Package 'Rmpfr'

Title: Interface R to MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable
Description: Arithmetic (via S4 classes and methods) for arbitrary precision floating point numbers, including transcendental ("special") functions. To this end, the package interfaces to the 'LGPL' licensed 'MPFR' (Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable) Library which itself is based on the 'GMP' (GNU Multiple Precision) Library.
Authors: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] , Richard M. Heiberger [ctb] (formatHex(), *Bin, *Dec), John C. Nash [ctb] (hjkMpfr(), origin of unirootR()), Hans W. Borchers [ctb] (optimizeR(*, "GoldenRatio"); origin of hjkMpfr()), Mikael Jagan [ctb] (safer convert.c, <>)
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0-0
Built: 2025-01-20 05:57:57 UTC

Help Index

R MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable


Rmpfr provides S4 classes and methods for arithmetic including transcendental ("special") functions for arbitrary precision floating point numbers, here often called “mpfr - numbers”. To this end, it interfaces to the LGPL'ed MPFR (Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable) Library which itself is based on the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) Library.


Package: Rmpfr
Title: Interface R to MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable
Version: 1.0-0
Date: 2024-11-15
DateNote: Previous CRAN version 0.9-5 on 2024-01-20
Type: Package
Authors@R: c(person("Martin","Maechler", role = c("aut","cre"), email = "[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID="0000-0002-8685-9910")) , person(c("Richard", "M."), "Heiberger", role = "ctb", email="[email protected]", comment = "formatHex(), *Bin, *Dec") , person(c("John", "C."), "Nash", role = "ctb", email="[email protected]", comment = "hjkMpfr(), origin of unirootR()") , person(c("Hans", "W."), "Borchers", role = "ctb", email="[email protected]", comment = "optimizeR(*, \"GoldenRatio\"); origin of hjkMpfr()") , person("Mikael", "Jagan", role = "ctb", comment = c("safer convert.c", ORCID = "0000-0002-3542-2938")) )
Description: Arithmetic (via S4 classes and methods) for arbitrary precision floating point numbers, including transcendental ("special") functions. To this end, the package interfaces to the 'LGPL' licensed 'MPFR' (Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable) Library which itself is based on the 'GMP' (GNU Multiple Precision) Library.
SystemRequirements: gmp (>= 4.2.3), mpfr (>= 3.1.0), pdfcrop (part of TexLive) is required to rebuild the vignettes.
SystemRequirementsNote: 'MPFR' (MP Floating-Point Reliable Library, and 'GMP' (GNU Multiple Precision library,, see >>
Depends: gmp (>= 0.6-1), R (>= 3.6.0)
Imports: stats, utils, methods
Suggests: DPQmpfr, MASS, Bessel, polynom, sfsmisc (>= 1.1-14)
SuggestsNote: MASS, polynom, sfsmisc: only for vignette;
Enhances: dfoptim, pracma, DPQ
EnhancesNote: mentioned in Rd xrefs | used in example
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
Config/pak/sysreqs: libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev
RemoteRef: HEAD
RemoteSha: 07750f4261a6deb1a983706821dad53e8a69c373
RemoteSubdir: pkg
Author: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Richard M. Heiberger [ctb] (formatHex(), *Bin, *Dec), John C. Nash [ctb] (hjkMpfr(), origin of unirootR()), Hans W. Borchers [ctb] (optimizeR(*, "GoldenRatio"); origin of hjkMpfr()), Mikael Jagan [ctb] (safer convert.c, <>)
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <[email protected]>

Index of help topics:

.bigq2mpfr              Conversion Utilities gmp <-> Rmpfr
Bernoulli               Bernoulli Numbers in Arbitrary Precision
Bessel_mpfr             Bessel functions of Integer Order in multiple
Mnumber-class           Class "Mnumber" and "mNumber" of "mpfr" and
                        regular numbers and arrays from them
Rmpfr-package           R MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point
array_or_vector-class   Auxiliary Class "array_or_vector"
asNumeric-methods       Methods for 'asNumeric(<mpfr>)'
atomicVector-class      Virtual Class "atomicVector" of Atomic Vectors
c.mpfr                  MPFR Number Utilities
cbind                   "mpfr" '...' - Methods for Functions cbind(),
chooseMpfr              Binomial Coefficients and Pochhammer Symbol aka
                        Rising Factorial
                        Functions for mpfrMatrix Objects
factorialMpfr           Factorial 'n!'  in Arbitrary Precision
formatHex               Flexibly Format Numbers in Binary, Hex and
                        Decimal Format
formatMpfr              Formatting MPFR (multiprecision) Numbers
frexpMpfr               Base-2 Representation and Multiplication of
                        Mpfr Numbers
getPrec                 Rmpfr - Utilities for Precision Setting,
                        Printing, etc
hjkMpfr                 Hooke-Jeeves Derivative-Free Minimization R
                        (working for MPFR)
igamma                  Incomplete Gamma Function
integrateR              One-Dimensional Numerical Integration - in pure
is.whole.mpfr           Whole ("Integer") Numbers
log1mexp                Compute f(a) = log(1 +/- exp(-a)) Numerically
matmult                 (MPFR) Matrix (Vector) Multiplication
mpfr                    Create "mpfr" Numbers (Objects)
mpfr-class              Class "mpfr" of Multiple Precision Floating
                        Point Numbers
mpfrArray               Construct "mpfrArray" almost as by 'array()'
mpfrMatrix-class        Classes "mpfrMatrix" and "mpfrArray"
num2bigq                BigQ / BigRational Approximation of Numbers
optimizeR               High Precision One-Dimensional Optimization
outer                   Base Functions etc, as an Rmpfr version
pbetaI                  Accurate Incomplete Beta / Beta Probabilities
                        For Integer Shapes
pmax                    Parallel Maxima and Minima
pnorm                   Distribution Functions with MPFR Arithmetic
qnormI                  Gaussian / Normal Quantiles 'qnorm()' via
roundMpfr               Rounding to Binary bits, "mpfr-internally"
sapplyMpfr              Apply a Function over a "mpfr" Vector
seqMpfr                 "mpfr" Sequence Generation
str.mpfr                Compactly Show STRucture of Rmpfr Number Object
sumBinomMpfr            (Alternating) Binomial Sums via Rmpfr
unirootR                One Dimensional Root (Zero) Finding - in pure R
zeta                    Special Mathematical Functions (MPFR)

The following (help pages) index does not really mention that we provide many methods for mathematical functions, including gamma, digamma, etc, namely, all of R's (S4) Math group (with the only exception of trigamma), see the list in the examples. Additionally also pnorm, the “error function”, and more, see the list in zeta, and further note the first vignette (below).

Partial index:

mpfr Create "mpfr" Numbers (Objects)
mpfrArray Construct "mpfrArray" almost as by array()
mpfr-class Class "mpfr" of Multiple Precision Floating Point Numbers
mpfrMatrix-class Classes "mpfrMatrix" and "mpfrArray"
Bernoulli Bernoulli Numbers in Arbitrary Precision
Bessel_mpfr Bessel functions of Integer Order in multiple precisions
c.mpfr MPFR Number Utilities
cbind "mpfr" ... - Methods for Functions cbind(), rbind()
chooseMpfr Binomial Coefficients and Pochhammer Symbol aka
Rising Factorial
factorialMpfr Factorial 'n!' in Arbitrary Precision
formatMpfr Formatting MPFR (multiprecision) Numbers
getPrec Rmpfr - Utilities for Precision Setting, Printing, etc
roundMpfr Rounding to Binary bits, "mpfr-internally"
seqMpfr "mpfr" Sequence Generation
sumBinomMpfr (Alternating) Binomial Sums via Rmpfr
zeta Special Mathematical Functions (MPFR)
integrateR One-Dimensional Numerical Integration - in pure R
unirootR One Dimensional Root (Zero) Finding - in pure R
optimizeR High Precisione One-Dimensional Optimization
hjkMpfr Hooke-Jeeves Derivative-Free Minimization R (working for MPFR)

Further information is available in the following vignettes:

Rmpfr-pkg Arbitrarily Accurate Computation with R: The 'Rmpfr' package (source, pdf)
log1mexp-note Acccurately Computing log(1 - exp(.)) -- Assessed by Rmpfr (source, pdf)


Martin Maechler


MPFR (MP Floating-Point Reliable Library),

GMP (GNU Multiple Precision library),

and see the vignettes mentioned above.

See Also

The R package gmp for big integer gmp and rational numbers (bigrational) on which Rmpfr depends.


## Using  "mpfr" numbers instead of regular numbers...
n1.25 <- mpfr(5, precBits = 256)/4

## and then "everything" just works with the desired chosen precision:hig
n1.25 ^ c(1:7, 20, 30) ## fully precise; compare with
print(1.25 ^ 30, digits=19)


## Show all math functions which work with "MPFR" numbers (1 exception: trigamma)

## We provide *many* arithmetic, special function, and other methods:
showMethods(classes = "mpfr")
showMethods(classes = "mpfrArray")

Auxiliary Class "array_or_vector"


"array_or_vector" is the class union of c("array", "matrix", "vector") and exists for its use in signatures of method definitions.


Using "array_or_vector" instead of just "vector" in a signature makes an important difference: E.g., if we had setMethod(crossprod, c(x="mpfr", y="vector"), function(x,y) CPR(x,y)), a call crossprod(x, matrix(1:6, 2,3)) would extend into a call of CPR(x, as(y, "vector")) such that CPR()'s second argument would simply be a vector instead of the desired 2×32\times3 matrix.

Objects from the Class

A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.



Methods for asNumeric(<mpfr>)


Methods for function asNumeric (in package gmp).


## S4 method for signature 'mpfrArray'



a “number-like” object, here, a mpfr or typically mpfrArrayone.


an R object of type (typeof) "numeric", a matrix or array if x had non-NULL dimension dim().


signature(x = "mpfrArray")

this method also dispatches for mpfrMatrix and returns a numeric array.

signature(x = "mpfr")

for non-array/matrix, asNumeric(x) is basically the same as as.numeric(x).


Martin Maechler

See Also

our lower level (non-generic) toNum(). Further, asNumeric (package gmp), standard R's as.numeric().


x <- (0:7)/8 # (exact)
X <- mpfr(x, 99)
stopifnot(identical(asNumeric(x), x),
	  identical(asNumeric(X), x))

m <- matrix(1:6, 3,2)
(M <- mpfr(m, 99) / 5) ##-> "mpfrMatrix"
asNumeric(M) # numeric matrix
stopifnot(all.equal(asNumeric(M), m/5),
          identical(asNumeric(m), m))# remains matrix

Virtual Class "atomicVector" of Atomic Vectors


The class "atomicVector" is a virtual class containing all atomic vector classes of base R, as also implicitly defined via is.atomic.

Objects from the Class

A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.


In the Matrix package, the "atomicVector" is used in signatures where typically “old-style” "matrix" objects can be used and can be substituted by simple vectors.


The atomic classes "logical", "integer", "double", "numeric", "complex", "raw" and "character" are extended directly. Note that "numeric" already contains "integer" and "double", but we want all of them to be direct subclasses of "atomicVector".


Martin Maechler

See Also

is.atomic, integer, numeric, complex, etc.



Bernoulli Numbers in Arbitrary Precision


Computes the Bernoulli numbers in the desired (binary) precision. The computation happens via the zeta function and the formula

Bk=kζ(1k),B_k = -k \zeta(1 - k),

and hence the only non-zero odd Bernoulli number is B1=+1/2B_1 = +1/2. (Another tradition defines it, equally sensibly, as 1/2-1/2.)


Bernoulli(k, precBits = 128)



non-negative integer vector


the precision in bits desired.


an mpfr class vector of the same length as k, with i-th component the k[i]-th Bernoulli number.


Martin Maechler


See Also

zeta is used to compute them.

The next version of package gmp is to contain BernoulliQ(), providing exact Bernoulli numbers as big rationals (class "bigq").


plot(as.numeric(Bernoulli(0:15)), type = "h")

curve(-x*zeta(1-x), -.2, 15.03, n=300,
      main = expression(-x %.% zeta(1-x)))
legend("top", paste(c("even","odd  "), "Bernoulli numbers"),
       pch=c(1,3), col=2, pt.cex=2, inset=1/64)
abline(h=0,v=0, lty=3, col="gray")
k <- 0:15; k[1] <- 1e-4
points(k, -k*zeta(1-k), col=2, cex=2, pch=1+2*(k%%2))

## They pretty much explode for larger k :
k2 <- 2*(1:120)
plot(k2, abs(as.numeric(Bernoulli(k2))), log = "y")
title("Bernoulli numbers exponential growth")

Bernoulli(10000)# - 9.0494239636 * 10^27677

Bessel functions of Integer Order in multiple precisions


Bessel functions of integer orders, provided via arbitrary precision algorithms from the MPFR library.

Note that the computation can be very slow when n and x are large (and of similar magnitude).


jn(n, x, rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))
yn(n, x, rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))



a numeric or mpfr vector.


non-negative integer (vector).


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see mpfr.


Computes multiple precision versions of the Bessel functions of integer order, Jn(x)J_n(x) and Yn(x)Y_n(x), and—when using MPFR library 3.0.0 or newer—also of the Airy function Ai(x)Ai(x). Note that currently Ai(x) is very slow to compute for large x.

See Also

besselJ, and besselY compute the same bessel functions but for arbitrary real order and only precision of a bit more than ten digits.


x <- (0:100)/8 # (have exact binary representation)
stopifnot(exprs = {
   all.equal(besselY(x, 0), bY0 <- y0(x))
   all.equal(besselJ(x, 1), bJ1 <- j1(x))
   all.equal(yn(0,x), bY0)
   all.equal(jn(1,x), bJ1)

mpfrVersion() # now typically 4.1.0
if(mpfrVersion() >= "3.0.0") { ## Ai() not available previously
  print( aix <- Ai(x) )
  plot(x, aix, log="y", type="l", col=2)
    all.equal(Ai (0) , 1/(3^(2/3) * gamma(2/3)))
    , # see
    all.equal(Ai(100), mpfr("2.6344821520881844895505525695264981561e-291"), tol=1e-37)
  two3rd <- 2/mpfr(3, 144)
  print( all.equal(Ai(0), 1/(3^two3rd * gamma(two3rd)), tol=0) ) # 1.7....e-40
  if(Rmpfr:::doExtras()) withAutoprint({ # slowish:
     system.time(ai1k <- Ai(1000)) # 1.4 sec (on 2017 lynne)
                         -9157.031193409585185582, tol=2e-16)) # seen 8.8..e-17 | 1.1..e-16
} # ver >= 3.0

"mpfr" '...' - Methods for Functions cbind(), rbind()


cbind and rbind methods for signature ... (see dotsMethods are provided for class Mnumber, i.e., for binding numeric vectors and class "mpfr" vectors and matrices ("mpfrMatrix") together.


cbind(..., deparse.level = 1)
rbind(..., deparse.level = 1)



matrix-/vector-like R objects to be bound together, see the base documentation, cbind.


integer determining under which circumstances column and row names are built from the actual arguments' ‘expression’, see cbind.


typically a ‘matrix-like’ object, here typically of class "mpfrMatrix".


... = "Mnumber"

is used to (c|r)bind multiprecision “numbers” (inheriting from class "mpfr") together, maybe combined with simple numeric vectors.

... = "ANY"

reverts to cbind and rbind from package base.


Martin Maechler

See Also

cbind2, cbind, Documentation in base R's methods package


cbind(1, mpfr(6:3, 70)/7, 3:0)

Binomial Coefficients and Pochhammer Symbol aka Rising Factorial


Compute binomial coefficients, chooseMpfr(a,n) being mathematically the same as choose(a,n), but using high precision (MPFR) arithmetic.

chooseMpfr.all(n) means the vector choose(n, 1:n), using enough bits for exact computation via MPFR. However, chooseMpfr.all() is now deprecated in favor of chooseZ from package gmp, as that is now vectorized.

pochMpfr() computes the Pochhammer symbol or “rising factorial”, also called the “Pochhammer function”, “Pochhammer polynomial”, “ascending factorial”, “rising sequential product” or “upper factorial”,

x(n)=x(x+1)(x+2)(x+n1)=(x+n1)!(x1)!=Γ(x+n)Γ(x).x^{(n)}=x(x+1)(x+2)\cdots(x+n-1)= \frac{(x+n-1)!}{(x-1)!} = \frac{\Gamma(x+n)}{\Gamma(x)}.


chooseMpfr (a, n, rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))
chooseMpfr.all(n, precBits=NULL, k0=1, alternating=FALSE)
pochMpfr(a, n, rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))



a numeric or mpfr vector.


an integer vector; if not of length one, n and a are recycled to the same length.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see mpfr.


integer or NULL for increasing the default precision of the result.


integer scalar


logical, for chooseMpfr.all(), indicating if alternating sign coefficients should be returned, see below.



chooseMpfr(), pochMpfr():

an mpfr vector of length max(length(a), length(n));

chooseMpfr.all(n, k0):

a mpfr vector of length n-k0+1, of binomial coefficients Cn,mC_{n,m} or, if alternating is true, (1)mCn,m(-1)^m\cdot C_{n,m} for mm \in k0:n.


