Multivariate Normal Log-likelihoods in the mvtnorm PackageUpdated 6 days ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from lmvnorm_src.Rnw in mvtnorm 1.3-1.
RPointCloud: CLL Clinical DataUpdated 19 days ago

Kevin R. Coombes and Jake Reed

Rendered from clinical.Rmd in RPointCloud 0.8.0.
covMcd() -- Generalizing the FastMCDUpdated 20 days ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from fastMcd-kmini.Rnw in robustbase 0.99-4-1.
Definitions of Psi-Functions Available in RobustbaseUpdated 20 days ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from psi_functions.Rnw in robustbase 0.99-4-1.
Introduction to the tm PackageUpdated 26 days ago

Kurt Hornik

Rendered from tm.Rnw in tm 0.7-14.
Examples of Nonstandard Copulas -- "Wild Animals"Updated 26 days ago

Marius Hofert and Martin Mächler

Rendered from wild_animals.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
Simulations for Robust Regression Inference in Small SamplesUpdated 27 days ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from lmrob_simulation.Rnw in robustbase 0.99-4-1.
Heteroscedastic Censored and Truncated Regression with crchUpdated 1 months ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from crch.qmd in crch 1.2-0.
colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and PalettesUpdated 1 months ago

Achim Zeileis, Jason C. Fisher, Kurt Hornik, Ross Ihaka, Claire D. McWhite, Paul Murrell, Reto Stauffer, Claus O. Wilke

Rendered from colorspace.Rmd in colorspace 2.1-2.
cotramUpdated 2 months ago

Sandra Siegfried

Rendered from cotram.Rnw in cotram 0.5-1.
Beta Regression in RUpdated 2 months ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from betareg.qmd in betareg 3.2-1.
Extended Beta Regression in R: Shaken, Stirred, Mixed, and PartitionedUpdated 2 months ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from betareg-ext.qmd in betareg 3.2-1.
RPointCloud: A Mass Cytometry ExampleUpdated 2 months ago

Kevin R. Coombes and Jake Reed

Rendered from cytof.Rmd in RPointCloud 0.8.0.
RPointCloud: Regulatory T CellsUpdated 2 months ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from treg.Rmd in RPointCloud 0.8.0.
Computations for multiphase samplingUpdated 3 months ago

Thomas Lumley

Rendered from multiphase.Rmd in survey 4.5.
Automating HRV analysis: RHRVEasyUpdated 4 months ago


Rendered from RHRVEasy.Rmd in RHRV 5.0.0.
OBIGT thermodynamic databaseUpdated 4 months ago

Jeffrey Dick

Rendered from OBIGT.Rmd in CHNOSZ 2.1.0-18.
Using mvtnormUpdated 4 months ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from MVT_Rnews.Rnw in mvtnorm 1.3-1.
Getting started with outbreak detectionUpdated 4 months ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from surveillance.Rnw in surveillance
hhh4 (spatio-temporal): Endemic-epidemic modeling of areal count time seriesUpdated 4 months ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from hhh4_spacetime.Rnw in surveillance
Monitoring count time series in R: Aberration detection in public health surveillanceUpdated 4 months ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from monitoringCounts.Rnw in surveillance
twinstim: An endemic-epidemic modeling framework for spatio-temporal point patternsUpdated 4 months ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from twinstim.Rnw in surveillance
mltUpdated 4 months ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from mlt.Rnw in mlt.docreg 1.1-8.
WayFindR: Computing Graph Metrics on WikiPathwaysUpdated 5 months ago

Polina Bombina and Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from WayFindR_graphs.Rmd in WayFindR 0.1.2.
WayFindR: Creating Graph Structures From WikiPathways FilesUpdated 5 months ago

Polina Bombina and Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from WayFindR_getStarted.Rmd in WayFindR 0.1.2.
CHNOSZ FAQUpdated 5 months ago

Jeffrey M. Dick

Rendered from FAQ.Rmd in CHNOSZ 2.1.0-18.
Diagrams with multiple metalsUpdated 5 months ago

