Package 'DPQmpfr'

Title: DPQ (Density, Probability, Quantile) Distribution Computations using MPFR
Description: An extension to the 'DPQ' package with computations for 'DPQ' (Density (pdf), Probability (cdf) and Quantile) functions, where the functions here partly use the 'Rmpfr' package and hence the underlying 'MPFR' and 'GMP' C libraries.
Authors: Martin Maechler [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.3-3
Built: 2025-03-03 06:04:12 UTC

Help Index

DPQ (Density, Probability, Quantile) Distribution Computations using MPFR


An extension to the 'DPQ' package with computations for 'DPQ' (Density (pdf), Probability (cdf) and Quantile) functions, where the functions here partly use the 'Rmpfr' package and hence the underlying 'MPFR' and 'GMP' C libraries.



Package: DPQmpfr
Title: DPQ (Density, Probability, Quantile) Distribution Computations using MPFR
Version: 0.3-3
VersionNote: Last CRAN: 0.3-2 on 2023-12-05; 0.3-1 on 2021-05-17
Date: 2024-08-19
Authors@R: person("Martin","Maechler", role=c("aut","cre"), email="[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-8685-9910"))
Description: An extension to the 'DPQ' package with computations for 'DPQ' (Density (pdf), Probability (cdf) and Quantile) functions, where the functions here partly use the 'Rmpfr' package and hence the underlying 'MPFR' and 'GMP' C libraries.
Depends: R (>= 3.6.0)
Imports: DPQ (>= 0.5-3), Rmpfr (>= 0.9-0), gmp (>= 0.6-4), sfsmisc, stats, graphics, methods, utils
Suggests: Matrix
SuggestsNote: Matrix for its test-tools-1.R
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
URL:,,, svn://
Config/pak/sysreqs: libgmp3-dev
RemoteRef: HEAD
RemoteSha: 720bc501a1a30338b8999355932f65dc6bf37727
RemoteSubdir: pkg/DPQmpfr
Author: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <[email protected]>

Index of help topics:

DPQmpfr-package         DPQ (Density, Probability, Quantile)
                        Distribution Computations using MPFR
algdivM                 Compute log(gamma(b)/gamma(a+b)) Accurately,
                        also via 'Rmpfr'
dbetaD94                Ding(1994) (non-central) Beta Distribution
dhyperQ                 Exact Hypergeometric Distribution Probabilites
dntJKBm                 Non-central t-Distribution Density
gam1M                   Compute 1/Gamma(x+1) - 1 Accurately
ldexp                   Numeric / Mpfr Utilities for DPQmpfr
lgamma1pM               Compute log( Gamma(x+1) ) Arbitrarily (MPFR)
pbeta_ser               Beta Distribution Function - 'BPSER' Series
                        Expansion from TOMS 708
pnormAsymp              Asymptotic Approximations of Extreme Tail
                        'pnorm()' and 'qnorm()'
pnormL_LD10             Bounds for 1-Phi(.) - Mill's Ratio related
                        Bounds for pnorm()
qbBaha2017              Accurate qbeta() values from Baharev et al
                        (2017)'s Program
stirlerrM               Stirling Formula Approximation Error


Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>)

Maintainer: Martin Maechler <[email protected]>

See Also

Packages DPQ, Rmpfr are both used by this package.


## An example how mpfr-numbers  "just work" with reasonable R functions:
.srch <- search() ; doAtt <-"Rmpfr:package", .srch))
if(doAtt) require(Rmpfr)
nu.s <- 2^seqMpfr(mpfr(-30, 64), mpfr(100, 64), by = 1/mpfr(4, 64))
b0 <- DPQ::b_chi(nu.s)
b1 <- DPQ::b_chi(nu.s, one.minus=TRUE)
stopifnot(inherits(b0,"mpfr"), inherits(b1, "mpfr"),
          b0+b1 == 1,  diff(log(b1)) < 0)
plot(nu.s,          log(b1),  type="l", log="x")
plot(nu.s[-1], diff(log(b1)), type="l", log="x")
if(doAtt) # detach the package(s) we've attached above
  for(pkg in setdiff(search(), .srch)) detach(pkg, character.only=TRUE)

Compute log(gamma(b)/gamma(a+b)) Accurately, also via Rmpfr



algdiv(a,b):=logΓ(b)Γ(a+b)=logΓ(b)logΓ(a+b)=lgamma(b) - lgamma(a+b)\code{algdiv(a,b)} := \log \frac{\Gamma(b)}{\Gamma(a+b)} = \log \Gamma(b) - \log\Gamma(a+b) = \code{lgamma(b) - lgamma(a+b)}

in a numerically stable way.

The name ‘algdiv’ is from the auxiliary function in R's (TOMS 708) implementation of pbeta(). As package DPQ provides R's Mathlib (double precision) as R function algdiv(), we append ‘M’ to show the reliance on the Rmpfr package.


algdivM(a, b, usePr = NULL)


a, b

numeric or numeric-alike vectors (recycled to the same length if needed), typically inheriting from class "mpfr".


positive integer specifying the precision in bits, or NULL when a smart default will be used.


Note that this is also useful to compute the Beta function

B(a,b)=Γ(a)Γ(b)Γ(a+b).B(a,b) = \frac{\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)}{\Gamma(a+b)}.


logB(a,b)=logΓ(a)+algdiv(a,b)=logΓ(a)logQab(a,b).\log B(a,b) = \log\Gamma(a) + \mathrm{algdiv(a,b)} = \log\Gamma(a) - \mathrm{logQab}(a,b).

In our ‘../tests/qbeta-dist.R’ file, we look into computing log(pB(p,q))\log(p B(p,q)) accurately for pqp \ll q .

We are proposing a nice solution there.
How is this related to algdiv() ?

Additionally, we have defined

Qab=Qa,b:=Γ(a+b),Γ(b),Qab = Q_{a,b} := \frac{\Gamma(a+b),\Gamma(b)},

such that logQab(a,b):=logQab(a,b)\code{logQab(a,b)} := \log Qab(a,b) fulfills simply

logQab(a,b)=algdiv(a,b)\code{logQab(a,b)} = - \code{algdiv(a,b)}

see logQab_asy from package DPQ.


a numeric vector of length max(length(a), length(b)) (if neither is of length 0, in which case the result has length 0 as well).


Martin Maechler (for the Rmpfr version).


Didonato, A. and Morris, A., Jr, (1992) Algorithm 708: Significant digit computation of the incomplete beta function ratios, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 18, 360–373.

See Also

gamma, beta; the (double precision) version algdiv() in DPQ, and also in DPQ, the asymptotic approximation logQab_asy().


