(rotif.env[, "Abrigh"], rotif.env[, "Afissa"], method = "Sorensen")
fuzSim(rotif.env[, "Abrigh"], rotif.env[, "Afissa"], method = "Simpson")
fuzSim(rotif.env[, "Abrigh"], rotif.env[, "Afissa"], method = "Baroni")

# or you can model environmental favourability for these species
# and calculate fuzzy similarity between their environmental predictions
# which goes beyond the strict coincidence of their occurrence records:

fav <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:19, var.cols = 5:17, step = TRUE,
FDR = TRUE, trim = TRUE, P = FALSE, Fav = TRUE) $ predictions

fuzSim(fav[, "Abrigh_F"], fav[, "Afissa_F"], method = "Jaccard")
fuzSim(fav[, "Abrigh_F"], fav[, "Afissa_F"], method = "Sorensen")
fuzSim(fav[, "Abrigh_F"], fav[, "Afissa_F"], method = "Simpson")
fuzSim(fav[, "Abrigh_F"], fav[, "Afissa_F"], method = "Baroni")

Fuzzy consensus among model predictions


This function takes a data frame or a (multilayer) SpatRaster map of favourability predictions (i.e., directly comparable predictions obtained from presence probability; see Fav) and it computes the consensus favourability, i.e., a row-wise weighted mean in which larger weights are assigned to models with higher loadings in the first axis of a principal components analysis (Baquero et al. 2021).


fuzzyConsensus(data, weights = "PCA1", simplif = TRUE, plot = TRUE, 
biplot = FALSE, verbosity = 2, do.par = TRUE)



matrix, data frame or (multilayer) 'SpatRaster' map containing the favourability values to combine.


method for computing the weights for the weighted average of favourability values. Currently only "PCA1" is implemented.


logical value. If TRUE (the default), the output includes only the numeric vector of weighted mean favourability. If set to FALSE, the output will include also the complete PCA result (if weights="PCA1").


logical value indicating whether to produce a barplot of the PCA axis loadings. The default is TRUE.


logical value indicating whether to produce a biplot of the PCA. The default is FALSE, as it makes computation slower.


integer value indicating the amount of messages to display in the console. The default is to emit all messages available.


logical value indicating whether to override the current plotting parameters (restoring them on exit). The default is TRUE.


Species distribution models are often computed using different modelling methods and/or climate scenarios. One way to summarize or combine them is to do a principal components analysis (PCA) of the different model predictions: The first axis of this PCA captures consistent spatial patterns in the predicted values across the different models (Araujo, Pearson, et al. 2005; Araujo, Whittaker, et al. 2005; Marmion et al. 2009; Thuiller 2004). However, the units of the PCA axes are difficult to interpret. Baquero et al. (2021) solved this by computing a weighted average of the favourability values (which are commensurable and therefore directly comparable across species and study areas; Real et al. 2006, Acevedo & Real 2012), using the loadings of the first PCA axis as weights. The result is therefore in the same scale as favourability, and it incorporates the degree of consensus among models, which dictates how much weight each model has in the prediction, thus avoiding disparate predictions to be blindly mixed and averaged out (Baquero et al. 2021).


If simplif=TRUE (the default), the function returns a numeric vector with length equal to the number of rows in 'data' (if 'data' is a matrix or data frame), or a 'SpatRaster' layer (if 'data' is a 'SpatRaster' object), with the consensus among the input favourabilities. If simplif=FALSE, the function returns a list containing, additionally, the output of prcomp.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Acevedo P. & Real R. (2012) Favourability: Concept, distinctive characteristics and potential usefulness. Naturwissenschaften, 99: 515-522

Araujo M.B., Pearson R.G., Thuiller W. & Erhard M. (2005) Validation of species-climate impact models under climate change. Global Change Biology, 11: 1504-1513

Araujo M.B., Whittaker R.J., Ladle R.J. & Erhard M. (2005) Reducing uncertainty in projections of extinction risk from climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 14: 529-538

Baquero R.A., Barbosa A.M., Ayllon D., Guerra C., Sanchez E., Araujo M.B. & Nicola G.G. (2021) Potential distributions of invasive vertebrates in the Iberian Peninsula under projected changes in climate extreme events. Diversity and Distributions, 27(11): 2262-2276

Marmion M., Parviainen M., Luoto M., Heikkinen R.K. & Thuiller W. (2009) Evaluation of consensus methods in predictive species distribution modelling. Diversity and Distributions 15: 59-69

Real R., Barbosa A.M. & Vargas J.M. (2006) Obtaining environmental favourability functions from logistic regression. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 13: 237-245

Thuiller W. (2004) Patterns and uncertainties of species' range shifts under climate change. Global Change Biology, 10: 2020-2027

See Also



## Not run: 
# this example requires having the 'gam' package installed



# get two different model predictions for one of the species in this dataset:

vars <- names(rotif.env)[5:17]

form_glm <- as.formula(paste("Ttetra ~", paste(vars, collapse = "+")))
mod_glm <- glm(form_glm, family = binomial, data = rotif.env)
pred_glm <- predict(mod_glm, rotif.env, type = "response")

form_gam <- as.formula(paste("Ttetra ~", paste("s(", vars, ")", collapse = "+")))
mod_gam <- gam(form_gam, family = binomial, data = rotif.env)
pred_gam <- predict(mod_gam, rotif.env, type = "response")

# convert probability predictions to favourability:

fav_glm <- Fav(pred = pred_glm, sample.preval = prevalence(model = mod_glm))
fav_gam <- Fav(pred = pred_gam, sample.preval = prevalence(model = mod_gam))

# compute the consensus favourability of these two models:

fav_consensus <- fuzzyConsensus(cbind(fav_glm, fav_gam))

cor(cbind(fav_glm, fav_gam, fav_consensus))

## End(Not run)

Overlay operations based on fuzzy logic


Logical and set operations are useful for comparative distribution modelling, to assess consensus or mismatches between the predictions of different models, and to quantify differences between models obtained for different time periods. Fuzzy set theory (Zadeh 1965, Barbosa & Real 2012) allows performing such operations without converting model predictions from continuous to binary, thus avoiding the application of arbitrary thresholds and the distortion or over-simplification of those predictions. The result is a continuous numerical value quantifying the intersection, union, sum, or other operation among model predictions, whether binary or continuous.


fuzzyOverlay(data, overlay.cols = NULL, op = "intersection",
na.rm = FALSE, round.digits = 2)



matrix, data frame, or multilayer SpatRaster containing the model predictions to compare.


vector of the names or index numbers of the columns or layers to compare. The default is all columns or layers in data.


character value indicating the operation to perform between the (specified) prediction columns or layers in 'data'. Options are:

  • "consensus" for the arithmetic mean of predictions (or the fuzzy equivalent of the proportion of models that agree that the species can potentially occur at each site);

  • "fuzzy_and" or "intersection" for fuzzy intersection;

  • "fuzzy_or" or "union" for fuzzy union;

  • "prob_and" or "prob_or" for probabilistic and/or, respectively (see Details);

  • "maintenance" for the values where all predictions for the same row/pixel (rounded to the number of digits specified in 'round.digits') are the same.

If 'data' has only two columns/layers to compare, further options are:

  • "xor" for exclusive 'or'

  • "AnotB" for the the occurrence of the species in column/layer 1 in detriment of that in column/layer 2;

  • "expansion" for the prediction increase in rows/pixels where column/layer 2 has higher values than column/layer 1;

  • "contraction" for the prediction decrease in rows/pixels where column/layer 2 has lower values than column/layer 1;

  • "change" for a mix of the latter two, with positive values where there is an increase and negative values where there is a decrease in favourability from columns/layers 1 to 2. For expansion, contraction and maintenance, rows/pixels where the values do not satisfy the condition (i.e. second column/layer larger, smaller, or roughly equal to the first) get a value of zero.


logical value indicating if NA values should be ignored. The default is FALSE, so rows/pixels with NA in any of the prediction columns/layers get NA as a result.


integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used if op = "maintenance". The default is 2.


If your predictions are probabilities, "prob_and" (probabilistic 'and') gives the probability of all species in 'data' occurring simultaneously by multiplying all probabilities; and "prob_or" (probabilistic 'or') gives the probability of any of them occurring at each site. These can be quite restrictive, though; probabilistic "and" can give particularly irrealistically small values.

If you have (or convert your probabilities to) favourability predictions, which can be used directly with fuzzy logic (Real et al. 2006; see Fav function), you can use "fuzzy_and" or "intersection" to get the favourability for all species to co-occur at each site, and "fuzzy_or" or "union" to get favourability for any of them to occur at each site (Barbosa & Real 2012).


This function returns a vector with length equal to the number of rows in 'data', or (if the input is a SpatRaster) a SpatRaster layer of the same dimensions as the input's first layer, containing the row-wise or pixel-wise result of the operation performed.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Barbosa A.M. & Real R. (2012) Applying fuzzy logic to comparative distribution modelling: a case study with two sympatric amphibians. The Scientific World Journal, 2012, Article ID 428206

Real R., Barbosa A.M. & Vargas J.M. (2006) Obtaining environmental favourability functions from logistic regression. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 13: 237-245.

Zadeh, L.A. (1965) Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8: 338-353

See Also

fuzSim, modOverlap and fuzzyRangeChange for overall (not row-wise or pixel-wise) comparisons among model predictions.




# get model predictions for 3 of the species in rotif.env:

mods <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:20, var.cols = 5:17, id.col = 1,
step = TRUE, FDR = TRUE, trim = TRUE)

preds <- mods$predictions[ , c("Abrigh_F", "Afissa_F", "Apriod_F")]

# calculate intersection and union among those predictions:

preds$intersect <- fuzzyOverlay(preds, op = "intersection")

preds$union <- fuzzyOverlay(preds, op = "union")


# imagine you have a model prediction for species 'Abrigh' in a future time
# (here we will create one by randomly jittering the current predictions)

preds$Abrigh_imag <- jitter(preds[ , "Abrigh_F"], amount = 0.2)
preds$Abrigh_imag[preds$Abrigh_imag < 0] <- 0
preds$Abrigh_imag[preds$Abrigh_imag > 1] <- 1

# you can calculate row-wise prediction changes from Abrigh to Abrigh_imag:

preds$Abrigh_exp <- fuzzyOverlay(preds, overlay.cols = c("Abrigh_F",
"Abrigh_imag"), op = "expansion")

preds$Abrigh_contr <- fuzzyOverlay(preds, overlay.cols = c("Abrigh_F",
"Abrigh_imag"), op = "contraction")

preds$Abrigh_chg <- fuzzyOverlay(preds, overlay.cols = c("Abrigh_F",
"Abrigh_imag"), op = "change")

preds$Abrigh_maint <- fuzzyOverlay(preds, overlay.cols = c("Abrigh_F",
"Abrigh_imag"), op = "maintenance")


Range change based on continuous (fuzzy) values


This function quantifies overall range change (expansion, contraction, maintenance and balance) based on either presence-absence data or the continuous predictions of two models.


fuzzyRangeChange(pred1, pred2, number = TRUE, prop = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE, round.digits = 2,
measures = c("Gain", "Loss", "Stable positive", "Stable negative", "Balance"),
plot = TRUE, plot.type = "lollipop", x.lab = TRUE, ...)



numeric vector or SpatRaster layer containing the predictions (between 0 and 1) of the model that will serve as reference.


numeric vector or SpatRaster layer containing the predictions (between 0 and 1) of the model whose change will be calculated. Must be of the same dimensions and in the same order as 'pred1'.


logical value indicating if results should include the fuzzy number of cases. The default is TRUE.


logical value indicating if results should include the proportion of the total number of cases. The default is TRUE.


logical value indicating whether NA values should be ignored. The default is TRUE.


argument to pass to fuzzyOverlay, indicating the number of decimal places to which to round 'pred' for calculating 'maintenance' or 'stability'. The default is 2.


character vector listing the range change measures to calculate. The default includes all available measures.


logical value indicating whether to plot the results. The default is TRUE.


character value indicating the type of plot to produce (if plot=TRUE). Can be "lollipop" (the default) or "barplot".


logical value indicating whether to add the x axis labels to the plot (i.e., the names below each lollipop or bar). The default is TRUE, but users may set it to FALSE and then add labels differently (e.g. with different names or rotations).


additional arguments to pass to barplot or to modEvA::lollipop (if plot=TRUE).