Jeffrey M. Dick

Rendered from multi-metal.Rmd in CHNOSZ 2.1.0-18.
log1pmx, bd0, stirlerr - Probability Computations in RUpdated 6 months ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from log1pmx-etc.Rnw in DPQ 0.5-9.
An Introduction to CHNOSZUpdated 6 months ago

Jeffrey M. Dick

Rendered from anintro.Rmd in CHNOSZ 2.1.0-18.
Small area estimationUpdated 6 months ago

"Thomas Lumley"

Rendered from survey-sae.html.asis in survey 4.5.
Overview of the 'pcalg' Package for RUpdated 7 months ago

Markus Kalisch

Rendered from vignette2018.Rnw in pcalg 2.7-10.
Chapter 01, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter01-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 02, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter02-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 03, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter03-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 04, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter04-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 05, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter05-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 06, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter06-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 07, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter07-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 08, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter08-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 09, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter09-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 10, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter10-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 11, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter11-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 12, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter12-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 13, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter13-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth3 1.0-6.
Chapter 01, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter01-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 02, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter02-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 03, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter03-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 04, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter04-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 05, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter05-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 06, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter06-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 07, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter07-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 08, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter08-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 09, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter09-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 10, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter10-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 11, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter11-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 12, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter12-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Chapter 13, Horton et al. using mosaicUpdated 8 months ago

Berwin A Turlach

Rendered from chapter13-HortonMosaic.Rnw in Sleuth2 2.0-7.
Distributional Semantics in R with the 'wordspace' PackageUpdated 8 months ago

Stefan Evert

Rendered from wordspace-intro.Rmd in wordspace 0.2-8.
Customizing the thermodynamic databaseUpdated 9 months ago

Jeffrey M. Dick

Rendered from custom_data.Rmd in CHNOSZ 2.1.0-18.
Equilibrium in CHNOSZUpdated 9 months ago

Jeffrey M. Dick

Rendered from equilibrium.Rmd in CHNOSZ 2.1.0-18.
Regressing thermodynamic dataUpdated 9 months ago

Jeffrey M. Dick

Rendered from eos-regress.Rmd in CHNOSZ 2.1.0-18.
Introduction to SillyPuttyUpdated 10 months ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from SillyPuttyVignette.Rmd in SillyPutty 0.4.1.
Nested Archimedean Copulas Meet RUpdated 10 months ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from nacopula-pkg.Rnw in copula 1.1-5.
hhh4: An endemic-epidemic modelling framework for infectious disease countsUpdated 11 months ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from hhh4.Rnw in surveillance
cardidates Quickstart ManualUpdated 11 months ago

Thomas Petzoldt

Rendered from vignette.Rnw in cardidates 0.4.9.
Iniciación a R Commander (es)Updated 1 years ago

John Fox

Rendered from Empezando-con-Rcmdr-es.Rnw in Rcmdr 2.9-2.
Various Versatile Variances: An Object-Oriented Implementation of Clustered Covariances in RUpdated 1 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from sandwich-CL.Rnw in sandwich 3.1-1.
2nd Introduction to the Matrix PackageUpdated 1 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from Intro2Matrix.Rnw in Matrix 1.8-0.
Comparisons of Least Squares calculation speedsUpdated 1 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from Comparisons.Rnw in Matrix 1.8-0.
Design Issues in Matrix package DevelopmentUpdated 1 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from Design-issues.Rnw in Matrix 1.8-0.
Sparse Model MatricesUpdated 1 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from sparseModels.Rnw in Matrix 1.8-0.
Supplementary Material for "A re-evaluation of the model selection procedure in Pollet & Nettle (2009)"Updated 1 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from chfls1.Rnw in multcomp 1.4-26.
Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric ModelsUpdated 1 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from generalsiminf.Rnw in multcomp 1.4-26.
twinSIR: Individual-level epidemic modeling for a fixed population with known distancesUpdated 1 years ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from twinSIR.Rnw in surveillance
Optimization benchmark with the GNE packageUpdated 1 years ago

