Package: latticeExtra 0.6-30

Deepayan Sarkar

latticeExtra: Extra Graphical Utilities Based on Lattice

Building on the infrastructure provided by the lattice package, this package provides several new high-level functions and methods, as well as additional utilities such as panel and axis annotation functions.

Authors:Deepayan Sarkar <[email protected]>, Felix Andrews <[email protected]>

latticeExtra.pdf |latticeExtra.html
latticeExtra/json (API)

# Install 'latticeExtra' in R:
install.packages('latticeExtra', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • EastAuClimate - Climate of the East Coast of Australia
  • SeatacWeather - Daily Rainfall and Temperature at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport
  • USAge.df - US national population estimates
  • USAge.table - US national population estimates
  • USCancerRates - Rate of Death Due to Cancer in US Counties
  • ancestry - Modal ancestry by County according to US 2000 Census
  • biocAccess - Hourly access attempts to Bioconductor website
  • gvhd10 - Flow cytometry data from five samples from a patient
  • postdoc - Reasons for Taking First Postdoctoral Appointment


10.05 score 236 packages 2.6k scripts 30k downloads 60 mentions 72 exports 9 dependencies

Last updated 3 years agofrom:1ffe62806f. Checks:1 OK, 6 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 25 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEJan 25 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEJan 25 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEJan 25 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEJan 25 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEJan 25 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEJan 25 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Modal ancestry by County according to US 2000 Censusancestry
Overlay panels of Trellis plots on same or different scalesas.layer as.layer.layer as.layer.trellis
Hourly access attempts to Bioconductor websitebiocAccess
Merge trellis objects, using same or different scalesc.trellis mergedTrellisLegendGrob xyplot.list
Combine axis limits across marginscombineLimits
Create a lattice theme based on specified colorscustom.theme custom.theme.2
Create a Grob Representing a DendrogramdendrogramGrob
Draw two plot series with different y scalesdoubleYScale
Climate of the East Coast of AustraliaEastAuClimate
Trellis Displays of Empirical CDFecdfplot ecdfplot.formula ecdfplot.numeric panel.ecdfplot prepanel.ecdfplot
A ggplot2-like theme for Latticeaxis.grid ggplot2like ggplot2like.opts ggplot2like.theme
Flow cytometry data from five samples from a patientgvhd10
Plot many time series in parallelhorizonplot horizonplot.default panel.horizonplot prepanel.horizonplot
Add layers to a lattice plot, optionally using a new data source+.trellis drawLayer flattenPanel glayer glayer_ layer layer_ print.layer [.layer
Trellis displays on Maps a.k.a. Choropleth mapsmapplot mapplot.formula panel.mapplot prepanel.mapplot
Display marginal distributionsmarginal.plot
Plot a smooth approximation of z over x and y.panel.2dsmoother
Miscellanous panel utilities for three dimensional Trellis Displayspanel.3dbars panel.3dmisc panel.3dpolygon panel.3dtext
Lattice panel function to fit and draw a confidence ellipsoid from bivariate data.panel.ellipse
Draw a simple key inside a panel of a lattice plot.panel.key
Draw a line with a label, by default its equationpanel.ablineq panel.lmlineq
Approximate distribution in qqmath but keep points on tails.panel.qqmath.tails
Plot a quantile regression line with standard error bounds.panel.quantile
Draw a scale bar as an arrow, labelled with its length in plot units.panel.scaleArrow
Default prepanel and panel functions for segplotpanel.segplot prepanel.segplot
Plot a smoothing line with standard error bounds.panel.smoother
Calculate and plot smoothed time series.panel.tskernel simpleSmoothTs simpleSmoothTs.default simpleSmoothTs.zoo
Panel functions for level-coded irregular pointspanel.levelplot.points panel.voronoi
Plot contiguous blocks along x axis.panel.xblocks panel.xblocks.default panel.xblocks.ts panel.xblocks.zoo
Plot series as filled polygons.panel.qqmath.xyarea panel.xyarea panel.xyarea.default panel.xyarea.ts panel.xyarea.zoo
Scatter plots using emoji-like imagespanel.xyimage
Reasons for Taking First Postdoctoral Appointmentpostdoc
Resize panels to match data scalesresizePanels
Trellis Displays of Tukey's Hanging Rootogramspanel.rootogram prepanel.rootogram rootogram rootogram.formula
Custom lattice axis scalesscale.components xscale.components.fractions xscale.components.log xscale.components.log10.3 xscale.components.log10ticks xscale.components.logpower xscale.components.subticks yscale.components.fractions yscale.components.log yscale.components.log10.3 yscale.components.log10ticks yscale.components.logpower yscale.components.subticks
Daily Rainfall and Temperature at the Seattle-Tacoma AirportSeatacWeather
Plot segments using the Trellis frameworksegplot segplot.formula
Generate plots with style like The Economist.asTheEconomist theEconomist.axis theEconomist.opts theEconomist.theme
Plot a spatial mosaic from irregular 2D pointstileplot
US national population estimatesUSAge USAge.df USAge.table
Rate of Death Due to Cancer in US CountiesUSCancerRates
Put Strips on the Boundary of a Lattice DisplayuseOuterStrips
Display stl fits with Latticexyplot.stl