loa 0.3.1
- loa 0.3.0 rebuild
- panel.binplot improved NA handling
loa 0.3.0
- Moved lattice from depends to imports
- some updates to panel... and draw... functions for use
in loa::fun() calls
loa 0.2.49
- panel.loaPlot fix
- draw.loaKey02 fix, | not || (oh, how we laughed...)
- loaMapPlot, now using OSM by default
- documentation update
loa 0.2.48
- requested changes to geo functions
- requested change to citation and description
loa 0.2.47
- loaPlot updated, now accepts factors as
x, y, z terms
- groupHandler tidy
loa 0.2.46
- added panel.loa and drawkey.loaKey02,
type="l" and "h" handler for loaPlot
- refined and renamed add methods
- added add.LonLatMap
- add.XYFit update; only passing models formal args
loa 0.2.45
- added loaMapPlot as generic map plot
- replaced existing makeMap...,
getMap... and panel.GoogleMap... functions
with generic versions
- Added sp to imports, and added Mercator
transform functions, LatLon2MercatorXY
and MercatorXY2LatLon
- replaced GoogleMap/googleMap with
loaMapPlot warpper RgoogleMapsPlot.
- Added OpenStreetMap to imports, loaMapPlot
wrapper OpenStreetMapPlot, and getOSMapArg.
- replaced roadmap.meuse with getRGMapArg
make version
- removed OpenStreetMap related functions,
can't get CRAN to accept
loa 0.2.44
- update to triABC2XY, track lims for
very different a, b and c ranges
- added add_loaPanel
- added addXYLMFit, addXYLOESSFit,
addXYFit_prep, loaXYFit_lm,
loaXYFit_loess, panel.loaXYFit
loa 0.2.43
- update to condPanelHandler, now passes
current cond to panel
- changed panel.loaLevelPlot, ...binPlot,
...kernelDensity, ...surfaceSmooth
defaults to scheme = "loa.scheme"
- update to loaBarPlot (simplified
df naming)
- update to panel.loaPlot2
(grid by default)
- update to limHandler (NA handling)
- update to cexHandler (NA handling)
- updated GoogleMap defaults grid off
- updated defaults for panel.loaPlot
(blue col.regions and grid on)
- updates requested for CRAN resubmission
- update to loaBarPlot, now allows both
(x,y,cond) and (y~x|cond) use
loa 0.2.42
- added draw.groupPlotKey
- added panel.triangleByGroupPolygon
- update to triABC2XY and triXY2ABC
- added triABCSquareGrid
- update to panel.trianglePlot, tidied
grid and group handling
- update to panel.kernelDensity, added
too.far arg like in panel.surfaceSmooth
- added panel.triangleKernelDensity and
- update to panel.kernelDensity, added
local.wt arg
- further updates to GoogleMap to track
RgoogleMaps update
- modified loaBarPlot refined NA handling
and key handling
- added crude scalesHandler function
- modified loaBarPlot default col
handling, 1 col = blue
- modified loaBarPlot, now has a
loa key
loa 0.2.41
- added loaBarPlot (might not be
- added plyr to depends (might not
be staying)
- updates to panel.zcasePiePlot and
panel.zcasePieSegmentPlot, better
- update to GoogleMap track RgoogleMaps
loa 0.2.40
- updates to loaPolygon, for rotation
and rescaling
- updates to draw.loaColorKey and
(re raster color scales)
loa 0.2.39
- updates to panel.loaLevelPlot
and colHandler
(re pdf transparency handling)
loa 0.2.31
- updates re CRAN resubmission
loa 0.2.29
- formulaHandler update
- panel.loaGrid update, improved
tracking of POSIX axis
loa 0.2.28
- formulaHandler, draw.zcasePlotKey
updates, now tracks zcases better
- added stackPlot, panel.stackPlot
and associated data handler
stackXZ2XYZ(not export)
- added draw.ycasePlotKey
loa 0.2.27
- panelPal, formulaHandler and
limsHandler updates, improved
POSIXct handling
loa 0.2.26
- loaPlot/formulaHandler update,
zcase now factor when panelled
- parHandler update, raised lower
end of default col.regions
loa 0.2.25
- loaHandler update, improved
third party data.panel tracking
- triABC2XY update
loa 0.2.24
- smoother col gradient for
- added panel.loaLevelPlot
- added panel.surfaceSmooth
- added matrixHandler function
- update to loaPlot, now also
accepts matrix as x input
loa 0.2.23
- xlab, ylab fix for 0.2.21
- formulaHandler update to allow default
trianglePlot normalisation
loa 0.2.21-2
- minor updates for CRAN submission
- jss paper reference added to citation
loa 0.2.20
loa 0.2.19
- major revision of trianglePlot
(now uses panelPal, conditions,
- added resetTriLims
- removed previous trianglePlot
code functions
loa 0.2.18
- panelPal update (reset.xylims
now accepts function)
- formulaHandler update (added
coord.conversion option)
- triABC2XY update (work-around
a,b,c to a0,b0,c0)
loa 0.2.17
- limHandler update (now
catches ~0*0, etc)
- draw.zcasePlotKey, draw.loaPlotZKey
(now allow list, vector and
expression as main)
loa 0.2.16
- panelPal update, ignore not ignored
- loaPlot, formulaHandler updates,
(for new preprocess method)
loa 0.2.15 (2014-01-15)
- refinements to loaPlot, panel.binPlot,
panel.kernelDensity, draw.loaColorKey
and draw.loaColorRegionsKey
(better alpha/alpha.regions
- refinements to GoogleMap and
panelPal (better local scale
- added example data roadmap.meuse
(for off-line ?GoogleMap examples)
- updated help examples for loaPlot,
GoogleMap, trianglePlot
- fixes for CRAN submission.