Christophe Dutang

Rendered from GNE-optim-bench.Rmd in GNE 0.99-6.
algo.glrnb: Count data regression charts using the generalized likelihood ratio statisticUpdated 1 years ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from glrnb.Rnw in surveillance
tramvsUpdated 2 years ago

Lucas Kook

Rendered from tramvs.Rnw in tramvs 0.0-6.
Asymptotic Tail Formulas For Gaussian QuantilesUpdated 2 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from qnorm-asymp.Rnw in DPQ 0.5-9.
Beautiful Spearman's Rho for AMH CopulaUpdated 2 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from rhoAMH-dilog.Rnw in copula 1.1-5.
Arbitrarily Accurate Computation with R Package RmpfrUpdated 2 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from Rmpfr-pkg.Rnw in Rmpfr 0.9-6.
Accurately Computing log(1 - exp(.)) -- Assessed by RmpfrUpdated 2 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from log1mexp-note.Rnw in Rmpfr 0.9-6.
plasma: Partial LeAst Squares for Multiomics AnalysisUpdated 2 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from plasma.pdf.asis in plasma 1.1.3.
Bessel Functions in other CRAN PackagesUpdated 2 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from other-Bessels.Rnw in Bessel 0.6-2.
Densities of Two-Level Nested Archimedean CopulasUpdated 2 years ago

Marius Hofert

Rendered from dNAC.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
Exploring Empirical CopulasUpdated 2 years ago

Marius Hofert

Rendered from empiricial_copulas.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
Archimedean Liouville CopulasUpdated 2 years ago

Marius Hofert

Rendered from AC_Liouville.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
Hierarchical Archimax CopulasUpdated 2 years ago

Marius Hofert and Avinash Prasad

Rendered from HAXC.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
Quasi-Random Numbers for Copula ModelsUpdated 2 years ago

Marius Hofert

Rendered from qrng.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
distr - manualUpdated 2 years ago

Peter Ruckdeschel

Rendered from distr.Rnw in distrDoc 2.8.2.
newDistributionsUpdated 2 years ago

Peter Ruckdeschel

Rendered from newDistributions-knitr.Rnw in distr 2.9.5.
plasma: InterpretationUpdated 2 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from interpret.pdf.asis in plasma 1.1.3.
Getting Started with the R CommanderUpdated 2 years ago

John Fox

Rendered from Getting-Started-with-the-Rcmdr.Rnw in Rcmdr 2.9-2.
SystemfitUpdated 2 years ago

Arne Henningsen

Rendered from systemfit.Rnw in systemfit 1.1-31.
Econometric Computing with HC and HAC Covariance Matrix EstimatorsUpdated 2 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from sandwich.Rnw in sandwich 3.1-1.
Object-Oriented Computation of Sandwich EstimatorsUpdated 2 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from sandwich-OOP.Rnw in sandwich 3.1-1.
mtramUpdated 2 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from mtram.Rnw in tram 1.1-0.
A note on random number generationUpdated 2 years ago

Christophe Dutang

Rendered from fullpres.Rnw in randtoolbox 2.0.5.
tramUpdated 2 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from tram.Rnw in tram 1.1-0.
Pre-calibrated weightsUpdated 2 years ago

"Thomas Lumley"

Rendered from precalibrated.Rnw in survey 4.5.
An R Package for Univariate and Bivariate Peaks Over Threshold AnalysisUpdated 2 years ago

Christophe Dutang

Rendered from POT.Rnw in POT 1.1-10.
Quick introduction of randtoolboxUpdated 3 years ago

Christophe Dutang

Rendered from shortintro.Rnw in randtoolbox 2.0.5.
R Package deSolve: Solving Initial Value Differential Equations in RUpdated 3 years ago

Thomas Petzoldt

Rendered from deSolve.Rnw in deSolve 1.40.
R Package deSolve: Writing Code in Compiled LanguagesUpdated 3 years ago

