1. anacor::bitterling
  2. anacor::galton
    Galton's RFF data
  3. anacor::glass
    Glass data
  4. anacor::maxwell
    Maxwell's data
  5. anacor::sleeping
    Sleeping Bags
  6. anacor::spider
    Hunting spider data
  7. anacor::srole
    Srole Data
  8. anacor::tocher
    Tocher's eye/hair color data.
  9. aspect::duncan
    Duncan dataset
  10. aspect::galo
    GALO dataset
  11. aspect::wurzer
    Internet terminals
  12. betareg::CarTask
    Partition-Primed Probability Judgement Task for Car Dealership
  13. betareg::FoodExpenditure
    Proportion of Household Income Spent on Food
  14. betareg::GasolineYield
    Estimation of Gasoline Yields from Crude Oil
  15. betareg::ImpreciseTask
    Imprecise Probabilities for Sunday Weather and Boeing Stock Task
  16. betareg::LossAversion
    (No) Myopic Loss Aversion in Adolescents
  17. betareg::MockJurors
    Confidence of Mock Jurors in Their Verdicts
  18. betareg::ReadingSkills
    Dyslexia and IQ Predicting Reading Accuracy
  19. betareg::StressAnxiety
    Dependency of Anxiety on Stress
  20. betareg::WeatherTask
    Weather Task with Priming and Precise and Imprecise Probabilities
  21. carData::AMSsurvey
    American Math Society Survey Data
  22. carData::Adler
    Experimenter Expectations
  23. carData::Angell
    Moral Integration of American Cities
  24. carData::Anscombe
    U. S. State Public-School Expenditures
  25. carData::Arrests
    Arrests for Marijuana Possession
  26. carData::BEPS
    British Election Panel Study
  27. carData::Baumann
    Methods of Teaching Reading Comprehension
  28. carData::Bfox
    Canadian Women's Labour-Force Participation
  29. carData::Blackmore
    Exercise Histories of Eating-Disordered and Control Subjects
  30. carData::Burt
    Fraudulent Data on IQs of Twins Raised Apart
  31. carData::CES11
    2011 Canadian National Election Study, With Attitude Toward Abortion
  32. carData::CanPop
    Canadian Population Data
  33. carData::Chile
    Voting Intentions in the 1988 Chilean Plebiscite
  34. carData::Chirot
    The 1907 Romanian Peasant Rebellion
  35. carData::Cowles
    Cowles and Davis's Data on Volunteering
  36. carData::Davis
    Self-Reports of Height and Weight
  37. carData::DavisThin
    Davis's Data on Drive for Thinness
  38. carData::Depredations
    Minnesota Wolf Depredation Data
  39. carData::Duncan
    Duncan's Occupational Prestige Data
  40. carData::Ericksen
    The 1980 U.S. Census Undercount
  41. carData::Florida
    Florida County Voting
  42. carData::Freedman
    Crowding and Crime in U. S. Metropolitan Areas
  43. carData::Friendly
    Format Effects on Recall
  44. carData::GSSvocab
    Data from the General Social Survey (GSS) from the National Opinion Research Center of the University of Chicago.
  45. carData::Ginzberg
    Data on Depression
  46. carData::Greene
    Refugee Appeals
  47. carData::Guyer
    Anonymity and Cooperation
  48. carData::Hartnagel
    Canadian Crime-Rates Time Series
  49. carData::Highway1
    Highway Accidents
  50. carData::KosteckiDillon
    Treatment of Migraine Headaches
  51. carData::Leinhardt
    Data on Infant-Mortality
  52. carData::LoBD
    Cancer drug data use to provide an example of the use of the skew power distributions.
  53. carData::Mandel
    Contrived Collinear Data
  54. carData::Migration
    Canadian Interprovincial Migration Data
  55. carData::Moore
    Status, Authoritarianism, and Conformity
  56. carData::MplsDemo
    Minneapolis Demographic Data 2015, by Neighborhood
  57. carData::MplsStops
    Minneapolis Police Department 2017 Stop Data
  58. carData::Mroz
    U.S. Women's Labor-Force Participation
  59. carData::OBrienKaiser
    O'Brien and Kaiser's Repeated-Measures Data
  60. carData::OBrienKaiserLong
    O'Brien and Kaiser's Repeated-Measures Data in "Long" Format
  61. carData::Ornstein
    Interlocking Directorates Among Major Canadian Firms
  62. carData::Pottery
    Chemical Composition of Pottery
  63. carData::Prestige
    Prestige of Canadian Occupations
  64. carData::Quartet
    Four Regression Datasets
  65. carData::Robey
    Fertility and Contraception
  66. carData::Rossi
    Rossi et al.'s Criminal Recidivism Data
  67. carData::SLID
    Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics
  68. carData::Sahlins
    Agricultural Production in Mazulu Village
  69. carData::Salaries
    Salaries for Professors
  70. carData::Soils
    Soil Compositions of Physical and Chemical Characteristics
  71. carData::States
    Education and Related Statistics for the U.S. States
  72. carData::TitanicSurvival
    Survival of Passengers on the Titanic
  73. carData::Transact
    Transaction data
  74. carData::UN
    National Statistics from the United Nations, Mostly From 2009-2011
  75. carData::UN98
    United Nations Social Indicators Data 1998]
  76. carData::USPop
    Population of the United States
  77. carData::Vocab
    Vocabulary and Education
  78. carData::WVS
    World Values Surveys
  79. carData::WeightLoss
    Weight Loss Data
  80. carData::Wells
    Well Switching in Bangladesh
  81. carData::Womenlf
    Canadian Women's Labour-Force Participation
  82. carData::Wong
    Post-Coma Recovery of IQ
  83. carData::Wool
    Wool data
  84. cardidates::carditest
    Artificial Data Set: 3 Years of Phytoplankton
  85. cobs::DublinWind
    Daily Wind Speeds in Dublin
  86. cobs::USArmyRoofs
    Roof Quality in US Army Bases
  87. cobs::exHe
    Small Dataset Example of He
  88. cobs::globtemp
    Annual Average Global Surface Temperature
  89. coin::CWD
    Coarse Woody Debris
  90. coin::GTSG
    Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group
  91. coin::alpha
    Genetic Components of Alcoholism
  92. coin::alzheimer
    Smoking and Alzheimer's Disease
  93. coin::asat
    Toxicological Study on Female Wistar Rats
  94. coin::glioma
    Malignant Glioma Pilot Study
  95. coin::hohnloser
    Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
  96. coin::jobsatisfaction
    Income and Job Satisfaction
  97. coin::malformations
    Maternal Drinking and Congenital Sex Organ Malformation
  98. coin::mercuryfish
    Chromosomal Effects of Mercury-Contaminated Fish Consumption
  99. coin::neuropathy
    Acute Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
  100. coin::ocarcinoma
    Ovarian Carcinoma
  101. coin::photocar
    Multiple Dosing Photococarcinogenicity Experiment
  102. coin::rotarod
    Rotating Rats
  103. coin::treepipit
    Tree Pipits in Franconian Oak Forests
  104. coin::vision
    Unaided Distance Vision
    table|4 x 4
  105. colorspace::USSouthPolygon
    Polygon for County Map of US South States: Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina
  106. colorspace::max_chroma_table
    Compute Maximum Chroma for Given Hue and Luminance in HCL
  107. cops::BankingCrisesDistances
    Banking Crises Distances
    matrix|69 x 70
  108. cops::matchphi
    Distances of MATCH-ADTC modules
    distance|32 x 32
  109. copula::SMI.12
    SMI Data - 141 Days in Winter 2011/2012
    matrix|141 x 20
  110. copula::gasoil
    Daily Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices from 2003 to 2006
  111. copula::lSMI
    SMI Data - 141 Days in Winter 2011/2012
  112. copula::loss
    LOSS and ALAE Insurance Data
  113. copula::rdj
    Daily Returns of Three Stocks in the Dow Jones
  114. copula::uranium
    Uranium Exploration Dataset of Cook & Johnson (1986)
  115. copulaData::NELS88
    National Education Longitudinal Study Data
  116. copulaData::nursingHomes
    Wisconsin Nursing Homes Utilization Data
  117. cordillera::CAClimateIndicatorsCountyMedian
    Climate Change Indicators of Californian Counties
  118. corpora::BNCInChargeOf
    Collocations of the phrase "in charge of" (BNC)
  119. corpora::BNCbiber
    Biber's (1988) register features for the British National Corpus
    matrix|4048 x 65
  120. corpora::BNCcomparison
    Comparison of written and spoken noun frequencies in the British National Corpus
  121. corpora::BNCdomains
    Distribution of domains in the British National Corpus (BNC)
  122. corpora::BNCmeta
    Metadata for the British National Corpus (XML edition)
  123. corpora::BNCqueries
    Per-text frequency counts for a selection of BNCweb corpus queries
  124. corpora::BrownBigrams
    Bigrams of adjacent words from the Brown corpus
  125. corpora::BrownLOBPassives
    Frequency counts of passive verb phrases in the Brown and LOB corpora
  126. corpora::BrownPassives
    Frequency counts of passive verb phrases in the Brown corpus
  127. corpora::BrownStats
    Basic statistics of texts in the Brown corpus
  128. corpora::DistFeatBrownFam
    Latent dimension scores from a distributional analysis of the Brown Family corpora
  129. corpora::KrennPPV
    German PP-Verb collocation candidates annotated by Brigitte Krenn (2000)
  130. corpora::LOBPassives
    Frequency counts of passive verb phrases in the LOB corpus
  131. corpora::LOBStats
    Basic statistics of texts in the LOB corpus
  132. corpora::PassiveBrownFam
    By-text frequencies of passive verb phrases in the Brown Family corpora.