This function returns a data frame with the following values in different rows (among those included in 'measures'):


sum of the predicted values that have increased from 'pred1' to 'pred2' (fuzzy equivalent of the number of localities that gained presence)


sum of the predicted values that have decreased from 'pred1' to 'pred2' (fuzzy equivalent of the number of localities that lost presence)

Stable positive

fuzzy equivalent of the number of (predicted) presences that have remained as such (when rounded to 'round.digits') between 'pred1' and 'pred2'

Stable negative

fuzzy equivalent of the number of (predicted) absences that have remained as such (when rounded to 'round.digits') between 'pred1' and 'pred2')


sum of the change in predicted values from 'pred1' to 'pred2' (fuzzy equivalent of the balance of gained and lost presences)

If number=TRUE (the default), there is a column named "Number" with the number of localities in each of the above categories. If prop=TRUE (the default), there is a column named "Proportion" in which this number is divided by the total number of reference values (i.e., the fuzzy range or fuzzy non-range size). If plot=TRUE (the default), a plot is also produced representing the last column of the result data frame.


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also

fuzSim, modOverlap for other ways to compare models; fuzzyOverlay for row-wise or pixel-wise model comparisons


# get an environmental favourability model for a rotifer species:



fav_current <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18, var.cols = 5:17,
step = TRUE, FDR = TRUE, trim = TRUE, P = FALSE, Fav = TRUE) $

# imagine you have a model prediction for this species in a future time
# (here we will create one by randomly jittering the current predictions)

fav_imag <- jitter(fav_current, amount = 0.2)
fav_imag[fav_imag < 0] <- 0
fav_imag[fav_imag > 1] <- 1

# calculate range change given by current and imaginary future predictions:

fuzzyRangeChange(fav_current, fav_imag)

fuzzyRangeChange(fav_current, fav_imag, las = 2)

fuzzyRangeChange(fav_current, fav_imag, prop = FALSE)

fuzzyRangeChange(fav_current, fav_imag, ylim = c(-0.3, 0.3))

fuzzyRangeChange(fav_current, fav_imag, plot.type = "barplot")

Get model predictions


This function allows getting the predictions of multiple models when applied to a given dataset. It can be useful if you have a list of model objects (e.g. resulting from multGLM) and want to apply them to a new data set containing the same variables for another region or time period. There are options to include the logit link ('Y') and/or 'Favourability' (see Fav).


getPreds(data, models, id.col = NULL, Y = FALSE, P = TRUE, 
Favourability = TRUE, incl.input = FALSE, verbosity = 2)



an object of class either 'data.frame' or 'RasterStack' to which to apply the 'models' (below) to get their predictions; must contain all variables (with the same names, case-sensitive) included in any of the 'models'.


an object of class 'list' containing one or more model objects, obtained e.g. with function glm or multGLM.


optionally, the index number of a column of 'data' containing row identifiers, to be included in the result. Ignored if incl.input = TRUE, or if 'data' is a RasterStack rather than a data frame.


logical, whether to include the logit link (y) value in the predictions.


logical, whether to include the probability value in the predictions.


logical, whether to include Favourability in the predictions (see Fav).


logical, whether to include input columns in the output data frame (if the 'data' input is a data frame too). The default is FALSE.


numeric value indicating the amount of messages to display; currently meaningful values are 0, 1, and 2 (the default).


This function returns the model predictions in an object of the same class as the input 'data', i.e. either a data frame or a RasterStack.


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also

multGLM, predict




# identify rotifer data in the Eastern and Western hemispheres:


rotif.env$HEMISPHERE <- "Eastern"

rotif.env$HEMISPHERE[rotif.env$CONTINENT %in%


# separate the rotifer data into hemispheres

east.hem <- rotif.env[rotif.env$HEMISPHERE == "Eastern", ]
west.hem <- rotif.env[rotif.env$HEMISPHERE == "Western", ]

# make models for 3 of the species in rotif.env based on their distribution
# in the Eastern hemisphere:

mods <- multGLM(east.hem, sp.cols = 18:20, var.cols = 5:17, 
id.col = 1, step = FALSE, FDR = FALSE, trim = FALSE)

# get the models' predictions for the Western hemisphere dataset:

preds <- getPreds(west.hem, models = mods$models, P = TRUE, 
Favourability = TRUE)


Get region


This function computes a polygon around a set of point coordinates under given criteria, which may be useful for delimiting background or (pseudo)absence regions for computing species distibution models. Some of the 'type' options, especially those involving clusters or inverse distance, attempt to address survey bias by making smaller polygons around areas with fewer or more isolated points.


  type = "width",
  clust_dist = 100,
  dist_mult = 1,
  width_mult = 0.5,
  weight = FALSE,
  dist_mat = NULL,
  dist_measure = "haversine",
  verbosity = 2,
  plot = TRUE



a SpatVector of points, or an object inheriting class 'data.frame' with 2 columns containing, respectively, the x and y, or longitude and latitude coordinates (in this order!) of the points where species presence was recorded.


character indicating which procedure to use for defining the region around 'pres.coords'. Options are:

  • "width": a buffer whose radius is the minimum diameter of the 'pres.coords' spatial extent (computed with terra::width()), multiplied by 'width_mult';

  • "mean_dist": a buffer whose radius is the mean pairwise terra::distance() among 'pres.coords', multiplied by 'dist_mult';

  • "inv_dist": a buffer whose radius is inversely proportional to the sum of the distances from each point to all other points in 'pres.coords' (a rough measure of how isolated each point is, possibly indicating an opportunistic record in a sparsely surveyed area);

  • "clust_mean_dist": a different buffer around each cluster of 'pres.coords' (clusters computed with stats::hclust(), method = "simple") and then stats::cutree() with h = clust_dist*1000), sized according to the mean pairwise distance of each cluster's 'pres.coords'.

  • "clust_width": a different buffer around each cluster of 'pres.coords' (clusters computed as described for 'clust_mean_dist'), sized according to the terra::width() of each cluster's 'pres.coords'.


if 'type' involves clusters, numeric value specifying the distance threshold (in km) within which points are clustered together. Default 100.


if type = "mean_dist" or "clust_mean_dist", multiplier of the mean pairwise point distance to use for the terra::buffer() radius around each cluster. Default 1.


if type = "width" or "clust_width", multiplier of the width to use for the terra::buffer() radius. Default 0.5.


logical (used only if 'type' includes clusters) indicating whether to weigh the radius of the buffer around each cluster proportionally to the number of points that it includes. Default FALSE; if set to TRUE, clusters with fewer points (possibly indicating more sparsely surveyed areas) get proportionally smaller buffers than the mean distances among them.


coordinate reference system of 'pres.coords' (if it is not a SpatVector with a defined CRS already), in one of the following formats: WKT/WKT2, <authority>:<code>, or PROJ-string notation (see terra::crs()).


optional matrix of pairwise distances among 'pres.coords', to use (if 'type' includes the string "dist" or "clust") for efficiency instead of computing a new one. Should normally be computed with [terra::distance()] or another function that takes the Earth's curvature into account.


argument to pass to [geodist::geodist()] (if 'dist_mat' is NULL) specifying the method for geodesic distance calculation. Can be "haversine" (the default, relatively fast but less accurate at long distances, especially near the poles), "vincenty" (more accurate, but slower and may fail for nearly antipodal points), "geodesic" (the most accurate, but slowest and may crash if many points), or "cheap" (the fastest, but inaccurate for maximum distances >100 km).


integer indicating the amount of messages to displayalong the process. The default is 2, for all available messages.


logical (default TRUE) indicating whether to plot the resulting region (in yelow), together with the input 'pres.coords' (black points, or points coloured according to their cluster) and a label with the number of points in each cluster (if 'type' involves clusters).


Most methods for computing species distribution models require predictor values for regions beyond those with species occurrence records, i.e. background or (pseudo)absence areas. The extent of these regions has a strong effect on model predictions. Ideally, they should include the areas that are within the reach of the species AND were reasonably surveyed. While sometimes we have a large enough and delimited area that we can use (e.g. when modelling a region where a national or regional distribution atlas is available), often we need to approximate the areas that appear to be both reasonably surveyed and within the species' reach.

Mind that no automated procedure can properly address all possible issues related to uneven data collection, or properly conform to all possible species distribution and survey patterns. Mind also that the output region from this function does not consider geographical barriers, or other factors that should also be taken into account when delimiting a region for modelling.

It is thus recommended to try different values for 'type' and associated parameters; judge for yourself which one provides the most plausible approximation to the surveyed region accessible to your target species; and possibly post-process (i.e. further edit) the resulting region in light of the available knowledge of that species' distribution, survey patterns and study region.


SpatVector polygon delimiting a region around 'pres.coords'


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also

terra::buffer(), terra::width()


## Not run: 
# you can run these examples if you have 'terra' and 'geodata' installed

# download example data:

occs <- geodata::sp_occurrence("Triturus", "pygmaeus")

occs_sv <- terra::vect(occs, geom = c("lon", "lat"), crs = "EPSG:4326")

cntry <- geodata::world(path = tempdir())


terra::plot(cntry, lwd = 0.2, add = TRUE)

# compute regions with some different methods:

reg1 <- fuzzySim::getRegion(occs_sv)

terra::plot(cntry, lwd = 0.2, add = TRUE)

reg2 <- fuzzySim::getRegion(occs_sv, type = "inv_dist")

terra::plot(cntry, lwd = 0.2, add = TRUE)

terra::plot(reg2, lwd = 4, border = "orange", add = TRUE)

reg3 <- fuzzySim::getRegion(occs_sv, type = "clust_width", weight = TRUE,
width_mult = 0.3)

terra::plot(cntry, lwd = 0.2, add = TRUE)

terra::plot(reg3, lwd = 4, border = "orange", add = TRUE)

# note it is up to the user to pre-process the data (e.g. by removing erroneous
# records) and/or post-process the region (e.g. by erasing islands, countries,
# or continents that are not accessible to the target species).

## End(Not run)

Grid (or thin) point occurrence records to the resolution of a raster map


This function takes a (single or multi-layer) SpatRaster or a Raster* object and a set of spatial coordinates of a species' presence (and optionally absence) records, and returns a data frame of the presences and absences with their raster values in the grid of pixels (cells). This is analogous to removing duplicates and thinning points (both presences and absences) with a distance equal to the pixel size of the raster map(s) on which analysis will be based.


gridRecords(rst, pres.coords, abs.coords = NULL, absences = TRUE,
species = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, plot = FALSE)



a Raster* or SpatRaster object (the latter is processed faster) with the desired spatial resolution and extent for the species presence-(pseudo)absence data, and the layer(s) whose values to extract for those data.


a SpatVector of points, or an object inheriting class 'data.frame' with 2 columns containing, respectively, the x and y, or longitude and latitude coordinates (in this order, and in the same coordinate reference system as 'rst'!) of the points where species presence was recorded.


(optional) same as 'pres.coords' but for points where the species was not recorded. If abs.coords=NULL and absences=TRUE (the default), all pixels that are not intersected by 'pres.coords' will be returned as absences (of records).


logical value indicating whether pixels without presence records should be returned as absences. The default is TRUE.


(optional) character vector, of the same length as 'nrow(pres.coords)', indicating the species to which each pair of coordinates corresponds. Useful for gridding records of more than one species at a time. Its unique values will be used as column names in the output. If this argument is specified, 'abs.coords' cannot be used.


logical value indicating whether pixels with NA in all of the 'rst' layers should be excluded from the output data frame. The default is TRUE.


logical value specifying whether to plot the resulting presences and absences. The default is FALSE (for back-compatibility).


See e.g. Baez et al. (2020), where this function was first used to get unique presences and absences from point occurrence data at the spatial resolution of marine raster variables.

You should consider cleaning the coordinates beforehand, e.g. with cleanCoords.

If your output has an overly large and/or spatially biased set of absences, it may be recommendable to use selectAbsences afterwards.


This function returns a data frame with the following columns:


integer, 1 for the cells (pixels) with one or more presence points; and (if absences=TRUE) 0 for the cells with no presence points, or (if 'abs.coords' are provided) for the cells with one or more absence points AND no presence points. If the 'species' argument is provided, instead of 'presence' you get one column named as each species.

'x', 'y'

centroid coordinates of each cell (pixel).


the pixel identifier in 'rst'.

one column for each layer in 'rst'

value of each pixel for each layer.

If plot=TRUE, the fuction also plots the resulting presences (blue "plus" signs) and absences (red "minus" signs).