Currently this works via a (C level) for(i in 1:n)-loop which really slow for large n, say 10610^6, with computational cost O(n2)O(n^2). In such cases, if you need high precision choose(a,n) (or Pochhammer(a,n)) for large n, preferably work with the corresponding factorial(mpfr(..)), or gamma(mpfr(..)) terms.

See Also

choose(n,m) (base R) computes the binomial coefficient Cn,mC_{n,m} which can also be expressed via Pochhammer symbol as Cn,m=(nm+1)(m)/m!C_{n,m} = (n-m+1)^{(m)}/m!.

chooseZ from package gmp; for now, factorialMpfr.

For (alternating) binomial sums, directly use sumBinomMpfr, as that is potentially more efficient.


pochMpfr(100, 4) == 100*101*102*103 # TRUE
a <- 100:110
pochMpfr(a, 10) # exact (but too high precision)
x <- mpfr(a, 70)# should be enough
(px <- pochMpfr(x, 10)) # the same as above (needing only 70 bits)
stopifnot(pochMpfr(a, 10) == px,
          px[1] ==prod(mpfr(100:109, 100)))# used to fail

(c1 <- chooseMpfr(1000:997, 60)) # -> automatic "correct" precision
stopifnot(all.equal(c1, choose(1000:997, 60), tolerance=1e-12))

## --- Experimenting & Checking
n.set <- c(1:10, 20, 50:55, 100:105, 200:203, 300:303, 500:503,
           699:702, 999:1001)
if(!Rmpfr:::doExtras()) { ## speed up: smaller set
  n. <- n.set[-(1:10)]
  n.set <- c(1:10, n.[ c(TRUE, diff(n.) > 1)])
C1 <- C2 <- numeric(length(n.set))
for(i.n in seq_along(n.set)) {
  cat(n <- n.set[i.n],":")
  C1[i.n] <- system.time(c.c <- chooseMpfr.all(n) )[1]
  C2[i.n] <- system.time(c.2 <- chooseMpfr(n, 1:n))[1]
  stopifnot(is.whole(c.c), c.c == c.2,
            if(n > 60) TRUE else all.equal(c.c, choose(n, 1:n), tolerance = 1e-15))
  cat(" [Ok]\n")
matplot(n.set, cbind(C1,C2), type="b", log="xy",
        xlab = "n", ylab = "system.time(.)  [s]")
legend("topleft", c("chooseMpfr.all(n)", "chooseMpfr(n, 1:n)"),
       pch=as.character(1:2), col=1:2, lty=1:2, bty="n")

## Currently, chooseMpfr.all() is faster only for large n (>= 300)
## That would change if we used C-code for the *.all() version

## If you want to measure more:
measureMore <- TRUE
measureMore <- FALSE
if(measureMore) { ## takes ~ 2 minutes (on "lynne", Intel i7-7700T, ~2019)
  n.s <- 2^(5:20)
  r <- lapply(n.s, function(n) {
      N <- ceiling(10000/n)
      cat(sprintf("n=%9g => N=%d: ",n,N))
      ct <- system.time(C <- replicate(N, chooseMpfr(n, n/2)))
      list(C=C, ct=ct/N)
  print(ct.n <- t(sapply(r, `[[`, "ct")))
  hasSfS <- requireNamespace("sfsmisc")
  plot(ct.n[,"user.self"] ~ n.s, xlab=quote(n), ylab="system.time(.) [s]",
       main = "CPU Time for  chooseMpfr(n, n/2)",
       log ="xy", type = "b", axes = !hasSfS)
  if(hasSfS) for(side in 1:2) sfsmisc::eaxis(side)
  summary(fm <- lm(log(ct.n[,"user.self"]) ~ log(n.s), subset = n.s >= 10^4))
  ## --> slope ~= 2  ==>  It's  O(n^2)
  nn <- 2^seq(11,21, by=1/16) ; Lcol <- adjustcolor(2, 1/2)
  bet <- coef(fm)
  lines(nn, exp(predict(fm, list(n.s = nn))), col=Lcol, lwd=3)
  text(500000,1, substitute(AA %*% n^EE,
                            list(AA = signif(exp(bet[1]),3),
                                 EE = signif(    bet[2], 3))), col=2)
} # measure more

Factorial 'n!' in Arbitrary Precision


Efficiently compute n!n! in arbitrary precision, using the MPFR-internal implementation. This is mathematically (but not numerically) the same as Γ(n+1)\Gamma(n+1).

factorialZ (package gmp) should typically be used instead of factorialMpfr() nowadays. Hence, factorialMpfr now is somewhat deprecated.


factorialMpfr(n, precBits = max(2, ceiling(lgamma(n+1)/log(2))),
              rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))



non-negative integer (vector).


desired precision in bits (“binary digits”); the default sets the precision high enough for the result to be exact.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see mpfr.


a number of (S4) class mpfr.

See Also

factorial and gamma in base R.

factorialZ (package gmp), to replace factorialMpfr, see above.

chooseMpfr() and pochMpfr() (on the same page).



n <- 1000:1010
f1000 <- factorialMpfr(n)
stopifnot(1e-15 > abs(as.numeric(1 - lfactorial(n)/log(f1000))))

## Note that---astonishingly--- measurements show only
## *small* efficiency gain of ~ 10% : over using the previous "technique"
system.time(replicate(8, f1e4 <- factorialMpfr(10000)))
system.time(replicate(8, f.1e4 <- factorial(mpfr(10000,

Flexibly Format Numbers in Binary, Hex and Decimal Format


Show numbers in binary, hex and decimal format. The resulting character-like objects can be back-transformed to "mpfr" numbers via mpfr().


formatHex(x, precBits = min(getPrec(x)), style = "+", expAlign = TRUE)

formatBin(x, precBits = min(getPrec(x)), scientific = TRUE,
          left.pad = "_", right.pad = left.pad, style = "+", expAlign = TRUE)
formatDec(x, precBits = min(getPrec(x)), digits = decdigits,
          nsmall = NULL, scientific = FALSE, style = "+",
          decimalPointAlign = TRUE, ...)



a numeric or mpfr R object.


integer, the number of bits of precision, typically derived from x, see getPrec. Numeric, i.e., double precision numbers have 53 bits. For more detail, see mpfr.


a single character, to be used in sprintf's format (fmt), immediately after the " sets a sign in the output, i.e., "+" or "-", where as style = " " may seem more standard.


logical indicating if for scientific (“exponential”) representations the exponents should be aligned to the same width, i.e., zero-padded to the same number of digits.


logical indicating that formatBin should display the binary representation in scientific notation (mpfr(3, 5) is displayed as +0b1.1000p+1). When FALSE, formatBin will display the binary representation in regular format shifted to align binary points (mpfr(3, 5) is displayed +0b11.000).


additional optional arguments. formatHex, formatBin: precBits is the only ... argument acted on. Other ... arguments are ignored.

formatDec: precBits is acted on. Any argument accepted by format (except nsmall) is acted on. Other ... arguments are ignored.

left.pad, right.pad

characters (one-character strings) that will be used for left- and right-padding of the formatted string when scientific=FALSE. Do not change these unless for display-only purpose !!


only used when scientific is false, then passed to format(). If NULL, the default is computed from the range of the non-zero values of x.


integer; the number of decimal digits displayed is the larger of this argument and the internally generated value that is a function of precBits. This is related to but different than digits in format.


logical indicating if padding should be used to ensure that the resulting strings align on the decimal point (".").


For the hexadecimal representation, when the precision is not larger than double precision, sprintf() is used directly, otherwise formatMpfr() is used and post processed. For the binary representation, the hexadecimal value is calculated and then edited by substitution of the binary representation of the hex characters coded in the HextoBin vector. For binary with scientific=FALSE, the result of the scientific=TRUE version is edited to align binary points. For the decimal representation, the hexadecimal value is calculated with the specified precision and then sent to the format function for scientific=FALSE or to the sprintf function for scientific=TRUE.


a character vector (or matrix) like x, say r, containing the formatted represention of x, with a class (unless left.pad or right.pad were not "_"). In that case, formatHex() and formatBin() return class "Ncharacter"; for that, mpfr(.) has a method and will basically return x, i.e., work as inverse function.

Since Rmpfr version 0.6-2, the S3 class "Ncharacter" extends "character". (class(.) is now of length two and class(.)[2] is "character".). There are simple [ and print methods; modifying or setting dim works as well.


Richard M. Heiberger [email protected], with minor tweaking by Martin M.


R FAQ 7.31: Why doesn't R think these numbers are equal? system.file("../../doc/FAQ")

See Also

mpfr, sprintf


FourBits <- mpfr(matrix(0:31, 8, 4, dimnames = list(0:7, c(0,8,16,24))),
                 precBits=4) ## 4 significant bits

formatBin(FourBits, style = " ")
formatBin(FourBits, scientific=FALSE)

## as "Ncharacter"  'inherits from' "character", this now works too :
data.frame(Dec = c( formatDec(FourBits) ), formatHex(FourBits),
           Bin = formatBin(FourBits, style = " "))

FBB <- formatBin(FourBits) ; clB <- class(FBB)
(nFBB <- mpfr(FBB))
stopifnot(class(FBB)[1] == "Ncharacter",
          all.equal(nFBB, FourBits, tol=0))

FBH <- formatHex(FourBits) ; clH <- class(FBH)
(nFBH <- mpfr(FBH))
stopifnot(class(FBH)[1] == "Ncharacter",
          all.equal(nFBH, FourBits, tol=0))

## Compare the different "formattings"  (details will change, i.e. improve!)%% FIXME
M <- mpfr(c(-Inf, -1.25, 1/(-Inf), NA, 0, .5, 1:2, Inf), 3)
data.frame(fH = formatHex(M), f16 = format(M, base=16),
           fB = formatBin(M), f2  = format(M, base= 2),
           fD = formatDec(M), f10 = format(M), # base = 10 is default
           fSci= format(M, scientific=TRUE),
           fFix= format(M, scientific=FALSE))

## Other methods ("[", t()) also work :
stopifnot(dim(F1 <- FBB[, 1, drop=FALSE]) == c(8,1), identical(class(  F1), clB),
          dim(t(F1)) == c(1,8),                      identical(class(t(F1)),clB),
          is.null(dim(F.2 <- FBB[,2])),              identical(class( F.2), clB),
          dim(F22 <- FBH[1:2, 3:4]) == c(2,2), identical(class(F22),  clH),
          identical(class(FBH[2,3]), clH), is.null(dim(FBH[2,3])),
          identical(FBH[2,3:4], F22[2,]),
          identical(FBH[2,3], unname(FBH[,3][2])),

TenFrac <- matrix((1:10)/10, dimnames=list(1:10, expression(1/x)))
TenFrac9 <- mpfr(TenFrac, precBits=9) ## 9 significant bits
formatBin(TenFrac9, scientific=FALSE)
formatDec(TenFrac9, precBits=10)

Formatting MPFR (multiprecision) Numbers


Flexible formatting of “multiprecision numbers”, i.e., objects of class mpfr. formatMpfr() is also the mpfr method of the generic format function.

The formatN() methods for mpfr numbers renders them differently than their double precision equivalents, by appending "_M".

Function .mpfr2str() is the low level work horse for formatMpfr() and hence all print()ing of "mpfr" objects.


formatMpfr(x, digits = NULL, trim = FALSE, scientific = NA,
           maybe.full = (!is.null(digits) && || isFALSE(scientific),
           base = 10, showNeg0 = TRUE, max.digits = Inf,
           big.mark = "", big.interval = 3L,
           small.mark = "", small.interval = 5L,
           decimal.mark = ".",
           exponent.char = if(base <= 14) "e" else if(base <= 36) "E" else "|e",
  = TRUE,
           zero.print = NULL, drop0trailing = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mpfr'
formatN(x, drop0trailing = TRUE, ...)

.mpfr2str(x, digits = NULL, maybe.full = !is.null(digits), base = 10L)



an MPFR number (vector or array).


how many significant digits (in the base chosen!) are to be used in the result. The default, NULL, uses enough digits to represent the full precision, often one or two digits more than “you” would expect. For bases 2,4,8,16, or 32, MPFR requires digits at least 2. For such bases, digits = 1 is changed into 2, with a message.


logical; if FALSE, numbers are right-justified to a common width: if TRUE the leading blanks for justification are suppressed.


either a logical specifying whether MPFR numbers should be encoded in scientific format (“exponential representation”), or an integer penalty (see options("scipen")). Missing values correspond to the current default penalty.


logical, passed to .mpfr2str().


an integer in 2,3,..,622,3,..,62; the base (“basis”) in which the numbers should be represented. Apart from the default base 10, binary (base = 2) or hexadecimal (base = 16) are particularly interesting.


logical indicating if “negative” zeros should be shown with a "-". The default, TRUE is intentially different from format(<numeric>).


the “exponent” character to be used in scientific notation. The default takes into account that for base B15B \ge 15, "e" is part of the (mantissa) digits and the same is true for "E" when B37B \ge 37.

logical indicating if "+" should be for positive exponents in exponential (aka “scientific”) representation. This used to be hardcoded to FALSE; the new default is compatible to R's format()ing of numbers and helps to note visually when exponents are in use.


a (large) positive number to limit the number of (mantissa) digits, notably when digits is NULL (as by default). Otherwise, a numeric digits is preferred to setting max.digits (which should not be smaller than digits).

big.mark, big.interval, small.mark, small.interval, decimal.mark, zero.print, drop0trailing

used for prettying decimal sequences, these are passed to prettyNum and that help page explains the details.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


a character vector or array, say cx, of the same length as x. Since Rmpfr version 0.5-3 (2013-09), if x is an mpfrArray, then cx is a character array with the same dim and dimnames as x.

Note that in scientific notation, the integer exponent is always in decimal, i.e., base 10 (even when base is not 10), but of course meaning base powers, e.g., in base 32, "u.giE3"is the same as "ugi0" which is 32332^3 times "". This is in contrast, e.g., with sprintf("%a", x) where the powers after "p" are powers of 22.


Currently, formatMpfr(x, scientific = FALSE) does not work correctly, e.g., for x <- Const("pi", 128) * 2^c(-200,200), i.e., it uses the scientific / exponential-style format. This is considered bogous and hopefully will change.


Martin Maechler


The MPFR manual's description of ‘⁠mpfr_get_str()⁠’ which is the C-internal workhorse for .mpfr2str() (on which formatMpfr() builds).

See Also

mpfr for creation and the mpfr class description with its many methods. The format generic, and the prettyNum utility on which formatMpfr is based as well. The S3 generic function formatN from package gmp.

.mpfr_formatinfo(x) provides the (cheap) non-string parts of .mpfr2str(x); the (base 2) exp exponents are also available via .mpfr2exp(x).


## Printing of MPFR numbers  uses formatMpfr() internally.
 ## Note how each components uses the "necessary" number of digits:
 ( x3 <- c(Const("pi", 168), mpfr(pi, 140), 3.14) )
 format(x3[3], 15)
 format(x3[3], 15, drop0 = TRUE)# "3.14" .. dropping the trailing zeros
 x3[4] <- 2^30
 x3[4] # automatically drops trailing zeros
 format(x3[1], dig = 41, small.mark = "'") # (41 - 1 = ) 40 digits after "."

 rbind(formatN(           x3,  digits = 15),
       formatN(as.numeric(x3), digits = 15))

 (Zero <- mpfr(c(0,1/-Inf), 20)) # 0 and "-0"
 xx <- c(Zero, 1:2, Const("pi", 120), -100*pi, -.00987)
 format(xx, digits = 2)
 format(xx, digits = 1, showNeg0 = FALSE)# "-0" no longer shown

## Output in other bases :
formatMpfr(mpfr(10^6, 40), base=32, drop0trailing=TRUE)
## "ugi0"
mpfr("ugi0", base=32) #-> 1'000'000

## This now works: The large number shows "as" large integer:
x <- Const("pi", 128) * 2^c(-200,200)
formatMpfr(x, scientific = FALSE) # was 1.955...e-60  5.048...e+60

i32 <- mpfr(1:32, precBits = 64)
format(i32,   base=  2, drop0trailing=TRUE)
format(i32,   base= 16, drop0trailing=TRUE)
format(1/i32, base=  2, drop0trailing=TRUE)# using scientific notation for [17..32]
format(1/i32, base= 32)
format(1/i32, base= 62, drop0trailing=TRUE)
format(mpfr(2, 64)^-(1:16), base=16, drop0trailing=TRUE)

Base-2 Representation and Multiplication of Mpfr Numbers


MPFR - versions of the C99 (and POSIX) standard C (and C++) mathlib functions frexp() and ldexp().

frexpMpfr(x) computes base-2 exponent e and “mantissa”, or fraction r, such that x=r2ex = r * 2^e, where r[0.5,1)r \in [0.5, 1) (unless when x is in c(0, -Inf, Inf, NaN) where r == x and e is 0), and ee is integer valued.

ldexpMpfr(f, E) is the inverse of frexpMpfr(): Given fraction or mantissa f and integer exponent E, it returns x=f2Ex = f * 2^E. Viewed differently, it's the fastest way to multiply or divide MPFR numbers with 2E2^E.


frexpMpfr(x,    rnd.mode = c("N", "D", "U", "Z", "A"))
ldexpMpfr(f, E, rnd.mode = c("N", "D", "U", "Z", "A"))



numeric (coerced to double) vector.


numeric fraction (vector), in [0.5,1)[0.5, 1).


integer valued, exponent of 2, i.e., typically in (-1024-50):1024, otherwise the result will underflow to 0 or overflow to +/- Inf.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see mpfr.


frexpMpfr returns a list with named components r (of class mpfr) and e (integer valued, of type integer is small enough, "double" otherwise).