  133. corpora::VSS
    A small corpus of very short stories with linguistic annotations
  134. cotram::spiders
    Bavarian Forest Spider Data
  135. crch::RainIbk
    Precipitation Observations and Forecasts for Innsbruck
  136. deSolve::ccl4data
    Closed Chamber Study of CCl4 Metabolism by Rats.
  137. DPQ::pt_Witkovsky_Tab1
    Viktor Witosky's Table_1 pt() Examples
  138. DPQmpfr::qbBaha2017
    Accurate qbeta() values from Baharev et al (2017)'s Program
  139. dtw::aami3a
    ANSI/AAMI EC13 Test Waveforms, 3a and 3b
  140. dtw::aami3b
    ANSI/AAMI EC13 Test Waveforms, 3a and 3b
  141. expm::matStig
    Stig's "infamous" Example Matrix
  142. fExtremes::bmwRet
    Time Series Data Sets
  143. fExtremes::danishClaims
    Time Series Data Sets
  144. FFD::sheepData
    Simulated test data frame of Austrian sheep holdings.
  145. fImport::amexListing
    Provider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
  146. fImport::h15Listing
    Provider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
  147. fImport::nasdaqListing
    Provider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
  148. fImport::nyseListing
    Provider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
  149. fImport::oandaListing
    Provider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
  150. fImport::stoxxListing
    Provider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
  151. fImport::swxListing
    Provider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
  152. fPortfolio::ECON85
    Assets Data Sets
  153. fPortfolio::ECON85LONG
    Assets Data Sets
  154. fPortfolio::GCCINDEX
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|825 x 11
  155. fPortfolio::GCCINDEX.RET
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|824 x 11
  156. fPortfolio::LPP2005
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|377 x 9
  157. fPortfolio::LPP2005.RET
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|377 x 9
  158. fPortfolio::SMALLCAP
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|60 x 22
  159. fPortfolio::SMALLCAP.RET
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|60 x 22
  160. fPortfolio::SPISECTOR
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|2216 x 10
  161. fPortfolio::SPISECTOR.RET
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|2198 x 10
  162. fPortfolio::SWX
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|1917 x 6
  163. fPortfolio::SWX.RET
    Assets Data Sets
    timeSeries|1916 x 6
  164. frontier::front41Data
    Data provided with Tim Coelli's Frontier 4.1
  165. frontier::riceProdPhil
    Rice Production in the Philippines
  166. frontier::telecom
    Telecommunications Providers
  167. GenAlgo::diversity
    Results of a Genetic Algorithm
  168. GenAlgo::fitter
    Results of a Genetic Algorithm
  169. GenAlgo::meanfit
    Results of a Genetic Algorithm
  170. GenAlgo::recurse
    Results of a Genetic Algorithm
  171. GenAlgo::tourData09
    Tour de France 2009
  172. GeneralizedHyperbolic::ArkansasRiver
    Soil Electrical Conductivity
  173. GeneralizedHyperbolic::SandP500
    S&P 500
  174. GeneralizedHyperbolic::ghypLargeParam
    Parameter Sets for the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
    matrix|1440 x
  175. GeneralizedHyperbolic::ghypLargeShape
    Parameter Sets for the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
  176. GeneralizedHyperbolic::ghypSmallParam
    Parameter Sets for the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
  177. GeneralizedHyperbolic::ghypSmallShape
    Parameter Sets for the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
  178. GeneralizedHyperbolic::gigLargeParam
    Parameter Sets for the Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
    matrix|1100 x
  179. GeneralizedHyperbolic::gigSmallParam
    Parameter Sets for the Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
  180. GeneralizedHyperbolic::hyperbLargeParam
    Parameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
  181. GeneralizedHyperbolic::hyperbLargeShape
    Parameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
  182. GeneralizedHyperbolic::hyperbSmallParam
    Parameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
  183. GeneralizedHyperbolic::hyperbSmallShape
    Parameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
  184. GeneralizedHyperbolic::mamquam
    Size of Gravels from Mamquam River
  185. GeneralizedHyperbolic::nervePulse
    Intervals Between Pulses Along a Nerve Fibre
  186. GeneralizedHyperbolic::nigLargeParam
    Parameter Sets for the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
  187. GeneralizedHyperbolic::nigLargeShape
    Parameter Sets for the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
  188. GeneralizedHyperbolic::nigSmallParam
    Parameter Sets for the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
  189. GeneralizedHyperbolic::nigSmallShape
    Parameter Sets for the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
  190. GeneralizedHyperbolic::resistors
    Resistance of One-half-ohm Resistors
  191. GeneralizedHyperbolic::traffic
    Intervals Between Vehicles on a Road
  192. genoPlotR::barto
    Comparison of 4 Bartonella genomes
  193. genoPlotR::bbone
    Mauve backbone of 4 Bartonella genomes
  194. genoPlotR::chrY_subseg
    Comparisons of subsegments of the Y chromosome in human and chimp
  195. genoPlotR::comparisons
    Three genes data set
  196. genoPlotR::dna_segs
    Three genes data set
  197. Gifi::ABC
    ABC Customer Satisfaction
  198. Gifi::galo
    GALO dataset
  199. Gifi::gubell