Thomas Petzoldt

Rendered from compiledCode.Rnw in deSolve 1.40.
RCytoGPS: Working With LGF-Models of Karyotype in RUpdated 3 years ago

Dwayne Tally, Zachary B. Abrams, and Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from IntroRCytoGPS.Rmd in RCytoGPS 1.2.7.
RCytoGPS GalleryUpdated 3 years ago

Dwayne Tally, Zachary B. Abrams, and Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from Gallery.Rmd in RCytoGPS 1.2.7.
UMAP and SOM from Distance MatricesUpdated 3 years ago

C.E. Coombes, Zachary B. Abrams, Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from umap-som.Rmd in Mercator 1.1.4.
Quantile rulesUpdated 3 years ago

"Thomas Lumley"

Rendered from qrule.Rnw in survey 4.5.
Using car functions inside user functionsUpdated 3 years ago

John Fox

Rendered from embedding.Rnw in car 3.1-3.
Noncentral Chi-Squared Probabilities -- Algorithms in RUpdated 3 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from Noncentral-Chisq.Rnw in DPQ 0.5-9.
HCL-Based Color Palettes in RUpdated 3 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from hcl-colors.Rnw in colorspace 2.1-2.
ctree: Conditional Inference TreesUpdated 4 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from ctree.Rnw in partykit 1.2-22.
A Lego System for Conditional InferenceUpdated 4 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from LegoCondInf.Rnw in coin 1.4-3.
Order-restricted Scores TestUpdated 4 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from MAXtest.Rnw in coin 1.4-3.
Additional ExamplesUpdated 4 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from multcomp-examples.Rnw in multcomp 1.4-26.
party: A Laboratory for Recursive PartytioningUpdated 4 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from party.Rnw in party 1.3-17.
Using the Mercator PackageUpdated 4 years ago

C.E. Coombes, Zachary B. Abrams, Suli Li, Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from mercator.Rmd in Mercator 1.1.4.
Automatic Generation of Exams in RUpdated 4 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from exams.Rnw in exams 2.4-2.
Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: Moodle Quizzes, OLAT Assessments, and BeyondUpdated 4 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from exams2.Rnw in exams 2.4-2.
Getting started with genoPlotRUpdated 4 years ago

Lionel Guy

Rendered from genoPlotR.Rnw in genoPlotR 0.8.11.
tbmUpdated 4 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from tbm_supplement.Rnw in tbm 0.3-6.
Using Polychrome With ggplotUpdated 4 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from testgg.Rmd in Polychrome 1.5.1.
zipfR TutorialUpdated 4 years ago

Stefan Evert

Rendered from zipfr-tutorial.Rnw in zipfR 0.6-71.
Using the OPTICS CordilleraUpdated 4 years ago

Thomas Rusch

Rendered from cordillera.html.asis in cordillera 1.0-2.
A Tutorial on Cluster Optimized Proximity Scaling (COPS)Updated 4 years ago

Thomas Rusch

Rendered from cops.html.asis in cops 1.11-4.
tscount: An R Package for Analysis of Count Time Series Following Generalized Linear ModelsUpdated 4 years ago

Tobias Liboschik

Rendered from tsglm.Rnw in tscount 1.4.4.
ROI Plug-in NEOSUpdated 4 years ago

Florian Schwendinger

Rendered from ROI.plugin.neos_Introduction.Rnw in ROI.plugin.neos 1.0-0.
Mercator for Continuous DataUpdated 4 years ago

C.E. Coombes, Zachary B. Abrams, Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from mercVis.Rmd in Mercator 1.1.4.
Parties, Models, Mobsters: A New Implementation of Model-Based Recursive Partitioning in RUpdated 4 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from mob.Rnw in partykit 1.2-22.
Umpire 2.0: Clinically Realistic SimulationsUpdated 4 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes and Caitlin E. Coombes

Rendered from Umpire2.Rmd in Umpire 2.0.10.
Calculate Concentration and Dispersion in Ordered Rating ScalesUpdated 4 years ago