Qab <- algdivM(2:3, 8:14)
cbind(a = 2:3, b = 8:14, Qab) # recycling with a warning

## algdivM()  and my  logQab_asy()  give *very* similar results for largish b:
(lQab <- DPQ::logQab_asy(3, 100))
all.equal( - algdivM(3, 100), lQab, tolerance=0) # 1.283e-16 !!
## relative error
1 + lQab/ algdivM(3, 1e10) # 0 (64b F 30 Linux; 2019-08-15)

## in-and outside of "certified" argument range {b >= 8}:
a. <- c(1:3, 4*(1:8))/32
b. <- seq(1/4, 20, by=1/4)
ad <- t(outer(a., b., algdivM))
## direct computation:
f.algdiv0 <- function(a,b) lgamma(b) - lgamma(a+b)
f.algdiv1 <- function(a,b) lgamma(b) - lgamma(a+b)
ad.d <- t(outer(a., b., f.algdiv0))

matplot (b., ad.d, type = "o", cex=3/4,
         main = quote(log(Gamma(b)/Gamma(a+b)) ~"  vs.  algdivM(a,b)"))
mtext(paste0("a[1:",length(a.),"] = ",
        paste0(paste(head(paste0(formatC(a.*32), "/32")), collapse=", "), ", .., 1")))
matlines(b., ad,   type = "l", lwd=4, lty=1, col=adjustcolor(1:6, 1/2))
abline(v=1, lty=3, col="midnightblue")
# The larger 'b', the more accurate the direct formula wrt algdivM()
all.equal(ad[b. >= 1,], ad.d[b. >= 1,]       )# 1.5e-5
all.equal(ad[b. >= 2,], ad.d[b. >= 2,], tol=0)# 3.9e-9
all.equal(ad[b. >= 4,], ad.d[b. >= 4,], tol=0)# 4.6e-13
all.equal(ad[b. >= 6,], ad.d[b. >= 6,], tol=0)# 3.0e-15
all.equal(ad[b. >= 8,], ad.d[b. >= 8,], tol=0)# 2.5e-15 (not much better)

Ding(1994) (non-central) Beta Distribution Functions


The three functions "p" (cumulative distribution, CDF), "d" (density (PDF)), and "q" (quantile) use Ding(1994)'s algorithm A, B, and C, respectively, each of which implements a recursion formula using only simple arithmetic and log and exp.

These are particularly useful also for using with high precision "mpfr" numbers from the Rmpfr CRAN package.


dbetaD94(x, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, log = FALSE,
         eps = 1e-10, itrmax = 100000L, verbose = FALSE)
pbetaD94(q, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
	 log_scale = (a * b > 0) && (a + b > 100 || c >= 500),
         eps = 1e-10, itrmax = 100000L, verbose = FALSE)

qbetaD94(p, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
	 log_scale = (a * b > 0) && (a + b > 100 || c >= 500),
         delta = 1e-6,
         eps = delta^2,
         itrmax = 100000L,
         iterN = 1000L,
         verbose = FALSE)


x, q

numeric vector of values in [0,1][0,1] as beta variates.

shape1, shape2

the two shape parameters of the beta distribution, must be positive.


the noncentrality parameter; by default zero for the (central) beta distribution; if positive, we have a noncentral beta distribution.


numeric vector of probabilities, log()ged in case log.p is true.

log, log.p

logical indicating if the density or probability values should be log()ged.


logical indicating if the lower or upper tail probability should be computed, or for qbeta*() are provided.


a non-negative number specifying the desired accuracy for computing F() and f().


the maximal number of steps for computing F() and f().


[For qbeta*():] non-negative number indicating the desired accuracy for computing xpx_p (the root of pbeta()==ppbeta*() == p), i.e., the convergence tolerance for the Newton iterations. This sets default eps = delta^2 which is sensible but may be too small, such that eps should be specified in addition to delta.


[For qbeta*():] The maximal number of Newton iterations.


logical indicating if most of the computations should happen in log scale, which protects from “early” overflow and underflow but takes more computations. The current default is somewhat arbitrary, still derived from the facts that gamma(172) overflows to Inf already and exp(-750) underflows to 0 already.


logical (or integer) indicating the amount of diagnostic output during computation; by default none.


In all three cases, a numeric vector with the same attributes as x (or q respectively), containing (an approximation) to the correponding beta distribution function.


Martin Maechler, notably log_scale was not part of Ding's proposals.


Cherng G. Ding (1994) On the computation of the noncentral beta distribution. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 18, 449–455.

See Also

pbeta. Package Rmpfr's pbetaI() needs both shape1 and shape2 to be integer but is typically more efficient than the current pbetaD94() implementation.


## Low precision (eps, delta) values as "e.g." in Ding(94): ------------------

## Compare with  Table 3  of  Baharev_et_al 2017 %% ===> ./qbBaha2017.Rd <<<<<<<<<<<
aa <- c(0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 5, 10, 25)
bb <- c(1:15, 10*c(2:5, 10, 25, 50))
utime <-
 qbet <- matrix(NA_real_, length(aa), length(bb),
                dimnames = list(a = formatC(aa), b = formatC(bb)))
(doExtras <- DPQmpfr:::doExtras())
if(doExtras) qbetL <- utimeL <- utime

p <- 0.95
delta <- 1e-4
eps   <- 1e-6
system.t.usr <- function(expr)
  system.time(gcFirst = FALSE, expr)[["user.self"]]

for(ia in seq_along(aa)) {
    a <- aa[ia]; cat("\n--==--\na=",a,":\n")
    for(ib in seq_along(bb)) {
        b <- bb[ib]; cat("\n>> b=",b,"\n")
        utime [ia, ib] <- system.t.usr(
          qbet[ia, ib] <-   qbetaD94(p, a, b, ncp = 0, delta=delta, eps=eps, verbose = 2))
          utimeL[ia, ib] <- system.t.usr(
           qbetL[ia, ib] <-   qbetaD94(p, a, b, ncp = 0, delta=delta, eps=eps,
                                       verbose = 2, log_scale=TRUE))
)# system.time(.): ~ 1 sec (lynne i7-7700T, Fedora 32, 2020)
sum(print(table(round(1000*utime)))) # lynne .. :
##  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 14 15 16 29
## 53 94 15  3  3 12  2  2  2  2  1  2  3  1  2  1
## [1] 198
if(doExtras) print(sum(print(table(round(1000*utimeL))))) # lynne .. :

Exact Hypergeometric Distribution Probabilites


Computes exact probabilities for the hypergeometric distribution (see, e.g., dhyper() in R), using package gmp's big integer and rational numbers, notably chooseZ().


dhyperQ(x, m, n, k)
phyperQ(x, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE)
phyperQall(m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE)



the number of white balls drawn without replacement from an urn which contains both black and white balls.


the number of white balls in the urn.


the number of black balls in the urn.


the number of balls drawn from the urn, hence must be in 0,1,,m+n0,1,\dots, m+n.


logical indicating if the lower or upper tail probability should be computed.


a bigrational (class "bigq" from package gmp) vector “as” x; currently of length one (as all the function arguments must be “scalar”, currently).


