qualV 0.3.5
- minor documentation fixes
qualV 0.3.4
- add ORCID to list of authors
- reformat doi fields
qualV 0.3.3
- fix empty string bug in LCS
- register native routines
qualV 0.3.2
- NAMESPACE imports now standard packages
- documentation updates
qualV 0.3.1
- adaptations to recent versions of R
qualV 0.2-6
- C version of LCS algorithm provided by Dominik Reusser
qualV 0.2-5 (2010-05-11)
- documentation fixes
- maintainer is now Thomas Petzoldt
qualV 0.2-4 (2009-01-12)
- moved to R-Forge
- added CITATION
- new agenda for future developments (ToDo.txt)
qualV 0.2-3 (2007-09-01)
- fixed: encoding issue in .Rd files
- fixed: break of package check due to fail of numerical optimization
in examples of timeTransME
- improved: a few minor documentation issues
- G.v.d. Boogaart is now package maintainer
qualV 0.2-2 (2007-05-31)
- generic print functions added
qualV 0.2-1
qualV 0.2
- code and documentation improvements
- removed from .Rd: "## The function is currently defined as ..."
qualV 0.1-1
- documentation improvements
qualV 0.1