Didier Ruedin

Rendered from agrmt.Rnw in agrmt 1.42.14.
WRS2Updated 4 years ago

Patrick Mair

Rendered from WRS2.Rnw in WRS2 1.1-6.
Umpire 2.0: Simulating Associated SurvivalUpdated 4 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes and Caitlin E. Coombes

Rendered from surv.Rmd in Umpire 2.0.10.
Generalized Inverse Gaussian Archimedean CopulasUpdated 4 years ago

Marius Hofert

Rendered from GIG.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
zoo: An S3 Class and Methods for Indexed Totally Ordered ObservationsUpdated 5 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from zoo.Rnw in zoo 1.8-13.
Implementing a Class of Permutation Tests: The coin PackageUpdated 5 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from Implementation.Rnw in coin 1.4-3.
party with the mobUpdated 5 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from MOB.Rnw in party 1.3-17.
Computing Beta(a,b) for Large ArgumentsUpdated 5 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from comp-beta.Rnw in DPQ 0.5-9.
Computing and Visualizing Dynamic Time Warping Alignments in R: The dtw PackageUpdated 5 years ago

Toni Giorgino

Rendered from dtw.Rnw in dtw 1.23-1.
examplesUpdated 5 years ago

Thomas Fabbro

Rendered from examples.Rnw in sse 0.7-17.
OOMPAUpdated 5 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from oompa.Rnw in oompaBase 3.2.9.
NewmanOmics: Tools for Personalized TranscriptomicsUpdated 5 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from newmanomics.Rmd in NewmanOmics 1.0.11.
Logit models relaxing the iid hypothesisUpdated 5 years ago

Yves Croissant

Rendered from c4.relaxiid.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
The random parameters (or mixed) logit modelUpdated 5 years ago

Yves Croissant

Rendered from c5.mxl.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
Multinomial probitUpdated 5 years ago

Yves Croissant

Rendered from c6.mprobit.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
Miscellaneous modelsUpdated 5 years ago

Yves Croissant

Rendered from c7.miscmodels.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
Data management, model description and testingUpdated 5 years ago

Yves Croissant

Rendered from in mlogit 1.0-3.
mlogitUpdated 5 years ago

Yves Croissant

Rendered from mlogit.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
Random utility model and the multinomial logit modelUpdated 5 years ago

Yves Croissant

Rendered from c3.rum.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
coin: A Computational Framework for Conditional InferenceUpdated 5 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from coin.Rnw in coin 1.4-3.
Constant Partying: Growing and Handling Trees with Constant FitsUpdated 5 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from constparty.Rnw in partykit 1.2-22.
partykit: A Toolkit for Recursive PartytioningUpdated 5 years ago

Torsten Hothorn

Rendered from partykit.Rnw in partykit 1.2-22.
CloneSeekerUpdated 5 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from CloneSeeker.Rnw in CloneSeeker 1.0.11.
R Package distrMod: S4 Classes and Methods for Probability ModelsUpdated 5 years ago

Peter Ruckdeschel

Rendered from distrMod.Rnw in distrMod 2.9.4.
zoo FAQUpdated 5 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from zoo-faq.Rnw in zoo 1.8-13.
zoo Quick ReferenceUpdated 5 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from zoo-quickref.Rnw in zoo 1.8-13.
Exercise 1: Multinomial logit modelUpdated 6 years ago

Kenneth Train and Yves Croissant

Rendered from e1mlogit.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
Exercise 2: Nested logit modelUpdated 6 years ago

Kenneth Train and Yves Croissant

Rendered from e2nlogit.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
Exercise 3: Mixed logit modelUpdated 6 years ago

Kenneth Train and Yves Croissant

Rendered from e3mxlogit.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
Exercise 4: Multinomial probitUpdated 6 years ago

Kenneth Train and Yves Croissant

Rendered from e4mprobit.Rmd in mlogit 1.0-3.
Importing textUpdated 6 years ago

Paul Murrell

Rendered from importText.Rnw in grImport 0.9-7.
Importing Vector GraphicsUpdated 6 years ago