Martin Maechler

See Also

chooseZ (pkg gmp), and R's own Hypergeometric


## dhyperQ() is simply
 function (x, m, n, k)
    stopifnot(k - x == as.integer(k - x))
    chooseZ(m, x) * chooseZ(n, k - x) / chooseZ(m + n, k)

# a case where  phyper(11, 15, 0, 12, log=TRUE) gave 'NaN'
(phyp5.0.12 <- cumsum(dhyperQ(0:12, m=15,n=0,k=12)))
stopifnot(phyp5.0.12 == c(rep(0, 12), 1))

for(x in 0:9)
  stopifnot(phyperQ(x, 10,7,8) +
            phyperQ(x, 10,7,8, lower.tail=FALSE) == 1)

(ph. <- phyperQall(m=10, n=7, k=8))
## Big Rational ('bigq') object of length 8:
## [1] 1/2431    5/374     569/4862  2039/4862 3803/4862 4685/4862 4853/4862 1
stopifnot(identical(gmp::c_bigq(list(0, ph.)),
                    1- c(phyperQall(10,7,8, lower.tail=FALSE), 0)))

(doExtras <- DPQmpfr:::doExtras())
if(doExtras) { # too slow for standard testing
 k <- 5000
 system.time(ph <-   phyper(k, 2*k, 2*k, 2*k)) #   0 (< 0.001 sec)
 system.time(phQ <- phyperQ(k, 2*k, 2*k, 2*k)) # 5.6 (was 6.3) sec
 ## Relative error of R's phyper()
 stopifnot(print(gmp::asNumeric(1 - ph/phQ)) < 1e-14) # seen 1.063e-15

Non-central t-Distribution Density


dntJKBm is a fully Rmpfr-ified vectorized version of dntJKBf() from DPQ; see there.

dtWVm(x, df, ncp) computes the density function f(x)f(x) of the t distribution with df degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter ncp, according to Wolfgang Viechtbauer's proposal in 2002, using an asymptotic formula for “large” df=ν= \nu.


dntJKBm(x, df, ncp, log = FALSE, M = 1000) # __ Deprecated __ use DPQ :: dntJKBf
dtWVm  (x, df, ncp, log = FALSE)



numeric or "mpfr" vector.


degrees of freedom (>0> 0, maybe non-integer). df = Inf is allowed.


non-centrality parameter δ\delta; If omitted, use the central t distribution.


as in dt(), a logical indicating if log(f(x,))\log(f(x,*)) should be returned instead of f(x,)f(x,*).


the number of terms to be used, a positive integer.


See dtWV's details (package DPQ).

As DPQ's dntJKBf() is already fully mpfr-ized, dntJKBm() is deprecated.


an mpfr vector of the same length as the maximum of the lengths of x, df, ncp.


Package DPQ's dntJKBf() is already fully mpfr-ized, and hence dntJKBm() is redundant, and therefore deprecated.


Martin Maechler

See Also

R's dt, and package DPQ's dntJKBf() and dtWV().


tt <- seq(0, 10, len = 21)
ncp <- seq(0, 6, len = 31)
dt3R  <- outer(tt, ncp, dt  , df = 3)
dt3WV <- outer(tt, ncp, dtWVm, df = 3)
all.equal(dt3R, dt3WV) # rel.err 0.00063
dt25R  <- outer(tt, ncp, dt  , df = 25)
dt25WV <- outer(tt, ncp, dtWVm, df = 25)
all.equal(dt25R, dt25WV) # rel.err 1.1e-5

x <- -10:700
fx  <- dt  (x, df = 22, ncp =100)
lfx <- dt  (x, df = 22, ncp =100, log=TRUE)
lfV <- dtWVm(x, df = 22, ncp =100, log=TRUE)

head(lfx, 15) # shows that R's dt(*, log=TRUE) implementation is "quite suboptimal"

## graphics
opa <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
par(mar=.1+c(5,4,4,3), mgp = c(2, .8,0))
plot(fx ~ x, type="l")
par(new=TRUE) ; cc <- c("red", adjustcolor("orange", 0.4))
plot(lfx ~ x, type = "o", pch=".", col=cc[1], cex=2, ann=FALSE, yaxt="n")
sfsmisc::eaxis(4, col=cc[1], col.axis=cc[1], small.args = list(col=cc[1]))
lines(x, lfV, col=cc[2], lwd=3)
dtt1 <- "      dt"; dtt2 <- "(x, df=22, ncp=100"; dttL <- paste0(dtt2,", log=TRUE)")
legend("right", c(paste0(dtt1,dtt2,")"), paste0(c(dtt1,"dtWVm"), dttL)),
       lty=1, lwd=c(1,1,3), col=c("black", cc), bty = "n")
par(opa) # reset

## For dntJKBm(), see  example(dntJKBf, package="DPQ")

Numeric / Mpfr Utilities for DPQmpfr


Utilities for package DPQmpfr


ldexp(f, E)



‘fraction’, as such with absolute value in [0.5,1)[0.5, 1), but can be any numbers.


integer-valued exponent(s).


ldexp() is a simple wrapper, either calling DPQ::ldexp from DPQ or ldexpMpfr from the Rmpfr package,

ldexp(f,E):=f×2E,ldexp(f, E) := f \times 2^E,

computed accurately and fast on typical platforms with internally binary arithmetic.


either a numeric or a "mpfr", depending on the type of f, vector as (the recyled) combination of f and E.

See Also

ldexp from package DPQ and ldexpMpfr from package Rmpfr.


ldexp(1:10, 2)
ldexp(Rmpfr::Const("pi", 96), -2:2) # =  pi * (1/4  1/2  1  2  4)

Compute 1/Gamma(x+1) - 1 Accurately


FIXME: "R's own" double prec version is now in package DPQ: e.g. ~/R/Pkgs/DPQ/man/gam1.Rd

FIXME2: R-only implementation is in ~/R/Pkgs/DPQ/TODO_R_versions_gam1_etc.R

Computes 1/Γ(a+1)11/\Gamma(a+1) - 1 accurately in [0.5,1.5][-0.5, 1.5] for numeric argument a; For "mpfr" numbers, the precision is increased intermediately such that a+1a+1 should not lose precision.


gam1M(a, usePr = NULL)



a numeric or numeric-alike, typically inheriting from class "mpfr".


the precision to use; the default, NULL, means to use a default which depends on a, specifically getPrec(a).

Details states the well-know Taylor series for

1Γ(z)=k=1ckzk\frac{1}{\Gamma(z)} = \sum_{k=1}^\infty c_k z^k

with c1=1c_1 = 1, c2=γc_2 = \gamma, (Euler's gamma, γ=0.5772...\gamma = 0.5772...), with recursion ck=(γck1ζ(2)ck2...+(1)kζ(k1)c1)/(k1)c_k = (\gamma c_{k-1} - \zeta(2) c_{k-2} ... +(-1)^k \zeta(k-1) c_1) /(k-1).


1Γ(z+1)=z+1+k=2ck(z+1)k,\frac{1}{\Gamma(z+1)} = z+1 + \sum_{k=2}^\infty c_k (z+1)^k,

1Γ(z+1)1=z+γ(z+1)2+k=3ck(z+1)k.\frac{1}{\Gamma(z+1)} -1 = z + \gamma*(z+1)^2 + \sum_{k=3}^\infty c_k (z+1)^k.