Martin Maechler


On unix-alikes, typically man frexp and man ldexp

See Also

Somewhat related, .mpfr2exp(). frexp() and ldexp() in package DPQ.


x <- c(0, 2^(-3:3), (-1:1)/0,
       sort(rlnorm(2^12, 10, 20) * sample(c(-1,1), 512, replace=TRUE)))
head(xM <- mpfr(x, 128), 11)
str(rFM <- frexpMpfr(xM)) <- with(rFM, data.frame(x=x, r=asNumeric(r), e=e))
head( , 16)
ar <- abs(rFM$r)
stopifnot(0.5 <= ar[is.finite(x) & x != 0], ar[is.finite(x)] < 1,
ldx <- with(rFM, ldexpMpfr(r, e))
(iN <- which( # 10
stopifnot(exprs = {
  all.equal(xM, ldx, tol = 2^-124) # allow 4 bits loss, but apart from the NA, even:
  identical(xM[-iN], ldx[-iN]) [iN])[iN])

Conversion Utilities gmp <-> Rmpfr


Coerce from and to big integers (bigz) and mpfr numbers.

Further, coerce from big rationals (bigq) to mpfr numbers.


.bigz2mpfr(x, precB = NULL, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A'))
.bigq2mpfr(x, precB = NULL, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A'))
.mpfr2bigz(x, mod = NA)



an R object of class bigz, bigq or mpfr respectively.


precision in bits for the result. The default, NULL, means to use the minimal precision necessary for correct representation.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see details of mpfr.


a possible modulus, see as.bigz in package gmp.


Note that we also provide the natural (S4) coercions, as(x, "mpfr") for x inheriting from class "bigz" or "bigq".


a numeric vector of the same length as x, of the desired class.

See Also

mpfr(), as.bigz and as.bigq in package gmp.


S <- gmp::Stirling2(50,10)
 SS <- S * as.bigz(1:3)^128
 stopifnot(all.equal(log2(SS[2]) - log2(S), 128, tolerance=1e-15),
           identical(SS, .mpfr2bigz(.bigz2mpfr(SS))))

 .bigz2mpfr(S)            # 148 bit precision
 .bigz2mpfr(S, precB=256) # 256 bit

 ## rational --> mpfr:
 sq <- SS / as.bigz(2)^100
 MP <- as(sq, "mpfr")
 stopifnot(identical(MP, .bigq2mpfr(sq)),
           SS == MP * as(2, "mpfr")^100)

 ## New since 2024-01-20:   mpfr --> big rational "bigq"
 Pi <- Const("pi", 128)
 m <- Pi* 2^(-5:5)
 (m <- c(m, mpfr(2, 128)^(-5:5)))

 ## 1 x large num/denom, then 2^(-5:5) as frac
 tail( Q <- .mpfr2bigq(m) , 12)
 getDenom <- Rmpfr:::getDenom
 stopifnot(is.whole(m * (d.m <- getDenom(m))))
 stopifnot(all.equal(m, mpfr(Q, 130), tolerance = 2^-130)) # I see even
           all.equal(m, mpfr(Q, 130), tolerance = 0) # TRUE

 m <- m * mpfr(2, 128)^200 # quite a bit larger
 tail( Q. <- .mpfr2bigq(m) , 12) # large integers ..
 stopifnot(is.whole(m * (d.m <- getDenom(m))))
 stopifnot(all.equal(m, mpfr(Q., 130), tolerance = 2^-130)) # I see even
           all.equal(m, mpfr(Q., 130), tolerance = 0) # TRUE

 m2 <- m * mpfr(2, 128)^20000 ## really huge
 stopifnot(is.whole(m2 * (d.m2 <- getDenom(m2))))
 denominator(Q2 <- .mpfr2bigq(m2)) ## all 1 ! (all m2 ~~ 2^20200 )
 stopifnot(all.equal(m2, mpfr(Q2, 130), tolerance = 2^-130)) # I see even
           all.equal(m2, mpfr(Q2, 130), tolerance = 0) # TRUE

Hooke-Jeeves Derivative-Free Minimization R (working for MPFR)


An implementation of the Hooke-Jeeves algorithm for derivative-free optimization.

This is a slight adaption hjk() from package dfoptim.


hjkMpfr(par, fn, control = list(), ...)



Starting vector of parameter values. The initial vector may lie on the boundary. If lower[i]=upper[i] for some i, the i-th component of the solution vector will simply be kept fixed.


Nonlinear objective function that is to be optimized. A scalar function that takes a real vector as argument and returns a scalar that is the value of the function at that point.


list of control parameters. See Details for more information.


Additional arguments passed to fn.


Argument control is a list specifing changes to default values of algorithm control parameters. Note that parameter names may be abbreviated as long as they are unique.

The list items are as follows:


Convergence tolerance. Iteration is terminated when the step length of the main loop becomes smaller than tol. This does not imply that the optimum is found with the same accuracy. Default is 1.e-06.


Maximum number of objective function evaluations allowed. Default is Inf, that is no restriction at all.


A logical indicating whether the objective function is to be maximized (TRUE) or minimized (FALSE). Default is FALSE.


A real number restricting the absolute function value. The procedure stops if this value is exceeded. Default is Inf, that is no restriction.


A logical variable indicating whether the step number, number of function calls, best function value, and the first component of the solution vector will be printed to the console. Default is FALSE.

If the minimization process threatens to go into an infinite loop, set either maxfeval or target.


A list with the following components:


Best estimate of the parameter vector found by the algorithm.


value of the objective function at termination.


indicates convergence (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


number of times the objective fn was evaluated.


number of iterations (“steps”) in the main loop.


This algorithm is based on the Matlab code of Prof. C. T. Kelley, given in his book “Iterative methods for optimization”. It has been implemented for package dfoptim with the permission of Prof. Kelley.

This version does not (yet) implement a cache for storing function values that have already been computed as searching the cache makes it slower.


Hans W Borchers [email protected]; for Rmpfr: John Nash, June 2012. Modifications by Martin Maechler.


C.T. Kelley (1999), Iterative Methods for Optimization, SIAM.

Quarteroni, Sacco, and Saleri (2007), Numerical Mathematics, Springer.

See Also

Standard R's optim; optimizeR provides one-dimensional minimization methods that work with mpfr-class numbers.


## simple smooth example:
ff <- function(x) sum((x - c(2:4))^2)
str(rr <- hjkMpfr(rep(mpfr(0,128), 3), ff, control=list(info=TRUE)))

doX <- Rmpfr:::doExtras(); cat("doExtras: ", doX, "\n") # slow parts only if(doX)

## Hooke-Jeeves solves high-dim. Rosenbrock function  {but slowly!}
rosenbrock <- function(x) {
    n <- length(x)
    sum (100*((x1 <- x[1:(n-1)])^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x1 - 1)^2)
par0 <- rep(0, 10)
str(rb.db <- hjkMpfr(rep(0, 10), rosenbrock, control=list(info=TRUE)))
if(doX) {
## rosenbrook() is quite slow with mpfr-numbers:
str(rb.M. <- hjkMpfr(mpfr(numeric(10), prec=128), rosenbrock,
                     control = list(tol = 1e-8, info=TRUE)))

##  Hooke-Jeeves does not work well on non-smooth functions
nsf <- function(x) {
  f1 <- x[1]^2 + x[2]^2
  f2 <- x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + 10 * (-4*x[1] - x[2] + 4)
  f3 <- x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + 10 * (-x[1] - 2*x[2] + 6)
  max(f1, f2, f3)
par0 <- c(1, 1) # true min 7.2 at (1.2, 2.4)
h.d <- hjkMpfr(par0,            nsf) # fmin=8 at xmin=(2,2)
if(doX) {
## and this is not at all better (but slower!)
h.M <- hjkMpfr(mpfr(c(1,1), 128), nsf, control = list(tol = 1e-15))
## --> demo(hjkMpfr) # -> Fletcher's chebyquad function m = n -- residuals

Incomplete Gamma Function


For MPFR version >= 3.2.0, the following MPFR library function is provided: mpfr_gamma_inc(a,x), the R interface of which is igamma(a,x), where igamma(a,x) is the “upper” incomplete gamma function

Γ(a,x):=:Γ(a)γ(a,x),\Gamma(a,x) :=: \Gamma(a) - \gamma(a,x),


γ(a,x):=0xta1etdt,\gamma(a,x) := \int_0^x t^{a-1} e^{-t} dt,

and hence

Γ(a,x):=xta1etdt,\Gamma(a,x) := \int_x^\infty t^{a-1} e^{-t} dt,


Γ(a):=γ(a,).\Gamma(a) := \gamma(a, \infty).

As R's pgamma(x,a) is

pgamma(x, a):=γ(a,x)/Γ(a),\code{pgamma(x, a)} := \gamma(a,x) / \Gamma(a),

we get

        igamma(a,x) ==  gamma(a) * pgamma(x, a, lower.tail=FALSE)


igamma(a, x, rnd.mode = c("N", "D", "U", "Z", "A"))


a, x

an object of class mpfr or numeric.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see mpfr.


a numeric vector of “common length”, recyling along a and x.


R interface: Martin Maechler


NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, section 8.2.

Wikipedia (2019). Incomplete gamma function;

See Also

R's gamma (function) and pgamma (probability distribution).


## show how close pgamma() is :
x <- c(seq(0,20, by=1/4), 21:50, seq(55, 100, by=5))
if(mpfrVersion() >= "3.2.0") { print(
all.equal(igamma(Const("pi", 80), x),
          pgamma(x, pi, lower.tail=FALSE) * gamma(pi),
          tol=0, formatFUN = function(., ...) format(., digits = 7)) #-> 2.75e-16 (was 3.13e-16)
## and ensure *some* closeness:
stopifnot(exprs = {
   all.equal(igamma(Const("pi", 80), x),
             pgamma(x, pi, lower.tail=FALSE) * gamma(pi),
             tol = 1e-15)
} # only if MPFR version >= 3.2.0

One-Dimensional Numerical Integration - in pure R


Numerical integration of one-dimensional functions in pure R, with care so it also works for "mpfr"-numbers.

Currently, only classical Romberg integration of order ord is available.


integrateR(f, lower, upper, ..., ord = NULL,
           rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
           max.ord = 19, verbose = FALSE)



an R function taking a numeric or "mpfr" first argument and returning a numeric (or "mpfr") vector of the same length. Returning a non-finite element will generate an error.

lower, upper

the limits of integration. Currently must be finite. Do use "mpfr"-numbers to get higher than double precision, see the examples.


additional arguments to be passed to f.


integer, the order of Romberg integration to be used. If this is NULL, as per default, and either rel.tol or abs.tol are specified, the order is increased until convergence.


relative accuracy requested. The default is 1.2e-4, about 4 digits only, see the Note.


absolute accuracy requested.


only used, when neither ord or one of rel.tol, abs.tol are specified: Stop Romberg iterations after the order reaches max.ord; may prevent infinite loops or memory explosion.


logical or integer, indicating if and how much information should be printed during computation.


Note that arguments after ... must be matched exactly.

For convergence, both relative and absolute changes must be smaller than rel.tol and abs.tol, respectively.

rel.tol cannot be less than max(50*.Machine$double.eps, 0.5e-28) if abs.tol <= 0.


A list of class "integrateR" (as from standard R's integrate()) with a print method and components


the final estimate of the integral.


estimate of the modulus of the absolute error.


for Romberg, the number of function evaluations.


"OK" or a character string giving the error message.


the matched call.


f must accept a vector of inputs and produce a vector of function evaluations at those points. The Vectorize function may be helpful to convert f to this form.

If you want to use higher accuracy, you must set lower or upper to "mpfr" numbers (and typically lower the relative tolerance, rel.tol), see also the examples.

Note that the default tolerances (rel.tol, abs.tol) are not very accurate, but the same as for integrate, which however often returns considerably more accurate results than requested. This is typically not the case for integrateR().


We use practically the same print S3 method as print.integrate, provided by R, with a difference when the message component is not "Ok".


Martin Maechler


Bauer, F.L. (1961) Algorithm 60 – Romberg Integration, Communications of the ACM 4(6), p.255.

See Also

R's standard, integrate, is much more adaptive, also allowing infinite integration boundaries, and typically considerably faster for a given accuracy.


## See more  from  ?integrate
## this is in the region where  integrate() can get problems:
integrateR(dnorm,0,2000, rel.tol=1e-15)
(Id <- integrateR(dnorm,0,2000, rel.tol=1e-15, verbose=TRUE))
Id$value == 0.5 # exactly

## Demonstrating that 'subdivisions' is correct:
Exp <- function(x) { .N <<- .N+ length(x); exp(x) }
.N <- 0; str(integrateR(Exp, 0,1, rel.tol=1e-10), digits=15); .N

### Using high-precision functions -----

## Polynomials are very nice:
integrateR(function(x) (x-2)^4 - 3*(x-3)^2, 0, 5, verbose=TRUE)
# n= 1, 2^n=        2 | I =            46.04, abs.err =      98.9583
# n= 2, 2^n=        4 | I =               20, abs.err =      26.0417
# n= 3, 2^n=        8 | I =               20, abs.err =  7.10543e-15
## 20 with absolute error < 7.1e-15
## Now, using higher accuracy:
I <- integrateR(function(x) (x-2)^4 - 3*(x-3)^2, 0, mpfr(5,128),
                rel.tol = 1e-20, verbose=TRUE)
I ; I$value  ## all fine

## with floats:
integrateR(exp,      0     , 1, rel.tol=1e-15, verbose=TRUE)
## with "mpfr":
(I <- integrateR(exp, mpfr(0,200), 1, rel.tol=1e-25, verbose=TRUE))
(I.true <- exp(mpfr(1, 200)) - 1)
## true absolute error:
stopifnot(print(as.numeric(I.true - I$value)) < 4e-25)

## Want absolute tolerance check only (=> set 'rel.tol' very high, e.g. 1):
(Ia <- integrateR(exp, mpfr(0,200), 1, abs.tol = 1e-6, rel.tol=1, verbose=TRUE))

## Set 'ord' (but no  '*.tol') --> Using 'ord'; no convergence checking
(I <- integrateR(exp, mpfr(0,200), 1,  ord = 13, verbose=TRUE))

Whole ("Integer") Numbers


Check which elements of x[] are integer valued aka “whole” numbers,including MPFR numbers (class mpfr).


## S3 method for class 'mpfr'



any R vector, here of class mpfr.


logical vector of the same length as x, indicating where x[.] is integer valued.


Martin Maechler

See Also

is.integer(x) (base package) checks for the internal mode or class, not if x[i] are integer valued.

The is.whole() methods in package gmp.


is.integer(3) # FALSE, it's internally a double
 is.whole(3)   # TRUE
 x <- c(as(2,"mpfr") ^ 100, 3, 3.2, 1000000, 2^40)
 is.whole(x) # one FALSE, only

Compute f(a) = log\mathrm{log}(1 +/- exp\mathrm{exp}(-a)) Numerically Optimally


Compute f(a) = log(1 - exp(-a)), respectively g(x) = log(1 + exp(x)) quickly numerically accurately.


log1mexp(a, cutoff = log(2))
log1pexp(x, c0 = -37, c1 = 18, c2 = 33.3)



numeric (or mpfr) vector of positive values.


numeric vector, may also be an "mpfr" object.


positive number; log(2) is “optimal”, but the exact value is unimportant, and anything in [0.5,1][0.5, 1] is fine.

c0, c1, c2

cutoffs for log1pexp; see below.


log1mexp(a):=f(a)=log(1exp(a))=log1p(exp(a))=log(expm1(a))log1mexp(a) := f(a) = \log(1 - \exp(-a)) = \mathrm{log1p}(-\exp(-a)) = \log(-\mathrm{expm1}(-a))

or, respectively,

log1pexp(x):=g(x)=log(1+exp(x))=log1p(exp(x))log1pexp(x) := g(x) = \log(1 + \exp(x)) = \mathrm{log1p}(\exp(x))

computed accurately and quickly.