    Guttman-Bell dataset
  200. Gifi::hartigan
    Hartigan's Hardware
  201. Gifi::house
  202. Gifi::mammals
    Mammals dataset
  203. Gifi::neumann
    Neumann dataset
  204. Gifi::roskam
    Roskam dataset
  205. Gifi::senate07
    Senate votes 2007
  206. Gifi::sleeping
    Sleeping Bags
  207. Gifi::small
    Small dataset
  208. GPArotation::Harman8
    Example Data from Harman
  209. GPArotation::NetherlandsTV
    Factor Example from Wansbeek and Meijer
  210. GPArotation::box20
    Example Data from Thurstone
  211. GPArotation::box26
    Example Data from Thurstone
  212. integIRTy::CN_N
    Ovarian Cancer Datasets
    matrix|1000 x 30
  213. integIRTy::CN_T
    Ovarian Cancer Datasets
    matrix|1000 x 30
  214. integIRTy::Expr_N
    Ovarian Cancer Datasets
    matrix|1000 x 8
  215. integIRTy::Expr_T
    Ovarian Cancer Datasets
    matrix|1000 x 30
  216. integIRTy::Methy_N
    Ovarian Cancer Datasets
    matrix|1000 x 10
  217. integIRTy::Methy_T
    Ovarian Cancer Datasets
    matrix|1000 x 30
  218. isotone::mendota
    Number of freezing days at Lake Mendota
  219. isotone::pituitary
    Size of pituitary fissue
  220. isotone::posturo
    Repeated posturographic measures
  221. JM::aids
    Didanosine versus Zalcitabine in HIV Patients
  222. JM::aids.id
    Didanosine versus Zalcitabine in HIV Patients
  223. JM::pbc2
    Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
  224. JM::pbc2.id
    Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
  225. JM::prothro
    Prednisone versus Placebo in Liver Cirrhosis Patients
  226. JM::prothros
    Prednisone versus Placebo in Liver Cirrhosis Patients
  227. lagsarlmtree::GrowthNUTS2
    Determinants of Regional Economic Growth
  228. lagsarlmtree::WeightsNUTS2
    Spatial Weights for European Union NUTS2 Regions
  229. latticeExtra::EastAuClimate
    Climate of the East Coast of Australia
  230. latticeExtra::SeatacWeather
    Daily Rainfall and Temperature at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport
  231. latticeExtra::USAge.df
    US national population estimates
  232. latticeExtra::USAge.table
    US national population estimates
  233. latticeExtra::USCancerRates
    Rate of Death Due to Cancer in US Counties
  234. latticeExtra::ancestry
    Modal ancestry by County according to US 2000 Census
  235. latticeExtra::biocAccess
    Hourly access attempts to Bioconductor website
  236. latticeExtra::gvhd10
    Flow cytometry data from five samples from a patient
  237. latticeExtra::postdoc
    Reasons for Taking First Postdoctoral Appointment
    table|8 x 5
  238. loa::lat.lon.meuse
    Example data for use with loa
  239. loa::roadmap.meuse
    Example data for use with loa
  240. lokern::xSim
    Simulated Linear plus Exponential Peak
  241. Matrix::CAex
    Albers' example Matrix with "Difficult" Eigen Factorization
  242. Matrix::KNex
    Koenker-Ng Example Sparse Model Matrix and Response Vector
  243. Matrix::USCounties
    Contiguity Matrix of U.S. Counties
  244. Matrix::wrld_1deg
    Contiguity Matrix of World One-Degree Grid Cells
  245. Mercator::CML1000
    CML Cytogenetic Data
  246. Mercator::CML500
    CML Cytogenetic Data
  247. Mercator::fakeclin
    CML Cytogenetic Data
  248. Mercator::fakedata
    CML Cytogenetic Data
  249. Mercator::lgfFeatures
    CML Cytogenetic Data
  250. metRology::GUM.H.1
    Example H.1 from the _Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement_
  251. metRology::Pb
    Lead in wine
  252. metRology::RMstudy
    Collaborative study results for metals in a reference material certification study
  253. metRology::apricot
    Collaborative study results for fibre content in an apricot test material
  254. metRology::chromium
    Chromium data for two different materials included in an interlaboratory study
  255. metRology::potassium
    Potassium data for two different materials included in an interlaboratory study
  256. mlogit::Car
    Stated Preferences for Car Choice
  257. mlogit::Catsup
    Choice of Brand for Catsup
  258. mlogit::Cracker
    Choice of Brand for Crakers
  259. mlogit::Electricity
    Stated preference data for the choice of electricity suppliers
  260. mlogit::Fishing
    Choice of Fishing Mode
  261. mlogit::Game
    Ranked data for gaming platforms
  262. mlogit::Game2
    Ranked data for gaming platforms
  263. mlogit::HC
    Heating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in California
  264. mlogit::Heating
    Heating System Choice in California Houses
  265. mlogit::JapaneseFDI
    Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in European Regions
  266. mlogit::Mode
    Mode Choice
  267. mlogit::ModeCanada
    Mode Choice for the Montreal-Toronto Corridor
  268. mlogit::NOx
    Technologies to reduce NOx emissions
  269. mlogit::RiskyTransport
    Risky Transportation Choices
  270. mlogit::Train
    Stated Preferences for Train Traveling
  271. modEvA::rotif.mods
    Rotifer distribution models
  272. mpm::Famin81A
    Famin81A Data...
  273. mpm::Golub
    Golub (1999) Data...
  274. mpm::Golub.grp
    Golub (1999) Data...
  275. mpmi::cts
    A group of simulated continuous variables
  276. mpmi::disc
    A group of simulated categorical (discrete) variables
  277. multcomp::adevent
    Adverse Events Data
  278. multcomp::cholesterol
    Cholesterol Reduction Data Set
  279. multcomp::cml
    Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia survival data.
  280. multcomp::detergent
    Detergent Durability Data Set
  281. multcomp::fattyacid
    Fatty Acid Content of Bacillus simplex.