Consequently, for ζk:=ζ(k)\zeta_k := \zeta(k), c3=(γ2ζ2)/2c_3 = (\gamma^2 - \zeta_2)/2, c4=γ3/6γζ2/2+ζ3/3c_4 = \gamma^3/6 - \gamma \zeta_2/2 + \zeta_3/3.

  require(Rmpfr) # Const(), mpfr(), zeta()
  gam <- Const("gamma", 128)
  z <- zeta(mpfr(1:7, 128))
  (c3 <- (gam^2 -z[2])/2)                       # -0.655878071520253881077019515145
  (c4 <- (gam*c3 - z[2]*c2 + z[3])/3)           # -0.04200263503409523552900393488
  (c4 <- gam*(gam^2/6 - z[2]/2) + z[3]/3)
  (c5 <- (gam*c4 - z[2]*c3 + z[3]*c2 - z[4])/4) # 0.1665386113822914895017007951
  (c5 <- (gam^4/6 - gam^2*z[2] + z[2]^2/2 + gam*z[3]*4/3 - z[4])/4)


a numeric-alike vector like a.


Martin Maechler building on C code of TOMS 708


TOMS 708, see pbeta

See Also



##' naive direct formula:
g1 <- function(u) 1/gamma(u+1) - 1

##' @title gam1() from TOMS 708 -- translated to R (*and* vectorized)
##' @author Martin Maechler
gam1R <- function(a, chk=TRUE) { ##  == 1/gamma(a+1) - 1  -- accurately  ONLY for  -0.5 <= a <= 1.5
    if(!length(a)) return(a)
    ## otherwise:
    if(chk) stopifnot(-0.5 <= a, a <= 1.5) # if not, the computation below is non-sense!
    d  <- a - 0.5
    ## t := if(a > 1/2)  a-1  else  a  ==> t in [-0.5, 0.5]  <==>  |t| <= 0.5
    R <- t <- a
    dP <- d > 0
    t[dP] <- d[dP] - 0.5
    if(any(N <- (t < 0.))) { ## L30: */
        r <- c(-.422784335098468, -.771330383816272,
               -.244757765222226, .118378989872749, 9.30357293360349e-4,
               -.0118290993445146, .00223047661158249, 2.66505979058923e-4,
        s1 <- .273076135303957
        s2 <- .0559398236957378
        t_ <- t[N]
        top  <- (((((((r[9] * t_ + r[8]) * t_ + r[7]) * t_ + r[6]) * t_ + r[5]) * t_ + r[4]
        ) * t_ + r[3]) * t_ + r[2]) * t_ + r[1]
        bot <- (s2 * t_ + s1) * t_ + 1.
        w <- top / bot
        ## if (d > 0.) :
        if(length(iP <- which(dP[N])))
            R[N &  dP] <- (t_ * w)[iP] / a[N & dP]
        ## else d <= 0 :
        if(length(iN <- which(!dP[N])))
            R[N & !dP] <- a[N & !dP] * (w[iN] + 0.5 + 0.5)
    if(any(Z <- (t == 0))) ## L10: a in {0, 1}
        R[Z] <- 0.
    if(any(P <- t > 0)) { ## t > 0;  L20: */
        p <- c( .577215664901533, -.409078193005776,
               -.230975380857675, .0597275330452234, .0076696818164949,
               -.00514889771323592, 5.89597428611429e-4 )
        q <- c(1., .427569613095214, .158451672430138, .0261132021441447, .00423244297896961)
        t <- t[P]
        top <- (((((p[7] * t + p[6])*t + p[5])*t + p[4])*t + p[3])*t + p[2])*t + p[1]
        bot <- (((q[5] * t + q[4]) * t + q[3]) * t + q[2]) * t + 1.
        w <- top / bot
        ## if (d > 0.) ## L21: */
        if(length(iP <- which(dP[P])))
            R[P &  dP] <- t[iP] / a[P &  dP] * (w[iP] - 0.5 - 0.5)
        ## else d <= 0 :
        if(length(iN <- which(!dP[P])))
            R[P & !dP] <- a[P & !dP] * w[iN]
} ## gam1R()

u <- seq(-.5, 1.5, by=1/16); set.seed(1); u <- sample(u) # permuted (to check logic)
g11   <- vapply(u, gam1R, 1) # [-.5, 1.5]  == the interval for which the above gam1() was made
gam1. <- gam1R(u)
cbind(u, gam1., D = sfsmisc::relErrV(gam1., g1(u)))[order(u),]
                               # looks "too good", as we are not close (but different) to {0, 1}
stopifnot( identical(g11, gam1.) )
           all.equal(g1(u), gam1., tolerance = 0) # 6.7e-16  ("too good", see above)
stopifnot( all.equal(g1(u), gam1.) )

## Comparison using Rmpfr; slightly extending [-.5, 1.5] interval (and getting much closer to {0,1})
u <- seq(-0.525, 1.525, length.out = 2001)
uM <- Rmpfr::mpfr(u, 128)
gam1M. <- gam1M(uM)
relE <- Rmpfr::asNumeric(sfsmisc::relErrV(gam1M., gam1R(u, chk=FALSE)))
rbind(rErr = summary(relE),
     `|rE|` = summary(abs(relE)))
##            Min.    1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.     Max.
## rErr -3.280e-15 -3.466e-16 1.869e-17 1.526e-16 4.282e-16 1.96e-14
## |rE|  1.343e-19  2.363e-16 3.861e-16 6.014e-16 6.372e-16 1.96e-14
stopifnot(max(abs(relE)) < 1e-13)

relEtit <- expression("Relative Error of " ~~ gam1(u) %~%{} == frac(1, Gamma(u+1)) - 1) #%
plot(relE ~ u, type="l", ylim = c(-1,1) * 2.5e-15, main = relEtit)
grid(lty = 3); abline(v = c(-.5, 1.5), col = adjustcolor(4, 1/2), lty=2, lwd=2)

## what about the direct formula -- how bad is it really ?
relED <- Rmpfr::asNumeric(sfsmisc::relErrV(gam1M., g1(u)))

plot(relE ~ u, type="l", ylim = c(-1,1) * 1e-14, main = relEtit)
lines(relED ~ u, col = adjustcolor(2, 1/2), lwd = 2); abline(v = (-1:3)/2, lty=2, col="orange3")
mtext("comparing with direct formula   1/gamma(u+1) - 1", col=2, cex=3/4)
legend("top", c("gam1R(u)", "1/gamma(u+1) - 1"), col = 1:2, lwd=1:2, bty="n")
## direct is clearly *worse* , but not catastrophical

Compute log( Gamma(x+1) ) Arbitrarily (MPFR) Accurately


Computes logΓ(x+1)\log \Gamma(x+1) accurately notably when x1|x| \ll 1. For "mpfr" numbers, the precision is increased intermediately such that a+1a+1 should not lose precision.

R's "own" double prec version is soon available in package in DPQ, under the name gamln1() (from TOMS 708).


lgamma1pM(a, usePr = NULL, DPQmethod = c("lgamma1p", "algam1"))



a numeric or numeric-alike vector, typically inheriting from class "mpfr".


positive integer specifying the precision in bits, or NULL when a smart default will be used.


a character string; must be the name of an lgamma1p()-alike function from package DPQ. It will be called in case of is.numeric(a) (and when DPQ is available).


a numeric-alike vector like a.