This function requires either the raster or the terra package, depending on the class of 'rst'.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Baez J.C., Barbosa A.M., Pascual P., Ramos M.L. & Abascal F. (2020) Ensemble modelling of the potential distribution of the whale shark in the Atlantic Ocean. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 175-184

See Also

cleanCoords, selectAbsences


## Not run: 

# you can run these examples if you have the 'terra' package installed

# import a raster map and aggregate it to a coarser resolution:
r <- terra::rast(system.file("ex/elev.tif", package = "terra"))
r <- terra::aggregate(r, 6)

# generate some random presence and absence points:
presences <- terra::spatSample(as.polygons(r), 100)
absences <- terra::spatSample(as.polygons(r), 70)

# add these points to the map:
points(presences, pch = 20, cex = 0.3, col = "black")
points(absences, pch = 20, cex = 0.3, col = "white")

# use 'gridRecords' on these points:
gridded_pts <- gridRecords(rst = r, pres.coords = terra::crds(presences),
abs.coords = terra::crds(absences))


# map the gridded points (presences black, absences white):
points(gridded_pts[ , c("x", "y")], col = gridded_pts$presence)

# you can also do it with only presence (no absence) records
# in this case, by default (with 'absences = TRUE'),
# all pixels without presence points are returned as absences:

gridded_pres <- gridRecords(rst = r, pres.coords = terra::crds(presences))


points(presences, pch = 20, cex = 0.2, col = "black")
points(gridded_pres[ , c("x", "y")], col = gridded_pres$presence)

# with only presence (no absence) records, as in this latter case,
# you can grid records for multiple species at a time
# by adding a 'species' argument

presences$species <- rep(c("species1", "species2", "species3"), each = 33)


plot(r, col = hcl.colors(n = 100, palette = "blues"))
plot(presences, col = as.factor(presences$species), add = TRUE)

gridded_pres_mult <- gridRecords(rst = r, pres.coords = terra::crds(presences),
species = presences$species)


# add each each species' gridded presences to the map:
points(gridded_pres_mult[gridded_pres_mult[ , 1] == 1, c("x", "y")], col = 1, pch = 1)
points(gridded_pres_mult[gridded_pres_mult[ , 2] == 1, c("x", "y")], col = 2, pch = 2)
points(gridded_pres_mult[gridded_pres_mult[ , 3] == 1, c("x", "y")], col = 3, pch = 3)

## End(Not run)

Classify integer columns


This function detects which numeric columns in a data frame contain only whole numbers, and converts those columns to integer class, so that they take up less space.





a data frame containing possibly integer columns classified as "numeric".


The function returns a data frame with the same columns as 'data', but with those that are numeric and contain only whole numbers (possibly including NA) now classified as "integer".


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also

is.integer, as.integer, multConvert


dat <- data.frame(
  var1 = 1:10,
  var2 = as.numeric(1:10),
  var3 = as.numeric(c(1:4, NA, 6:10)),
  var4 = as.numeric(c(1:3, NaN, 5, Inf, 7, -Inf, 9:10)),
  var5 = as.character(1:10),
  var6 = seq(0.1, 1, by = 0.1),
  var7 = letters[1:10]
)  # creates a sample data frame


# var2 classified as "numeric" but contains only whole numbers
# var3 same as var2 but containing also NA values
# var4 same as var2 but containing also NaN and infinite values
# var5 contains only whole numbers but initially classified as factor

dat <- integerCols(dat)

# var2 and var3 now classified as "integer"
# var4 remains as numeric because contains infinite and NaN 
# (not integer) values
# var5 remains as factor

Trim off non-significant variables from a model


This function performs a stepwise removal of non-significant variables from a model object, following Crawley (2005, 2007).


modelTrim(model, method = "summary", alpha = 0.05, verbosity = 2, phy = NULL)



a model object of class 'lm', 'glm' or 'phylolm'.


the method for getting the p-value of each variable. Can be either "summary" for the p-values of the coefficient estimates, or (if the model class is 'lm' or 'glm') "anova" for the p-values of the variables themselves (see Details).


the threshold p-value above which a variable is to be removed.


integer number indicating the amount of messages to display; the default is the maximum number of messages available.


if 'model' is of class 'phylolm', the phylogenetic tree to pass to phylolm::phylolm() when re-computing the model after the removal of each non-significant variable.


Stepwise variable selection is a common procedure for simplifying models. It maximizes predictive efficiency in an objective and reproducible way, and it is useful when the individual importance of the predictors is not known a priori (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 2000). The step R function performs such procedure using an information criterion (AIC) to select the variables, but it often leaves variables that are not significant in the model. Such variables can be subsequently removed with a stepwise procedure (e.g. Crawley 2005, p. 208; Crawley 2007, p. 442 and 601; Barbosa & Real 2010, 2012; Estrada & Arroyo 2012). The 'modelTrim' function performs such removal automatically until all remaining variables are significant. It can also be applied to a full model (i.e., without previous use of the 'step' function), as it serves as a backward stepwise selection procedure based on the significance of the coefficients (if method = "summary", the default) or on the significance of the variables (if method = "anova", better when there are categorical variables in the model). See also stepwise for a more complete stepwise selection procedure based on a data frame.


The updated input model object after stepwise removal of non-significant variables.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Barbosa A.M. & Real R. (2010) Favourable areas for expansion and reintroduction of Iberian lynx accounting for distribution trends and genetic diversity of the European rabbit. Wildlife Biology in Practice 6: 34-47

Barbosa A.M. & Real R. (2012) Applying fuzzy logic to comparative distribution modelling: a case study with two sympatric amphibians. The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 428206

Crawley, M.J. (2005) Statistics: An introdution using R. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Crawley, M.J. (2007) The R Book. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Estrada A. & Arroyo B. (2012) Occurrence vs abundance models: Differences between species with varying aggregation patterns. Biological Conservation, 152: 37-45

Hosmer D. W. & Lemeshow S. (2000) Applied Logistic Regression (2nd ed). John Wiley and Sons, New York

See Also

step, stepwise


# load sample data:



# build a stepwise model of a species' occurrence based on
# some of the variables:

mod <- with(rotif.env, step(glm(Abrigh ~ Area + Altitude + AltitudeRange +
HabitatDiversity + HumanPopulation, family = binomial)))

# examine the model:

summary(mod)  # includes non-significant variables

# use modelTrim to get rid of those:

mod <- modelTrim(mod)

summary(mod)  # only significant variables remain

Overall overlap between model predictions


This function calculates the degree of overlap between the predictions of two models, using niche comparison metrics such as Schoener's D, Hellinger distance and Warren's I.


modOverlap(pred1, pred2, na.rm = TRUE)



numeric vector or SpatRaster layer of the predictions of a model, with values between 0 and 1.


numeric vector or SpatRaster layer of the predictions of another model, also with values between 0 and 1; must be of the same dimensions and in the same order as 'pred1'.


logical value indicating whether NA values should be removed prior to calculation. The default is TRUE.


See Warren et al. (2008).


This function returns a list of 3 metrics:


Schoener's (1968) D statistic for niche overlap, varying between 0 (no overlap) and 1 (identical niches).


the I index of Warren et al. (2008), based on Hellinger distance (below) but re-formulated to also vary between 0 (no overlap) and 1 (identical niches).


Hellinger distance (as in van der Vaart 1998, p. 211) between probability distributions, varying between 0 and 2.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Schoener T.W. (1968) Anolis lizards of Bimini: resource partitioning in a complex fauna. Ecology 49: 704-726

van der Vaart A.W. (1998) Asymptotic statistics. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (UK)

Warren D.L., Glor R.E. & Turelli M. (2008) Environmental niche equivalency versus conservatism: quantitative approaches to niche evolution. Evolution, 62: 2868-83 (and further ERRATUM)

See Also

fuzSim; fuzzyOverlay; niche.overlap in package phyloclim; ecospat.niche.overlap in package ecospat


# get an environmental favourability model for a rotifer species:



fav_current <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18, var.cols = 5:17,
step = TRUE, FDR = TRUE, trim = TRUE, P = FALSE, Fav = TRUE) $

# imagine you have a model prediction for this species in a future time
# (here we will create one by randomly jittering the current predictions)

fav_imag <- jitter(fav_current, amount = 0.2)
fav_imag[fav_imag < 0] <- 0
fav_imag[fav_imag > 1] <- 1

# calculate niche overlap between current and imaginary future predictions:

modOverlap(fav_current, fav_imag)

Multiple conversion


This function can simultaneously convert multiple columns of a matrix or data frame.


multConvert(data, conversion, cols = 1:ncol(data))



A matrix or data frame containing columns that need to be converted


the conversion to apply, e.g. as.factor or a custom-made function


the columns of 'data' to convert


Sometimes we need to change the data type (class, mode) of a variable in R. There are various possible conversions, performed by functions like as.integer, as.factor or as.character. If we need to perform the same conversion on a number of variables (columns) in a data frame, we can convert them all simultaneously using this function. By default it converts all columns in 'data', but you can specify just some of those. 'multConvert' can also be used to apply other kinds of transformations – for example, if you need to divide some of your columns by 100, just write a function to do this and then use 'multConvert' to apply this function to any group of columns.


The input data with the specified columns converted as specified in 'conversion'.


A. Marcia Barbosa




# convert the first 4 columns to character:
converted.rotif.env <- multConvert(data = rotif.env, 
conversion = as.character, cols = 1:4)



# divide some columns by 100:

div100 <- function(x) x / 100

rotif.env.cent <- multConvert(data = rotif.env, 
conversion = div100, cols = c(6:10, 12:17))


GLMs with variable selection for multiple species


This function performs selection of variables and calculates generalized linear models for a set of presence/absence records in a data frame, with a range of options for data partition, variable selection, and output form.


multGLM(data, sp.cols, var.cols, id.col = NULL, block.cols = NULL,
family = "binomial", test.sample = 0, FDR = FALSE, test = "Chisq",
correction = "fdr", FDR.first = TRUE, corSelect = FALSE, coeff = TRUE,
cor.thresh = ifelse(isTRUE(coeff), 0.8, 0.05), cor.method = "pearson",
step = TRUE, trace = 0, start = "null.model", direction = "both",
select = "AIC", trim = TRUE, Y.prediction = FALSE, P.prediction = TRUE,
Favourability = TRUE, group.preds = TRUE, TSA = FALSE, coord.cols = NULL,
degree = 3, verbosity = 2, = "Rao", test.out = "LRT", = 0.05,
p.out = 0.1, ...)



a data frame in wide format (see splist2presabs) containing, in separate columns, your species' binary (0/1) occurrence data and the predictor variables.


names or index numbers of the columns containing the species data to be modelled.


names or index numbers of the columns containing the predictor variables to be used for modelling.


(optional) name or index number of column containing the row identifiers (if defined, it will be included in the output 'predictions' data frame).