  282. multcomp::litter
    Litter Weights Data Set
  283. multcomp::mtept
    Multiple Endpoints Data
  284. multcomp::recovery
    Recovery Time Data Set
  285. multcomp::sbp
    Systolic Blood Pressure Data
  286. multcomp::trees513
    Frankonian Tree Damage Data
  287. multcomp::waste
    Industrial Waste Data Set
  288. multiColl::KG
    Klein and Goldberger data
  289. multiColl::theil
    Henri Theil data
  290. NameNeedle::illuNames
    Cell Line Names
  291. NameNeedle::illuType
    Cell Line Names
  292. NameNeedle::rppaNames
    Cell Line Names
  293. NameNeedle::sf2Names
    Cell Line Names
  294. NewmanOmics::GSE6631
    Datasets to Illustrate the Newman Tests
    matrix|2000 x 44
  295. NewmanOmics::LungPair
    Datasets to Illustrate the Newman Tests
    matrix|20531 x 2
  296. oompaData::clinical.info
    Experimental info for the prostate cancer data set
  297. oompaData::expression.data
    Microarray expression data on prostate cancer
  298. oompaData::gene.info
    Gene information for the prostate cancer data set
  299. oompaData::lung.clinical
    Lung Cancer Gene Expression Dataset
  300. oompaData::lung.dataset
    Lung Cancer Gene Expression Dataset
    matrix|150 x 444
  301. party::readingSkills
    Reading Skills
  302. partykit::HuntingSpiders
    Abundance of Hunting Spiders
  303. partykit::WeatherPlay
    Weather Conditions and Playing a Game
  304. pcalg::gmB
    Graphical Model 5-Dim Binary Example Data
  305. pcalg::gmD
    Graphical Model Discrete 5-Dim Example Data
  306. pcalg::gmG
    Graphical Model 8-Dimensional Gaussian Example Data
  307. pcalg::gmG8
    Graphical Model 8-Dimensional Gaussian Example Data
  308. pcalg::gmI
    Graphical Model 7-dim IDA Data Examples
  309. pcalg::gmI7
    Graphical Model 7-dim IDA Data Examples
  310. pcalg::gmInt
    Graphical Model 8-Dimensional Interventional Gaussian Example Data
  311. pcalg::gmL
    Latent Variable 4-Dim Graphical Model Data Example
  312. PCDimension::spca
    Sample PCA Dataset
  313. pems.utils::pems.1
    example data for use with pems.utils
  314. pems.utils::pems.scheme
    reference data for use with pems.utils
  315. pems.utils::ref.chem
    reference data for use with pems.utils
  316. pems.utils::ref.diesel
    reference data for use with pems.utils
  317. pems.utils::ref.petrol
    reference data for use with pems.utils
  318. pems.utils::ref.unit.conversions
    reference data for use with pems.utils
  319. plasma::mirESCA
    ESCA type data
  320. plasma::tfESCA
    ESCA type data
  321. Polychrome::Dark24
    Light and Dark 24-Color Palettes
  322. Polychrome::Light24
    Light and Dark 24-Color Palettes
  323. Polychrome::alphabet
    A 26-Color Palette
  324. Polychrome::colorsafe
    A 10-Color Palette Distinguishable By COlor-Deficit Individuals
  325. Polychrome::glasbey
    The 32-color Glasbye palette
  326. Polychrome::iscc
    Color Names From the Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC)
  327. Polychrome::palette36
    A 36-Color Palette
  328. Polychrome::sky.colors
    Polychrome Color Palettes
  329. POT::ardieres
    High Flood Flows of the Ardieres River at Beaujeu
  330. PST::SRH
    Longitudinal data on self rated health
  331. PST::SRH.seq
    Longitudinal data on self rated health
  332. PST::s1
    Example sequence data set
  333. QSARdata::AquaticTox_Activity
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  334. QSARdata::AquaticTox_AtomPair
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  335. QSARdata::AquaticTox_Daylight_FP
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  336. QSARdata::AquaticTox_Dragon
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  337. QSARdata::AquaticTox_Lcalc
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  338. QSARdata::AquaticTox_Outcome
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  339. QSARdata::AquaticTox_PipelinePilot_FP
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  340. QSARdata::AquaticTox_QuickProp
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  341. QSARdata::AquaticTox_moe2D
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  342. QSARdata::AquaticTox_moe2D_FP
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  343. QSARdata::AquaticTox_moe3D
    Fathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
  344. QSARdata::MP_Data
    Melting Point Data
  345. QSARdata::MP_Descriptors
    Melting Point Data
  346. QSARdata::MP_Outcome
    Melting Point Data
  347. QSARdata::Mutagen_Dragon
    Mutagenicity Data
  348. QSARdata::Mutagen_Outcome
    Mutagenicity Data
  349. QSARdata::bbb2_AtomPair
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  350. QSARdata::bbb2_Class
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  351. QSARdata::bbb2_Daylight_FP
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  352. QSARdata::bbb2_Dragon
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  353. QSARdata::bbb2_Lcalc
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  354. QSARdata::bbb2_Outcome
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  355. QSARdata::bbb2_PipelinePilot_FP
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  356. QSARdata::bbb2_QuickProp
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  357. QSARdata::bbb2_moe2D
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  358. QSARdata::bbb2_moe2D_FP
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  359. QSARdata::bbb2_moe3D
    Blood-Brain Barrier Data
  360. qualV::obs
    Observed and Predicted Data of Phytoplankton
  361. qualV::sim
    Observed and Predicted Data of Phytoplankton
  362. R2MLwiN::alevchem
    Chemistry A-level results from one exam board
  363. R2MLwiN::bang
    Sub-sample from the 1989 Bangladesh Fertility Survey (see Huq & Cleveland, 1990)
  364. R2MLwiN::bang1
    Sub-sample from the 1989 Bangladesh Fertility Survey
  365. R2MLwiN::bes83
    Subsample from British Election Study, '83.
  366. R2MLwiN::cvd
    Data from the 1998 Scottish Health Survey on cardiovascular disease status of 8804 respondents
  367. R2MLwiN::diag1
    Examination dataset
  368. R2MLwiN::fysio
    Data on physiotherapy referrals from 100 general practices in the Netherlands, collected in 1987
  369. R2MLwiN::gcsecomp1
    Pupils' marks from GCSE exams (UK, 1989); complete cases only.
  370. R2MLwiN::gcsemv1
    Pupils' marks from GCSE exams (UK, 1989).
  371. R2MLwiN::height
    Height data.
  372. R2MLwiN::hungary1
    Hungarian component of 2nd International Science Survey, '84; see Goldstein 2003
  373. R2MLwiN::jspmix1
    Dataset of pupils' test scores, a subset of the Junior School Project.
  374. R2MLwiN::lips1
    Lips data
  375. R2MLwiN::lmdp
    Details of deaths from all causes in England and Wales 1972-1992, taken from the local mortality datapack
  376. R2MLwiN::mmmec
    EC data on UV radiation exposure & malignant melanoma.
  377. R2MLwiN::rats
    Weights of 30 rats, measured weekly over 5 weeks.
  378. R2MLwiN::reading1
    Students' reading attainment in inner London infant schools.
  379. R2MLwiN::tutorial
    Exam results for six inner London Education Authorities
  380. R2MLwiN::wage1
    Simulated dataset of office workers' salary and other employment details.
  381. R2MLwiN::xc
    Examination scores of 16-year olds in Fife, Scotland.
  382. R2MLwiN::xc1
    Examination scores of 16-year olds in Fife, Scotland.