Martin Maechler, May 2002; log1pexp() in 2012


Martin Mächler (2012). Accurately Computing log(1exp(a))\log(1-\exp(-|a|));


fExpr <- expression(
          DEF   = log(1 - exp(-a)),
          expm1 = log(-expm1(-a)),
          log1p = log1p(-exp(-a)),
          F     = log1mexp(a))
a. <- 2^seq(-58, 10, length = 256)
a <- a. ; str(fa <-, as.list(fExpr)))
head(fa)# expm1() works here
tail(fa)# log1p() works here

## graphically:
lwd <- 1.5*(5:2); col <- adjustcolor(1:4, 0.4)
op <- par(mfcol=c(1,2), mgp = c(1.25, .6, 0), mar = .1+c(3,2,1,1))
  matplot(a, fa, type = "l", log = "x", col=col, lwd=lwd)
  legend("topleft", fExpr, col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=1:4, bty="n")
  # expm1() & log1mexp() work here

  matplot(a, -fa, type = "l", log = "xy", col=col, lwd=lwd)
  legend("left", paste("-",fExpr), col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=1:4, bty="n")
  # log1p() & log1mexp() work here

aM <- 2^seqMpfr(-58, 10, length=length(a.)) # => default prec = 128
a <- aM; dim(faM <-, as.list(fExpr))) # 256 x 4, "same" as 'fa'
## Here, for small 'a' log1p() and even 'DEF' is still good enough
l_f <- asNumeric(log(-faM))
all.equal(l_f[,"F"], l_f[,"log1p"], tol=0) # see TRUE (Lnx 64-bit)
io <- a. < 80 # for these, the differences are small
all.equal(l_f[io,"F"], l_f[io,"expm1"], tol=0) # see 6.662e-9
all.equal(l_f[io,"F"], l_f[io, "DEF" ], tol=0)
stopifnot(exprs = {
  all.equal(l_f[,"F"], l_f[,"log1p"],     tol= 1e-15)
  all.equal(l_f[io,"F"], l_f[io,"expm1"], tol= 1e-7)
  all.equal(l_f[io,"F"], l_f[io, "DEF" ], tol= 1e-7)
## For 128-bit prec, if we go down to 2^-130, "log1p" is no longer ok:
aM2 <- 2^seqMpfr(-130, 10, by = 1/2)
a <- aM2; fa2 <-, as.list(fExpr))
head(asNumeric(fa2), 12)
tail(asNumeric(fa2), 12)

matplot(a, log(-fa2[,1:3]) -log(-fa2[,"F"]),  type="l", log="x",
        lty=1:3, lwd=2*(3:1)-1, col=adjustcolor(2:4, 1/3))
legend("top", colnames(fa2)[1:3], lty=1:3, lwd=2*(3:1)-1, col=adjustcolor(2:4, 1/3))

cols <- adjustcolor(2:4, 1/3); lwd <- 2*(3:1)-1
matplot(a, 1e-40+abs(log(-fa2[,1:3]) -log(-fa2[,"F"])),  type="o", log="xy",
        main = "log1mexp(a) -- approximation rel.errors, mpfr(*, prec=128)",
        pch=21:23, cex=.6, bg=5:7, lty=1:2, lwd=lwd, col=cols)
legend("top", colnames(fa2)[1:3], bty="n", lty=1:2, lwd=lwd, col=cols,
        pch=21:23, pt.cex=.6,

## -------------------------- log1pexp() [simpler] --------------------

curve(log1pexp, -10, 10, asp=1)
abline(0,1, h=0,v=0, lty=3, col="gray")

## Cutoff c1 for log1pexp() -- not often "needed":
curve(log1p(exp(x)) - log1pexp(x), 16, 20, n=2049)
## need for *some* cutoff:
x <- seq(700, 720, by=2)
cbind(x, log1p(exp(x)), log1pexp(x))

## Cutoff c2 for log1pexp():
curve((x+exp(-x)) - x, 20, 40, n=1025)
curve((x+exp(-x)) - x, 33.1, 33.5, n=1025)

(MPFR) Matrix (Vector) Multiplication


Matrix / vector multiplication of mpfr (and “simple” numeric) matrices and vectors.

matmult (x,y, fPrec = 2) or crossprod(x,y, fPrec = 2) use higher precision in underlying computations.


matmult(x, y, ...)


x, y

numeric or mpfrMatrix-classed R objects, i.e. semantically numeric matrices or vectors.


arguments passed to the hidden underlying .matmult.R() work horse which is also underlying the %*%, crossprod(), and tcrossprod() methods, see the mpfrMatrix class documentation:


a multiplication factor, a positive number determining the number of bits precBits used for the underlying multiplication and summation arithmetic. The default is fPrec = 1. Setting fPrec = 2 doubles the precision which has been recommended, e.g., by John Nash.


the number of bits used for the underlying multiplication and summation arithmetic; by default precBits = fPrec * max(getPrec(x), getPrec(y)) which typically uses the same accuracy as regular mpfr-arithmetic would use.


a (base R) matrix or mpfrMatrix, depending on the classes of x and y.


Using matmult(x,y) instead of x %*% y, makes sense mainly if you use non-default fPrec or precBits arguments.

The crossprod(), and tcrossprod() function have the identical optional arguments fPrec or precBits.


Martin Maechler

See Also

%*%, crossprod, tcrossprod.


## FIXME: add example

## 1)  matmult()  <-->  %*%

## 2)  crossprod() , tcrossprod()  %% <--> ./mpfrMatrix-class.Rd  examples  (!)

Class "Mnumber" and "mNumber" of "mpfr" and regular numbers and arrays from them


Classes "Mnumber" "mNumber" are class unions of "mpfr" and regular numbers and arrays from them.
Its purpose is for method dispatch, notably defining a cbind(...) method where ... contains objects of one of the member classes of "Mnumber".

Classes "mNumber" is considerably smaller is it does not contain "matrix" and "array" since these also extend "character" which is not really desirable for generalized numbers. It extends the simple "numericVector" class by mpfr* classes.



signature(x = "mpfrMatrix", y = "Mnumber"): ...


signature(x = "mpfr", y = "Mnumber"): ...


signature(x = "Mnumber", y = "mpfr"): ...

etc. These are documented with the classes mpfr and or mpfrMatrix.

See Also

the array_or_vector sub class; cbind-methods.


## "Mnumber" encompasses (i.e., "extends") quite a few
##  "vector / array - like" classes:
stopifnot(extends("mpfrMatrix", "Mnumber"),
          extends("array",      "Mnumber"))

Mnsub <- names(getClass("Mnumber")@subclasses)
(mNsub <- names(getClass("mNumber")@subclasses))
## mNumber has *one* subclass which is not in Mnumber:
setdiff(mNsub, Mnsub)# namely "numericVector"
## The following are only subclasses of "Mnumber", but not of "mNumber":
setdiff(Mnsub, mNsub)

Create "mpfr" Numbers (Objects)


Create multiple (i.e. typically high) precision numbers, to be used in arithmetic and mathematical computations with R.


mpfr(x, precBits, ...)
## Default S3 method:
mpfr(x, precBits, base = 10,
     rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"), scientific = NA, ...)

Const(name = c("pi", "gamma", "catalan", "log2"), prec = 120L,
      rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))




a numeric, mpfr, bigz, bigq, or character vector or array.

precBits, prec

a number, the maximal precision to be used, in bits; i.e. 53 corresponds to double precision. Must be at least 2. If missing, getPrec(x) determines a default precision.


(only when x is character) the base with respect to which x[i] represent numbers; base bb must fulfill 2b622 \le b \le 62.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see details.


(used only when x is the result of formatBin(), i.e., of class "Bcharacter":) logical indicating that the binary representation of x is in scientific notation. When TRUE, mpfr() will substitute 0 for _; when NA, mpfr() will guess, and use TRUE when finding a "p" in x; see also formatBin.


a string specifying the mpfrlib - internal constant computation. "gamma" is Euler's gamma (γ\gamma), and "catalan" Catalan's constant.


potentially further arguments passed to and from methods.


The "mpfr" method of mpfr() is a simple wrapper around roundMpfr().

MPFR supports the following rounding modes,


round to nearest (roundTiesToEven in IEEE 754-2008).


round toward zero (roundTowardZero in IEEE 754-2008).


round toward plus infinity (“Up”, roundTowardPositive in IEEE 754-2008).


round toward minus infinity (“Down”, roundTowardNegative in IEEE 754-2008).


round away from zero (new since MPFR 3.0.0).

The ‘round to nearest’ ("N") mode, the default here, works as in the IEEE 754 standard: in case the number to be rounded lies exactly in the middle of two representable numbers, it is rounded to the one with the least significant bit set to zero. For example, the number 5/2, which is represented by (10.1) in binary, is rounded to (10.0)=2 with a precision of two bits, and not to (11.0)=3. This rule avoids the "drift" phenomenon mentioned by Knuth in volume 2 of The Art of Computer Programming (Section 4.2.2).

When x is character, mpfr() will detect the precision of the input object.


an object of (S4) class mpfr, or for mpfr(x) when x is an array, mpfrMatrix, or mpfrArray which the user should just as a normal numeric vector or array.

is.mpfr() returns TRUE or FALSE.


Martin Maechler


The MPFR team. (202x). GNU MPFR – The Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable Library; see or directly

See Also

The class documentation mpfr contains more details. Use asNumeric() from gmp to transform back to double precision ("numeric").


mpfr(pi, 120) ## the double-precision pi "translated" to 120-bit precision

pi. <- Const("pi", prec = 260) # pi "computed" to correct 260-bit precision
pi. # nicely prints 80 digits [260 * log10(2) ~= 78.3 ~ 80]

Const("gamma",   128L) # 0.5772...
Const("catalan", 128L) # 0.9159...

x <- mpfr(0:7, 100)/7 # a more precise version of  k/7, k=0,..,7
1 / x

## character input :
mpfr("2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757") - exp(mpfr(1, 150))
## ~= -4 * 10^-40
## Also works for  NA, NaN, ... :
cx <- c("1234567890123456", 345, "NA", "NaN", "Inf", "-Inf")

## with some 'base' choices :
print(mpfr("111.1111", base=2)) * 2^4

mpfr("af21.01020300a0b0c", base=16)
##  68 bit prec.  44833.00393694653820642

mpfr("ugi0", base = 32) == 10^6   ## TRUE

## --- Large integers from package 'gmp':
Z <- as.bigz(7)^(1:200)
head(Z, 40)
## mfpr(Z) by default chooses the correct *maximal* default precision:
mZ. <- mpfr(Z)
## more efficiently chooses precision individually
m.Z <- mpfr(Z, precBits = frexpZ(Z)$exp)
## the precBits chosen are large enough to keep full precision:
stopifnot(identical(cZ <- as.character(Z),
          identical(cZ, as(m.Z,"character")))

## compare mpfr-arithmetic with exact rational one:
stopifnot(all.equal(mpfr(as.bigq(355,113), 99),
                    mpfr(355, 99) / 113,	tol = 2^-98))

## look at different "rounding modes":
sapply(c("N", "D","U","Z","A"), function(RND)
       mpfr(c(-1,1)/5, 20, rnd.mode = RND), simplify=FALSE)

symnum(sapply(c("N", "D","U","Z","A"),
              function(RND) mpfr(0.2, prec = 5:15, rnd.mode = RND) < 0.2 ))

Class "mpfr" of Multiple Precision Floating Point Numbers


"mpfr" is the class of Multiple Precision Floatingpoint numbers with Reliable arithmetic.

sFor the high-level user, "mpfr" objects should behave as standard R's numeric vectors. They would just print differently and use the prespecified (typically high) precision instead of the double precision of ‘traditional’ R numbers (with class(.) == "numeric" and typeof(.) == "double").

hypot(x,y) computes the hypothenuse length zz in a rectangular triangle with “leg” side lengths xx and yy, i.e.,

z=hypot(x,y)=x2+y2,z = hypot(x,y) = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2},

in a numerically stable way.


hypot(x,y, rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))


x, y

an object of class mpfr.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see mpfr.

Objects from the Class

Objects are typically created by mpfr(<number>, precBits).

summary(<mpfr>) returns an object of class "summaryMpfr" which contains "mpfr" but has its own print method.


Internally, "mpfr" objects just contain standard R lists where each list element is of class "mpfr1", representing one MPFR number, in a structure with four slots, very much parallelizing the C struc in the mpfr C library to which the Rmpfr package interfaces.

An object of class "mpfr1" has slots


"integer" specifying the maxmimal precision in bits.


"integer" specifying the base-2 exponent of the number.


"integer", typically -1 or 1, specifying the sign (i.e. sign(.)) of the number.


an "integer" vector (of 32-bit “limbs”) which corresponds to the full mantissa of the number.



signature(x = "mpfr"): ...


signature(y = "mpfr", x = "ANY"), and


signature(x = "ANY", y = "mpfr"): compute the arc-tangent of two arguments: atan2(y, x) returns the angle between the x-axis and the vector from the origin to (x,y)(x, y), i.e., for positive arguments atan2(y, x) == atan(y/x).


signature(a = "ANY", b = "mpfrArray"), is log(B(a,b))\log(|B(a,b)|) where B(a,b)B(a,b) is the Beta function, beta(a,b).


signature(a = "mpfr", b = "ANY"),


signature(a = "mpfr", b = "mpfr"), ..., etc: Compute the beta function B(a,b)B(a,b), using high precision, building on internal gamma or lgamma. See the help for R's base function beta for more. Currently, there, a,b0a,b \ge 0 is required. Here, we provide (non-NaN) for all numeric a, b.

When either aa, bb, or a+ba+b is a negative integer, Γ(.)\Gamma(.) has a pole there and is undefined (NaN). However the Beta function can be defined there as “limit”, in some cases. Following other software such as SAGE, Maple or Mathematica, we provide finite values in these cases. However, note that these are not proper limits (two-dimensional in (a,b)(a,b)), but useful for some applications. E.g., B(a,b)B(a,b) is defined as zero when a+ba+b is a negative integer, but neither aa nor bb is. Further, if a>b>0a > b > 0 are integers, B(a,b)=B(b,a)B(-a,b)= B(b,-a) can be seen as (1)bB(ab+1,b)(-1)^b * B(a-b+1,b).


signature(x = "mpfr"): Setting a dimension dim on an "mpfr" object makes it into an object of class "mpfrArray" or (more specifically) "mpfrMatrix" for a length-2 dimension, see their help page; note that t(x) (below) is a special case of this.


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "ANY"): ...


signature(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "missing"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "integer"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "numeric"): ...


signature(e1 = "integer", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "integer"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "numeric"): ...


signature(e1 = "integer", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(x = "mpfr"): The S4 Summary group functions, max, min, range, prod, sum, any, and all are all defined for MPFR numbers. mean(x, trim) for non-0 trim works analogously to mean.default.


signature(x = "mpfr"): works via


signature(x = "mpfr"): a simple wrapper of the quantile.default method from stats.


signature(object = "mpfr"): modeled after summary.default, ensuring to provide the full "mpfr" range of numbers.


signature(x = "mpfr"): All the S4 Math group functions are defined, using multiple precision (MPFR) arithmetic, from getGroupMembers("Math"), these are (in alphabetical order):

abs, sign, sqrt, ceiling, floor, trunc, cummax, cummin, cumprod, cumsum, exp, expm1, log, log10, log2, log1p, cos, cosh, sin, sinh, tan, tanh, acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, cospi, sinpi, tanpi, gamma, lgamma, digamma, and trigamma.

Currently, trigamma is not provided by the MPFR library and hence not yet implemented.
Further, the cum*() methods are not yet implemented.


signature(x = "mpfr"): this will round the result when x is integer valued. Note however that factorialMpfr(n) for integer n is slightly more efficient, using the MPFR function ‘⁠mpfr_fac_ui⁠’.


signature(x = "mpfr"): round(x, digits) and signif(x, digits) methods. Note that these do not change the formal precision ('prec' slot), and you may often want to apply roundMpfr() in addition or preference.


signature(x = "mpfr"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrArray"): as for standard arrays, this “drops” the dim (and dimnames), i.e., transforms x into an ‘MPFR’ number vector, i.e., class mpfr.


signature(x = "mpfr", i = "ANY"), and


signature(x = "mpfr", i = "ANY", j = "missing", drop = "missing"): subsetting aka “indexing” happens as for numeric vectors.


signature(x = "mpfr"), further arguments digits = NULL, scientific = NA, etc: returns character vector of same length as x; when digits is NULL, with enough digits to recreate x accurately. For details, see formatMpfr.


signature(x = "mpfr"): ...


signature(x = "mpfr"): ...

signature(x = "mpfr"): ...


signature(x = "mpfr"): ...


signature(x = "mpfr"): ...


signature(object = "mpfr"): ...


signature(x = "mpfr"): ...

Re, Im

signature(z = "mpfr"): simply return z or 0 (as "mpfr" numbers of correct precision), as mpfr numbers are ‘real’ numbers.

Arg, Mod, Conj

signature(z = "mpfr"): these are trivial for our ‘real’ mpfr numbers, but defined to work correctly when used in R code that also allows complex number input.


signature(target = "mpfr", current = "mpfr"),


signature(target = "mpfr", current = "ANY"), and


signature(target = "ANY", current = "mpfr"): methods for numerical (approximate) equality, all.equal of multiple precision numbers. Note that the default tolerance (argument) is taken to correspond to the (smaller of the two) precisions when both main arguments are of class "mpfr", and hence can be considerably less than double precision machine epsilon .Machine$double.eps.


signature(from = "numeric", to = "mpfr"): as(., "mpfr") coercion methods are available for character strings, numeric, integer, logical, and even raw. Note however, that mpfr(., precBits, base) is more flexible.


signature(from = "mpfr", to = "bigz"): coerces to biginteger, see bigz in package gmp.


signature(from = "mpfr", to = "numeric"): ...


signature(from = "mpfr", to = "character"): ...


signature(x = "mpfr"), and corresponding S3 method (such that unique(<mpfr>) works inside base functions), see unique.

Note that duplicated() works for "mpfr" objects without the need for a specific method.


signature(x = "mpfr"): makes x into an n×1n \times 1 mpfrMatrix.


signature(x = "mpfr"): gives the index of the first minimum, see which.min.


signature(x = "mpfr"): gives the index of the first maximum, see which.max.