[UNDER IMPLEMENTATION] names or index numbers of the columns containing predictor variables to force into the model, even when a selection method is applied to the remaining variables.


argument to be passed to the glm function; currently, only 'binomial' is implemented here.


a subset of data to set aside for subsequent model testing. Can be a value between 0 and 1 for a proportion of the data to choose randomly (e.g. 0.2 for 20%); or an integer number for a particular number of cases to choose randomly among the records in 'data'; or a vector of integers for the index numbers of the particular rows to set aside; or "Huberty" for his rule of thumb based on the number of variables (Huberty 1994, Fielding & Bell 1997).


logical value indicating whether to do a preliminary exclusion of variables based on the false discovery rate (see FDR). The default is FALSE.


argument to pass to the FDR function (which, in turn, passes it to anova) if FDR=TRUE. The default is currently "Chisq" for back-compatibility.


argument to pass to the FDR function if FDR=TRUE. The default is "fdr", but see p.adjust for other options.


logical value indicating whether FDR exclusion (if FDR=TRUE) should be applied at the beginning. The default is TRUE. If set to FALSE (and if FDR=TRUE), FDR exclusion will be applied after 'corSelect' below.


logical value indicating whether to select among highly correlated variables using corSelect. The default is FALSE.


logical value to pass to corSelect (if corSelect=TRUE) indicating whether two variables should be considered highly correlated based on the magnitude of their coefficient (rather than p-value) of correlation. The default is TRUE.


numerical value indicating the correlation threshold to pass to corSelect (if corSelect=TRUE).


character value to pass to corSelect (if corSelect=TRUE) specifying the correlation coefficient to use. Can be "pearson" (the default), "kendall" or "spearman".


logical, whether to perform a stepwise selection of variables, using either the step function (if select = "AIC" or "BIC") or the stepwise function (if select = "p.value").


if positive, information is printed during the stepwise selection (if step=TRUE). Larger values may give more detailed information.


character string specifying whether to start with the 'null.model' (so that variable selection starts forward) or with the 'full.model' (so selection starts backward). Used only if step=TRUE.


if step=TRUE, argument to be passed to step or to stepwise specifying the direction of variable selection. Can be 'forward', 'backward', or 'both' (the default).


character string specifying the criterion for stepwise selection of variables if step=TRUE. Options are the default "AIC" (Akaike's Information Criterion; Akaike, 1973); BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion, also known as Schwarz criterion, SBC or SBIC; Schwarz, 1978); or "p.value" (Murtaugh, 2014). The first two options imply using step as the variable selection function, while the last option calls the stepwise function. If you set select="p.value", we recommend also setting trim=FALSE to avoid mixing different significance criteria.


logical value indicating whether to trim off non-significant variables from the models using modelTrim. This argument is TRUE by default (for back-compatibility), and it can be used whether or not step=TRUE – e.g. Crawley (2005, p. 208) and Crawley (2007, p. 442 and 601) recommend that step (with AIC selection) be followed by significance-based backward elimination).


logical value indicating whether to include output predictions in the scale of the predictor variables (type = "link" in predict.glm).


logical, whether to include output predictions in the scale of the response variable, i.e. probability (type = "response" in predict.glm).


logical, whether to apply the Favourability function to remove the effect of prevalence on predicted probability (Real et al. 2006) and include its results in the output.


logical, whether to group together predictions of similar type ('Y', 'P' or 'F') in the output 'predictions' table (e.g. if FALSE: sp1_Y, sp1_P, sp1_F, sp2_Y, sp2_P, sp2_F; if TRUE: sp1_Y, , sp2_Y, sp1_P, sp2_P, sp1_F, sp2_F).


logical, whether to add a trend surface analysis (calculated individually for each species) as a spatial variable in each model (with type="Y" – see multTSA for more details). The default is FALSE. If TRUE, this spatial trend will be treated as any other variable, i.e. also considered by arguments 'FDR', 'corSelect', etc.


argument to pass to multTSA (if TSA=TRUE).


argument to pass to multTSA (if TSA=TRUE).


numeric value indicating the amount of messages to display, from less to more verbose; currently meaningful values are 0, 1, and 2 (the default).

argument to pass to stepwise if select="p.value".


argument to pass to stepwise if select="p.value".

argument to pass to stepwise if select="p.value".


argument to pass to stepwise if select="p.value".


(for back-compatibility) additional arguments to be passed to modelTrim (if trim=TRUE).


This function automatically calculates binomial GLMs for one or more species (or other binary variables) in a data frame. The function can optionally perform stepwise variable selection using either stepwise or step (and it does so by default) instead of forcing all variables into the models, starting from either the null model (the default, so selection starts forward) or from the full model (so selection starts backward), and using AIC, BIC or statistical significance as a variable selection criterion. Instead or subsequently, it can also perform stepwise removal of non-significant variables from the models using the modelTrim function.

There is also an optional preliminary selection among highly correlated variables, and/or preliminary selection of variables with a significant bivariate relationship with the response, based on the false discovery rate (FDR). Note, however, that some variables can be significant in a multivariate model even if they would not have been selected by FDR.

Favourability can also be calculated by default, removing the effect of training prevalence from occurrence probability and thus allowing direct comparisons between different models (Real et al. 2006; Acevedo & Real 2012).

By default, all data are used in model training, but you can define an optional 'test.sample' to be reserved for model testing afterwards. You may also want to do a previous check for multicollinearity among variables, e.g. the variance inflation factor (VIF), using multicol.

The 'multGLM' function will create a list of the resulting models (each with the name of the corresponding species column) and a data frame with their predictions ('Y', 'P' and/or 'F', all of which are optional). If you plan on representing these predictions in a GIS format based on .dbf tables (e.g. ESRI Shapefile), remember that .dbf only allows up to 10 characters in column names; 'multGLM' predictions will add 2 characters (_Y, _P and/or _F) to each of your species column names, so better use species names/codes with up to 8 characters in the data set that you are modelling. You can create (sub)species name abbreviations with the spCodes function.


This function returns a list with the following components:


a data frame with the model predictions (if either of Y.prediction, P.prediction or Favourability are TRUE).


a list of the resulting model objects.


a list of character vectors naming the variables finally included in each model according to the specified selection criteria.


With step=TRUE (the default), an error may occur if there are missing values in some of the variables that are selected (see "Warning" in step). If this happens, you can use something like data=na.omit(data[ , c(sp.col, var.cols)]).

Thanks are due to Prof. Jose Carlos Guerrero at the University of the Republic (Uruguay), who funded the implementation of the options select="p.value" and FDR.first=FALSE.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Acevedo P. & Real R. (2012) Favourability: concept, distinctive characteristics and potential usefulness. Naturwissenschaften, 99:515-522

Akaike, H. (1973) Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In: Petrov B.N. & Csaki F., 2nd International Symposium on Information Theory, Tsahkadsor, Armenia, USSR, September 2-8, 1971, Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, p. 267-281.

Crawley, M.J. (2005) Statistics: An introdution using R. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Crawley, M.J. (2007) The R Book. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Fielding A.H. & Bell J.F. (1997) A review of methods for the assessment of prediction errors in conservation presence/absence models. Environmental Conservation 24: 38-49

Huberty C.J. (1994) Applied Discriminant Analysis. Wiley, New York, 466 pp. Schaafsma W. & van Vark G.N. (1979) Classification and discrimination problems with applications. Part IIa. Statistica Neerlandica 33: 91-126

Murtaugh P.A. (2014) In defense of P values. Ecology, 95:611-617

Real R., Barbosa A.M. & Vargas J.M. (2006) Obtaining environmental favourability functions from logistic regression. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 13: 237-245.

Schwarz, G.E. (1978) Estimating the dimension of a model. Annals of Statistics, 6 (2): 461-464.

See Also

glm, step, stepwise




# make models for 2 of the species in rotif.env:

mods <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 46:47, var.cols = 5:17, id.col = 1,
step = TRUE, FDR = TRUE, trim = TRUE)


# include each species' spatial trend in the models:

mods <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 46:47, var.cols = 5:17, id.col = 1,
step = TRUE, FDR = TRUE, trim = TRUE, TSA = TRUE, coord.cols = c(11, 10))


# you can then use these selected variables elsewhere

Analyse multicollinearity in a dataset, including VIF


This function analyses multicollinearity in a set of variables or in a model, including the R-squared, tolerance and variance inflation factor (VIF).


multicol(vars = NULL, model = NULL, reorder = TRUE)



A matrix or data frame containing the numeric variables for which to calculate multicollinearity. Only the 'independent' (predictor, explanatory, right hand side) variables should be entered, as the result obtained for each variable depends on all the other variables present in the analysed data set.


Alternatively to 'vars', a model object of class "glm" to calculate 'multicol' among the included variables.


logical, whether variables should be output in decreasing order or VIF value rather than in their input order. The default is TRUE.


Testing collinearity among covariates is a recommended step of data exploration before applying a statistical model (Zuur et al. 2010). However, you can also calculate multicollinearity among the variables already included in a model.

The multicol function calculates the degree of multicollinearity in a set of numeric variables, using three closely related measures: R squared (the coefficient of determination of a linear regression of each predictor variable on all other predictor variables, i.e., the amount of variation in each variable that is accounted for by other variables in the dataset); tolerance (1 - R squared), i.e. the amount of variation in each variable that is not included in the remaining variables; and the variance inflation factor: VIF = 1 / (1 - R squared), which, in a linear model with these variables as predictors, reflects the degree to which the variance of an estimated regression coefficient is increased due only to the correlations among covariates (Marquardt 1970; Mansfield & Helms 1982).


The function returns a matrix with one row per analysed variable, the names of the variables as row names, and 3 columns: R-squared, Tolerance and VIF.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Marquardt D.W. (1970) Generalized inverses, ridge regression, biased linear estimation, and nonlinear estimation. Technometrics 12: 591-612.

Mansfield E.R. & Helms B.P. (1982) Detecting multicollinearity. The American Statistician 36: 158-160.

Zuur A.F., Ieno E.N. & Elphick C.S. (2010) A protocol for data exploration to avoid common statistical problems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1: 3-14.

See Also

vif in package HH, vif in package usdm



# calculate multicollinearity among the predictor variables:
multicol(rotif.env[ , 5:17], reorder = FALSE)
multicol(rotif.env[ , 5:17])

# you can also calculate multicol among the variables included in a model:
mod <- step(glm(Abrigh ~ Area + Altitude + AltitudeRange + 
HabitatDiversity + HumanPopulation + Latitude + Longitude + 
Precipitation + PrecipitationSeasonality + TemperatureAnnualRange 
+ Temperature + TemperatureSeasonality + UrbanArea, 
data = rotif.env))
multicol(model = mod)

# more examples using R datasets:

# you'll get a warning and some NA results if any of the variables 
# is not numeric:

# so define the subset of numeric 'vars' to calculate 'multicol' for:
multicol(OrchardSprays[ , 1:3])

Trend Surface Analysis for multiple species


This function performs trend surface analysis for one or more species at a time. It converts categorical presence-absence (1-0) data into continuous surfaces denoting the spatial trend in species' occurrence patterns.


multTSA(data, sp.cols, coord.cols, id.col = NULL, degree = 3,
step = TRUE, criterion = "AIC", type = "P", Favourability = FALSE,
suffix = "_TS", save.models = FALSE, verbosity = 2, ...)



a matrix or data frame containing, at least, two columns with spatial coordinates, and one column per species containing their presence (1) and absence (0) data, with localities in rows.


names or index numbers of the columns containing the species presences and absences in data. Must contain only zeros (0) for absences and ones (1) for presences.


names or index numbers of the columns containing the spatial coordinates in data (x and y, or longitude and latitude, in this order!).


optionally, the name or index number of a column (to be included in the output) containing locality identifiers in data.


the degree of the spatial polynomial to use (see Details). The default is 3.


logical value indicating whether the regression of presence-absence on the spatial polynomial should do a stepwise inclusion of the polynomial terms (using the step function with default settings, namely backward AIC selection), rather than forcing all terms into the equation. The default is TRUE.


character value indicating whether the backward stepwise selection of variables (if step = TRUE) should be made according to "AIC" (the default, using the step function) or to "significance" (using the modelTrim function).


the type of trend surface to obtain. Can be either "Y" for the raw polynomial equation (i.e. in the scale of the predictors, e.g. if you want to use the spatial trend as a predictor variable in a model), "P" for the logit-transformed probability (e.g. if you want to use the output as a prediction of presence probability based on spatial trend alone), or "F" for spatial favourability, i.e., prevalence-independent probability (see Fav).


deprecated argument; 'type' should now be used instead, although (at least for the timebeing) this will still be accepted (with Favourability=TRUE internally resulting in type="F") for back-compatibility.


character indicating the suffix to add to the trend surface columns in the resulting data frame. The default is "_TS".


logical value indicating whether the models obtained from the regressions should be saved and included in the output. The default is FALSE.


integer value indicating the amount of messages to display; currently meaningful values are 0, 1, and 2 (the default).


additional arguments to be passed to modelTrim (if step = TRUE and criterion = "significance").


Trend Surface Analysis is a way to model the spatial structure in species' distributions by regressing occurrence data on the spatial coordinates x and y, for a linear trend, or on polynomial terms of these coordinates (x^2, y^2, x*y, etc.), for curvilinear trends (Legendre & Legendre, 1998; Borcard et al., 2011). Second- and third-degree polynomials are often used. 'multTSA' allows specifying the degree of the spatial polynomial to use. By default, it uses a 3rd-degree polynomial and performs stepwise AIC selection of the polynomial terms to include.


This function returns a matrix or data frame containing the identifier column (if provided in 'id.col') and one column per species containing the value predicted by the trend surface analysis. If save.models = TRUE, the output is a list containing this dataframe plus a list of the model objects.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Borcard D., Gillet F. & Legendre P. (2011) Numerical Ecology with R. Springer, New York.

