tframePlus 2024.2-1 (2024-02-18)
- usage fixes required by R 4.4.0.
tframePlus 2022.3-1 (2022-03-10)
- Disabled part of tests/ which has changed in zoo. (The zoo change
possibly address the known bug above.)
- Fixed Rbuildignore so that files from building vignettes are
not omitted in the package build.
tframePlus 2016.7-1 (2016-08-26)
- Removed its series representation as it is being archived on CRAN.
tframePlus 2015.7-1
- Added default package imports as now required by CRAN.
tframePlus 2015.1-2 (2015-04-28)
- added Known Bugs regarding require("zoo") and bug in S4.
tframePlus 2015.1-1
- Adjusted changeTSrepresentation() to work with default (do nothing)
and NULL meaning default so it can be called without alway
prechecking for this.
- Added ability to pass a function to changeTSrepresentation().
- Modified changeTSrepresentation() to use get() rather than
in exceptional cases.
- Changed require() to requireNamespace() for WriteXLS.
- Minor adjustments to add package namespace references in calls.
tframePlus 2013.9-1 (2013-09-24)
- Cleaned up Depends/Imports/Suggests and ::: usage.
- Minor changes related to Depends and Imports changes in other packages.
tframePlus 2012.8-1 (2012-09-20)
- Added utilities tfSet.POSIXct and tfSet.Date (not exported) to
facilitate converting between POSIXct and Date time indexes.
tframePlus 2012.4-2 (2012-05-02)
- Added tfplot to Suggests in DESCRIPTION.
tframePlus 2012.4-1
- Setting of zoo and xts tframe fixed to not drop series names.
tframePlus 2011.11-2 (2011-11-28)
- Updated some copyright dates.
tframePlus 2011.11-1 (2011-11-03)
- Updated maintainer email address.
tframePlus 2011.8-1 (2011-08-05)
- Fixed mechanism for changing time series representation when several
packages are loaded, with competing mechanisms for as.Date() and time().
tframePlus 2011.6-1
- Added TSwriteCSV for writing csv files of time series data.
tframePlus 2011.3-1
- Converted both periods() and tfperiods() to Tobs(). (The distinction is
no longer needed.)
- Added methods and tests for timeSeries series. S4 methods also require
NAMESPACE exports.
- Added methods and tests for tis series (as used by package fame).
- Added tests for its series and fixed tbind.its bug (it did not work).
- Added methods and tests for xts series.
- Added a check that periods of the data correspond to periods of the
tframe for zoo constructor (otherwise recycling happens without warning)
tframePlus 2010.4-1 (2011-01-20)
- Added argument dateHeader to TSwriteXLS.
- Fixed bug in TSwriteXLS with rounding problem causing incorrectly
mapping of some ts dates into correct month.
tframePlus 2009.10-2 (2009-11-02)
- Fixed workaround in TSwriteXLS using save() when WriteXLS does not
find an adequate perl instalation.
- Added perl functionality test.
tframePlus 2009.10-1 (2009-10-18)
- Standardized NEWS format for new function news().
- Fixed a few documentation problems found by R-2.10.0 (beta) quality checks.
- fixed rollAggregate problem with zoo daily/weekly data.
- fixed tfSet.zootframe drop class zootframe when gernerating zoo object.
- fixed tfExpand.zoo to have correct number of NA columns and avoid warning.
tframePlus 2009.06-1
- added function TSwriteXLS to write time series to .xls files.
- added function as.weekly (which is still somewhat limited).
- added function rollAggregate.
- added methods tfL.zoo and tfExpand.zoo.
tframePlus 2009.04-1
- Added function as.annually.
tframePlus 2009.02-1 (2009-02-02)
- Cleaned up consistent with tframe so that data classes are not defined
unless absolutely necessary.
- Also, in line with trying to use methods for existing classes,
seriesNames() now uses dimnames[[2]] for matrices, and a class method if
that is available. A "seriesNames" attribute is still set if there is
no class methods available, as for vectors.
- removed a try-error check for a condition that would never happen.
- added tfI for mulivariate series integration.
tframePlus 2008.5-1 (2008-05-02)
- First release. This package splits some new/experimental/less stable
pieces out of tframe. It also include extensions for zoo and its, so
the core tframe package does not need them. For older NEWS see the
tframe NEWS file.