Many more methods (“functions”) automagically work for "mpfr" number vectors (and matrices, see the mpfrMatrix class doc), notably sort, order, quantile, rank.


Martin Maechler

See Also

The "mpfrMatrix" class, which extends the "mpfr" one.

roundMpfr to change precision of an "mpfr" object which is typically desirable instead of or in addition to signif() or round(); is.whole() from gmp, etc.

Special mathematical functions such as some Bessel ones, e.g., jn; further, zeta(.) (=ζ(.))(= \zeta(.)), Ei() etc. Bernoulli numbers and the Pochhammer function pochMpfr.


## 30 digit precision
(x <- mpfr(c(2:3, pi), prec = 30 * log2(10)))
str(x) # str() displays *compact*ly => not full precision
x[1] / x[2] # 0.66666... ~ 30 digits

## indexing - as with numeric vectors
stopifnot(exprs = {
   identical(x[2], x[[2]])
   ## indexing "outside" gives NA (well: "mpfr-NaN" for now):[5])
   ## whereas "[[" cannot index outside:
   inherits(tryCatch(x[[5]], error=identity), "error")
   ## and only select *one* element:
   inherits(tryCatch(x[[2:3]], error=identity), "error")

## factorial() & lfactorial would work automagically via [l]gamma(),
## but factorial() additionally has an "mpfr" method which rounds
f200 <- factorial(mpfr(200, prec = 1500)) # need high prec.!
as.numeric(log2(f200))# 1245.38 -- need precBits >~ 1246 for full precision

##--> see  factorialMpfr() for more such computations.

##--- "Underflow" **much** later -- exponents have 30(+1) bits themselves:

mpfr.min.exp2 <- - (2^30 + 1)
two <- mpfr(2, 55)
stopifnot(two ^ mpfr.min.exp2 == 0)
## whereas
two ^ (mpfr.min.exp2 * (1 - 1e-15))
## 2.38256490488795107e-323228497   ["typically"]

##--- "Assert" that {sort}, {order}, {quantile}, {rank}, all work :

p <- mpfr(rpois(32, lambda=500), precBits=128)^10
np <- as.numeric(log(p))
(sp <- summary(p))# using the print.summaryMpfr() method
stopifnot(all(diff(sort(p)) >= 0),
   identical(order(p), order(np)),
   identical(rank (p), rank (np)),
   all.equal(sapply(1:9, function(Typ) quantile(np, type=Typ, names=FALSE)),
      sapply(lapply(1:9, function(Typ) quantile( p, type=Typ, names=FALSE)),
	     function(x) as.numeric(log(x))),
      tol = 1e-3),# quantiles: interpolated in orig. <--> log scale

m0 <- mpfr(numeric(), 99)
xy <- expand.grid(x = -2:2, y = -2:2) ; x <- xy[,"x"] ; y <- xy[,"y"]
a2. <- atan2(y,x)

stopifnot(identical(which.min(m0), integer(0)),
	  identical(which.max(m0), integer(0)),
          all.equal(a2., atan2(as(y,"mpfr"), x)),
	  max(m0) == mpfr(-Inf, 53), # (53 is not a feature, but ok)
	  min(m0) == mpfr(+Inf, 53),
	  sum(m0) == 0, prod(m0) == 1)

## unique(), now even base::factor()  "works" on <mpfr> :
p <- rlnorm(20) * mpfr(10, 100)^-999
pp <- sample(p, 50, replace=TRUE)
str(unique(pp)) # length 18 .. (from originally 20)
## Class 'mpfr' [package "Rmpfr"] of length 18 and precision 100
## 5.56520587824e-999 4.41636588227e-1000 ..
facp <- factor(pp)
str(facp) # the factor *levels* are a bit verbose :
# Factor w/ 18 levels "new(\"mpfr1\", ...........)" ...
# At least *some* factor methods work :
stopifnot(exprs = {
            unname(table(asNumeric(pp * mpfr(10,100)^1000))))

## ((unfortunately, the expressions are wrong; should integer "L"))
## More useful: levels with which to *invert* factor() :
## -- this is not quite ok:
## simplified from 'utils' :
deparse1 <- function(x, ...) paste(deparse(x, 500L, ...), collapse = " ")
if(FALSE) {
 str(pp.levs <- vapply(unclass(sort(unique(pp))), deparse1, ""))
 facp2 <- factor(pp, levels = pp.levs)

Distribution Functions with MPFR Arithmetic


For some R standard (probability) density, distribution or quantile functions, we provide MPFR versions.


dpois (x, lambda, log = FALSE, useLog = )
dbinom (x, size, prob,     log = FALSE, useLog = )
dnbinom(x, size, prob, mu, log = FALSE, useLog = any(x > 1e6))
dnorm (x, mean = 0, sd = 1, log = FALSE)
dgamma(x, shape, rate = 1, scale = 1/rate, log = FALSE)
dt (x, df, ncp, log = FALSE)

pnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)


x, q, lambda, size, prob, mu, mean, sd, shape, rate, scale, df, ncp

numeric or mpfr vectors. All of these are “recycled” to the length of the longest one. For their meaning/definition, see the corresponding standard R (stats package) function.

log, log.p, lower.tail

logical, see pnorm, dpois, etc.


logical with default depending on x etc, indicating if log-scale computation should be used even when log = FALSE, for performance or against overflow / underflow.


pnorm() is based on erf() and erfc() which have direct MPFR counter parts and are both reparametrizations of pnorm, erf(x) = 2*pnorm(sqrt(2)*x) and erfc(x) = 2* pnorm(sqrt(2)*x, lower=FALSE).


A vector of the same length as the longest of x,q, ..., of class mpfr with the high accuracy results of the corresponding standard R function.


E.g., for pnorm(*, log.p = TRUE) to be useful, i.e., not to underflow or overflow, you may want to extend the exponential range of MPFR numbers, using .mpfr_erange_set(), see the examples.

See Also

pnorm, dt, dbinom, dnbinom, dgamma, dpois in standard package stats.

pbetaI(x, a,b) is a mpfr version of pbeta only for integer a and b.


x <- 1400+ 0:10
print(dpois(x, 1000), digits =18) ## standard R's double precision
(px <- dpois(mpfr(x, 120), 1000))## more accuracy for the same
px. <- dpois(mpfr(x, 120), 1000, useLog=TRUE)# {failed in 0.8-8}
stopifnot(all.equal(px, px., tol = 1e-31))
dpois(0:5, mpfr(10000, 80)) ## very small exponents (underflowing in dbl.prec.)

print(dbinom(0:8, 8, pr = 4 / 5), digits=18)
      dbinom(0:8, 8, pr = 4/mpfr(5, 99)) -> dB; dB

print(dnorm(     -5:5), digits=18)
      dnorm(mpfr(-5:5, prec=99))

## For pnorm() in the extreme tails, need an exponent range
## larger than the (MPFR and Rmpfr) default:
(old_eranges <- .mpfr_erange()) # typically -/+ 2^30:
log2(abs(old_eranges))   # 30  30
.mpfr_erange_set(value = (1-2^-52)*.mpfr_erange(c("min.emin","max.emax")))
log2(abs(.mpfr_erange()))# 62  62  *if* setup -- 2023-01: *not* on Winbuilder, nor
## other Windows where long is 4 bytes (32 bit) and the erange typically cannot be extended.
tens <- mpfr(10^(4:7), 128)
pnorm(tens, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE) # "works" (iff ...)
## "the" boundary:
pnorm(mpfr(- 38581.371, 128), log.p=TRUE) # still does not underflow {but *.372 does}
## -744261105.599283824811986753129188937418  (iff ...)
.mpfr_erange()*log(2) # the boundary
##          Emin          Emax
## -3.196577e+18  3.196577e+18 (iff ...)

## reset to previous
.mpfr_erange_set( , old_eranges)
pnorm(tens, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE) # all but first underflow to -Inf

Special Mathematical Functions (MPFR)


Special Mathematical Functions, supported by the MPFR Library.

Note that additionally, all the Math and Math2 group member functions are “mpfr-ified”, too; ditto, for many more standard R functions. See see the methods listed in mpfr (aka ?`mpfr-class`).






a numeric or mpfr vector.


zeta(x) computes Riemann's Zeta function ζ(x)\zeta(x) important in analytical number theory and related fields. The traditional definition is

ζ(x)=n=11nx.\zeta(x) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^x}.

Ei(x) computes the exponential integral,

xett  dt.\int_{-\infty}^{x} \frac{e^t}{t} \; dt.

Li2(x) computes the dilogarithm,

0xlog(1t)t  dt.\int_{0}^{x} \frac{-log(1-t)}{t} \; dt.

erf(x) and erfc(x) are the error, respectively complementary error function which are both reparametrizations of pnorm, erf(x) = 2*pnorm(sqrt(2)*x) and erfc(x) = 2* pnorm(sqrt(2)*x, lower=FALSE), and hence Rmpfr provides its own version of pnorm.


A vector of the same length as x, of class mpfr.

See Also

pnorm in standard package stats; the class description mpfr mentioning the generic arithmetic and mathematical functions (sin, log, ..., etc) for which "mpfr" methods are available.

Note the (integer order, non modified) Bessel functions j0()j_0(), yn()y_n(), etc, named j0, yn etc, and Airy function Ai()Ai() in Bessel_mpfr.


curve(Ei,  0, 5, n=2001)

## As we now require (mpfrVersion() >= "2.4.0"):
curve(Li2,  0,    5, n=2001)
curve(Li2, -2,   13, n=2000); abline(h=0,v=0, lty=3)
curve(Li2, -200,400, n=2000); abline(h=0,v=0, lty=3)

curve(erf, -3,3, col = "red", ylim = c(-1,2))
curve(erfc, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=3)
legend(-3,1, c("erf(x)", "erfc(x)"), col = c("red","blue"), lty=1)

Rmpfr – Utilities for Precision Setting, Printing, etc


This page documents utilities from package Rmpfr which are typically not called by the user, but may come handy in some situations.

Notably, the (base-2) maximal (and minimal) precision and the “erange”, the range of possible (base-2) exponents of mpfr-numbers can be queried and partly extended.


getPrec(x, base = 10, doNumeric = TRUE, is.mpfr = NA, bigq. = 128L)
## S3 method for class 'mpfrArray'
print(x, digits = NULL, drop0trailing = FALSE,
      right = TRUE,
      max.digits = getOption("Rmpfr.print.max.digits", 999L), = getOption("", TRUE),
## S3 method for class 'mpfr'
print(x, digits = NULL, drop0trailing = TRUE,
      right = TRUE,
      max.digits = getOption("Rmpfr.print.max.digits", 999L), = getOption("", TRUE),
toNum(from, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A'))

mpfr2array(x, dim, dimnames = NULL, check = FALSE)

.mpfr2list(x, names = FALSE)

mpfrXport(x, names = FALSE)


.mpfr_erange(kind = c("Emin", "Emax"), names = TRUE)
.mpfr_erange_set(kind = c("Emin", "Emax"), value)


## Really Internal and low level, no error checking (for when you know ..)
.mpfr (x, precBits)
.mpfr.(x, precBits, rnd.mode)


..bigq2mpfr(x, precB = NULL, rnd.mode = c("N", "D", "U", "Z", "A"))
..bigz2mpfr(x, precB = NULL, rnd.mode = c("N", "D", "U", "Z", "A"))


x, from

typically, an R object of class "mpfr", or "mpfrArray", respectively. For getPrec(), any number-like R object, or NULL.


(only when x is character) the base with respect to which x[i] represent numbers; base bb must fulfill 2b622 \le b \le 62.


logical indicating integer or double typed x should be accepted and a default precision be returned. Should typically be kept at default TRUE.


logical indicating if class(x) is already known to be "mpfr"; typically should be kept at default, NA.


for getPrec(), the precision to use for a big rational (class "bigq"); if not specified gives warning when used.

prec, precB, precBits

a positive integer, or missing.


logical indicating if trailing "0"s should be omitted.


logical indicating print()ing should right justify the strings; see print.default() to which it is passed.

digits, ...

further arguments to print methods.


a number (possibly Inf) to limit the number of (mantissa) digits to be printed, simply passed to formatMpfr(). The default is finite to protect from printing very long strings which is often undesirable, notably in interactive use.

logical, simply passed to formatMpfr(). Was FALSE hardwired in Rmpfr versions before 0.8-0, and hence is allowed to be tweaked by an options() setting.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see details of mpfr.

dim, dimnames

for "mpfrArray" construction.


logical indicating if the mpfrArray construction should happen with internal safety check. Previously, the implicit default used to be true.


(for .mpfr2list()) logical or character vector, indicating if the list returned should have names. If character, it specifies the names; if true, the names are set to format(x).


an "mpfrXport" object, as resulting from mpfrXport().


a character string or vector, specifying the kind of “erange” value; must be an element of .mpfr_erange_kinds, i.e., one of "Emin", "Emax", "min.emin", "max.emin", "min.emax", "max.emax".


numeric, for .mpfr_erange_set() one number per kind. Must be in range specified by the *."emin" and *."emax" erange values.


The print method is currently built on the format method for class mpfr. This, currently does not format columns jointly which leads to suboptimally looking output. There are plans to change this.

Note that formatMpfr() which is called by print() (or show() or R's implicit printing) uses max.digits = Inf, differing from our print()'s default on purpose. If you do want to see the full accuracy even in cases it is large, use options(Rmpfr.print.max.digits = Inf) or (.. = 1e7), say.

The .mpfr_erange* functions (and variable) allow to query and set the allowed range of values for the base-2 exponents of "mpfr" numbers. See the examples below and GNU MPFR library documentation on the C functions mpfr_get_emin(), mpfr_set_emin(.), mpfr_get_emin_min(), and mpfr_get_emin_max(), (and those four with ‘_emin’ replaced by ‘_emax’ above).


getPrec(x) returns a integer vector of length one or the same length as x when that is positive, whereas getPrec(NULL) returns mpfr_default_prec(), see below. If you need to change the precision of x, i.e., need something like “setPrec”, use roundMpfr().

.getPrec(x) is a simplified version of getPrec() which only works for "mpfr" objects x.

getD(x) is intended to be a fast version of [email protected], and should not be used outside of lower level functions.

mpfr_default_prec() returns the current MPFR default precision, an integer. This is currently not made use of much in package Rmpfr, where functions have their own default precision where needed, and otherwise we'd rather not be dependent of such a global setting.
mpfr_default_prec(prec) sets the current MPFR default precision and returns the previous one; see above.

.mpfr_maxPrec() and (less interestingly) .mpfr_minPrec() give the maximal and minimal base-2 precision allowed in the current version of the MPFR library linked to by R package Rmpfr. The maximal precision is typically 2632^{63}, i.e.,

 all.equal(.mpfr_maxPrec(), 2^63) 

is typically true.

toNum(m) returns a numeric array or matrix, when m is of class "mpfrArray" or "mpfrMatrix", respectively. It should be equivalent to as(m, "array") or ... "matrix". Note that the slightly more general asNumeric() from gmp is preferred now. .mpfr2d() is similar to but simpler than toNum(), whereas .mpfr2i() is an analogue low level utility for as.integer(<mpfr>).

mpfr2array() a slightly more flexible alternative to dim(.) <- dd.

.mpfr2exp(x) returns the base-2 (integer valued) exponents of x, i.e., it is the R interface to MPFR C's mpfr_get_exp(). The result is integer iff .mpfr_erange_is_int() is true, otherwise double. Note that the MPFR (4.0.1) manual says about mpfr_get_exp(): The behavior for NaN, infinity or zero is undefined.

.mpfr_erange_is_int() returns TRUE iff the .mpfr_erange(c("Emin","Emax")) range lies inside the range of R's integer limits, i.e., has absolute values not larger than .Machine$integer.max (=2311= 2^{31} - 1).

.mpfr_erange_set() invisibly (see invisible()) returns TRUE iff the change was successful.

.mpfr_gmp_numbbits() returns the ‘GMP’ library “numb” size, which is either 32 or 64 bit (as integer, i.e., 64L or 32L). If it is not 64, you typically cannot enlarge the exponential range of mpfr numbers via .mpfr_erange(), see above.

.mpfrVersion() returns a string, the version of the ‘MPFR’ library we are linking to.

.mpfr_formatinfo(x) returns conceptually a subset of .mpfr2str()'s result, a list with three components


the base-2 exponents of x, identical to .mpfr2exp(x).


logical identical to is.finite(x).


logical indicating if the corresponding x[i] is zero; identical to mpfrIs0(x).

(Note that .mpfr2str(x, .., base)$exp is wrt base and is not undefined but ...)

.mpfr_sign(x) only works for mpfr objects, then identical to sign(x). Analogously, .mpfr_negative(x) is -x in that case. .getSign(x) is a low-level version of sign(x) returning -1 or +1, but not 0.
Finally, ..bigq2mpfr(x, ..) and ..bigz2mpfr(x, ..) are fast ways to coerce bigz and bigq number objects (created by package gmp's functionality) to our "mpfr" class.


mpfrXport() and mpfrImport() are experimental and used to explore reported platform incompatibilities of save()d and load()ed "mpfr" objects between Windows and non-Windows platforms.

In other words, the format of the result of mpfrXport() and hence the mxp argument to mpfrImport() are considered internal, not part of the API and subject to change.