Legendre P. & Legendre L. (1998) Numerical Ecology. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

See Also

distPres, poly, multGLM





tsa <- multTSA(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:20,
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), id.col = 1)


Pairwise intersection (and union) of range maps


This function takes a set of rangemaps and returns a matrix containing the areas of their pairwise intersections; optionally, also their individual areas and/our their areas of pairwise unions.


pairwiseRangemaps(rangemaps, projection = NULL, diag = TRUE, unions = TRUE,
verbosity = 2, Ncpu = 1, nchunks = 1, subchunks = NULL,
filename = "rangemap_matrix.csv")



a character vector of rangemap filenames, including the extension (e.g. ".shp" or ".gpkg"), and the folder paths if not in the woorking directory.


DEPRECATED argument, previously required by function 'PBSmapping::importShapefile', which is now here replaced with 'terra::vect'. Will be ignored with a message if provided. Mind that area computations are more accurate with unprojected input maps (see ?terra::expanse).


logical, whether to fill the diagonal of the resulting matrix with the area of each rangemap. The default is TRUE, and it is also automatically set to TRUE (as it is necessary) if unions = TRUE.


logical, whether to fill the upper triangle of the resulting matrix with the area of union of each pair of rangemaps. The default is TRUE. It is not as computationally intensive as the intersection, as it is calculated not with spatial but with algebraic operations within the matrix (union = area1 + area2 - intersection).


integer number indicating the amount of progress messages to display.


integer indicating the number of CPUs (central processing units) to employ if parallel computing is to be used. The default is 1 CPU, which implies no parallel computing, but you may want to increase this if you have many and/or large rangemaps and your machine has more cores that can be used simultaneously. You can find out the total number of cores in you machine with the detectCores function of the parallel package; a usually wise option is to use all cores except one (i.e., Ncpu = parallel::detectCores()-1).


either an integer indicating the number of chunks of rows in which to divide the results matrix for calculations, or character "decreasing" to indicate that the matrix should be divided into chunks of decreasing number of rows (as intersections are calculated in the lower triangle, rows further down the matrix have an increasing number of intersections to compute). Note, however, that rangemap size, not rangemap number, is the main determinant of computation time. The default is 1 (no division of the matrix) but, if you have many rangemaps, the process can get clogged. With chunks, each set of rows of the matrix is calculated and saved to disk, and the memory is cleaned before the next chunk begins.


optional integer vector specifying which chunks to actually calculate. This is useful if a previous, time-consuming run of pairwiseRangemaps was interrupted (e.g. by a power outage) and you want to calculate only the remaining chunks.


optional character vector indicating the name of the file to save the resulting matrix to.


This computation can be intensive and slow, especially if you have many and/or large rangemaps, due to the time needed for pairwise spatial operations between them. You can set nchunks="decreasing" for the matrix to be calculated in parts and the memory cleaned between one part and the next; and, if your computer has more than one core that you can use, you can increase 'Ncpu' to get parallel computing.


This function returns a square matrix containing, in the lower triangle, the area of the pair-wise intersections among the input 'rangemaps'; in the diagonal (if diag = TRUE or union = TRUE), the area of each rangemap; and in the upper triangle (if union = TRUE), the area of the pair-wise unions among the rangemaps.


This function previously used the PBSmapping package to import and intersect the rangemaps and to calculate areas. Now it uses the terra package instead. Mind that, after the implementation of spherical geometry, area computations are more accurate with unprojected input maps (see ?terra::expanse). Small differences can thus arise between the results of the previous version and the current version (from fuzzySim 4.9.4).


A. Marcia Barbosa


Barbosa A.M. & Estrada A. (2016) Calcular corotipos sin dividir el territorio en OGUs: una adaptacion de los indices de similitud para su utilizacion directa sobre areas de distribucion. In: Gomez Zotano J., Arias Garcia J., Olmedo Cobo J.A. & Serrano Montes J.L. (eds.), Avances en Biogeografia. Areas de Distribucion: Entre Puentes y Barreras, pp. 157-163. Editorial Universidad de Granada & Tundra Ediciones, Granada (Spain)

See Also


Partial response plot(s) for probability or favourability


This function produces partial response plot(s) for probability or favourability, for one to all variables in a 'glm' model object.


partialResp(model, vars = NULL, Fav = FALSE, se.mult = 1.96, plot.points = FALSE,
ylim = c(0, 1), reset.par = TRUE, ...)



a model object of class 'glm' and family 'binomial'.


character vector of the name(s) of the variable(s) for which to compute the partial response plot. The default is NULL, for all variables in 'model'.


logical value indicating whether to compute the response curve(s) for Favourability instead of predicted probability. Default FALSE.


numeric value indicating the multiplier for the standard error of the predictions. The default is 1.96, for the 95% confidence interval. If set to 0, no confidence intervals are plotted.


logical value indicating whether to plot the points of predicted probability (or favourability, if Fav=TRUE) against the values of the plotted variable. Default FALSE.


either a numeric vector of length 2 indicating the minimum and maximum value for the y-axis, or character value "auto" for fitting the axis limits to the existing values in each plot. The default is c(0, 1), for all curves to be directly comparable.


logical. If TRUE (the default), plotting parameters are changed by the function and reset in the end. FALSE can be useful if the user wants to set their own parameters (like 'mfrow' or 'mar') and combine this with other plots.


some additional arguments that can be passed to plot, e.g. 'main'.


Each variable is plotted at intervals corresponding to 1/100th of its range. Confidence intervals are computed as the value plus/minus 2 * the standard error. To avoid the confidence intervals exceeding the 0:1 interval, which is possible for probability, the standard error is computed on the predictions at the scale of the predictors (i.e., computed with type="link"), and then back-transformed with model\$family\$linkinv (


A partial response plot for each variable.


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also

Fav, plotmo, partialResponse



form <- reformulate(names(rotif.env)[5:17], "Kcochl")

mod <- glm(form, data = rotif.env, family = binomial)


partialResp(mod, Fav = TRUE)

partialResp(mod, Fav = TRUE, plot.points = TRUE)

Percent test data


Based on the work of Schaafsma & van Vark (1979), Huberty (1994) provided a heuristic ("rule of thumb") for determining an adequate proportion of data to set aside for testing species presence/absence models, based on the number of predictor variables that are used (Fielding & Bell 1997). The 'percentTestData' function calculates this proportion as a percentage.





the number of variables in the model.


A numeric value of the percentage of data to leave out of the model for further model testing.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Huberty C.J. (1994) Applied Discriminant Analysis. Wiley, New York, 466 pp.

Schaafsma W. & van Vark G.N. (1979) Classification and discrimination problems with applications. Part IIa. Statistica Neerlandica 33: 91-126

Fielding A.H. & Bell J.F. (1997) A review of methods for the assessment of prediction errors in conservation presence/absence models. Environmental Conservation 24: 38-49

See Also



# say you're building a model with 15 variables:


# the result tells you that 21% is an appropriate percentage of data
# to set aside for testing your model, so train it with 79% of the data



Prevalence is the proportion of presences of a species in a dataset, which is required (together with presence probability) for computing Favourability.


prevalence(obs, model = NULL, event = 1, na.rm = TRUE)



a vector or a factor of binary observations (e.g. 1 vs. 0, male vs. female, disease vs. no disease, etc.). This argument is ignored if 'model' is provided.


alternatively to 'obs', a binary-response model object of class "glm", "gam", "gbm", "randomForest" or "bart". If this argument is provided, 'obs' will be extracted with 'modEvA::mod2obspred'.


the value whose prevalence we want to calculate (e.g. 1, "present", etc.). This argument is ignored if 'model' is provided.


logical, whether NA values should be excluded from the calculation. The default is TRUE.


Numeric value of the prevalence of event in the obs vector.


A. Marcia Barbosa


# calculate prevalence from binary vectors:

(x <- rep(c(0, 1), each = 5))

(y <- c(rep(0, 3), rep(1, 7)))

(z <- c(rep(0, 7), rep(1, 3)))




(w <- c(rep("yes", 3), rep("nope", 7)))

prevalence(w, event = "yes")

# calculate prevalence from a model object:


mod <- glm(Abrigh ~ HabitatDiversity + HumanPopulation, family = binomial, data = rotif.env)

prevalence(model = mod)

# same as:
prevalence(obs = rotif.env$Abrigh)

Pairwise similarity between rangemaps


Calculate pairwise similarity among rangemaps from a matrix of their areas of intersection and union


rangemapSim(rangemap.matrix, total.area, 
method = c("Jaccard", "Sorensen", "Simpson", "Baroni"), 
diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, verbosity = 2)



a matrix like the one produced by function pairwiseRangemaps, containing the areas of pairwise intersection among rangemaps in the lower triangle, individual rangemap areas in the diagonal, and pairwise union areas in the upper diagonal.


numeric value indicating the total size of the study area, in the same units as the areas in the rangemap.matrix. Used only if 'method' uses shared absences (as is the case of "Baroni")


character value indicating the similarity index to use. Currently implemented indices are "Jaccard", "Sorensen", "Simpson" and "Baroni". The default is the first one.


logical value indicating if the diagonal of the resulting matrix should be filled


logical value indicating if the upper triangle of the resulting matrix should be filled (symmetrical to the lower triangle)


integer number indicating the amount of messages to display.


Distributional relationships among species are commonly determined based on pair-wise (dis)similarities in species' occurrence patterns. Some of the most commonly employed similarity indices are those of Jaccard (1901), Sorensen (1948), Simpson (1960) and Baroni-Urbani & Buser (1976), which are here implemented for comparing rangemaps based on their areas of intersection and union (Barbosa & Estrada, in press).


This function returns a square matrix of pairwise similarities between the rangemaps in 'rangemap.matrix', calculated with the (first) similarity index specified in 'method'.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Barbosa A.M. & Estrada A. (in press) Calcular corotipos sin dividir el territorio en OGUs: una adaptacion de los indices de similitud para su utilizacion directa sobre areas de distribucion. In: Areas de distribucion: entre puentes y barreras. Universidad de Granada, Spain.

Baroni-Urbani C. & Buser M.W. (1976) Similarity of Binary Data. Systematic Zoology, 25: 251-259

Jaccard P. (1901) Etude comparative de la distribution florale dans une portion des Alpes et des Jura. Memoires de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 37: 547-579

Simpson G.G. (1960) Notes on the measurement of faunal resemblance. Amer. J. Sci. 258A, 300-311

Sorensen T. (1948) A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species and its application to analyses of the vegetation on Danish commons. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 5(4): 1-34

See Also

pairwiseRangemaps; simFromSetOps; simMat

(Fuzzy) rarity


This function computes the index of species rarity of Real et al. (2006), using either crisp (presence/absence, i.e. ones and zeros) or fuzzy values (e.g. Favourability, between zero and one), for a single species or for several species across a study area. Rarity is like a (potential) richness index in which rarer species have higher weight.


rarity(data, sp.cols = 1:ncol(data), na.rm = TRUE)



a numeric vector, matrix or data frame containing the presence/absence or the Favourability (fuzzy presence) values for the target species.


names or index numbers of the columns of 'data' that contain the species values for which to compute rarity. The default is to use all columns.


logical value indicating whether NA values should be removed before the computation.


If the input data include only one species (i.e. a numeric vector or a one-column table, with one value for each locality), rarity is 1 divided by the sum of its values. If the input includes more than one species or column, rarity is the sum of the product of each (fuzzy) presence value by the rarity of the corresponding species, so that rarer species have higher weight in the resulting sum (Real et al. 2006). See also Estrada et al. (2011) for a more complex version of fuzzy rarity.


If 'data' is a vector or a one-column table, or if 'sp.cols' is of length 1, this function returns a single value of rarity for the underlying species, which is simply 1 divided by the sum of its values. If 'data' and 'sp.cols' refer to more than 1 column, the function returns the total combined rarity value of all corresponding species for each row in 'data' (see Examples).


A. Marcia Barbosa


Real R., Estrada A., Barbosa A.M. & Vargas J.M. (2006) Aplicacion de la logica difusa al concepto de rareza para su uso en Gap Analysis: el caso de los mamiferos terrestres en Andalucia. Serie Geografica 13: 99-116

Estrada A., Real R. & Vargas J.M. (2011) Assessing coincidence between priority conservation areas for vertebrate groups in a Mediterranean hotspot. Biological Conservation, 144: 1120-1129

See Also





rarity(rotif.env[ , 18])

rarity(rotif.env, sp.cols = "Abrigh")

rarity(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:47)
# yields one value of combined rarity for each row in 'data'

# fuzzy rarity (from favourability values):

pred <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:20, var.cols = 5:17)$predictions


rarity(pred, sp.cols = "Abrigh_F")

rarity(pred, sp.cols = c("Abrigh_F", "Afissa_F", "Apriod_F"))
# yields one value of combined rarity for each row in 'data'

Rotifers and environmental variables on TDWG level 4 regions of the world


These data were extracted from a database of monogonont rotifer species presence records on the geographical units used by the Biodiversity Information Standards (formerly Taxonomic Database Working Group, TDWG: and a few environmental (including human and spatial) variables on the same spatial units. The original data were compiled and published by Fontaneto et al. (2012) in long (narrow, stacked) format. Here they are presented in wide or unstacked format (presence-absence table, obtained with the splist2presabs function), reduced to the species recorded in at least 100 (roughly one third) different TDWG level 4 units, and with abbreviations of the species' names (obtained with the spCodes function). Mind that this is not a complete picture of these species' distributions, due to insufficient sampling in many regions.