  383. RCytoGPS::cytoData
    Example Cytoband Data
  384. RCytoGPS::cytobandLocations
    Cytoband Locations
  385. RCytoGPS::idiocolors
    Cytoband Locations
  386. RHRV::HRVData
  387. RHRV::HRVProcessedData
  388. robustbase::Animals2
    Brain and Body Weights for 65 Species of Land Animals
  389. robustbase::CrohnD
    Crohn's Disease Adverse Events Data
  390. robustbase::NOxEmissions
    NOx Air Pollution Data
  391. robustbase::SiegelsEx
    Siegel's Exact Fit Example Data
  392. robustbase::aircraft
    Aircraft Data
  393. robustbase::airmay
    Air Quality Data
  394. robustbase::alcohol
    Alcohol Solubility in Water Data
  395. robustbase::ambientNOxCH
    Daily Means of NOx (mono-nitrogen oxides) in air
  396. robustbase::biomassTill
    Biomass Tillage Data
  397. robustbase::bushfire
    Campbell Bushfire Data
  398. robustbase::carrots
    Insect Damages on Carrots
  399. robustbase::cloud
    Cloud point of a Liquid
  400. robustbase::coleman
    Coleman Data Set
  401. robustbase::condroz
    Condroz Data
  402. robustbase::cushny
    Cushny and Peebles Prolongation of Sleep Data
  403. robustbase::delivery
    Delivery Time Data
  404. robustbase::education
    Education Expenditure Data
  405. robustbase::epilepsy
    Epilepsy Attacks Data Set
  406. robustbase::exAM
    Example Data of Antille and May - for Simple Regression
  407. robustbase::foodstamp
    Food Stamp Program Participation
  408. robustbase::hbk
    Hawkins, Bradu, Kass's Artificial Data
  409. robustbase::heart
    Heart Catherization Data
  410. robustbase::kootenay
    Waterflow Measurements of Kootenay River in Libby and Newgate
  411. robustbase::lactic
    Lactic Acid Concentration Measurement Data
  412. robustbase::los
    Length of Stay Data
  413. robustbase::milk
    Daudin's Milk Composition Data
  414. robustbase::pension
    Pension Funds Data
  415. robustbase::phosphor
    Phosphorus Content Data
  416. robustbase::pilot
    Pilot-Plant Data
  417. robustbase::possum.mat
    Possum Diversity Data
    matrix|151 x 14
  418. robustbase::possumDiv
    Possum Diversity Data
  419. robustbase::pulpfiber
    Pulp Fiber and Paper Data
  420. robustbase::radarImage
    Satellite Radar Image Data from near Munich
  421. robustbase::salinity
    Salinity Data
  422. robustbase::starsCYG
    Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Data of Star Cluster CYG OB1
  423. robustbase::steamUse
    Steam Usage Data (Excerpt)
  424. robustbase::telef
    Number of International Calls from Belgium
  425. robustbase::toxicity
    Toxicity of Carboxylic Acids Data
  426. robustbase::vaso
    Vaso Constriction Skin Data Set
  427. robustbase::wagnerGrowth
    Wagner's Hannover Employment Growth Data
  428. robustbase::wood
    Modified Data on Wood Specific Gravity
  429. robustbase::x30o50
    Extreme Data examples
  430. ROI::US30
    Monthly return data for 30 of the largest US stocks
    matrix|180 x 30
  431. RPointCloud::AML10.node287
    CyTOF Data
    matrix|214 x 18
  432. RPointCloud::AML10.node287.rips
    CyTOF Data
  433. RPointCloud::Arip
    CyTOF Data
  434. RPointCloud::clinical
    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Clinical Data
    matrix|266 x 29
  435. RPointCloud::daisydist
    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Clinical Data
  436. RPointCloud::rip
    Single Cell Data on T Regulatory (Treg) Cells
  437. RPointCloud::ripdiag
    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Clinical Data
  438. RPointCloud::tmat
    Single Cell Data on T Regulatory (Treg) Cells
  439. RPointCloud::treg
    Single Cell Data on T Regulatory (Treg) Cells
    matrix|538 x 255
  440. Rwave::A0
    Transient Signal
  441. Rwave::A4
    Transient Signal
  442. Rwave::B0
    Transient Signal
  443. Rwave::B4
    Transient Signal
  444. Rwave::backscatter.1.000
  445. Rwave::backscatter.1.180
  446. Rwave::backscatter.1.220
  447. sandwich::InstInnovation
    Innovation and Institutional Ownership
  448. sandwich::Investment
    US Investment Data
  449. sandwich::PetersenCL
    Petersen's Simulated Data for Assessing Clustered Standard Errors
  450. sandwich::PublicSchools
    US Expenditures for Public Schools
  451. SIBERG::dataList
    Simulated Data From 2-component Mixture Models
  452. SIBERG::parList
    Simulated Data From 2-component Mixture Models
  453. signal::wav
    Example wav file
  454. SillyPutty::eucdist
    An example Euclidean distance matrix
  455. SillyPutty::trueGroups
    An example Euclidean distance matrix
  456. sirad::Metdata
    Weather data
  457. SkewHyperbolic::ais
    Australian Institute of Sport data
  458. SkewHyperbolic::lrdji
    Dow Jones Log Return Data
    matrix|1132 x 1
  459. SkewHyperbolic::lrnokeur
    Log Returns of the NOK/EUR Exchange Rate
    matrix|1647 x 1
  460. SkewHyperbolic::skewhypLargeParam
    Parameter Sets for the Skew Hyperbolic t-Distribution
  461. SkewHyperbolic::skewhypLargeShape
    Parameter Sets for the Skew Hyperbolic t-Distribution
  462. SkewHyperbolic::skewhypSmallParam
    Parameter Sets for the Skew Hyperbolic t-Distribution
  463. SkewHyperbolic::skewhypSmallShape
    Parameter Sets for the Skew Hyperbolic t-Distribution
  464. Sleuth2::case0101
    Motivation and Creativity
  465. Sleuth2::case0102
    Sex Discrimination in Employment
  466. Sleuth2::case0201
    Bumpus's Data on Natural Selection (Humerus)
  467. Sleuth2::case0202
    Anatomical Abnormalities Associated with Schizophrenia
  468. Sleuth2::case0301
    Cloud Seeding
  469. Sleuth2::case0302
    Agent Orange
  470. Sleuth2::case0401
    Space Shuttle
  471. Sleuth2::case0402
    Cognitive Load
  472. Sleuth2::case0501
    Diet Restriction and Longevity
  473. Sleuth2::case0502
    The Spock Conspiracy Trial
  474. Sleuth2::case0601
    Discrimination Against the Handicapped
  475. Sleuth2::case0602
    Mate Preference of Platyfish
  476. Sleuth2::case0701
    The Big Bang
  477. Sleuth2::case0702
    Meat Processing and pH
  478. Sleuth2::case0801
    Island Area and Number of Species
  479. Sleuth2::case0802
    Breakdown Times for Insulating Fluid under different Voltage
  480. Sleuth2::case0901
    Effects of Light on Meadowfoam Flowering
  481. Sleuth2::case0902
    Why Do Some Mammals Have Large Brains for Their Size?
  482. Sleuth2::case1001
    Galileo's Data on the Motion of Falling Bodies
  483. Sleuth2::case1002
    The Energy Costs of Echolocation by Bats
  484. Sleuth2::case1101
    Alcohol Metabolism in Men and Women
  485. Sleuth2::case1102
    The Blood-Brain Barrier
  486. Sleuth2::case1201
    State Average SAT Scores
  487. Sleuth2::case1202
    Sex discrimination in Employment
  488. Sleuth2::case1301
    Seaweed Grazers
  489. Sleuth2::case1302
    Pygmalion Effect
  490. Sleuth2::case1401
    Chimp Learning Times
  491. Sleuth2::case1402
    Effect of Ozone, SO2 and Drought on Soybean Yield
  492. Sleuth2::case1501
    Logging and Water Quality
  493. Sleuth2::case1502
    Global Warming
  494. Sleuth2::case1601
    Sites of Short- and Long-Term Memory
  495. Sleuth2::case1602
    Oat Bran and Cholesterol
  496. Sleuth2::case1701
    Magnetic Force on Printer Rods
  497. Sleuth2::case1702
    Love and Marriage
  498. Sleuth2::case1902
    Death Penalty and Race
  499. Sleuth2::case2001
    Survival in the Donner Party
  500. Sleuth2::case2002
    Birdkeeping and Lung Cancer
  501. Sleuth2::case2101
    Island Size and Bird Extinctions
  502. Sleuth2::case2102
    Moth Coloration and Natural Selection
  503. Sleuth2::case2201
    Age and Mating Success of Male Elephants
  504. Sleuth2::case2202
    Characteristics Associated with Salamander Habitat
  505. Sleuth2::ex0112
    Fish Oil and Blood Pressure
  506. Sleuth2::ex0116
    Planet Distances and Order from Sun
  507. Sleuth2::ex0211
    Lifetimes of Guinea Pigs
  508. Sleuth2::ex0221
    Bumpus's Data on Natural Selection (Weight)
  509. Sleuth2::ex0222
    Cholesterol in Urban and Rural Guatemalans
  510. Sleuth2::ex0223
    Speed Limits and Traffic Fatalities
  511. Sleuth2::ex0321
    Umpire Life Lengths
  512. Sleuth2::ex0323
    Solar Radiation and Skin Cancer
  513. Sleuth2::ex0327
    Life Expectancy and Per Capita Income
  514. Sleuth2::ex0328
    Pollen Removal
  515. Sleuth2::ex0331
    Iron Supplementation
  516. Sleuth2::ex0332
    College Tuition
  517. Sleuth2::ex0333
    Brain Size and Litter Size
  518. Sleuth2::ex0428
    Darwin's Data
  519. Sleuth2::ex0429
    Exercise and Walking Time
  520. Sleuth2::ex0430
    Sunlight Protection Factor
  521. Sleuth2::ex0431
    Effect of Group Therapy on Survival of Breast Cancer Patients
  522. Sleuth2::ex0432
    Therapeutic Marijuana
  523. Sleuth2::ex0518
    Fatty Acid
  524. Sleuth2::ex0523
    Was Tyrannosaurus Rex Warm-Blooded?