Paul Murrell

Rendered from import.Rnw in grImport 0.9-7.
OOMPA GenAlgoUpdated 6 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from genalg.Rnw in GenAlgo 2.2.0.
supraHex User ManualUpdated 6 years ago

Hai Fang

Rendered from supraHex_vignettes.Rnw in supraHex 1.43.0.
Vignette VarSelLCMUpdated 6 years ago

Mohammed Sedki

Rendered from VarSelLCM.Rmd in VarSelLCM 2.1.4.
Numerically stable Frank Copulas via Multiprecision (Rmpfr)Updated 6 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from Frank-Rmpfr.Rnw in copula 1.1-5.
A R Package for Modelling Spatial ExtremesUpdated 6 years ago

Mathieu Ribatet

Rendered from SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw in SpatialExtremes 2.1-0.
SIBER VignetteUpdated 6 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from SIBER.Rnw in SIBERG 2.0.3.
Polychrome: Creating New PalettesUpdated 6 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from creatingPalettes.Rmd in Polychrome 1.5.1.
Polychrome: Plots of Many ColorsUpdated 6 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from polychrome.Rmd in Polychrome 1.5.1.
Polychrome: Color DeficitsUpdated 6 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from color-deficits.Rmd in Polychrome 1.5.1.
ThresherUpdated 6 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from Thresher.Rnw in Thresher 1.1.4.
PCDimensionUpdated 7 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from PCDimension.Rnw in PCDimension 1.1.13.
ExtensionsUpdated 7 years ago

Kurt Hornik

Rendered from extensions.Rnw in tm 0.7-14.
CrossValidateUpdated 7 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from CrossVal.Rnw in CrossValidate 2.3.4.
The Copula GARCH ModelUpdated 7 years ago

Marius Hofert

Rendered from copula_GARCH.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
Bimodality IndexUpdated 7 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from bim.Rnw in BimodalIndex 1.1.9.
ModelerUpdated 7 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from Modeler.Rnw in Modeler 3.4.5.
Umpire PrimerUpdated 7 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from Umpire.Rnw in Umpire 2.0.10.
NameNeedleUpdated 7 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from blastName.Rnw in NameNeedle 1.2.7.
integIRTy VignetteUpdated 7 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from integIRTy.Rnw in integIRTy 1.0.7.
OOMPA PreProcessingUpdated 7 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from oompa-prep.Rnw in PreProcess 3.1.7.
setRNG GuideUpdated 7 years ago

Paul Gilbert

Rendered from setRNG.Stex in setRNG 2024.2-1.
RandVarUpdated 7 years ago

Matthias Kohl

Rendered from RandVar.Rnw in RandVar 1.2.4.
RHRV Quick Start TutorialUpdated 8 years ago


Rendered from RHRV-quickstart.Rmd in RHRV 5.0.0.
Parallel Processing with RNetLogoUpdated 8 years ago

Jan C. Thiele

Rendered from parallelProcessing.Rnw in RNetLogo 1.0-4.
Log-Likelihood Visualization for Archimedean CopulasUpdated 8 years ago

Marius Hofert and Martin Mächler

Rendered from logL_visualization.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
MLE and Quantile Evaluation for a Clayton AR(1) Model with Student MarginalsUpdated 8 years ago

Original demo from Roeger Koenker; by Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Mächler, Jun Yan

Rendered from AR_Clayton.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
Nested Archimedean Lévy CopulasUpdated 8 years ago

Marius Hofert

Rendered from NALC.Rmd in copula 1.1-5.
The Skellam DistributionUpdated 8 years ago

Patrick E. Brown

Rendered from skellam.rnw in skellam 0.2.3.
Reading Data in zooUpdated 8 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from zoo-read.Rnw in zoo 1.8-13.
Beta-Binomial DistributionUpdated 8 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from betabinomial.Rnw in TailRank 3.2.3.
TailRankUpdated 8 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from tailrank.Rnw in TailRank 3.2.3.
Usage of TopKListsUpdated 9 years ago