A data frame with 291 observations on the following 47 variables.


a factor with 291 levels indicating the abbreviation code of each TDWG4 region


a factor with 291 levels indicating the name of each TDWG4 region


a factor with 47 levels indicating the name of the main geographical region to which each TDWG4 level belongs


a factor with 9 levels indicating the continent to which each TDWG4 level belongs


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


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a numeric vector


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a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


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a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


Fontaneto D., Barbosa A.M., Segers H. & Pautasso M. (2012) The 'rotiferologist' effect and other global correlates of species richness in monogonont rotifers. Ecography, 35: 174-182.




Rotifer species on TDWG level 4 regions of the world


These data were extracted from a database of monogonont rotifer species records on the geographical units used by the Biodiversity Information Standards (formerly Taxonomic Database Working Group, TDWG: The original data were compiled and published by Fontaneto et al. (2012) for all TDWG levels. Here they are reduced to the TDWG - level 4 units and to the species recorded in at least 100 (roughly one third) of these units. Mind that this is not a complete picture of these species' distributions, due to insufficient sampling in many regions.




A data frame with 3865 observations on the following 2 variables.


a factor with 274 levels corresponding to the code names of the TDWG level 4 regions in which the records were taken


a factor with 30 levels corresponding to the names of the (sub)species recorded in at least 100 different TDWG level 4 regions


Fontaneto D., Barbosa A.M., Segers H. & Pautasso M. (2012) The 'rotiferologist' effect and other global correlates of species richness in monogonont rotifers. Ecography, 35: 174-182.



head(rotifers, 10)

Select (spatially biased) absence rows.


This function takes a matrix or (optionally spatial) data frame containing species presence (1) and (pseudo)absence (0) data (e.g., the output of [gridRecords), and it selects among the absence rows to stay within a given number or ratio of absences, and/or within and/or beyond a given distance to the presences. Optionally, to incorporate survey bias, absences can be selected with higher probability towards the vicinity of presences; or with probability weights according to a user-provided bias raster.


selectAbsences(data, sp.cols, coord.cols = NULL, CRS = NULL, min.dist = NULL,
max.dist = NULL, n = NULL, mult.p = NULL, bias = FALSE, bunch = FALSE,
dist.mat = NULL, seed = NULL, plot = !is.null(coord.cols), df = TRUE,
verbosity = 2)



a 'data.frame' or an object that can be coerced to such (e.g. a 'matrix', 'tibble', 'SpatVector' or 'sf' object) containing a column with the species' presence (1) and absence (0) records, with localities in rows; and (if distance or spatial bias are required) two columns with the spatial coordinates, x and y.


names or index numbers of the columns containing the species presences (1) and absences (0) in 'data'.


names or index numbers of the columns containing the spatial coordinates in 'data' (x and y, or longitude and latitude, in this order!). Needed if distance or spatial bias are required.


coordinate reference system of the 'coord.cols' in 'data', in one of the following formats: WKT/WKT2, <authority>:<code>, or PROJ-string notation (see terra::crs()). Ignored if 'dist.mat' is provided. Otherwise, if 'CRS' is provided and the 'terra' package is installed, distances are computed with terra::distance(), thus accounting for the curvature of the Earth.


(optional) numeric value specifying the minimum distance (in the same units as 'coord.cols') at which selected absences should be from the presences.


(optional) numeric value specifying the maximum distance (in the same units as 'coord.cols') at which selected absences should be from the presences.


(optional) integer value specifying the number of absence rows to select. Can also be specified as a ratio – see 'mult.p' below.


(optional) numeric value specifying how many times the number of presences to use as 'n' (e.g. 10 times as many absences as presences). Ignored if 'n' is not NULL.


either a logical value TRUE to make the selection of absences biased towards the vicinity of presences (which requires specifying 'coord.cols'; may take time and memory for large datasets if 'dist.mat' is not provided); or a SpatRaster layer (quantifying e.g. survey effort, accessibility or human presence) with larger pixel values where the selection of absences should be more likely. Note that this layer should have (approximately) the same spatial resolution as 'data'. The default is FALSE, for no bias.


optional argument to pass to distPres. If not provided, a distance matrix will be computed with 'stats::dist' or with 'terra::distance'.


[PENDING IMPLEMENTATION] logical value specifying if the selected absences should concentrate around presences in proportion to their local density, as in Vollering et al. (2019). The default is FALSE.


(optional) integer value to pass to set.seed specifying the random seed to use for sampling among the absences.


logical value specifying whether to plot the result. The default is TRUE if 'coord.cols' are provided.


logical value specifying whether to return a dataframe with the input 'data' after removal of the non-selected absences. The default is TRUE. If set to FALSE, the output is a logical vector specifying if each row of 'data' was selected or not.


numeric value indicating the amount of messages to display. Choose 0 for no messages.


Species occurrence data typically incorporate two probability distributions: the actual probability of the species being present, and the probability of it being recorded if it was present (Merow et al. 2013). Thus, any covariation between recording probability and the predictor variables can bias the predictions of species distribution models (Yackulic et al. 2013).

Methods to correct for this bias include the selection of (pseudo)absences preferably towards the vicinity of presence records, in order to reproduce the survey bias. This function implements this strategy in several (alternative or complementary) ways: 1) selecting absences within and/or beyond a given distance from presences; 2) biasing the random selection of absences, making it more likely towards the vicinity of presences (providing the 'prob' argument in sample with the result of distPres); or [PENDING IMPLEMENTATION!] 3) bunching up the absences preferably around the areas with higher densities of presences (Vollering et al. 2019).

More recent versions allow using instead a raster map of weights (bias layer), with higher pixel values where absence selection should be proportionaly more likely, and zero or NA where pseudoabsence points should not be placed. This layer should normally reflect (a proxy for) likely survey effort, such as proximity to roads or populated areas, human footprint (see e.g. geodata::footprint) or travel time (e.g. geodata::travel_time). Users should provide the bias layer at aproximately the same spatial resolution as the 'coord.cols' in the input 'data'.


This function returns the 'data' input after removal of the non-selected absences, or (if df=FALSE) a logical vector specifying if each row of 'data' was selected (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If plot=TRUE and provided 'coord.cols', it also plots the presences (blue "plus" signs), the selected absences (red "minus" signs) and the excluded absences (orange dots).


A. Marcia Barbosa


Vollering J., Halvorsen R., Auestad I. & Rydgren K. (2019) Bunching up the background betters bias in species distribution models. Ecography, 42: 1717-1727

See Also

gridRecords, sample






# select among the absences using different criteria:

burceo_select <- selectAbsences(data = rotif.env, sp.cols = "Burceo",
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), n = 150, seed = 123)

burceo_select <- selectAbsences(data = rotif.env, sp.cols = "Burceo",
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), mult.p = 1.5, seed = 123)

burceo_select <- selectAbsences(data = rotif.env, sp.cols = "Burceo",
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), max.dist = 18)

burceo_select <- selectAbsences(data = rotif.env, sp.cols = "Burceo",
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), max.dist = 18, min.dist = 5,
n = sum(rotif.env$Burceo), bias = TRUE)

## Not run: 
# you can run the next example if you have the 'geodata' package installed:

bias_layer <- geodata::footprint(year = 2009, path = tempfile())

burceo_select <- fuzzySim::selectAbsences(data = rotif.env, sp.cols = "Burceo",
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), n = sum(rotif.env$Burceo),
bias = bias_layer)

## End(Not run)

Shared favourability for two competing species


This function implements the graphical analyses of Acevedo et al. (2010, 2012) on biogeographical interactions. It takes two vectors of favourability values at different localities for, respectively, a stronger and a weaker competing species (or two equally strong competitors), and plots their favourableness or shared favourability to assess potential competitive interactions.


sharedFav(strong_F, weak_F, conf = 0.95, bin_interval = "0.1", ...)



a numeric vector of favourability values (obtained, e.g., with functions Fav or multGLM) for the stronger species.


a numeric vector of favourability values for the weaker species. Must be of the same length and in the same order as strong_F.


confidence level for the confidence intervals in the plot. The default is 0.95. Set it to NA for no confidence intervals (see "Note" below).


character value specifying the method for grouping the favourability values into bins for plotting and comparing mean favourability for each species. Currently implemented options are "0.1" (the default, dividing the values at 0.1 intervals as per Acevedo et al. 2010, 2012) and "quantiles" (as the former method may produce an error if there are bins too small to allow computing confidence intervals). See "Note" below.


some additional arguments can be passed to barplot, such as "main" (for the plot title) or "las" (for the orientation of the axis labels).


This function implements the biogeographic analyses of Acevedo et al. (2010, 2012), assessing the trends of environmental favourability across a range of favourability intersection values between two interacting species. It first calculates the fuzzy intersection (minimum value) between the two species' favourability values at each locality (i.e., favourability for the occurrence of both species simultaneously); it groups these values into 10 bins; and calculates the mean favourability (and its confidence interval) for each of the two species within each interval.

According to the notion of "favorableness" by Richerson & Lum (1980), competing species may or may not be able to coexist depending on their relative environmental fitnesses; competition between species increases and competitive exclusion decreases as their favourability intersection increases (Acevedo et al. 2010, 2012). The shaded area in the shared favourability plot, where at least one of the species is at intermediate favourability, is the area where competitive interactions may limit species occurrence. Outside this shaded area, where favourability is either very low for at least one of the species (left) or very high for both species (right side of the plot), competition is not limiting (see also bioThreat for details).


This function returns the numeric value of the fuzzy overlap index (FOvI; Dubois & Prade 1980, Acevedo et al. 2010, 2012), a data frame with the bin values and the shared favourability plot, with circles and a continuous line representing favourability for the stronger species, and squares and a dashed line representing favourability for the weaker species. The height of the bars at the bottom represents the proportional sample size of each bin.


This function may generate an error if one or more bins don't have enough values for the confidence interval to be computed. If this occurs, you can try a different 'bin_interval' (e.g. "quantiles") or set the 'conf' argument to NA (in which case confidence intervals will not be computed). Either will affect only the plot, not the overall fuzzy overlap value.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Acevedo P., Ward A.I., Real R. & Smith G.C. (2010) Assessing biogeographical relationships of ecologically related species using favourability functions: a case study on British deer. Diversity and Distributions, 16: 515-528

Acevedo P., Jimenez-Valverde A., Melo-Ferreira J., Real R. & Alves, P.C. (2012) Parapatric species and the implications for climate change studies: a case study on hares in Europe. Global Change Biology, 18: 1509-1519

Dubois D. & Prade H. (1980) Fuzzy sets and systems: theory and applications. Academic Press, New York

Richerson P.J. & Lum K. (1980) Patterns of plant species and diversity in California: relation to weather and topography. American Naturalist, 116: 504-536

See Also

bioThreat, Fav


# get favourability model predictions for two species:
mods <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = 19:20, var.cols = 5:17)
favs <- mods$predictions[ , 3:4]

# get shared favourability:
sharedFav(strong_F = favs[,1], weak_F = favs[,2], main = "Shared favourability")

sharedFav(strong_F = favs[,1], weak_F = favs[,2], bin_interval = "quantiles",
main = "Shared favourability", las = 2)

Calculate similarity from set operations


This function calculates pair-wise similarity based on the results of set operations (intersection, union) among the subjects.


simFromSetOps(size1, size2, intersection, union, total.size = NULL, 
method = c("Jaccard", "Sorensen", "Simpson", "Baroni"), 
verbosity = 1)



size of subject 1 (e.g., area of the distribution range of a species, or its number of presences within a grid). Not needed if method = "Jaccard".


the same for subject 2.


size of the intersection among subjects 1 and 2 (area of the intersection among their distribution ranges, or number of grid cells in which they co-occur).


size of the union of subjects 1 and 2.


total size of the study area. Needed only when calculating a similarity index that takes shared absences into account (i.e., method = "Baroni").


the similarity index to use. Currently implemented options are "Jaccard", "Sorensen", "Simpson" or "Baroni".


integer indicating whether to display messages.