  525. Sleuth2::ex0524
    Vegetarians and Zinc: An Observational Study
  526. Sleuth2::ex0621
    Failure Times of Bearings
  527. Sleuth2::ex0622
    A Biological Basis for Homosexuality
  528. Sleuth2::ex0723
    Old Faithful
  529. Sleuth2::ex0724
    Crab Claw Size and Force
  530. Sleuth2::ex0726
    Decline in Male Births
  531. Sleuth2::ex0727
    The Big Bang II
  532. Sleuth2::ex0728
    Number of Stories and Building Height
  533. Sleuth2::ex0729
    Male Displays
  534. Sleuth2::ex0730
    Brain Activity in Violin and String Players
  535. Sleuth2::ex0816
    Meat Processing
  536. Sleuth2::ex0817
    Biological Pest Control
  537. Sleuth2::ex0818
    Chernobyl Fallout
  538. Sleuth2::ex0820
    Election Fraud
  539. Sleuth2::ex0822
    Ecosystem Decay
  540. Sleuth2::ex0823
    Wine Consumption and Heart Disease
  541. Sleuth2::ex0824
    Respiratory Rates for Children
  542. Sleuth2::ex0825
    The Dramatic U.S. Presidential Election of 2000
  543. Sleuth2::ex0914
    Pace of Life and Heart Disease
  544. Sleuth2::ex0915
    Rainfall and Corn Yield
  545. Sleuth2::ex0918
    Speed of Evolution
  546. Sleuth2::ex0920
    Winning Speeds at the Kentucky Derby
  547. Sleuth2::ex1014
    Toxic Effects of Copper and Zinc
  548. Sleuth2::ex1026
    Thinning of Ozone Layer
  549. Sleuth2::ex1027
    Factors Affecting Extinction
  550. Sleuth2::ex1028
    El Nino and Hurricanes
  551. Sleuth2::ex1029
    Wage and Race
  552. Sleuth2::ex1115
    Election Fraud
  553. Sleuth2::ex1120
    Was Tyrannosaurus Rex Warm-Blooded?
  554. Sleuth2::ex1122
    Deforestation and Debt
  555. Sleuth2::ex1123
    Air Pollution and Mortality
  556. Sleuth2::ex1124
    Natal Dispersal Distances of Mammals
  557. Sleuth2::ex1217
    Pollution and Mortality
  558. Sleuth2::ex1220
    Galapagos Islands
  559. Sleuth2::ex1221
    River Nitrogen
  560. Sleuth2::ex1222
    Bush Gore Ballot Controversy
  561. Sleuth2::ex1317
    Dinosaur Extinctions-An Observational Study
  562. Sleuth2::ex1319
  563. Sleuth2::ex1320
    Gender Differences in Performance on Mathematics Achievement Tests
  564. Sleuth2::ex1414
    Blood Brain Barrier
  565. Sleuth2::ex1415
    Second Replicate of the Barrier Disruption Study
  566. Sleuth2::ex1417
    Tennessee Corn Yield Trials
  567. Sleuth2::ex1509
    Sunspot Counts for 1749-1948
  568. Sleuth2::ex1512
    Melanoma and Sunspot Activity-An Observational Study
  569. Sleuth2::ex1513
    Lynx Trappings and Sunspots
  570. Sleuth2::ex1514
    Trends in Firearm and Motor Vehicle Deaths in the U.S.
  571. Sleuth2::ex1515
    S&P 500
  572. Sleuth2::ex1605
  573. Sleuth2::ex1611
    Religious Competition
  574. Sleuth2::ex1612
  575. Sleuth2::ex1613
    Flea Beetle Distinction
  576. Sleuth2::ex1614
  577. Sleuth2::ex1615
    Trends in SAT Scores
  578. Sleuth2::ex1708
    Pig Fat
  579. Sleuth2::ex1713
    Church Distinctiveness
  580. Sleuth2::ex1714
  581. Sleuth2::ex1914
    Mantel-Haenszel Test for Censored survival Times: Lymphoma and Radiation Data
  582. Sleuth2::ex1916
    Vitamin C and Colds
  583. Sleuth2::ex1917
    Alcohol Consumption and Breast Cancer-A Retrospective Study
  584. Sleuth2::ex1918
    The Donner Party
  585. Sleuth2::ex1919
    Tire-Related Fatal Accidents and Ford Sports Utility Vehicles
  586. Sleuth2::ex2011
    Space Shuttle
  587. Sleuth2::ex2012
    Muscular Dystrophy
  588. Sleuth2::ex2015
    Spotted Owl Habitat
  589. Sleuth2::ex2016
    Bumpus Natural Selection Data
  590. Sleuth2::ex2017
    Catholic stance
  591. Sleuth2::ex2018
    Fatal Car Accidents Involving Tire Failures on Ford Explorers
  592. Sleuth2::ex2115
    Belief Accessibility
  593. Sleuth2::ex2116
    Aflatoxicol and Liver Tumors in Trout
  594. Sleuth2::ex2117
    Effect of Stress During Conception on Odds of a Male Birth
  595. Sleuth2::ex2118
    HIV and Circumcision
  596. Sleuth2::ex2119
    Meta-Analysis of Breast Cancer and Lactation Studies
  597. Sleuth2::ex22.20
    Cancer Death of Atomic Bomb Survivors
  598. Sleuth2::ex2216
    Murder-Suicides by Deliberate Plane Crash
  599. Sleuth2::ex2222
    Emulating Jane Austen's Writing Style
  600. Sleuth2::ex2223
    Space Shuttle O-Ring Failures
  601. Sleuth2::ex2224
    Valve Failure in Nuclear Reactors
  602. Sleuth2::ex2225
    Body Size and Reproductive Success in a Population of Male Bullfrogs
  603. Sleuth2::ex2414
    Amphibian Crisis and UV-B
  604. Sleuth3::case0101
    Motivation and Creativity
  605. Sleuth3::case0102
    Sex Discrimination in Employment
  606. Sleuth3::case0201
    Peter and Rosemary Grant's Finch Beak Data
  607. Sleuth3::case0202
    Anatomical Abnormalities Associated with Schizophrenia
  608. Sleuth3::case0301
    Cloud Seeding
  609. Sleuth3::case0302
    Agent Orange
  610. Sleuth3::case0401
    Space Shuttle
  611. Sleuth3::case0402
    Cognitive Load
  612. Sleuth3::case0501
    Diet Restriction and Longevity
  613. Sleuth3::case0502
    The Spock Conspiracy Trial
  614. Sleuth3::case0601
    Discrimination Against the Handicapped
  615. Sleuth3::case0602
    Mate Preference of Platyfish
  616. Sleuth3::case0701
    The Big Bang
  617. Sleuth3::case0702
    Meat Processing and pH
  618. Sleuth3::case0801
    Island Area and Number of Species
  619. Sleuth3::case0802
    Breakdown Times for Insulating Fluid under different Voltage
  620. Sleuth3::case0901
    Effects of Light on Meadowfoam Flowering
  621. Sleuth3::case0902
    Why Do Some Mammals Have Large Brains for Their Size?