loa 0.2.14
- refinement to draw.loaPlotZKey
(better alpha/alpha.regions
loa 0.2.13
- refinement to panel.loaPlot
(better alpha/alpha.regions
loa 0.2.12
- refinement to GoogleMap
(more robust map sizing for single
point plots)
(improve multi-zcase management)
loa 0.2.11
- refinement to formulaHandler
(improved formula.type)
(improve multi-zcase management)
- update to panel.zcasePiePlot
- minor update to panelPal
- geo calculations removed
(now in grey.area package)
loa 0.2.10
- refinement to panel.binPlot
(added pad.grid argument)
- added panel.compareZcases
- added screenLatticePlot
loa 0.2.9
- loaPolygon, loaCircle, loaPieSegment added
- panel.zcasePiePlot
- panel.zcasePieSegmentPlot added
- draw.loaColorRegionsKey added
- panel.loaPlotGrid added
(loaPlot(..., grid=T), etc now uses this)
- formulaHandler update
(new options, output and panel.zcases
- colRegionsHandler added
(colHandler wrapper for use with
col.regions arg)
- panel.binPlot update
(now works with plots like GoogleMap
with rescaled axes)
loa 0.2.8
- localScalesHandler update
(axes col = "transparent" locally overridden
when used to hidden panel box)
- panel.polar... functions added
(panel.polarPlot, panel.polarFrame,
panel.polarAxes, panel.polarGrids,
- namespace and depends updates
(MASS added to required packages;
now Requires: lattice, Imports others)
- loaPlot updates
(par.settings uses parHandler directly)
- provisional stripHandler added
- default cex range changed in cexHandler
- GoogleMap update: uses latest PanelPal
(older version now GoogleMap.old)
- lat.lon.meuse dataset added
loa 0.2.7
- listUpdate minor update
(NULL case error fixed)
- draw.loaColorKey added
- panel.binPlot added
loa 0.2.6
- panelPal updated
(Previous panelPal2 now main version;
Previous panelPal now panelPal.old)
- panel.loaPlot updated
(now allows separate group and zcase
- panel.loaPlot added
- group and zcase conditioning rationalised
(now using new functions groupsPanelHandler,
zcasesPanelHandler and groupsAndZcasesPanelHandler)
- color key management updated
(added keyHandler, and dedicated key functions,
loa 0.2.5
- added panel.loaPlot function
- modifed panelPal2 (to work with
- updated GoogleMap and tianglePlot
(to work with improved col and
cex Handlers)
loa 0.2.4
- added loaPlot function
- added panelPal2 (as in development
alternative to current panelPal)
- added formulaHandler
- improved cexHandler and colHandler
- improved panel.kernelDensity
loa 0.2.3
- improved colHandler colorkey/legend
- fixed GoogleMap/layout conflict
- added panel.kernelDensity
loa 0.2.2
- renamed googleMap GoogleMap
and added googlemap wrapper
loa 0.2.1
- added getPlotArgs
- improved group argument handling
for panelPal
- added parHandler
- update to googleMap function
getMapArg: better xlim, ylim handling;
fixed recolor.amp/nativeRaster conflict
loa 0.2.0
- added trianglePlot function, and
associated panel and data handler
- added localScalesHandler for local
scale/axis management
- added panel.localScale for adding
in-panel scales
loa 0.1.5
- named RgoogleMapWrapper makeMapArg
and added getMapArg to simplify user
map work
- reordered args in getXY and getLatLon
to simplify typical use
loa 0.1.4
- geoDestination added
- update to googleMap and getLatLon
(map now passed in googleMap output)
(for access by functions like getLanLon)
loa 0.1.3
- getXY, getLatLon added
- geoFrame, geoBearing, geoDistance,
geoElevation added
loa 0.1.2
- zHandler added
- update to common cond handling of
different googleMap panels
loa 0.1.1
- listUpdate added
- googleMaps function set added
(these supersede googleMapsPlot set)
loa 0.1
- First packaging
- cexHandler, colHandler added