Martin Maechler


TOMS 708, see pbeta

See Also

lgamma() (and gamma() (same page)), and our algdivM(); further, package DPQ's lgamma1p() and (if already available) gamln1().


## Package {DPQ}'s  lgamma1p():
lgamma1p <- DPQ::lgamma1p
lg1 <- function(u) lgamma(u+1) # the simple direct form
u <- seq(-.5, 1.5, by=1/16); set.seed(1); u <- sample(u) # permuted (to check logic)
g11   <- vapply(u, lgamma1p, numeric(1))
lgamma1p. <- lgamma1p(u)
all.equal(lg1(u), g11, tolerance = 0) # see 3.148e-16
stopifnot(exprs = {
    all.equal(lg1(u), g11, tolerance = 2e-15)
    identical(g11, lgamma1p.)

## Comparison using Rmpfr; slightly extending the [-.5, 1.5] interval:
u <- seq(-0.525, 1.525, length.out = 2001)
lg1p  <- lgamma1pM(   u)
lg1pM <- lgamma1pM(Rmpfr::mpfr(u, 128))
asNumeric <- Rmpfr::asNumeric
relErrV   <- sfsmisc::relErrV
if(FALSE) { # DPQ "latest" version __FIXME__
lng1  <- DPQ::lngam1(u)
relE <- asNumeric(relErrV(lg1pM, cbind(lgamma1p = lg1p, lngam1 = lng1)))
} else {
relE <- asNumeric(relErrV(lg1pM, cbind(lgamma1p = lg1p)))#, lngam1 = lng1)))

## FIXME: lgamma1p() is *NOT* good around u =1. -- even though it should
##        and the R-only vs (not installed) *does* "work" (is accurate there) ?????
## --> ~/R/Pkgs/DPQ/TODO_R_versions_gam1_etc.R
if(FALSE) {
matplot(u, relE, type="l", ylim = c(-1,1) * 2.5e-15,
     main = expression("relative error of " ~~ lgamma1p(u) == log( Gamma(u+1) )))
} else {
plot(relE ~ u, type="l", ylim = c(-1,1) * 2.5e-15,
     main = expression("relative error of " ~~ lgamma1p(u) == log( Gamma(u+1) )))
grid(lty = 3); abline(v = c(-.5, 1.5), col = adjustcolor(4, 1/2), lty=2, lwd=2)

## what about the direct formula -- how bad is it really ?
relED <- asNumeric(relErrV(lg1pM, lg1(u)))
lines(relED ~ u, col = adjustcolor(2, 1/2), lwd = 2)

Beta Distribution Function – ‘BPSER’ Series Expansion from TOMS 708


Compute a version of the Beta cumulative distribution function (pbeta() in R), namely using the series expansion, named BPSER(), from “TOMS 708”, i.e., Didonato and Morris (1992).

This “pure R” function exists for didactical or documentational reasons on one hand, as R's own pbeta() uses this expansion when appropriate and other algorithms otherwise. On the other hand, using high precision q and MPFR arithmetic (via package Rmpfr) may allow to get highly accurate pbeta() values.


pbeta_ser(q, shape1, shape2, log.p = FALSE, eps = 1e-15, errPb = 0, verbose = FALSE)


q, shape1, shape2

quantiles and shape parameters of the Beta distribution, q typically in [0,1][0,1], see pbeta. Here, q must be scalar, i.e., of length one, and may inherit from class "mpfr", in order to be more accurate (than with the double precision computations).


if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


non-negative number; tol <- eps/shape1 will be used for convergence checks in the series computations.


an integer code, typically in -2, -1, 0 to determine how warnings on convergence failures are handled.


logical indicating if console output about intermediate results should be printed.


pbeta_ser() crucially needs three auxiliary functions which we “mpfr-ized” as well: gam1M(), lgamma1pM(), and algdivM.


An approximation to the Beta probability P[Xq]P[X \le q] for XB(a,b),X \sim B(a,b), (where a=a=shape1, and b=b=shape2).


Didonato and Morris and R Core team; separate packaging by Martin Maechler.


Didonato, A. and Morris, A., Jr, (1992) Algorithm 708: Significant digit computation of the incomplete beta function ratios, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 18, 360–373; doi:10.1145/131766.131776.

See Also

pbeta, DPQmpfr's own pbetaD94; even more pbeta() approximations in package DPQ, e.g., pnbetaAS310, or pbetaRv1.

In addition, for integer shape parameters, the potentially “fully accurate” finite sum base pbetaI() in package Rmpfr.


(p. <- pbeta_ser(1/2, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 3, verbose=TRUE))
(lp <- pbeta_ser(1/2, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 3, log.p = TRUE))
          all.equal(lp, log(p.), tolerance=0) # 1.48e-16
stopifnot(all.equal(lp, log(p.), tolerance = 1e-13))

## Using  Vectorize() in order to allow vector 'q' e.g. for curve():
str(pbetaSer <- Vectorize(pbeta_ser, "q"))
curve(pbetaSer(x, 1.5, 4.5)); abline(h=0:1, v=0:1, lty=2, col="gray")
curve(pbeta   (x, 1.5, 4.5), add=TRUE, col = adjustcolor(2, 1/4), lwd=3)

## now using mpfr-numbers:
half <- 1/Rmpfr::mpfr(2, 256)
(p2 <- pbeta_ser(half, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 123))

Bounds for 1-Phi(.) – Mill's Ratio related Bounds for pnorm()


Bounds for 1Φ(x)1 - \Phi(x), i.e., pnorm(x, *, lower.tail=FALSE), typically related to Mill's Ratio.


pnormL_LD10(x, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
pnormU_S53 (x, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)



positive (at least non-negative) numeric "mpfr" vector (or array).

lower.tail, log.p

logical, see, e.g., pnorm().


vector/array/mpfr like x.


Martin Maechler


Lutz Duembgen (2010) Bounding Standard Gaussian Tail Probabilities; arXiv preprint 1012.2063,

See Also

pnorm. The same functions “numeric-only” are in my DPQ package.


x <- seq(1/64, 10, by=1/64)
px <- cbind(
    lQ = pnorm      (x, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
  , Lo = pnormL_LD10(x, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
  , Up = pnormU_S53 (x, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE))
matplot(x, px, type="l") # all on top of each other

matplot(x, (D <- px[,2:3] - px[,1]), type="l") # the differences
abline(h=0, lty=3, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/2))

## check they are lower and upper bounds indeed :
stopifnot(D[,"Lo"] < 0, D[,"Up"] > 0)

matplot(x[x>4], D[x>4,], type="l") # the differences
abline(h=0, lty=3, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/2))

### zoom out to larger x : [1, 1000]
x <- seq(1, 1000, by=1/4)
px <- cbind(
    lQ = pnorm      (x, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
  , Lo = pnormL_LD10(x, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
  , Up = pnormU_S53 (x, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE))
matplot(x, px, type="l") # all on top of each other
matplot(x, (D <- px[,2:3] - px[,1]), type="l") # the differences
abline(h=0, lty=3, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/2))