Michael G. Schimek

Rendered from TopKLists.Rnw in TopKLists 1.0.6.
Isotone Optimization in R: Pool-Adjacent-Violators Algorithm (PAVA) and Active Set MethodsUpdated 9 years ago

Patrick Mair

Rendered from isotone.Rnw in isotone 1.1-1.
A tutorial on STOPSUpdated 9 years ago

Thomas Rusch

Rendered from stops.html.asis in stops 1.8-2.
FFD: Package to substantiate freedom from disease in RUpdated 10 years ago

Ian Kopacka

Rendered from FFD-intro.Rnw in FFD 1.0-9.
Sensitivity, Calibration, Identifiability, Monte Carlo Analysis of a Steady-State Model Updated 10 years ago

Karline Soetaert

Rendered from FMEsteady.Rnw in FME
A survey analysis exampleUpdated 10 years ago

"Thomas Lumley"

Rendered from survey.Rnw in survey 4.5.
Analysing PPS designsUpdated 10 years ago

"Thomas Lumley"

Rendered from pps.Rnw in survey 4.5.
Estimates in subpopulationsUpdated 10 years ago

"Thomas Lumley"

Rendered from domain.Rnw in survey 4.5.
Two-phase designs in epidemiologyUpdated 10 years ago

"Thomas Lumley"

Rendered from epi.Rnw in survey 4.5.
OOMPA ClassComparisonUpdated 10 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from oompa-cc.Rnw in ClassComparison 3.3.2.
OOMPA ClassDiscoveryUpdated 11 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from oompa-cd.Rnw in ClassDiscovery 3.4.5.
OOMPA Mahalanobis DistanceUpdated 11 years ago

Kevin R. Coombes

Rendered from maha-test.Rnw in ClassDiscovery 3.4.5.
Inverse Modelling, Sensitivity and Monte Carlo Analysis in R Using Package FME Updated 11 years ago

Karline Soetaert

Rendered from FME.Rnw in FME
Sensitivity, Calibration, Identifiability, Monte Carlo Analysis of a Dynamic Simulation Model Updated 11 years ago

Karline Soetaert

Rendered from FMEdyna.Rnw in FME
Tests of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Implementation Updated 11 years ago

Karline Soetaert

Rendered from FMEmcmc.Rnw in FME
Sensitivity, Calibration, Identifiability, Monte Carlo Analysis of a Nonlinear Model Updated 11 years ago

Karline Soetaert

Rendered from FMEother.Rnw in FME
Introduction to mpmiUpdated 11 years ago

Chris Pardy

Rendered from Vignette.Rnw in mpmi 0.4.
Censored Regression ModelsUpdated 11 years ago

Arne Henningsen

Rendered from censReg.Rnw in censReg 0.5-39.
useR-2011-abstractUpdated 11 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from Maechler_useR_2011-abstr.Rnw in Rmpfr 0.9-6.
Using expm in packagesUpdated 11 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from expm.Rnw in expm 1.0-0.
Introduction to the Matrix PackageUpdated 12 years ago

Martin Maechler

Rendered from Introduction.Rnw in Matrix 1.8-0.
tfplot GuideUpdated 12 years ago

Paul Gilbert

Rendered from Guide.Stex in tfplot 2015.12-1.
tframe GuideUpdated 12 years ago

Paul Gilbert

Rendered from Guide.Stex in tframe 2019.6-1.
gpa GuideUpdated 12 years ago

Paul Gilbert

Rendered from Guide.Stex in GPArotation 2015.7-1.
numDeriv GuideUpdated 12 years ago

Paul Gilbert

Rendered from Guide.Stex in numDeriv 2022.9-1.
zoo DesignUpdated 12 years ago

Achim Zeileis

Rendered from zoo-design.Rnw in zoo 1.8-13.
tframe GuideUpdated 13 years ago

Paul Gilbert

Rendered from Guide.Stex in tframePlus 2024.2-1.