See Also

Start using mpfr(..), and compute with these numbers.

mpfrArray(x) is for numeric (“non-mpfr”) x, whereas mpfr2array(x) is for "mpfr" classed x, only.


getPrec(as(c(1,pi), "mpfr")) # 128 for both

(opr <- mpfr_default_prec()) ## typically  53, the MPFR system default
stopifnot(opr == (oprec <- mpfr_default_prec(70)),
          70  == mpfr_default_prec())
## and reset it:

## Explore behavior of rounding modes 'rnd.mode':
x <- mpfr(10,99)^512 # too large for regular (double prec. / numeric):
sapply(c("N", "D", "U", "Z", "A"), function(RM)
       sapply(list(-x,x), function(.) toNum(., RM)))
##    N             D              U              Z    A
## -Inf          -Inf -1.797693e+308 -1.797693e+308 -Inf
##  Inf 1.797693e+308            Inf  1.797693e+308  Inf

## Printing of "MPFR" matrices is less nice than R's usual matrix printing:
m <- outer(c(1, 3.14, -1024.5678), c(1, 1e-3, 10,100))
m[3,3] <- round(m[3,3])
mpfr(m, 50)

B6 <- mpfr2array(Bernoulli(1:6, 60), c(2,3),
                 dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:2], letters[1:3]))

## Ranges of (base 2) exponents of MPFR numbers:
.mpfr_erange() # the currently active range of possible base 2 exponents:

## A factory fresh setting fulfills
.mpfr_erange(c("Emin","Emax")) == c(-1,1) * (2^30 - 1)

## There are more 'kind's, the latter 4 showing how you could change the first two :
eLimits <- .mpfr_erange(c("min.emin", "max.emin", "min.emax", "max.emax"))
## Typically true in MPFR versions *iff* long is 64-bit, i.e. *not* on Windows
if(.Machine$sizeof.long == 8L) {
    eLimits == c(-1,1, -1,1) * (2^62 - 1)
} else if(.Machine$sizeof.long == 4L) # on Windows
    eLimits == c(-1,1, -1,1) * (2^30 - 1)

## Looking at internal representation [for power users only!]:

i8 <- mpfr(-2:5, 32)
x4 <- mpfr(c(NA, NaN, -Inf, Inf), 32)
stopifnot(exprs = {
    identical(x4[1], x4[2])[1] == x4[2]) # <- was *wrong* in Rmpfr <= 0.9-4[1] != x4[2]) #  (ditto)
    identical(x4 < i8[1:4], c(NA,NA, TRUE,FALSE))
    identical(is.infinite(x4), c(FALSE,FALSE, TRUE,TRUE))
## The output of the following depends on the GMP "numb" size
## (32 bit vs. 64 bit), *and* additionally
## on sizeof.long (mostly non-Windows <-> Windows, see above):
str( .mpfr2list(i8) )
str( .mpfr2list(x4, names = TRUE) )

str(xp4 <- mpfrXport(x4, names = TRUE))
stopifnot(identical(x4, mpfrImport(mpfrXport(x4))),
          identical(i8, mpfrImport(mpfrXport(i8))))
## FIXME, need c(.), as dim(.)  "get lost":
stopifnot(identical(c(B6), mpfrImport(mpfrXport(B6))))

MPFR Number Utilities


mpfrVersion() returns the version of the MPFR library which Rmpfr is currently linked to.

c(x,y,...) can be used to combine MPFR numbers in the same way as regular numbers IFF the first argument x is of class mpfr.

mpfrIs0(.) uses the MPFR library in the documented way to check if (a vector of) MPFR numbers are zero. It was called which is strongly deprecated now. uses the MPFR library in the documented way to check if (a vector of) MPFR numbers is integer valued. This is equivalent to x == round(x), but not at all to is.integer(as(x, "numeric")).
You should typically rather use (the "mpfr" method of the generic function) is.whole(x) from gmp instead. The former name is deprecated now.


## S3 method for class 'mpfr'
## S3 method for class 'mpfr'
diff(x, lag = 1L, differences = 1L, ...)



an object of class mpfr.


for diff, further mpfr class objects or simple numbers (numeric vectors) which are coerced to mpfr with default precision of 128 bits.

lag, differences

for diff(): exact same meaning as in diff()'s default method, diff.default.


mpfrIs0 returns a logical vector of length length(x) with values TRUE iff the corresponding x[i] is an MPFR representation of zero (0).
Similarly, and is.whole return a logical vector of length length(x).

mpfrVersion returns an object of S3 class "numeric_version", so it can be used in comparisons.

The other functions return MPFR number (vectors), i.e., extending class mpfr.

See Also

str.mpfr for the str method. erf for special mathematical functions on MPFR.

The class description mpfr page mentions many generic arithmetic and mathematical functions for which "mpfr" methods are available.



(x <- c(Const("pi", 64), mpfr(-2:2, 64)))
mpfrIs0(x)    # one of them is
x[mpfrIs0(x)] # but it may not have been obvious..

x <- rep(-2:2, 5)
stopifnot(is.whole(mpfr(2, 500) ^ (1:200)),
          all.equal(diff(x), diff(as.numeric(x))))

Construct "mpfrArray" almost as by 'array()'


Utility to construct an R object of class mpfrArray, very analogously to the numeric array function.


mpfrArray(x, precBits, dim = length(x), dimnames = NULL,
          rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))



numeric(like) vector, typically of length prod(dim) or shorter in which case it is recycled.


a number, the maximal precision to be used, in bits; i.e., 53 corresponds to double precision. Must be at least 2.


the dimension of the array to be created, that is a vector of length one or more giving the maximal indices in each dimension.


either NULL or the names for the dimensions. This is a list with one component for each dimension, either NULL or a character vector of the length given by dim for that dimension.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see details of mpfr.


an object of class "mpfrArray", specifically "mpfrMatrix" when length(dim) == 2.

See Also

mpfr, array; asNumeric() from gmp as “inverse” of mpfrArray(), to get back a numeric array.

mpfr2array(x) is for "mpfr" classed x, only, whereas mpfrArray(x) is for numeric (“non-mpfr”) x.


## preallocating is possible here too
ma <- mpfrArray(NA, prec = 80, dim = 2:4)
validObject(A2 <- mpfrArray(1:24, prec = 64, dim = 2:4))

## recycles, gives an "mpfrMatrix" and dimnames :
mat <- mpfrArray(1:5, 64, dim = c(5,3), dimnames=list(NULL, letters[1:3]))
                    matrix(1:5 +0, 5,3, dimnames=dimnames(mat))))

## Testing the apply() method :
apply(mat, 2, range)
apply(A2, 1:2, range)
apply(A2, 2:3, max)
(fA2 <- apply(A2, 2, fivenum))
a2 <- as(A2, "array")
stopifnot(as(apply(A2, 2, range), "matrix") ==
             apply(a2, 2, range)
        , all.equal(fA2, apply(a2, 2, fivenum))
        , all.equal(apply(A2, 2, quantile),
                    apply(a2, 2, quantile))
        , all.equal(A2, apply(A2, 2:3, identity) -> aA2, check.attributes=FALSE)
        , dim(A2) == dim(aA2)

Classes "mpfrMatrix" and "mpfrArray"


The classes "mpfrMatrix" and "mpfrArray" are, analogously to the base matrix and array functions and classes simply “numbers” of class mpfr with an additional Dim and Dimnames slot.

Objects from the Class

Objects should typically be created by mpfrArray(), but can also be created by new("mpfrMatrix", ...) or new("mpfrArray", ...), or also by t(x), dim(x) <- dd, or mpfr2array(x, dim=dd) where x is a an mpfr “number vector”.

A (slightly more flexible) alternative to dim(x) <- dd is mpfr2array(x, dd, dimnames).



as for the mpfr class, a "list" of mpfr1 numbers.


of class "integer", specifying the array dimension.


of class "list" and the same length as Dim, each list component either NULL or a character vector of length Dim[j].


Class "mpfrMatrix" extends "mpfrArray", directly.

Class "mpfrArray" extends class "mpfr", by class "mpfrArray", distance 2; class "list", by class "mpfrArray", distance 3; class "vector", by class "mpfrArray", distance 4.



signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfrArray", e2 = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfrArray", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfrArray", e2 = "numeric"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrArray", mode = "missing"): drops the dimension ‘attribute’, i.e., transforms x into a simple mpfr vector. This is an inverse of t(.) or dim(.) <- * on such a vector.


signature(y = "ANY", x = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(y = "mpfrArray", x = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(y = "mpfrArray", x = "ANY"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrArray", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", value = "ANY"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrArray", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrArray", i = "ANY", j = "missing", drop = "missing"): "mpfrArray"s can be subset (“indexed”) as regular R arrays.


signature(x = "mpfr", y = "mpfrMatrix"): Compute the matrix/vector product xyx y when the dimensions (dim) of x and y match. If x is not a matrix, it is treated as a 1-row or 1-column matrix (aka “row vector” or “column vector”) depending on which one makes sense, see the documentation of the base function %*%.


signature(x = "mpfr", y = "Mnumber"): method definition for cases with one mpfr and any “number-like” argument are to use MPFR arithmetic as well.


signature(x = "mpfrMatrix", y = "mpfrMatrix"),


signature(x = "mpfrMatrix", y = "mpfr"), etc. Further method definitions with identical semantic.


signature(x = "mpfr", y = "missing"): Computes xxx'x, i.e., t(x) %*% x, typically more efficiently.


signature(x = "mpfr", y = "mpfrMatrix"): Computes xyx'y, i.e., t(x) %*% y, typically more efficiently.


signature(x = "mpfrMatrix", y = "mpfrMatrix"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrMatrix", y = "mpfr"): ...


signature(x = "mpfr", y = "missing"): Computes xxxx', i.e., x %*% t(x), typically more efficiently.


signature(x = "mpfrMatrix", y = "mpfrMatrix"): Computes xyxy', i.e., x %*% t(y), typically more efficiently.


signature(x = "mpfrMatrix", y = "mpfr"): ...


signature(x = "mpfr", y = "mpfrMatrix"): ...


signature(from = "mpfrArray", to = "array"): coerces from to a numeric array of the same dimension.


signature(from = "mpfrArray", to = "vector"): as for standard arrays, this “drops” the dim (and dimnames), i.e., returns an mpfr vector.


signature(e1 = "mpfr", e2 = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfrArray", e2 = "mpfr"): ...


signature(e1 = "mpfrArray", e2 = "numeric"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(object = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrArray"): ...


signature(x = "mpfrMatrix", type = "character"): computes the matrix norm of x, see norm or the one in package Matrix.


signature(x = "mpfrMatrix"): tranpose the mpfrMatrix.


signature(a = "mpfrArray"): aperm(a, perm) is a generalization of t(.) to permute the dimensions of an mpfrArray; it has the same semantics as the standard aperm() method for simple R arrays.


Martin Maechler

See Also

mpfrArray, also for more examples.



validObject(mm <- new("mpfrMatrix"))
validObject(aa <- new("mpfrArray"))

v6 <- mpfr(1:6, 128)
m6 <- new("mpfrMatrix", v6, Dim = c(2L, 3L))
which(m6 == 3, arr.ind = TRUE) # |-->  (1, 2)
## Coercion back to "vector": Both of these work:
stopifnot(identical(as(m6, "mpfr"), v6),
	  identical(as.vector(m6), v6)) # < but this is a "coincidence"

S2 <- m6[,-3] # 2 x 2
S3 <- rbind(m6, c(1:2,10)) ; s3 <- asNumeric(S3)
stopifnot(all.equal(det(S2), det(asNumeric(S2)), tol=1e-15),
	  all.equal(det(S3), det(s3), tol=1e-15))

## 2-column matrix indexing and replacement:
(sS <- S3[i2 <- cbind(1:2, 2:3)])
stopifnot(identical(asNumeric(sS), s3[i2]))
C3 <- S3; c3 <- s3
C3[i2] <- 10:11
c3[i2] <- 10:11
stopifnot(identical(asNumeric(C3), c3))

AA <- new("mpfrArray", as.vector(cbind(S3, -S3)), Dim=c(3L,3:2))
stopifnot(identical(AA[,,1] , S3), identical(AA[,,2] , -S3))
aa <- asNumeric(AA)

i3 <- cbind(3:1, 1:3, c(2L, 1:2))
ii3 <- Rmpfr:::.mat2ind(i3, dim(AA), dimnames(AA))
stopifnot(aa[i3] == new("mpfr", getD(AA)[ii3]))
stopifnot(identical(aa[i3], asNumeric(AA[i3])))
CA <- AA; ca <- aa
ca[i3] <- ca[i3] ^ 3
CA[i3] <- CA[i3] ^ 3

## scale():
S2. <- scale(S2)
stopifnot(all.equal(abs(as.vector(S2.)), rep(sqrt(1/mpfr(2, 128)), 4),
		    tol = 1e-30))

## norm() :
stopifnot(identical(norm(S2), norm(S2, "1")),
          norm(S2, "I") == 6,
          norm(S2, "M") == 4,
          abs(norm(S2, "F") - 5.477225575051661) < 1e-15)

Functions for mpfrMatrix Objects


determinant(x, ..) computes the determinant of the mpfr square matrix x. May work via coercion to "numeric", i.e., compute determinant(asNumeric(x), logarithm), if asNumeric is true, by default, if the dimension is larger than three. Otherwise, use precision precBits for the “accumulator” of the result, and use the recursive mathematical definition of the determinant (with computational complexity n!n!, where nn is the matrix dimension, i.e., very inefficient for all but small matrices!)


## S3 method for class 'mpfrMatrix'
determinant(x, logarithm = TRUE,
            asNumeric = (d[1] > 3), precBits = max(.getPrec(x)), ...)



an mpfrMatrix object of square dimension.


logical indicating if the log of the absolute determinant should be returned.


logical .. .. if rather determinant(asNumeric(x), ...) should be computed.


the number of binary digits for the result (and the intermediate accumulations).


unused (potentially further arguments passed to methods).


as determinant(), an object of S3 class "det", a list with components


the (logarithm of) the absolute value (abs) of the determinant of x.


the sign of the determinant.


Martin Maechler

See Also

determinant in base R, which relies on a fast LU decomposition. mpfrMatrix


m6 <- mpfrArray(1:6, prec=128, dim = c(2L, 3L))
S2 <- m6[,-3] # 2 x 2
S3 <- rbind(m6, c(1:2,10))
stopifnot(all.equal(det(S2), det(asNumeric(S2)), tolerance=1e-15),
	  all.equal(det(S3), det(asNumeric(S3)), tolerance=1e-15))

BigQ / BigRational Approximation of Numbers


num2bigq(x) searches for “small” denominator bigq aka ‘bigRational’ approximations to numeric or "mpfr" x.

It uses the same continued fraction approximation as package MASS' fractions(), but using big integer, rational and mpfr-arithmetic from packages Rmpfr and gmp.


num2bigq(x, cycles = 50L, max.denominator = 2^25, verbose = FALSE)



numeric or mpfr-number like


a positive integer, the maximal number of approximation cycles, or equivalently, continued fraction terms to be used.


an approximate bound on the maximal denominator used in the approximation. If small, the algorithm may use less than cycles cycles.


a logical indicating if some intermediate results should be printed during the iterative approximation.


a big rational, i.e., bigq (from gmp) vector of the same length as x.


Bill Venables and Brian Ripley, for the algorithm in fractions(); Martin Maechler, for the port to use Rmpfr and gmp arithmetic.

See Also

.mpfr2bigq() seems similar but typically uses much larger denominators in order to get full accuracy.



num2bigq(pi, max.denominator = 200) #  355/113
num2bigq(pi) # much larger
num2bigq(pi, cycles=10) # much larger

High Precision One-Dimensional Optimization


optimizeR searches the interval from lower to upper for a minimum of the function f with respect to its first argument.


optimizeR(f, lower, upper, ..., tol = 1e-20,
          method = c("Brent", "GoldenRatio"),
          maximum = FALSE,
          precFactor = 2.0, precBits = -log2(tol) * precFactor,
          maxiter = 1000, trace = FALSE)



the function to be optimized. f(x) must work “in Rmpfr arithmetic” for optimizer() to make sense. The function is either minimized or maximized over its first argument depending on the value of maximum.


additional named or unnamed arguments to be passed to f.


the lower end point of the interval to be searched.


the upper end point of the interval to be searched.


the desired accuracy, typically higher than double precision, i.e., tol < 2e-16.


character string specifying the optimization method.


logical indicating if f()f() should be maximized or minimized (the default).


only for default precBits construction: a factor to multiply with the number of bits directly needed for tol.


number of bits to be used for mpfr numbers used internally.


maximal number of iterations to be used.


integer or logical indicating if and how iterations should be monitored; if an integer kk, print every kk-th iteration.



Brent(1973)'s simple and robust algorithm is a hybrid, using a combination of the golden ratio and local quadratic (“parabolic”) interpolation. This is the same algorithm as standard R's optimize(), adapted to high precision numbers.

In smooth cases, the convergence is considerably faster than the golden section or Fibonacci ratio algorithms.


The golden ratio method, aka ‘golden-section search’ works as follows: from a given interval containing the solution, it constructs the next point in the golden ratio between the interval boundaries.


A list with components minimum (or maximum) and objective which give the location of the minimum (or maximum) and the value of the function at that point; iter specifiying the number of iterations, the logical convergence indicating if the iterations converged and estim.prec which is an estimate or an upper bound of the final precision (in xx). method the string of the method used.