## check they are lower and upper bounds indeed :
table(D[,"Lo"] < 0) # no longer always true
table(D[,"Up"] > 0)
## not even when equality (where it's much better though):
table(D[,"Lo"] <= 0)
table(D[,"Up"] >= 0)

## *relative* differences:
matplot(x, (rD <- 1 - px[,2:3] / px[,1]), type="l", log = "x")
abline(h=0, lty=3, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/2))
## abs()
matplot(x, abs(rD), type="l", log = "xy", axes=FALSE, # NB: curves *cross*
        main = "relative differences 1 - pnormUL(x, *)/pnorm(x,*)")
legend("top", c("Low.Bnd(D10)", "Upp.Bnd(S53)"), bty="n", col=1:2, lty=1:2)
sfsmisc::eaxis(1, sub10 = 2)
abline(h=(1:4)*2^-53, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/4))

### zoom out to LARGE x : ---------------------------

x <- 2^seq(0,    30, by = 1/64)
col4 <- adjustcolor(1:4, 1/2)
options(width = 111) -> oop # (nicely printing "tables")
if(FALSE)## or even HUGE:
   x <- 2^seq(4, 513, by = 1/16)
px <- cbind(
    lQ = pnorm      (x, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
  , a0 = dnorm(x, log=TRUE)
  , a1 = dnorm(x, log=TRUE) - log(x)
  , Lo = pnormL_LD10(x, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
  , Up = pnormU_S53 (x, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE))
doLegTit <- function(col=1:4) {
  title(main = "relative differences 1 - pnormUL(x, *)/pnorm(x,*)")
  legend("top", c("phi(x)", "phi(x)/x", "Low.Bnd(D10)", "Upp.Bnd(S53)"),
         bty="n", col=col, lty=1:4)
## *relative* differences are relevant:
matplot(x, (rD <- 1 - px[,-1] / px[,1]), type="l", log = "x",
            ylim = c(-1,1)/2^8, col=col4) ; doLegTit()
abline(h=0, lty=3, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/2))

if(x[length(x)] > 1e150) # the "HUGE" case (not default)
  print( tail(cbind(x, px), 20) )
  ##--> For very large x ~= 1e154, the approximations overflow *later* than pnorm() itself !!

## abs(rel.Diff)  ---> can use log-log:
matplot(x, abs(rD), type="l", log = "xy", xaxt="n", yaxt="n"); doLegTit()
sfsmisc::eaxis(1, sub10=2)
abline(h=(1:4)*2^-53, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/4))

## lower.tail=TRUE (w/ log.p=TRUE) works "the same" for x < 0:
x <- - 2^seq(0,    30, by = 1/64)
##   ==
log1mexp <- Rmpfr::log1mexp # Rmpfr version >= 0.8-2 (2020-11-11 on CRAN)
px <- cbind(
    lQ = pnorm   (x, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=TRUE)
  , a0 = log1mexp(- dnorm(-x, log=TRUE))
  , a1 = log1mexp(-(dnorm(-x, log=TRUE) - log(-x)))
  , Lo = log1mexp(-pnormL_LD10(-x, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=TRUE))
  , Up = log1mexp(-pnormU_S53 (-x, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=TRUE)) )
matplot(-x, (rD <- 1 - px[,-1] / px[,1]), type="l", log = "x",
            ylim = c(-1,1)/2^8, col=col4) ; doLegTit()
abline(h=0, lty=3, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/2))

## Comparison with  Rmpfr::erf() / erfc() based pnorm():

## Set the exponential ranges to maximal -- to evade underflow as long as possible
.mpfr_erange_set(value = (1-2^-52) * .mpfr_erange(c("min.emin","max.emax")))
l2t <- seq(0, 32, by=1/4)
twos <- mpfr(2, 1024)^l2t
Qt  <- pnorm(twos, lower.tail=FALSE)
pnU <- pnormU_S53 (twos, log.p=TRUE)
pnL <- pnormL_LD10(twos, log.p=TRUE)
logQt <- log(Qt)
M <- cbind(twos, Qt, logQt = logQt, pnU)
roundMpfr(M, 40)
dM <- asNumeric(cbind(dU = pnU - logQt,    dL = logQt - pnL,
                      # NB: the numbers are *negative*
                      rdU= 1 - pnU/logQt, rdL = pnL/logQt - 1))
data.frame(l2t, dM)
## The bounds are ok (where Qt does not underflow): L < p < U :
stopifnot(pnU > pnL, pnU > logQt, (logQt > pnL)[Qt > 0])
roundMpfr(cbind(twos, pnL, pnU, D=pnU-pnL, relD=(pnU-pnL)/((pnU+pnL)/2)), 40)

## ----- R's pnorm() -- is it always inside [L, U]  ?? ---------------------
nQt <- stats::pnorm(asNumeric(twos), lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
data.frame(l2t, check.names=FALSE
         , nQt
         , "L <= p" = c(" ", "W")[2 -(pnL <= nQt)]
         , "p <= U" = c(" ", "W")[2- (nQt <= pnU)])
## ==> pnorm() is *outside* sometimes for l2t >= 7.25; always as soon as l2t >= 9.25

## *but* the relative errors are around c_epsilon  in all these cases :
plot (2^l2t, asNumeric(abs(nQt-pnL)/abs(pnU)), type="o", cex=1/4, log="xy", axes=FALSE)
sfsmisc::eaxis(1, sub10 = 2)
lines(2^l2t, asNumeric(abs(nQt-pnU)/abs(pnU)), type="o", cex=1/4, col=2)
abline(h=c(1:4)*2^-53, lty=2, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/4))

options(oop)# reverting

Asymptotic Approximations of Extreme Tail 'pnorm()' and 'qnorm()'


These functions provide the first terms of asymptotic series approximations to pnorm()'s (extreme) tail, from Abramawitz and Stegun's 26.2.13 (p.932), or qnorm() where the approximations have been derived via iterative plugin using Abramowitz and Stegun's formula.


pnormAsymp(x, k, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
qnormAsymp(p, lp = .DT_Clog(p, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p),
           order, M_2PI =,
           lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = missing(p))



positive (at least non-negative) numeric vector.


integer 0\ge 0 indicating how many terms the approximation should use; currently k5k \le 5.


numeric vector of probabilities, possibly transformed, depending on log.p. Does not need to be specified, if lp is instead.


numeric (vector) of log(1-p) values; if not specified, computed from p, depending on lower.tail and log.p.


an integer in {0,1,,5}\{0,1,\dots,5\}, specifying the approximation order.


the number 2π2\pi in the same precision as p or lp, i.e., numeric or of class "mpfr".


logical; if true, probabilities are P[Xx]P[X \le x], otherwise upper tail probabilities, P[X>x]P[X > x].


logical; if TRUE (default for qnormAsymp !!), probabilities pp are given as log(p)\log(p) in argument p or log(1p)\log{(1-p)} in lp.


see both help pages pnormAsymp and qnormAsymp from our package DPQ.


vector/array/mpfr like first argument x or p or lp, respectively.