  622. Sleuth3::case1001
    Galileo's Data on the Motion of Falling Bodies
  623. Sleuth3::case1002
    The Energy Costs of Echolocation by Bats
  624. Sleuth3::case1101
    Alcohol Metabolism in Men and Women
  625. Sleuth3::case1102
    The Blood-Brain Barrier
  626. Sleuth3::case1201
    State Average SAT Scores
  627. Sleuth3::case1202
    Sex discrimination in Employment
  628. Sleuth3::case1301
    Seaweed Grazers
  629. Sleuth3::case1302
    Pygmalion Effect
  630. Sleuth3::case1401
    Chimp Learning Times
  631. Sleuth3::case1402
    Effect of Ozone, SO2 and Drought on Soybean Yield
  632. Sleuth3::case1501
    Logging and Water Quality
  633. Sleuth3::case1502
    Global Warming
  634. Sleuth3::case1601
    Sites of Short- and Long-Term Memory
  635. Sleuth3::case1602
    Oat Bran and Cholesterol
  636. Sleuth3::case1701
    Magnetic Force on Printer Rods
  637. Sleuth3::case1702
    Love and Marriage
  638. Sleuth3::case1801
    Obesity and Heart Disease
  639. Sleuth3::case1802
    Vitamin C and the Common Cold
  640. Sleuth3::case1803
    Smoking and Lung Cancer
  641. Sleuth3::case1901
    Sex Role Sterotypes and Personnel Decisions
  642. Sleuth3::case1902
    Death Penalty and Race
  643. Sleuth3::case2001
    Survival in the Donner Party
  644. Sleuth3::case2002
    Birdkeeping and Lung Cancer
  645. Sleuth3::case2101
    Island Size and Bird Extinctions
  646. Sleuth3::case2102
    Moth Coloration and Natural Selection
  647. Sleuth3::case2201
    Age and Mating Success of Male Elephants
  648. Sleuth3::case2202
    Characteristics Associated with Salamander Habitat
  649. Sleuth3::ex0112
    Fish Oil and Blood Pressure
  650. Sleuth3::ex0116
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per Capita
  651. Sleuth3::ex0125
    Zinc concentrations for two groups of rats
  652. Sleuth3::ex0126
    Environmental Voting of Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives
  653. Sleuth3::ex0127
    Environmental Voting of Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Senate
  654. Sleuth3::ex0211
    Lifetimes of Guinea Pigs
  655. Sleuth3::ex0218
    Peter and Rosemary Grant's Finch Beak Data
  656. Sleuth3::ex0221
    Bumpus's Data on Natural Selection
  657. Sleuth3::ex0222
    Male and Female Intelligence
  658. Sleuth3::ex0223
    Speed Limits and Traffic Fatalities
  659. Sleuth3::ex0321
    Umpire Life Lengths
  660. Sleuth3::ex0323
    Solar Radiation and Skin Cancer
  661. Sleuth3::ex0327
    Pollen Removal
  662. Sleuth3::ex0330
    Education and Income
  663. Sleuth3::ex0331
    Education and Income
  664. Sleuth3::ex0332
    College Tuition
  665. Sleuth3::ex0333
    Brain Size and Litter Size
  666. Sleuth3::ex0428
    Darwin's Data
  667. Sleuth3::ex0429
    Salvage Logging
  668. Sleuth3::ex0430
    Sunlight Protection Factor
  669. Sleuth3::ex0431
    Effect of Group Therapy on Survival of Breast Cancer Patients
  670. Sleuth3::ex0432
    Therapeutic Marijuana
  671. Sleuth3::ex0518
    Fatty Acid
  672. Sleuth3::ex0523
    Was Tyrannosaurus Rex Warm-Blooded?
  673. Sleuth3::ex0524
    IQ and Future Income
  674. Sleuth3::ex0525
    IQ and Future Income
  675. Sleuth3::ex0623
    Diet Wars
  676. Sleuth3::ex0624
    A Biological Basis for Homosexuality
  677. Sleuth3::ex0721
    Planetary Distances and Order from the Sun
  678. Sleuth3::ex0722
    Crab Claw Size and Force
  679. Sleuth3::ex0724
    Decline in Male Births
  680. Sleuth3::ex0725
    The Big Bang II
  681. Sleuth3::ex0726
    Orign of the Term Regression
  682. Sleuth3::ex0727
    Male Displays
  683. Sleuth3::ex0728
    Brain Activity in Violin and String Players
  684. Sleuth3::ex0729
    Sampling Bias in Exit Polls
  685. Sleuth3::ex0730
    Sampling Bias in Exit Polls 2
  686. Sleuth3::ex0816
    Meat Processing
  687. Sleuth3::ex0817
    Biological Pest Control
  688. Sleuth3::ex0820
    Quantifying Evidence for Outlierness
  689. Sleuth3::ex0822
    Ecosystem Decay
  690. Sleuth3::ex0823
    Wine Consumption and Heart Disease
  691. Sleuth3::ex0824
    Respiratory Rates for Children
  692. Sleuth3::ex0825
    The Dramatic U.S. Presidential Election of 2000
  693. Sleuth3::ex0826
    Kleiber's Law
  694. Sleuth3::ex0828
    IQ, Education, and Future Income
  695. Sleuth3::ex0829
    Autism Rates
  696. Sleuth3::ex0914
    Pace of Life and Heart Disease
  697. Sleuth3::ex0915
    Rainfall and Corn Yield
  698. Sleuth3::ex0918
    Speed of Evolution
  699. Sleuth3::ex0920
    Winning Speeds at the Kentucky Derby
  700. Sleuth3::ex0921
    Ingestion Rates of Deposit Feeders
  701. Sleuth3::ex0923
    Comparing Male and Female Incomes, Accounting for Education and IQ
  702. Sleuth3::ex1014
    Toxic Effects of Copper and Zinc
  703. Sleuth3::ex1026
    Thinning of Ozone Layer
  704. Sleuth3::ex1027
    Factors Affecting Extinction
  705. Sleuth3::ex1028
    El Nino and Hurricanes
  706. Sleuth3::ex1029
    Wage and Race
  707. Sleuth3::ex1030
    Wage and Race 2011
  708. Sleuth3::ex1031
    Who Looks After the Kids
  709. Sleuth3::ex1033
    IQ Score and Income
  710. Sleuth3::ex1111
    Chernobyl Fallout
  711. Sleuth3::ex1120
    Was Tyrannosaurus Rex Warm-Blooded?