"GoldenRatio" is based on Hans Werner Borchers' golden_ratio (package pracma); modifications and "Brent" by Martin Maechler.

See Also

R's standard optimize; for multivariate optimization, Rmpfr's hjkMpfr(); for root finding, Rmpfr's unirootR.


## The minimum of the Gamma (and lgamma) function (for x > 0):
Gmin <- optimizeR(gamma, .1, 3, tol = 1e-50)
str(Gmin, digits = 8)
## high precision chosen for "objective"; minimum has "estim.prec" = 1.79e-50
## it is however more accurate to 59 digits:
asNumeric(optimizeR(gamma, 1, 2, tol = 1e-100)$minimum - Gmin$minimum)

iG5 <- function(x) -exp(-(x-5)^2/2)
curve(iG5, 0, 10, 200)
o.dp  <- optimize (iG5, c(0, 10)) #->  5 of course <- optimizeR(iG5, 0, 10, method="Golden")
oM.Br <- optimizeR(iG5, 0, 10, method="Brent", trace=TRUE)$min ;$iter
oM.Br$min ; oM.Br$iter
(doExtras <- Rmpfr:::doExtras())
if(doExtras) {## more accuracy {takes a few seconds} <- optimizeR(iG5, 0, 10, method="Golden", tol = 1e-70)
 oM.Br <- optimizeR(iG5, 0, 10,                  tol = 1e-70)
rbind(Golden = c(err = as.numeric($min -5), iter =$iter),
      Brent  = c(err = as.numeric(oM.Br$min -5), iter = oM.Br$iter))

## ==> Brent is orders of magnitude more efficient !

## Testing on the sine curve with 40 correct digits:
sol <- optimizeR(sin, 2, 6, tol = 1e-40)
sol <- optimizeR(sin, 2, 6, tol = 1e-50,
                 precFactor = 3.0, trace = TRUE)
pi.. <- 2*sol$min/3
print(pi.., digits=51)
stopifnot(all.equal(pi.., Const("pi", 256), tolerance = 10*1e-50))

if(doExtras) { # considerably more expensive

## a harder one:
f.sq <- function(x) sin(x-2)^4 + sqrt(pmax(0,(x-1)*(x-4)))*(x-2)^2
curve(f.sq, 0, 4.5, n=1000)
msq <- optimizeR(f.sq, 0, 5, tol = 1e-50, trace=5)
str(msq) # ok
stopifnot(abs(msq$minimum - 2) < 1e-49)

## find the other local minimum: -- non-smooth ==> Golden ratio -section is used
msq2 <- optimizeR(f.sq, 3.5, 5, tol = 1e-50, trace=10)
stopifnot(abs(msq2$minimum - 4) < 1e-49)

## and a local maximum:
msq3 <- optimizeR(f.sq, 3, 4, maximum=TRUE, trace=2)
stopifnot(abs(msq3$maximum - 3.57) < 1e-2)

}#end {doExtras}

##----- "impossible" one to get precisely ------------------------

ff <- function(x) exp(-1/(x-8)^2)
curve(exp(-1/(x-8)^2), -3, 13, n=1001)
(opt. <- optimizeR(function(x) exp(-1/(x-8)^2), -3, 13, trace = 5))
## -> close to 8 {but not very close!}
ff(opt.$minimum) # gives 0
if(doExtras) {
 ## try harder ... in vain ..
 str(opt1 <- optimizeR(ff, -3,13, tol = 1e-60, precFactor = 4))
 print(opt1$minimum, digits=20)
 ## still just  7.99998038 or 8.000036655 {depending on method}

Accurate Incomplete Beta / Beta Probabilities For Integer Shapes


For integers aa, bb, Ix(a,b)I_x(a,b) aka pbeta(x, a,b) is a polynomial in x with rational coefficients, and hence arbitarily accurately computable.

TODO (not yet): It's sufficient for one of a,ba,b to be integer such that the result is a finite sum (but the coefficients will no longer be rational, see Abramowitz and Stegun, 26.5.6 and *.7, p.944).


pbetaI(q, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
       precBits = NULL,
       useRational = !log.p && !is.mpfr(q) && is.null(precBits) && int2,
       rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))



called xx, above; vector of quantiles, in [0,1][0,1]; can be numeric, or of class "mpfr" or also "bigq" (“big rational” from package gmp); in the latter case, if log.p = FALSE as by default, all computations are exact, using big rational arithmetic.

shape1, shape2

the positive Beta “shape” parameters, called a,ba, b, above. Must be integer valued for this function.


unused, only for compatibility with pbeta, must be kept at its default, 0.


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[Xx]P[X \le x], otherwise, P[X>x]P[X > x].


logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


the precision (in number of bits) to be used in sumBinomMpfr().


optional logical, specifying if we should try to do everything in exact rational arithmetic, i.e, using package gmp functionality only, and return bigq (from gmp) numbers instead of mpfr numbers.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see mpfr.


an "mpfr" vector of the same length as q.


For upper tail probabilities, i.e., when lower.tail=FALSE, we may need large precBits, because the implicit or explicit 1P1 - P computation suffers from severe cancellation.


Martin Maechler


Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (1972) Handbook of Mathematical Functions. New York: Dover. provides links to the full text which is in public domain.

See Also

pbeta, sumBinomMpfr chooseZ.


x <- (0:12)/16 # not all the way up ..
a <- 7; b <- 788

p.  <- pbetaI(x, a, b) ## a bit slower:
pp  <- pbetaI(x, a, b, precBits = 2048)
) # 0.23 -- 0.50 sec
## Currently, the lower.tail=FALSE  are computed "badly":
lp  <- log(pp)    ## = pbetaI(x, a, b, log.p=TRUE)
lIp <- log1p(-pp) ## = pbetaI(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
 Ip <- 1 - pp     ## = pbetaI(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE)

if(Rmpfr:::doExtras()) { ## somewhat slow
   stopifnot(exprs = {
     all.equal(lp,  pbetaI(x, a, b, precBits = 2048, log.p=TRUE))
     all.equal(lIp, pbetaI(x, a, b, precBits = 2048, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE),
               tolerance = 1e-230)
     all.equal( Ip, pbetaI(x, a, b, precBits = 2048, lower.tail=FALSE))
   ) # 0.375 sec -- "slow" ???

rErr <- function(approx, true, eps = 1e-200) {
    true <- as.numeric(true) # for "mpfr"
    ifelse(Mod(true) >= eps,
           ## relative error, catching '-Inf' etc :
	   ifelse(true == approx, 0, 1 - approx / true),
           ## else: absolute error (e.g. when true=0)
	   true - approx)

    , pb    = rErr(pbeta(x, a, b), pp)
    , pbUp  = rErr(pbeta(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE),  Ip)
    , ln.p  = rErr(pbeta(x, a, b, log.p = TRUE    ),  lp)
    , ln.pUp= rErr(pbeta(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE), lIp)

a.EQ <- function(..., tol=1e-15) all.equal(..., tolerance=tol)
  a.EQ(pp,  pbeta(x, a, b)),
  a.EQ(lp,  pbeta(x, a, b, log.p=TRUE)),
  a.EQ(lIp, pbeta(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)),
  a.EQ( Ip, pbeta(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE))

## When 'q' is a  bigrational (i.e., class "bigq", package 'gmp'), everything
## is computed *exactly* with bigrational arithmetic:
(q4 <- as.bigq(1, 2^(0:4)))
pb4 <- pbetaI(q4, 10, 288, lower.tail=FALSE)
stopifnot( is.bigq(pb4) )
mpb4 <- as(pb4, "mpfr")
getPrec(mpb4) # 128 349 1100 1746 2362
(pb. <- pbeta(asNumeric(q4), 10, 288, lower.tail=FALSE))
stopifnot(mpb4[1] == 0,
          all.equal(mpb4, pb., tolerance = 4e-15))

qbetaI. <- function(p, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
    precBits = NULL, rnd.mode = c("N", "D", "U", "Z", "A"),
    tolerance = 1e-20, ...)
    if( <- as.integer(shape1))) stop("a = shape1 is not coercable to finite integer")
    if( <- as.integer(shape2))) stop("b = shape2 is not coercable to finite integer")
    unirootR(function(q) pbetaI(q, a, b, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p,
                                precBits=precBits, rnd.mode=rnd.mode) - p,
             interval = if(log.p) c(-double.xmax, 0) else 0:1,
             tol = tolerance, ...)
} # end{qbetaI}

(p <- 1 - mpfr(1,128)/20) # 'p' must be high precision
q95.1.3 <- qbetaI.(p, 1,3, tolerance = 1e-29) # -> ~29 digits accuracy
str(q95.1.3) ; roundMpfr(q95.1.3$root, precBits = 29 * log2(10))
## relative error is really small:
(relE <- asNumeric(1 - pbetaI(q95.1.3$root, 1,3) / p)) # -5.877e-39
stopifnot(abs(relE) < 1e-28)

Parallel Maxima and Minima


Returns the parallel maxima and minima of the input values.

The functions pmin and pmax have been made S4 generics, and this page documents the “... method for class "mNumber"”, i.e., for arguments that are numeric or from class "mpfr".


pmax(..., na.rm = FALSE)
pmin(..., na.rm = FALSE)



numeric or arbitrary precision numbers (class mpfr).


a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed.


See pmax, the documentation of the base functions, i.e., default methods.


vector-like, of length the longest of the input vectors; typically of class mpfr, for the methods here.


... = "ANY"

the default method, really just base::pmin or base::pmax, respectively.

... = "mNumber"

the method for mpfr arguments, mixed with numbers; designed to follow the same semantic as the default method.

See Also

The documentation of the base functions, pmin and pmax; also min and max; further,

range (both min and max).


(pm <- pmin(1.35, mpfr(0:10, 77)))
 stopifnot(pm == pmin(1.35, 0:10))

Gaussian / Normal Quantiles qnorm() via Inversion


Compute Gaussian or Normal Quantiles qnorm(p, *) via inversion of our “mpfr-ified” arbitrary accurate pnorm(), using our unirootR() root finder.


qnormI(p, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
       trace = 0, verbose = as.logical(trace),
       useMpfr = any(prec > 53),
       give.full = FALSE,



vector of probabilities.


vector of means.


vector of standard deviations.


logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[Xx]P[X \le x] otherwise, P[X>x]P[X > x].


integer passed to unirootR(). If positive, information about a search interval extension will be printed to the console.


logical indicating if progress details should be printed to the console.


optionally the desired accuracy (convergence tolerance); if missing or not finite, it is computed as 2pr+22^-{pr+2} where the precision prpr is basically max(getPrec(p+mean+sd)).


logical indicating if mpfr arithmetic should be used.


logical indicating if the full result of unirootR() should be returned (when applicable).


optional further arguments passed to unirootR() such as maxiter, verbDigits, check.conv,, and epsC.


If give.full is true, return a list, say r, of unirootR(.) results, with length(r) == length(p).

Otherwise, return a “numeric vector” like p, e.g., of class "mpfr" when p is.


Martin Maechler

See Also

Standard R's qnorm.


doX <- Rmpfr:::doExtras() # slow parts only if(doX)
cat("doExtras: ", doX, "\n")
p  <- (0:32)/32
lp <- -c(1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20:1, 2^-(1:8))
if(doX) {
  tol1 <- 2.3e-16
  tolM <- 1e-20
  tolRIlog <- 4e-14
} else { # use one more than a third of the points:
   ip <- c(TRUE,FALSE, rep_len(c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE), length(p)-2L))
   p <-  p[ip]
  lp <- lp[ip]
  tol1 <- 1e-9
  tolM <- 1e-12
  tolRIlog <- 25*tolM

f.all.eq <- function(a,b)
  sub("^Mean relative difference:", '', format(all.equal(a, b, tol=0)))
for(logp  in c(FALSE,TRUE)) {
  pp <- if(logp) lp else p
  mp <- mpfr(pp, precBits = if(doX) 80 else 64) # precBits = 128 gave "the same" as 80
  for(l.tail in c(FALSE,TRUE)) {
      qn <- qnorm (pp, lower.tail = l.tail, log.p = logp)
     qnI <- qnormI(pp, lower.tail = l.tail, log.p = logp, tol = tol1)
     qnM <- qnormI(mp, lower.tail = l.tail, log.p = logp, tol = tolM)
     cat(sprintf("Accuracy of qnorm(*, lower.t=%-5s, log.p=%-5s): %s || qnI: %s\n",
                 l.tail, logp, f.all.eq(qnM, qn ),
                               f.all.eq(qnM, qnI)))
     stopifnot(exprs = {
        all.equal(qn,  qnI, tol = if(logp) tolRIlog else 4*tol1)
        all.equal(qnM, qnI, tol = tol1)

## useMpfr, using mpfr()  :
if(doX) {
  p2 <- 2^-c(1:27, 5*(6:20), 20*(6:15))
  e2 <- 88
} else {
  p2 <- 2^-c(1:2, 7, 77, 177, 307)
  e2 <- 60
system.time( pn2 <- pnorm(qnormI(mpfr(p2, e2))) ) # 4.1 or 0.68
           all.equal(p2, pn2, tol = 0) # 5.48e-29 // 5.2e-18
stopifnot(all.equal(p2, pn2, tol = 6 * 2^-e2)) # '4 *' needed

## Boundary -- from limits in mpfr maximal exponent range!
## 1) Use maximal ranges:
(old_eranges <- .mpfr_erange()) # typically -/+ 2^30
(myERng <- (1-2^-52) * .mpfr_erange(c("min.emin","max.emax")))
(doIncr <- !isTRUE(all.equal(unname(myERng), unname(old_eranges)))) # ==>
## TRUE only if long is 64-bit, i.e., *not* on Windows
if(doIncr) .mpfr_erange_set(value = myERng)

log2(abs(.mpfr_erange()))# 62 62 if(doIncr) i.e. not on Windows
(lrgOK <- all(log2(abs(.mpfr_erange())) >= 62)) # FALSE on Windows
## The largest quantile for which our mpfr-ized qnorm() does *NOT* underflow :
cM <- if(doX) { "2528468770.343293436810768159197281514373932815851856314908753969469064"
      } else    "2528468770.34329343681"
##               1 3 5 7 9  1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3
##                       10         20        30        40        50        60        70
(qM <- mpfr(cM))
(pM <- pnorm(-qM)) # precision   if(doX) 233 else 70  bits of precision ;
## |--> 0 on Windows {limited erange}; otherwise and if(doX) :
## 7.64890682545699845135633468495894619457903458325606933043966616334460003e-1388255822130839040
log(pM) # 233 bits: -3196577161300663205.8575919621115614148120323933633827052786873078552904

if(lrgOK) withAutoprint({
  try( qnormI(pM) ) ## Error: lower < upper not fulfilled (evt. TODO)
  ## but this works
  print(qnI <- qnormI(log(pM), log.p=TRUE)) #  -2528468770.343293436
  all.equal(-qM, qnI, tol = 0) # << show how close; seen  1.084202e-19
  stopifnot( all.equal(-qM, qnI, tol = 1e-18) )

if(FALSE) # this (*SLOW*) gives 21 x the *same* (wrong) result --- FIXME!
  qnormI(log(pM) * (2:22), log.p=TRUE)
if(doX) ## Show how bad it is (currently ca. 220 iterations, and then *wrong*)
 str(qnormI(round(log(pM)), log.p=TRUE, trace=1, give.full = TRUE))
  new("mpfr", as(DPQ::qnormR(pM, trace=1), "mpfr")) # as(*, "mpfr") also works for +/- Inf
  # qnormR1(p=         0, m=0, s=1, l.t.= 1, log= 0): q = -0.5
  #    somewhat close to 0 or 1: r := sqrt(-lp) =  1.7879e+09
  #    r > 5, using rational form R_3(t), for t=1.787897e+09  -- that is *not* accurate
  # [1] -94658744.369295865460462720............

## reset to previous status if needed
if(doIncr) .mpfr_erange_set( , old_eranges)

Base Functions etc, as an Rmpfr version


Functions from base etc which need a copy in the Rmpfr namespace so they correctly dispatch.


outer(X, Y, FUN = "*", ...)


X, Y, FUN, ...

See base package help: outer.

See Also



outer(1/mpfr(1:10, 70), 0:2)

Rounding to Binary bits, "mpfr-internally"


Rounding to binary bits, not decimal digits. Closer to the number representation, this also allows to increase or decrease a number's precBits. In other words, it acts as setPrec(), see getPrec().


roundMpfr(x, precBits, rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))



an mpfr number (vector)


integer specifying the desired precision in bits.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see mpfr.


an mpfr number as x but with the new 'precBits' precision

See Also

The mpfr class group method Math2 implements a method for round(x, digits) which rounds to decimal digits.


(p1 <- Const("pi", 100)) # 100 bit prec
 roundMpfr(p1, 120) # 20 bits more, but "random noise"
 Const("pi", 120)   # same "precision", but really precise

Apply a Function over a "mpfr" Vector


Users may be disappointed to note that sapply() or vapply() typically do not work with "mpfr" numbers.