Martin Maechler

See Also

pnorm. The same functions “numeric-only” are in my DPQ package with more extensive documentation.


require("Rmpfr") # (in strong dependencies of this pkg {DPQmpfr})
x <- seq(1/64, 10, by=1/64)
xm  <- mpfr( x, 96)

## More extreme tails: ----------------------------------------------
## 1. pnormAsymp() ---------------------
lx <- c((2:10)*2, 25, (3:9)*10, (1:9)*100, (1:8)*1000, (2:7)*5000)
lxm <- mpfr(lx, 256)
Px <- pnorm(lxm, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
PxA <- sapplyMpfr(setNames(0:5, paste("k =",0:5)),
                  pnormAsymp, x=lxm, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
  roundMpfr(PxA, 40)
# rel.errors :
relE <- asNumeric(1 - PxA/Px)
options(width = 99) -> oop # (nicely printing the matrices)
cbind(lx, relE)
matplot(lx, abs(relE), type="b", cex = 1/2, log="xy", pch=as.character(0:5),
        main = "|relE( <pnormAsymp(lx, k=*, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE) )|")
sfsmisc::eaxis(1, sub10=2); sfsmisc::eaxis(2)
legend("bottom", paste("k =", 0:5), col=1:6, lty=1:5,
       pch = as.character(0:5), pt.cex=1/2, bty="n")
## NB: rel.Errors go down to  7e-59 ==> need precision of  -log2(7e-59) ~ 193.2 bits

## 2. qnormAsymp() ---------------------
QPx <- sapplyMpfr(setNames(0:5, paste("k =",0:5)),
                  function(k) qnormAsymp(Px, order=k, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p=TRUE))
(relE.q <- asNumeric(QPx/lx - 1))
         # note how consistent the signs are (!) <==> have upper/lower bounds

matplot(-asNumeric(Px), abs(relE.q), type="b", cex = 1/2, log="xy", pch=as.character(0:5),
        xlab = quote(-Px), axes=FALSE,
        main = "|relE( <qnormAsymp(Px, k=*, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE) )|")
sfsmisc::eaxis(1, sub10=2); sfsmisc::eaxis(2)
legend("bottom", paste("k =", 0:5), col=1:6, lty=1:5,
       pch = as.character(0:5), pt.cex=1/2, bty="n")

options(oop) # {revert to previous state}

Accurate qbeta() values from Baharev et al (2017)'s Program


Compuate "accurate" qbeta() values from Baharev et al (2017)'s Program.




FIXME: Their published table only shows 6 digits, but running their (32-bit statically linked) Linux executable ‘mindiffver’ (from their github repos, see "source") with their own ‘input.txt’ gives 12 digits accuracy, which we should be able to increase even more, see

A numeric matrix, 9×229 \times 22 with guaranteed accuracy qbeta(0.95, a,b) values, for a=0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,5,10,25a = 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 5, 10, 25 and b=b = with str()

   num [1:9, 1:22] 0.902 0.95 0.966 0.975 0.98 ...
   - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
    ..$ a: chr [1:9] "0.5" "1" "1.5" "2" ...
    ..$ b: chr [1:22] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...


MM constructed this data as follows (TODO: say more..):

        ff <- "~/R/MM/NUMERICS/dpq-functions/beta-gamma-etc/Baharev_et_al-2017_table3.txt"
        qbB2017 <- t( data.matrix(read.table(ff)) )
        dimnames(qbB2017) <- dimnames(qbet)
        saveRDS(qbB2017, "..../qbBaha2017.rds")


This matrix comprises all entries of Table 3, p. 776 of
Baharev, A., Schichl, H. and Rév, E. (2017) Computing the noncentral-F distribution and the power of the F-test with guaranteed accuracy; Comput. Stat. 32(2), 763–779. doi:10.1007/s00180-016-0701-3

The paper mentions the first author's ‘github’ repos where source code and executables are available from:


str(ab <- lapply(dimnames(qbBaha2017), as.numeric))
stopifnot(ab$a == c((1:6)/2, 5, 10, 25),
          ab$b == c(1:15, 10*c(2:5, 10, 25, 50)))
matplot(ab$b, t(qbBaha2017)[,9:1], type="l", log = "x", xlab = "b",
        ylab = "qbeta(.95, a,b)",
        main = "Guaranteed accuracy 95% percentiles of Beta distribution")
legend("right", paste("a = ", format(ab$a)),
       lty=1:5, col=1:6, bty="n")

## Relative error of R's qbeta() -- given that the table only shows 6
## digits, there is *no* relevant error: R's qbeta() is accurate enough:
x.ab <-, ab)
matplot(ab$b, 1 - t(qbeta(0.95, x.ab$a, x.ab$b) / qbBaha2017),
        main = "rel.error of R's qbeta() -- w/ 6 digits, it is negligible",
        ylab = "1 - qbeta()/'true'",
        type = "l", log="x", xlab="b")
abline(h=0, col=adjustcolor("gray", 1/2))

Stirling Formula Approximation Error


Compute the log() of the error of Stirling's formula for n!n!. Used in certain accurate approximations of (negative) binomial and Poisson probabilities.

stirlerrM() currently simply uses the direct mathematical formula, based on lgamma(), adapted for use with mpfr-numbers.


stirlerrM(n, minPrec = 128L)
stirlerrSer(n, k)



numeric or “numeric-alike” vector, typically “large” positive integer or half integer valued, here typically an "mpfr"-number vector.


integer scalar, now in 1:22.


minimal precision (in bits) to be used when coercing number-alikes, say, biginteger (bigz) to "mpfr".


Stirling's approximation to n!n! has been

n!(ne)n2πn,n! \approx \bigl(\frac{n}{e}\bigr)^n \sqrt{2\pi n},

where by definition the error is the difference of the left and right hand side of this formula, in log\log-scale,

δ(n)=logΓ(n+1)nlog(n)+nlog(2πn)/2.\delta(n) = \log\Gamma(n + 1) - n \log(n) + n - \log(2 \pi n)/2.

See the vignette log1pmx, bd0, stirlerr, ... from package DPQ, where the series expansion of δ(n)\delta(n) is used with 11 terms, starting with

δ(n)=112n1360n3+11260n5±O(n7).\delta(n) = \frac 1{12 n} - \frac 1{360 n^3} + \frac 1{1260 n^5} \pm O(n^{-7}).


a numeric or other “numeric-alike” class vector, e.g., mpfr, of the same length as n.


In principle, the direct formula should be replaced by a few terms of the series in powers of 1/n1/n for large n, but we assume using high enough precision for n should be sufficient and “easier”.


Martin Maechler


Catherine Loader, see dbinom;

Martin Maechler (2021) log1pmx(), bd0(), stirlerr() – Computing Poisson, Binomial, Gamma Probabilities in R.

See Also

dbinom; rational exact dbinomQ() in package gmp. stirlerr() in package DPQ which is a pure R version R's mathlib-internal C function.