Similarities among ecological communities, beta diversity patterns, biotic regions, and distributional relationships among species are commonly determined based on pair-wise (dis)similarities in species' occurrence patterns. This function implements some of the most commonly employed similarity indices, namely those of Jaccard (1901), Sorensen (1948), Simpson (1960) and Baroni-Urbani & Buser (1976), based on the amount of occupied and overlap area between two species.


The numeric value of similarity among subjects 1 and 2.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Baroni-Urbani C. & Buser M.W. (1976) Similarity of Binary Data. Systematic Zoology, 25: 251-259

Jaccard P. (1901) Etude comparative de la distribution florale dans une portion des Alpes et des Jura. Memoires de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 37: 547-579

Simpson, G.G. (1960) Notes on the measurement of faunal resemblance. Amer. J. Sci. 258A, 300-311

Sorensen T. (1948) A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species and its application to analyses of the vegetation on Danish commons. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 5(4): 1-34

See Also

fuzSim, simMat


# take two species which occur in 22 and 35 area units, respectively
# and which overlap in 8 of those units:

sp1 <- 22
sp2 <- 35
int <- 8
uni <- sp1 + sp2 - int

# calculate similarity between their distributions based on 
# different indices:

simFromSetOps(intersection = int, union = uni, method = "Jaccard")

simFromSetOps(sp1, sp2, int, uni, method = "Sorensen")

simFromSetOps(sp1, sp2, int, uni, method = "Simpson")

# if you want Baroni-Urbani & Buser's index
# you need to provide also the total size of your study area:

simFromSetOps(sp1, sp2, int, uni, total = 100, method = "Baroni")

Pair-wise (fuzzy) similarity matrix


simMat takes multiple species occurrence data or regional species composition, either categorical (0 or 1) or fuzzy (between 0 and 1), and uses the fuzSim function to compute a square matrix of pair-wise similarities between them, using a fuzzy logic version (Barbosa, 2015) of the specified similarity index.


simMat(data, method, diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, verbosity = 2, plot = FALSE, ...)



a matrix, data frame, or multilayer SpatRaster containing (optionally fuzzy) species presence-absence data (in wide format, i.e. one column or layer per species), with 1 meaning presence, 0 meaning absence, and values in between for fuzzy presence (or the degree to which each locality belongs to the set of species presences; see Zadeh, 1965). Fuzzy presence-absence can be obtained, for example, with multGLM, distPres or multTSA. These data can also be transposed for comparing regional species compositions.


the similarity index whose fuzzy version to use. See fuzSim for available options.


logical value indicating whether the diagonal of the matrix should be filled (with ones). Defaults to TRUE.


logical value indicating whether the upper triangle of the matrix (symmetric to the lower triangle) should be filled. Defaults to TRUE.


integer value indicating the amount of messages to display; currently meaningful values are 0, 1, and 2 (the default).


logical argument indicating whether to also plot the matrix as an image. The default is FALSE (for back-compatibility).


some additional arguments can be passed to image (and through to plot) if plot=TRUE, such as 'col', 'main', 'font.main' or 'cex.main' (not 'axes', 'xlab' or 'ylab', which are already defined by simMat).


The fuzzy versions of species occurrence data and of binary similarity indices introduce tolerance for small spatial differences in species' occurrence localities, allow for uncertainty about species occurrence, and may compensate for under-sampling and geo-referencing errors (Barbosa, 2015).


This function returns a square matrix of pair-wise similarities among the species distributions (columns) in data. Similarity is calculated with the fuzzy version of the index specified in method, which yields traditional binary similarity if the data are binary (0 or 1), or fuzzy similarity if the data are fuzzy (between 0 and 1) (Barbosa, 2015).


A. Marcia Barbosa


Barbosa A.M. (2015) fuzzySim: applying fuzzy logic to binary similarity indices in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 853-858.

See Also



# load and look at the rotif.env presence-absence data:




# build a matrix of similarity among these binary data
# using e.g. Jaccard's index:

bin.sim.mat <- simMat(rotif.env[ , 18:47], method = "Jaccard")


# calculate a fuzzy version of the presence-absence data
# based on inverse distance to presences:

rotifers.invd <- distPres(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:47,
coord.cols = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), id.col = 1, suffix = ".d",
p = 1, inv = TRUE)


# build a matrix of fuzzy similarity among these fuzzy
# distribution data, using the fuzzy version of Jaccard's index:

fuz.sim.mat <- simMat(rotifers.invd[ , -1], method = "Jaccard")


# plot the similarity matrices as colours:

image(x = 1:ncol(bin.sim.mat), y = 1:nrow(bin.sim.mat),
z = bin.sim.mat, col = rev(heat.colors(256)), xlab = "", ylab = "",
axes = FALSE, main = "Binary similarity")
axis(side = 1, at = 1:ncol(bin.sim.mat), tick = FALSE,
labels = colnames(bin.sim.mat), las = 2)
axis(side = 2, at = 1:nrow(bin.sim.mat), tick = FALSE,
labels = rownames(bin.sim.mat), las = 2)

image(x = 1:ncol(fuz.sim.mat), y = 1:nrow(fuz.sim.mat),
z = fuz.sim.mat, col = rev(heat.colors(256)), xlab = "", ylab = "",
axes = FALSE, main = "Fuzzy similarity")
axis(side = 1, at = 1:ncol(fuz.sim.mat), tick = FALSE,
labels = colnames(fuz.sim.mat), las = 2, cex = 0.5)
axis(side = 2, at = 1:nrow(fuz.sim.mat), tick = FALSE,
labels = rownames(fuz.sim.mat), las = 2)

# plot a UPGMA dendrogram from each similarity matrix:

plot(hclust(as.dist(1 - bin.sim.mat), method = "average"),
main = "Binary cluster dendrogram")

plot(hclust(as.dist(1 - fuz.sim.mat), method = "average"),
main = "Fuzzy cluster dendrogram")

# you can get fuzzy chorotypes from these similarity matrices
# (or fuzzy biotic regions if you transpose 'data'),
# so that localities are in columns and species in rows)
# using the RMACOQUI package (Olivero et al. 2011)

Obtain unique abbreviations of species names


This function takes a vector of species names and converts them to abbreviated species codes containing the specified numbers of characters from the genus, the specific and optionally also the subspecific name. Separators can be specified by the user. The function checks that the resulting codes are unique.


spCodes(species, nchar.gen = 3, nchar.sp = 3, nchar.ssp = 0, 
sep.species = " ", sep.spcode = "", verbosity = 2)



a character vector containig the species names to be abbreviated.


the number of characters from the genus name to be included in the resulting species code.


the number of characters from the specific name to be included in the resulting species code.


optionally, the number of characters from the subspecific name to be included in the resulting species code. Set it to 0 if you have subspecific names in 'species' but do not want them included in the resulting species codes.


the character that separates genus, specific and subspecific names in 'species'. The default is a white space.


the character you want separating genus and species abbreviations in the resulting species codes. The default is an empty character (no separator).


integer value indicating the amount of messages to display. Defaults to 2, for showing all messages.


This function returns a character vector containing the species codes resulting from the abbreviation. If the numbers of characters specified do not make for unique codes, an error message is displayed showing which 'species' names caused it, so that you can try again with different 'nchar.gen', 'nchar.sp' and/or 'nchar.ssp'.


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also

substr, strsplit




## add a column to 'rotifers' with shorter versions of the species names:

## Not run: 
rotifers$spcode <- spCodes(rotifers$species, sep.species = "_", 
nchar.gen = 1, nchar.sp = 4, nchar.ssp = 0, sep.spcode = ".")

# this produces an error due to resulting species codes not being unique

## End(Not run)

rotifers$spcode <- spCodes(rotifers$species, sep.species = "_", 
nchar.gen = 1, nchar.sp = 5, nchar.ssp = 0, sep.spcode = ".")

# with a larger number of characters from the specific name,
# resulting codes are now unique

## check out the result:

Convert a species list to a presence-absence table


This function takes a locality+species dataset in long (stacked) format, i.e., a matrix or data frame containing localities in one column and their recorded species in another column, and converts them to a presence-absence table (wide format) suitable for mapping and for computing distributional similarities (see e.g. simMat). Try out the Examples below for an illustration).


splist2presabs(data, sites.col, sp.col, keep.n = FALSE)



a matrix or data frame with localities in one column and species in another column. Type or paste 'data(rotifers); head(rotifers)' (without the quote marks) in the R console for an example.


the name or index number of the column containing the localities in 'data'.


the name or index number of the column containing the species names or codes in 'data'.


logical value indicating whether to get in the resulting table the number of times each species appears in each locality; if FALSE (the default), only presence (1) or absence (0) is recorded.


A data frame containing the localities in the first column and then one column per species indicating their presence or absence (or their number of records if keep.n = TRUE). Type 'data(rotif.env); head(rotif.env[,18:47])' (without the quote marks) in the R console for an example.


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also





rotifers.presabs <- splist2presabs(rotifers, sites.col = "TDWG4",
sp.col = "species", keep.n = FALSE)


Compare model predictions along a stepwise variable selection process


This function builds (or takes) a generalized linear model with stepwise inclusion of variables, using either AIC, BIC or p.value as the selection criterion; and it returns the values predicted at each step (i.e., as each variable is added or dropped), as well as their correlation with the final model predictions.


stepByStep(data, sp.col, var.cols, family = binomial(link = "logit"),
Favourability = FALSE, trace = 0, direction = "both", select = "AIC",
k = 2, = "Rao", test.out = "LRT", = 0.05, p.out = 0.1,
cor.method = "pearson")



a data frame (or another object that can be coerced with "", e.g. a matrix, a tibble, a SpatVector) containing the response and predictor variables to model. Alternatively, a model object of class 'glm', from which the names, values and order of the variables will be taken – arguments 'sp.col', 'var.cols', 'family', 'trace', 'direction', 'select', 'k', '', 'test.out', '' and 'p.out' will then be ignored.


(if 'data' is not a model object) the name or index number of the column of 'data' that contains the response variable.


(if 'data' is not a model object) the names or index numbers of the columns of 'data' that contain the predictor variables.


(if 'data' is not a model object) argument to pass to glm indicating the family (and error distribution) to use in modelling. The default is binomial distribution with logit link (for binary response variables).


logical, whether to apply the Favourability function to remove the effect of prevalence from predicted probability (Real et al. 2006). Applicable only to binomial GLMs. Defaults to FALSE.


(if 'data' is not a model object) argument to pass to step (if select="AIC" or "BIC") or to stepwise (if select="p.value"). If positive, information is printed during the stepwise procedure. Larger values may give more detailed information. The default is 0 (silent).


(if 'data' is not a model object) argument to pass to step (if select="AIC" or "BIC") or to stepwise (if select="p.value"). Can be "forward" or "both". The default is the latter, to match related functions like step, stepwise and multGLM. (Note that older versions of this function had "forward" as the default.)


(if 'data' is not a model object) character string specifying the criterion for stepwise selection of variables if step=TRUE. Options are the default "AIC" (Akaike's Information Criterion; Akaike, 1973); BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion, also known as Schwarz criterion, SBC or SBIC; Schwarz, 1978); or "p.value" (Murtaugh, 2014). The first two options imply using step as the variable selection function, while the last option calls the stepwise function.


(if 'data' is not a model object and select="AIC") argument passed to the step function indicating the multiple of the number of degrees of freedom used for the penalty. The default is 2, which yields the original AIC. You can use larger values for a more stringent selection– e.g., for a critical p-value of 0.05, use k = qchisq(0.05, 1, lower.tail = F). If select="BIC", k is accordingly changed to log(n), being 'n' the number of complete rows of the response + variables dataframe (after removing missing values).

(if 'data' is not a model object and select="p.value") argument passed to add1 specifying the statistical test whose '' a variable must pass to enter the model. Can be "Rao" (the default), "LRT", "Chisq" or "F".


(if 'data' is not a model object and select="p.value") argument passed to drop1 specifying the statistical test whose 'p.out' a variable must exceed to be expelled from the model (if it does not simultaneously pass the '' when direction="both"). Can be "LRT" (the default), "Rao", "Chisq" or "F".

(if 'data' is not a model object and select="p.value") threshold p-value for a variable to enter the model. Defaults to 0.05.