This is a simple (but strong) approach to work around the problem, based on lapply().


sapplyMpfr(X, FUN, ..., drop_1_ = TRUE)



a vector, possibly of class "mpfr".


a function returning an "mpfr" vector or even an "mpfrArray". May also be a function returning a numeric vector or array for numeric X, and which returns "mpfr(Array)" for an X argument inheriting from "mpfr".


further arguments passed to lapply, typically further arguments to FUN.


logical (with unusual name on purpose!) indicating if 1-column matrices ("mpfrMatrix") should be “dropped” to vectors ("mpfr"), the same as in base R's own sapply. This has been implicitly FALSE in Rmpfr versions 0.8-5 to 0.8-9 (Oct 2021 to June 2022), accidentally. Since Rmpfr 0.9-0, this has been made an argument with default TRUE to be compatible by default with R's sapply.


In the case FUN(<length-1>) returns an array or "mpfrArray", i.e., with two or more dimensions, sapplyMpfr() returns an "mpfrArray"; this is analogous to sapply(X, FUN, simplify = "array") (rather than the default sapply() behaviour which returns a matrix also when a higher array would be more “logical”.)


an "mpfr" vector, typically of the same length as X.


This may still not always work as well as sapply() does for atomic vectors. The examples seem to indicate that it typically does work as desired, since Rmpfr version 0.9-0.

If you want to transform back to regular numbers anyway, it maybe simpler and more efficient to use

    res <- lapply(....)
    sapply(res, asNumeric, simplify = "array")

instead of sapplyMpfr().


Martin Maechler

See Also

sapply, lapply, etc.


sapplyMpfr0 <- ## Originally, the function was simply defined as
  function (X, FUN, ...) new("mpfr", unlist(lapply(X, FUN, ...), recursive = FALSE))

(m1 <- sapply    (     3,      function(k) (1:3)^k)) # 3 x 1  matrix (numeric)
(p1 <- sapplyMpfr(mpfr(3, 64), function(k) (1:3)^k))
stopifnot(m1 == p1, is(p1, "mpfrMatrix"), dim(p1) == c(3,1), dim(p1) == dim(m1))
k.s <- c(2, 5, 10, 20)
(mk <- sapply    (     k.s,      function(k) (1:3)^k)) # 3 x 4    "       "
(pm <- sapplyMpfr(mpfr(k.s, 64), function(k) (1:3)^k))
stopifnot(mk == pm, is(pm, "mpfrMatrix"), dim(pm) == 3:4, 3:4 == dim(mk))
## was *wrongly* 4x3  in Rmpfr 0.8-x
f5k  <- function(k) outer(1:5, k+0:2, `^`)# matrix-valued
(mk5 <- sapply    (     k.s,      f5k))  # sapply()'s default; not "ideal"
(ak5 <- sapply    (     k.s,      f5k, simplify = "array")) # what we want
(pm5 <- sapplyMpfr(mpfr(k.s, 64), f5k))
stopifnot(c(mk5) == c(ak5), ak5 == pm5, is(pm5, "mpfrArray"), is.array(ak5),
          dim(pm5) == dim(ak5), dim(pm5) == c(5,3, 4))
if(require("Bessel")) { # here X, is simple
  bI1 <- function(k) besselI.nuAsym(mpfr(1.31e9, 128), 10, expon.scaled=TRUE, k.max=k)
  bImp1 <- sapplyMpfr (0:4, bI1, drop_1_ = FALSE) # 1x5 mpfrMatrix -- as in DPQ 0.8-8
  bImp  <- sapplyMpfr (0:4, bI1, drop_1_ = TRUE ) # 5 "mpfr" vector {by default}
  bImp0 <- sapplyMpfr0(0:4, bI1) # 5-vector
  stopifnot(identical(bImp, bImp0), bImp == bImp1,
            is(bImp, "mpfr"), is(bImp1, "mpfrMatrix"), dim(bImp1) == c(1, 5))
}# {Bessel}

"mpfr" Sequence Generation


Generate ‘regular’, i.e., arithmetic sequences. This is in lieu of methods for seq (dispatching on all three of from, to, and by.


seqMpfr(from = 1, to = 1, by = ((to - from)/(length.out - 1)),
        length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)


from, to

the starting and (maximal) end value (numeric or "mpfr") of the sequence.


number (numeric or "mpfr"): increment of the sequence.


desired length of the sequence. A non-negative number, which will be rounded up if fractional.


take the length from the length of this argument.


arguments passed to or from methods.


see seq (default method in package base), whose semantic we want to replicate (almost).


a ‘vector’ of class "mpfr", when one of the first three arguments was.


Martin Maechler

See Also

The documentation of the base function seq; mpfr


seqMpfr(0, 1, by = mpfr(0.25, prec=88))

seqMpfr(7, 3) # -> default prec.

Compactly Show STRucture of Rmpfr Number Object


The str method for objects of class mpfr produces a bit more useful output than the default method str.default.


## S3 method for class 'mpfr'
str(object, nest.lev, internal = FALSE,
    give.head = TRUE, digits.d = 12, vec.len = NULL, drop0trailing=TRUE,
    width = getOption("width"), ...)



an object of class mpfr.


for str(), typically only used when called by a higher level str().


logical indicating if the low-level internal structure should be shown; if true (not by default), uses str([email protected]).


logical indicating if the “header” should be printed.


the number of digits to be used, will be passed formatMpfr() and hence NULL will use “as many as needed”, i.e. often too many. If this is a number, as per default, less digits will be used in case the precision (getPrec(object)) is smaller.


the number of elements that will be shown. The default depends on the precision of object and width (since Rmpfr 0.6-0, it was 3 previously).


logical, passed to formatMpfr() (with a different default here).


the (approximately) desired width of output, see options(width = .).


further arguments, passed to formatMpfr().

See Also

.mpfr2list() puts the internal structure into a list, and its help page documents many more (low level) utilities.


(x <- c(Const("pi", 64), mpfr(-2:2, 64)))
str(list(pi = pi, x.mpfr = x))
str(x ^ 1000)
str(x ^ -1e4, digits=NULL) # full precision

str(x, internal = TRUE) # internal low-level (for experts)

uu <- Const("pi", 16)# unaccurate
str(uu) # very similar to just   'uu'

(Alternating) Binomial Sums via Rmpfr


Compute (alternating) binomial sums via high-precision arithmetic. If sBn(f,n):=sBn(f, n) :=sumBinomMpfr(n, f), (default alternating is true, and n0 = 0),

sBn(f,n)=k=n0n(1)(nk)(nk)f(k)=Δnf,sBn(f,n) = \sum_{k = n0}^n (-1)^(n-k) {n \choose k}\cdot f(k) = \Delta^n f,

see Details for the nn-th forward difference operator Δnf\Delta^n f. If alternating is false, the (1)(nk)(-1)^(n-k) factor is dropped (or replaced by 11) above.

Such sums appear in different contexts and are typically challenging, i.e., currently impossible, to evaluate reliably as soon as nn is larger than around 507050--70.


sumBinomMpfr(n, f, n0 = 0, alternating = TRUE, precBits = 256,
             f.k = f(mpfr(k, precBits=precBits)))



upper summation index (integer).


function to be evaluated at kk for k in n0:n (and which must return one value per k).


lower summation index, typically 0 (= default) or 1.


logical indicating if the sum is alternating, see below.


the number of bits for MPFR precision, see mpfr.


can be specified instead of f and precBits, and must contain the equivalent of its default, f(mpfr(k, precBits=precBits)).


The alternating binomial sum sB(f,n):=sumBinom(n,f,n0=0)sB(f,n) := sumBinom(n, f, n0=0) is equal to the nn-th forward difference operator Δnf\Delta^n f,

sB(f,n)=Δnf,sB(f,n) = \Delta^n f,


Δnf=k=0n(1)nk(nk)f(k),\Delta^n f = \sum_{k=0}^{n} (-1)^{n-k}{n \choose k}\cdot f(k),

is the nn-fold iterated forward difference Δf(x)=f(x+1)f(x)\Delta f(x) = f(x+1) - f(x) (for x=0x = 0).

The current implementation might be improved in the future, notably for the case where sB(f,n)=sB(f,n)=sumBinomMpfr(n, f, *) is to be computed for a whole sequence n=1,,Nn = 1,\dots,N.


an mpfr number of precision precBits. ss. If alternating is true (as per default),

s=k=n0n(1)k(nk)f(k),s = \sum_{k = n0}^n (-1)^k {n \choose k}\cdot f(k),

if alternating is false, the (1)k(-1)^k factor is dropped (or replaced by 11) above.


Martin Maechler, after conversations with Christophe Dutang.


Wikipedia (2012) The N\"orlund-Rice integral,

Flajolet, P. and Sedgewick, R. (1995) Mellin Transforms and Asymptotics: Finite Differences and Rice's Integrals, Theoretical Computer Science 144, 101–124.

See Also

chooseMpfr, chooseZ from package gmp.


## "naive" R implementation:
sumBinom <- function(n, f, n0=0, ...) {
  k <- n0:n
  sum( choose(n, k) * (-1)^(n-k) * f(k, ...))

## compute  sumBinomMpfr(.) for a whole set of 'n' values:
sumBin.all <- function(n, f, n0=0, precBits = 256, ...)
  N <- length(n)
  precBits <- rep(precBits, length = N)
  ll <- lapply(seq_len(N), function(i)
           sumBinomMpfr(n[i], f, n0=n0, precBits=precBits[i], ...))
  sapply(ll, as, "double")
sumBin.all.R <- function(n, f, n0=0, ...)
   sapply(n, sumBinom, f=f, n0=n0, ...)

n.set <- 5:80
system.time(res.R   <- sumBin.all.R(n.set, f = sqrt)) ## instantaneous..
system.time(resMpfr <- sumBin.all  (n.set, f = sqrt)) ## ~ 0.6 seconds

matplot(n.set, cbind(res.R, resMpfr), type = "l", lty=1,
        ylim = extendrange(resMpfr, f = 0.25), xlab = "n",
        main = "sumBinomMpfr(n, f = sqrt)  vs.  R double precision")
legend("topleft", leg=c("double prec.", "mpfr"), lty=1, col=1:2, bty = "n")

One Dimensional Root (Zero) Finding – in pure R


The function unirootR searches the interval from lower to upper for a root (i.e., zero) of the function f with respect to its first argument.

unirootR() is “clone” of uniroot(), written entirely in R, in a way that it works with mpfr-numbers as well.


unirootR(f, interval, ...,
        lower = min(interval), upper = max(interval),
        f.lower = f(lower, ...), f.upper = f(upper, ...),
        extendInt = c("no", "yes", "downX", "upX"),
        trace = 0, verbose = as.logical(trace),
        verbDigits = max(3, min(20, -log10(tol)/2)),
        tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, maxiter = 1000L,
        check.conv = FALSE, = !check.conv,
        epsC = NULL)



the function for which the root is sought.


a vector containing the end-points of the interval to be searched for the root.


additional named or unnamed arguments to be passed to f

lower, upper

the lower and upper end points of the interval to be searched.

f.lower, f.upper

the same as f(upper) and f(lower), respectively. Passing these values from the caller where they are often known is more economical as soon as f() contains non-trivial computations.


character string specifying if the interval c(lower,upper) should be extended or directly produce an error when f() does not have differing signs at the endpoints. The default, "no", keeps the search interval and hence produces an error. Can be abbreviated.


integer number; if positive, tracing information is produced. Higher values giving more details.


logical (or integer) indicating if (and how much) verbose output should be produced during the iterations.


used only if verbose is true, indicates the number of digits numbers should be printed with, using format(., digits=verbDigits).


the desired accuracy (convergence tolerance).


the maximum number of iterations.


logical indicating whether non convergence should be caught as an error, notably non-convergence in maxiter iterations should be an error instead of a warning.

if set to FALSE there's no warning about non-convergence. Useful to just run a few iterations.


positive number or NULL in which case a smart default is sought. This should specify the “achievable machine precision” for the given numbers and their arithmetic.

The default will set this to .Machine$double.eps for double precision numbers, and will basically use 2 ^ - min(getPrec(f.lower), getPrec(f.upper)) when that works (as, e.g., for mpfr-numbers) otherwise.

This is factually a lower bound for the achievable lower bound, and hence, setting tol smaller than epsC is typically non-sensical and produces a warning.


Note that arguments after ... must be matched exactly.

Either interval or both lower and upper must be specified: the upper endpoint must be strictly larger than the lower endpoint. The function values at the endpoints must be of opposite signs (or zero), for extendInt="no", the default. Otherwise, if extendInt="yes", the interval is extended on both sides, in search of a sign change, i.e., until the search interval [l,u][l,u] satisfies f(l)f(u)0f(l) \cdot f(u) \le 0.

If it is known how ff changes sign at the root x0x_0, that is, if the function is increasing or decreasing there, extendInt can (and typically should) be specified as "upX" (for “upward crossing”) or "downX", respectively. Equivalently, define S:=±1S := \pm 1, to require S=sign(f(x0+ϵ))S = \mathrm{sign}(f(x_0 + \epsilon)) at the solution. In that case, the search interval [l,u][l,u] possibly is extended to be such that Sf(l)0S\cdot f(l)\le 0 and Sf(u)0S \cdot f(u) \ge 0.

The function only uses R code with basic arithmetic, such that it should also work with “generalized” numbers (such as mpfr-numbers) as long the necessary Ops methods are defined for those.

The underlying algorithm assumes a continuous function (which then is known to have at least one root in the interval).

Convergence is declared either if f(x) == 0 or the change in x for one step of the algorithm is less than tol (plus an allowance for representation error in x).

If the algorithm does not converge in maxiter steps, a warning is printed and the current approximation is returned.

f will be called as f(x, ...) for a (generalized) numeric value of x.


A list with four components: root and f.root give the location of the root and the value of the function evaluated at that point. iter and estim.prec give the number of iterations used and an approximate estimated precision for root. (If the root occurs at one of the endpoints, the estimated precision is NA.)


Based on zeroin() (in package rootoned) by John Nash who manually translated the C code in R's zeroin.c and on uniroot() in R's sources.


Brent, R. (1973), see uniroot.

See Also

R's own (stats package) uniroot. polyroot for all complex roots of a polynomial; optimize, nlm.


require(utils) # for str

## some platforms hit zero exactly on the first step:
## if so the estimated precision is 2/3.
f <- function (x,a) x - a
str(xmin <- unirootR(f, c(0, 1), tol = 0.0001, a = 1/3))

## handheld calculator example: fixpoint of cos(.):
rc <- unirootR(function(x) cos(x) - x, lower=-pi, upper=pi, tol = 1e-9)

## the same with much higher precision:
rcM <- unirootR(function(x) cos(x) - x,
                 interval= mpfr(c(-3,3), 300), tol = 1e-40)
x0 <- rcM$root
stopifnot(all.equal(cos(x0), x0,
                    tol = 1e-40))## 40 digits accurate!

str(unirootR(function(x) x*(x^2-1) + .5, lower = -2, upper = 2,
            tol = 0.0001), digits.d = 10)
str(unirootR(function(x) x*(x^2-1) + .5, lower = -2, upper = 2,
            tol = 1e-10 ), digits.d = 10)

## A sign change of f(.), but not a zero but rather a "pole":
tan. <- function(x) tan(x * (Const("pi",200)/180))# == tan( <angle> )
(rtan <- unirootR(tan., interval = mpfr(c(80,100), 200), tol = 1e-40))
## finds 90 {"ok"}, and now gives a warning

## Find the smallest value x for which exp(x) > 0 (numerically):
r <- unirootR(function(x) 1e80*exp(x)-1e-300, c(-1000,0), tol = 1e-15)
str(r, digits.d = 15) ##> around -745, depending on the platform.

exp(r$root)     # = 0, but not for r$root * 0.999...
minexp <- r$root * (1 - 10*.Machine$double.eps)
exp(minexp)     # typically denormalized

## --- using mpfr-numbers :

## Find the smallest value x for which exp(x) > 0 ("numerically");
## Note that mpfr-numbers underflow *MUCH* later than doubles:
## one of the smallest mpfr-numbers {see also ?mpfr-class } :
(ep.M <- mpfr(2, 55) ^ - ((2^30 + 1) * (1 - 1e-15)))
r <- unirootR(function(x) 1e99* exp(x) - ep.M, mpfr(c(-1e20, 0), 200))
r # 97 iterations; f.root is very similar to ep.M

## interval extension 'extendInt'  --------------

f1 <- function(x) (121 - x^2)/(x^2+1)
f2 <- function(x) exp(-x)*(x - 12)
tools::assertError(unirootR(f1, c(0,10)), verbose=TRUE)
##--> error: f() .. end points not of opposite sign

## where as  'extendInt="yes"'  simply first enlarges the search interval:
u1 <- unirootR(f1, c(0,10),extendInt="yes", trace=1)
u2 <- unirootR(f2, mpfr(c(0,2), 128), extendInt="yes", trace=2, verbose=FALSE, tol = 1e-25)
stopifnot(all.equal(u1$root, 11, tolerance = 1e-5),
          all.equal(u2$root, 12, tolerance = 1e-23))

## The *danger* of interval extension:
## No way to find a zero of a positive function, but
## numerically, f(-|M|) becomes zero :
u3 <- unirootR(exp, c(0,2), extendInt="yes", trace=TRUE)

## Nonsense example (must give an error):
tools::assertCondition( unirootR(function(x) 1, 0:1, extendInt="yes"),
                       "error", verbose=TRUE)