### ----------------  Regular R  double precision -------------------------------

n <- n. <- c(1:10, 15, 20, 30, 50*(1:6), 100*(4:9), 10^(3:12))
(stE <- stirlerrM(n)) # direct formula is *not* good when n is large:
plot(stirlerrM(n) ~ n, log = "x", type = "b", xaxt="n") # --> *negative for large n!
sfsmisc::eaxis(1, sub10=3) ; abline(h = 0, lty=3, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/2))
oMax <- 22 # was 8 originally
str(stirSer <- sapply(setNames(1:oMax, paste0("k=",1:oMax)),
                      function(k) stirlerrSer(n, k)))
cols <- 1:(oMax+1)
matlines(n, stirSer, col = cols, lty=1)
leg1 <- c("stirlerrM(n): [dble prec] direct f()",
          paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:oMax, ")"))
legend("top", leg1, pch = c(1,rep(NA,oMax)), col=cols, lty=1, bty="n")
## for larger n, current values are even *negative* ==> dbl prec *not* sufficient

## y in log-scale [same conclusion]
plot (stirlerrM(n) ~ n, log = "xy", type = "b", ylim = c(1e-13, 0.08))
matlines(n, stirSer, col = cols, lty=1)
legend("bottomleft", leg1, pch=c(1,rep(NA,oMax)), col=1:(oMax+1), lty=1, bty="n")

## the numbers:
options(digits=4, width=111)
stEmat. <- cbind(sM = setNames(stirlerrM(n),n), stirSer)
# note *bad* values for (n=1, k >= 8) !

## for printing n=<nice>: 8
N <- Rmpfr::asNumeric
dfm <- function(n, mm) data.frame(n=formatC(N(n)), N(mm), check.names=FALSE)
## relative differences:
dfm(n, stEmat.[,-1]/stEmat.[,1] - 1)
    # => stirlerrM() {with dbl prec} deteriorates after ~ n = 200--500

### ----------------  MPFR High Accuracy -------------------------------

n <- as.bigz(n.)
## now repeat everything .. from above ... FIXME shows bugs !
## fully accurate using big rational arithmetic
class(stEserQ <- sapply(setNames(1:oMax, paste0("k=",1:oMax)),
                        function(k) stirlerrSer(n=n, k=k))) # list ..
stopifnot(sapply(stEserQ, class) == "bigq") # of exact big rationals
str(stEsQM  <- lapply(stEserQ, as, Class="mpfr"))# list of oMax;  each prec. 128..702
    stEsQM. <- lapply(stEserQ, .bigq2mpfr, precB = 512) # constant higher precision
    stEsQMm <- sapply(stEserQ, asNumeric) # a matrix -- "exact" values of Stirling series

stEM   <- stirlerrM(mpfr(n, 128)) # now ok (loss of precision, but still ~ 10 digits correct)
stEM4k <- stirlerrM(mpfr(n, 4096))# assume practically "perfect"/ "true" stirlerr() values
## ==> what's the accuracy of the 128-bit 'stEM'?
N <- asNumeric # short
dfm <- function(n, mm) data.frame(n=formatC(N(n)), N(mm), check.names=FALSE)
dfm(n, stEM/stEM4k - 1)
## ...........
## 29 1e+06  4.470e-25
## 30 1e+07 -7.405e-23
## 31 1e+08 -4.661e-21
## 32 1e+09 -7.693e-20
## 33 1e+10  3.452e-17  (still ok)
## 34 1e+11 -3.472e-15  << now start losing  --> 128 bits *not* sufficient!
## 35 1e+12 -3.138e-13  <<<<
## same conclusion via  number of correct (decimal) digits:
dfm(n, log10(abs(stEM/stEM4k - 1)))

plot(N(-log10(abs(stEM/stEM4k - 1))) ~ N(n), type="o", log="x",
     xlab = quote(n), main = "#{correct digits} of 128-bit stirlerrM(n)")
ubits <- c(128, 52) # above 128-bit and double precision
abline(h = ubits* log10(2), lty=2)
text(1, ubits* log10(2), paste0(ubits,"-bit"), adj=c(0,0))

stopifnot(identical(stirlerrM(n), stEM)) # for bigz & bigq, we default to precBits = 128
all.equal(roundMpfr(stEM4k, 64),
          stirlerrSer (n., oMax)) # 0.00212 .. because of 1st few n.  ==> drop these
all.equal(roundMpfr(stEM4k,64)[n. >= 3], stirlerrSer (n.[n. >= 3], oMax)) # 6.238e-8

plot(asNumeric(abs(stirlerrSer(n., oMax) - stEM4k)) ~ n.,
     log="xy", type="b", main="absolute error of stirlerrSer(n, oMax)  & (n, 5)")
abline(h = 2^-52, lty=2); text(1, 2^-52, "52-bits", adj=c(1,-1)/oMax)
lines(asNumeric(abs(stirlerrSer(n., 5) - stEM4k)) ~ n., col=2)

plot(asNumeric(stirlerrM(n)) ~ n., log = "x", type = "b")
for(k in 1:oMax) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("top", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:oMax, ")")),
       pch=c(1,rep(NA,oMax)), col=1:(oMax+1), lty=1, bty="n")

## y in log-scale
plot(asNumeric(stirlerrM(n)) ~ n., log = "xy", type = "b", ylim = c(1e-13, 0.08))
for(k in 1:oMax) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("topright", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:oMax, ")")),
       pch=c(1,rep(NA,oMax)), col=1:(oMax+1), lty=1, bty="n")
## all "looks" perfect (so we could skip this)

## The numbers ...  reused
## stopifnot(sapply(stEserQ, class) == "bigq") # of exact big rationals
## str(stEsQM  <- lapply(stEserQ, as, Class="mpfr"))# list of oMax;  each prec. 128..702
##     stEsQM. <- lapply(stEserQ, .bigq2mpfr, precB = 512) # constant higher precision
##     stEsQMm <- sapply(stEserQ, asNumeric) # a matrix -- "exact" values of Stirling series

## stEM   <- stirlerrM(mpfr(n, 128)) # now ok (loss of precision, but still ~ 10 digits correct)
## stEM4k <- stirlerrM(mpfr(n, 4096))# assume "perfect"
stEmat <- cbind(sM = stEM4k, stEsQMm)
signif(asNumeric(stEmat), 6) # prints nicely -- large n = 10^e: see ~= 1/(12 n)  =  0.8333 / n
## print *relative errors* nicely :
## simple double precision version of direct formula (cancellation for n >> 1 !):
stE <- stirlerrM(n.) # --> bad for small n;  catastrophically bad for n >= 10^7
## relative *errors*
dfm(n , cbind(stEsQMm, dbl=stE)/stEM4k - 1)
## only "perfect" Series (showing true mathematical approx. error; not *numerical*
relE <- N(stEsQMm / stEM4k - 1)
dfm(n, relE)
matplot(n, relE, type = "b", log="x", ylim = c(-1,1) * 1e-12)
## |rel.Err|  in  [log log]
matplot(n, abs(N(relE)), type = "b", log="xy")
matplot(n, pmax(abs(N(relE)), 1e-19), type = "b", log="xy", ylim = c(1e-17, 1e-12))
matplot(n, pmax(abs(N(relE)), 1e-19), type = "b", log="xy", ylim = c(4e-17, 1e-15))
abline(h = 2^-(53:52), lty=3)