(if 'data' is not a model object and select="p.value") threshold p-value for a variable to leave the model. Defaults to 0.1.


character string to pass to cor indicating which coefficient to use for correlating predictions at each step with those of the final model. Can be "pearson" (the default), "kendall", or "spearman".


Stepwise variable selection often includes more variables than would a model selected after examining all possible combinations of the variables (e.g. with package MuMIn or glmulti). The 'stepByStep' function can be useful to assess if a stepwise model with just the first few variables could already provide predictions very close to the final ones (see e.g. Fig. 3 in Munoz et al., 2005). It can also be useful to see which variables determine the more general trends in the model predictions, and which variables just provide additional (local) nuances.


This function returns a list of the following components:


a data frame with the model's fitted values at each step of the variable selection.


a numeric vector of the correlation between the predictions at each step and those of the final model.


a character vector of the variables in the final model, named with the step at which each was included.


the resulting model object.


A. Marcia Barbosa, with contribution by Alba Estrada


Akaike, H. (1973) Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In: Petrov B.N. & Csaki F., 2nd International Symposium on Information Theory, Tsahkadsor, Armenia, USSR, September 2-8, 1971, Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, p. 267-281.

Munoz, A.R., Real R., Barbosa A.M. & Vargas J.M. (2005) Modelling the distribution of Bonelli's Eagle in Spain: Implications for conservation planning. Diversity and Distributions 11: 477-486

Murtaugh P.A. (2014) In defense of P values. Ecology, 95:611-617

Real R., Barbosa A.M. & Vargas J.M. (2006) Obtaining environmental favourability functions from logistic regression. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 13: 237-245.

Schwarz, G.E. (1978) Estimating the dimension of a model. Annals of Statistics, 6 (2): 461-464.

See Also

step, glm, modelTrim



stepByStep(data = rotif.env, sp.col = 21, var.cols = 5:17)

stepByStep(data = rotif.env, sp.col = 21, var.cols = 5:17, select = "p.value")

# with a model object:

form <- reformulate(names(rotif.env)[5:17], names(rotif.env)[21])
mod <- step(glm(form, data = rotif.env))

stepByStep(data = mod)

Stepwise regression


This function runs a stepwise regression, selecting and/or excluding variables based on the significance (p-value) of the statistical tests implemented in the add1 and drop1 functions of R.


stepwise(data, sp.col, var.cols, id.col = NULL, family = binomial(link="logit"),
direction = "both", = "Rao", test.out = "LRT", = 0.05, p.out = 0.1,
trace = 1, simplif = TRUE, preds = FALSE, Favourability = FALSE, Wald = FALSE)



a data frame (or an object that can be coerced with '') containing your target and predictor variables.


name or index number of the column of 'data' that contains the response variable.


names or index numbers of the columns of 'data' that contain the predictor variables.


(optional) name or index number of column containing the row identifiers (if defined, it will be included in the output 'predictions' data frame).


argument to be passed to glm indicating the error distribution (and optionally the link function) to be used in the model. The default is binomial distribution with logit link (i.e. logistic regression, for binary response variables), and it is the only one that has been tested so far. If you try other options, please carefully check your results and let me know if you find a bug.


the mode of stepwise search. Can be either "forward", "backward", or "both" (the default).

argument to pass to add1 specifying the statistical test whose '' a variable must pass to enter the model. Can be "Rao" (the default), "LRT", "Chisq" or "F".


argument to pass to drop1 specifying the statistical test whose 'p.out' a variable must exceed to be expelled from the model (if it does not simultaneously pass the '' when direction="both"). Can be "LRT" (the default), "Rao", "Chisq" or "F".

threshold p-value for a variable to enter the model. Defaults to 0.05.


threshold p-value for a variable to leave the model. Defaults to 0.1.


if positive, information is printed to the console at each step. The default is 1, for naming each variable that was added or removed. With trace=2, the summary of the model at each step is also printed.


logical, whether to return a simpler output containing only the model object (the default), or a list with, additionally, a data frame with the variable included or excluded at each step.


logical, whether to return also the predictions given by the model at each step. This argument is ignored if simplif=TRUE.


logical, whether to convert the predictions (if preds=TRUE) with the Fav function. This argument is ignored if simplif=TRUE.


logical, whether to print the Wald test statistics using summaryWald, rather than the z test normally returned by summary. Used only if trace > 1. Requires the aod package. The default is FALSE.


Stepwise variable selection is a way of selecting a subset of significant variables to get a simple and easily interpretable model. It is more computationally efficient than best subset selection. This function uses the R functions add1 for selecting and drop1 for excluding variables. The default parameters mimic the "Forward Selection (Conditional)" stepwise procedure implemented in the IBM SPSS software. This is a widely used (e.g. Munoz et al. 2005, Olivero et al. 2017, 2020, Garcia-Carrasco et al. 2021) but also widely criticized (e.g. Harrell 2001; Whittingham et al. 2006; Flom & Cassell, 2007; Smith 2018) method for variable selection, though its AIC-based counterpart (implemented in the step R function) is equally flawed (e.g. Murtaugh 2014; Coelho et al. 2019).


If simplif=TRUE (the default), this function returns the model object obtained after the variable selection procedure. If simplif=FALSE, it returns a list with the following components:


the model object obtained after the variable selection procedure.


a data frame where each row shows the variable included or excluded at each step.


(if preds=TRUE) a data frame where each column contains the predictions of the model obtained at each step. These predictions are probabilities by default, or favourabilities if Favourability=TRUE.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Coelho M.T.P., Diniz-Filho J.A. & Rangel T.F. (2019) A parsimonious view of the parsimony principle in ecology and evolution. Ecography, 42:968-976

Flom P.L. & Cassell D.L. (2007) Stopping stepwise: Why stepwise and similar selection methods are bad, and what you should use. NESUG 2007

Garcia-Carrasco J.M., Munoz A.R., Olivero J., Segura M. & Real R. (2021) Predicting the spatio-temporal spread of West Nile virus in Europe. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15(1):e0009022

Harrell F.E. (2001) Regression modeling strategies: With applications to linear models, logistic regression, and survival analysis. Springer-Verlag, New York

Munoz, A.R., Real R., Barbosa A.M. & Vargas J.M. (2005) Modelling the distribution of Bonelli's Eagle in Spain: Implications for conservation planning. Diversity and Distributions 11: 477-486

Murtaugh P.A. (2014) In defense of P values. Ecology, 95:611-617

Olivero J., Fa J.E., Real R., Marquez A.L., Farfan M.A., Vargas J.M, Gaveau D., Salim M.A., Park D., Suter J., King S., Leendertz S.A., Sheil D. & Nasi R. (2017) Recent loss of closed forests is associated with Ebola virus disease outbreaks. Scientific Reports 7: 14291

Olivero J., Fa J.E., Farfan M.A., Marquez A.L., Real R., Juste F.J., Leendertz S.A. & Nasi R. (2020) Human activities link fruit bat presence to Ebola virus disease outbreaks. Mammal Review 50:1-10

Smith G. (2018) Step away from stepwise. Journal of Big Data 32 (

Whittingham M.J., Stephens P.A., Bradbury R.B. & Freckleton R.P. (2006) Why do we still use stepwise modelling in ecology and behaviour? Journal of Animal Ecology, 75:1182-1189

See Also

step, stepByStep, modelTrim



stepwise(data = rotif.env, sp.col = 21, var.cols = 5:17)

sw <- stepwise(data = rotif.env, sp.col = 21, var.cols = 5:17, simplif = FALSE)

Model summary with Wald (instead of z) test statistics


This function produces a summary of a generalized linear model, with the Wald test (instead of the z test) and associated statistics.


summaryWald(model, interceptLast = TRUE)



a model object of class "glm".


logical, whether to place the intercept in the last (rasther than the first) row of the output. Defaults to TRUE.


This function requires the aod package, whose wald.test function is used for computing the Wald test.


This function returns a data frame with the model summary statistics.


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also



# load sample data:


# build a model of a species' occurrence based on 
# some of the variables:

model <- glm(Abrigh ~ Area + Altitude + AltitudeRange + HabitatDiversity + 
HumanPopulation, family = binomial, data = rotif.env)

# get the Wald-based model summary:




Reporting of time elapsed since a given start time. This function is used internally by other functions in the package.





A date-time object of class POSIXct, e.g. as given by Sys.time.


The function returns a message informing of the time elapsed since the input 'start.time'.


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also

Sys.time, proc.time, difftime


# get starting time:
start <- Sys.time()

# do some random analysis:
sapply(rnorm(50000), function(x) x*5)

# see how long it took:

Transpose (part of) a matrix or dataframe


This function transposes (a specified part of) a matrix or data frame, optionally using one of its columns as column names for the transposed result. It can be useful for turning a species presence-absence table into a regional species composition table.


transpose(data, sp.cols = 1:ncol(data), reg.names = NULL)



a matrix or data frame containing the species occurrence data to transpose.


names or index numbers of the columns containing the species occurrences in 'data' which are meant to be transposed.


name or index number of the column in 'data' containing the region names, to be used as column names in the transposed result.


This function returns the transposed 'sp.cols' of 'data', with the column specified in 'reg.names' as column names.


A. Marcia Barbosa

See Also






rotif.reg <- transpose(rotif.env, sp.cols = 18:47, reg.names = 1)


Triangular matrix indices


This function outputs the indices of one triangle (the lower one by default) of an input square matrix. It is used by simMat and, for large matrices, makes it faster than e.g. with lower.tri or upper.tri.


triMatInd(mat, lower = TRUE, list = FALSE)



a square matrix.


logical indicating whether the indices should correspond to the lower triangle. The default is TRUE; FALSE produces the upper triangle indices.


logical indicating whether the results should be output as a list instead of a matrix. The default is FALSE.


The indices (row, column) of the elements of the matrix that belong to the requested triangle.


A. Marcia Barbosa


See Also

lower.tri, upper.tri


mat <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
triMatInd(mat, list = TRUE)

(Fuzzy) vulnerability


This function computes the index of species vulnerability of Estrada et al. (2011), using either crisp (presence/absence, i.e. ones and zeros) or fuzzy (Favourability, between zero and one) values, taking into account the conservation status of each species. Vulnerability is like a (potential) richness index in which more vulnerable species (i.e., those with a more threatened conservation status) have higher weight.


vulnerability(data, sp.cols = 1:ncol(data), categories, na.rm = TRUE)



a numeric vector, matrix or data frame containing the presence/absence (ones and zeros) or the Favourability (fuzzy presence, between zero and one) values for the target species.


names or index numbers of the columns of 'data' that contain the species values for which to compute vulnerability. The default is to use all columns.


numeric vector of the same length as 'sp.cols' (or of length 1 if 'data' is a vector) indicating the IUCN Red List category of each species. This vector should be provided in the same order as the columns in data[ , sp.cols]. See Details.


logical value indicating whether NA values should be removed before the computation.


The numeric values for the 'categories' argument are suggested by Estrada et al. (2011) to be as follows for each species, according to its IUCN Red List category (available at

Critically endangered (CR): 16

Endangered (EN): 8

Vulnerable (VU): 4

Near Threatened (NT): 2

Least Concern (LC): 1

Data Deficient (DD): 1

Not evaluated (NE): 0

These values follow an exponential scale, because a critically endangered species is generally considered more important than two endangered species, an endangered species more important than two vulnerable species, and so on (Estrada et al. 2011).


This function returns a numeric vulnerability value for each value or each row in 'data'.


A. Marcia Barbosa


Estrada A., Real R. & Vargas J.M. (2011) Assessing coincidence between priority conservation areas for vertebrate groups in a Mediterranean hotspot. Biological Conservation, 144: 1120-1129

See Also




# note the 'categories' below are made up, as rotifers are not on yet redlisted
# see Details above for how to get actual values for your species

vulnerability(rotif.env[ , 18], categories = 8)

vulnerability(rotif.env, sp.cols = "Abrigh", categories = 8)

vulnerability(rotif.env, sp.cols = c("Apriod", "Burceo", "Kcochl"), categories = c(8, 16, 2))

# fuzzy vulnerability (from favourability values):

pred <- multGLM(rotif.env, sp.cols = c("Apriod", "Burceo", "Kcochl"), var.cols = 5:17)$predictions


vulnerability(pred, sp.cols = "Apriod_F", categories = 8)

vulnerability(pred, sp.cols = c("Apriod_F", "Burceo_F", "Kcochl_F"), categories = c(8, 16, 2))