  712. Sleuth3::ex1122
    Deforestation and Debt
  713. Sleuth3::ex1123
    Air Pollution and Mortality
  714. Sleuth3::ex1124
    Natal Dispersal Distances of Mammals
  715. Sleuth3::ex1125
    Ingestion Rates of Deposit Feeders
  716. Sleuth3::ex1217
    Pollution and Mortality
  717. Sleuth3::ex1220
    Galapagos Islands
  718. Sleuth3::ex1221
    Predicting Desert Wildflower Blooms
  719. Sleuth3::ex1222
    Bush Gore Ballot Controversy
  720. Sleuth3::ex1223
    IQ Score and Income
  721. Sleuth3::ex1225
    Gender Differences in Wages
  722. Sleuth3::ex1317
    Dinosaur Extinctions-An Observational Study
  723. Sleuth3::ex1319
  724. Sleuth3::ex1320
    Gender Differences in Performance on Mathematics Achievement Tests
  725. Sleuth3::ex1321
  726. Sleuth3::ex1416
    Blood Brain Barrier
  727. Sleuth3::ex1417
    Second Replicate of the Barrier Disruption Study
  728. Sleuth3::ex1419
    Clever Hans Effect
  729. Sleuth3::ex1420
    Diet Wars
  730. Sleuth3::ex1507
    Global Warming, Southern Hemisphere
  731. Sleuth3::ex1509
  732. Sleuth3::ex1514
    Melanoma and Sunspot Activity-An Observational Study
  733. Sleuth3::ex1515
    Lynx Trappings and Sunspots
  734. Sleuth3::ex1516
    Trends in Firearm and Motor Vehicle Deaths in the U.S.
  735. Sleuth3::ex1517
    S&P 500
  736. Sleuth3::ex1518
    Effectiveness of Measles Vaccine
  737. Sleuth3::ex1519
    El Nino and the Southern Oscillation
  738. Sleuth3::ex1605
  739. Sleuth3::ex1611
    Religious Competition
  740. Sleuth3::ex1612
  741. Sleuth3::ex1613
    Flea Beetle Distinction
  742. Sleuth3::ex1614
  743. Sleuth3::ex1615
    Trends in SAT Scores
  744. Sleuth3::ex1620
    Differential Gene Expression with RNA Sequencing
  745. Sleuth3::ex1708
    Pig Fat
  746. Sleuth3::ex1715
    Church Distinctiveness
  747. Sleuth3::ex1716
  748. Sleuth3::ex1914
    Mantel-Haenszel Test for Censored survival Times: Lymphoma and Radiation Data
  749. Sleuth3::ex1916
    Vitamin C and Colds
  750. Sleuth3::ex1917
    Alcohol Consumption and Breast Cancer-A Retrospective Study
  751. Sleuth3::ex1918
    The Donner Party
  752. Sleuth3::ex1919
    Tire-Related Fatal Accidents and Ford Sports Utility Vehicles
  753. Sleuth3::ex1921
    Diet Wars II
  754. Sleuth3::ex1922
    Diet Wars III
  755. Sleuth3::ex1923
    Who Looks After the Kids?
  756. Sleuth3::ex2011
    Space Shuttle
  757. Sleuth3::ex2012
    Muscular Dystrophy
  758. Sleuth3::ex2015
    Spotted Owl Habitat
  759. Sleuth3::ex2016
    Bumpus Natural Selection Data
  760. Sleuth3::ex2017
    Catholic stance
  761. Sleuth3::ex2018
    Fatal Car Accidents Involving Tire Failures on Ford Explorers
  762. Sleuth3::ex2019
    Missile Defenses
  763. Sleuth3::ex2113
    Vitamin C and Colds
  764. Sleuth3::ex2115
    Belief Accessibility
  765. Sleuth3::ex2116
    Aflatoxicol and Liver Tumors in Trout
  766. Sleuth3::ex2117
    Effect of Stress During Conception on Odds of a Male Birth
  767. Sleuth3::ex2118
    HIV and Circumcision
  768. Sleuth3::ex2119
    Meta-Analysis of Breast Cancer and Lactation Studies
  769. Sleuth3::ex2120
    Clever Hans Effect
  770. Sleuth3::ex2216
    Murder-Suicides by Deliberate Plane Crash
  771. Sleuth3::ex2220
    Cancer Deaths of Atomic Bomb Survivors
  772. Sleuth3::ex2222
    Emulating Jane Austen's Writing Style
  773. Sleuth3::ex2223
    Space Shuttle O-Ring Failures
  774. Sleuth3::ex2224
    Valve Failure in Nuclear Reactors
  775. Sleuth3::ex2225
    Body Size and Reproductive Success in a Population of Male Bullfrogs
  776. Sleuth3::ex2226
    Number of Moons
  777. Sleuth3::ex2414
    Amphibian Crisis and UV-B
  778. smacofx::BankingCrisesDistances
    Banking Crises Distances
    matrix|69 x 70
  779. smacofx::corpsepaint
    matrix|8100 x 32
  780. smacofx::koller
  781. SpatialExtremes::alt.mat
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
    matrix|192 x 115
  782. SpatialExtremes::coord
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  783. SpatialExtremes::coord
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  784. SpatialExtremes::lat.vec
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  785. SpatialExtremes::lon.vec
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  786. SpatialExtremes::maxima.summer
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
    matrix|100 x 424
  787. SpatialExtremes::metadata
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  788. SpatialExtremes::minima.winter
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
    matrix|99 x 424
  789. SpatialExtremes::rain
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
    matrix|47 x 79
  790. SpatialExtremes::wind
    Annual maxima wind gusts in the Netherlands.
    matrix|42 x 35
  791. stops::BankingCrisesDistances
    Banking Crises Distances
    matrix|69 x 70
  792. stops::Pendigits500
    Pen digits
  793. stops::Swissroll
    Swiss roll
  794. supraHex::Fang
    Human embryo gene expression dataset from Fang et al. (2010)
  795. supraHex::Fang.geneinfo
    Human embryo gene expression dataset from Fang et al. (2010)
  796. supraHex::Fang.sampleinfo
    Human embryo gene expression dataset from Fang et al. (2010)
  797. supraHex::Golub
    Leukemia gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
    matrix|3051 x 38
  798. supraHex::Xiang
    Arabidopsis embryo gene expression dataset from Xiang et al. (2011)
  799. surveillance::MMRcoverageDE
    MMR coverage levels in the 16 states of Germany
  800. surveillance::abattoir
    Abattoir Data
  801. surveillance::campyDE
    Campylobacteriosis and Absolute Humidity in Germany 2002-2011
  802. surveillance::deleval
    Surgical Failures Data
  803. surveillance::fluBYBW
    Influenza in Southern Germany
  804. surveillance::fooepidata
    Toy Data for 'twinSIR'
  805. surveillance::h1_nrwrp
    RKI SurvStat Data
  806. surveillance::ha
    Hepatitis A in Berlin
  807. surveillance::ha.sts
    Hepatitis A in Berlin
  808. surveillance::hagelloch
    1861 Measles Epidemic in the City of Hagelloch, Germany
  809. surveillance::hagelloch.df
    1861 Measles Epidemic in the City of Hagelloch, Germany
  810. surveillance::hepatitisA
    Hepatitis A in Germany
  811. surveillance::husO104Hosp
    Hospitalization date for HUS cases of the STEC outbreak in Germany, 2011
  812. surveillance::imdepi
    Occurrence of Invasive Meningococcal Disease in Germany
  813. surveillance::imdepifit
    Example 'twinstim' Fit for the 'imdepi' Data
  814. surveillance::influMen
    Influenza and meningococcal infections in Germany, 2001-2006
  815. surveillance::k1
    RKI SurvStat Data
  816. surveillance::m1
    RKI SurvStat Data
  817. surveillance::m2
    RKI SurvStat Data
  818. surveillance::m3
    RKI SurvStat Data
  819. surveillance::m4
    RKI SurvStat Data
  820. surveillance::m5
    RKI SurvStat Data
  821. surveillance::measles.weser
    Measles in the Weser-Ems region of Lower Saxony, Germany, 2001-2002
  822. surveillance::measlesDE
    Measles in the 16 states of Germany
  823. surveillance::measlesWeserEms
    Measles in the Weser-Ems region of Lower Saxony, Germany, 2001-2002
  824. surveillance::meningo.age
    Meningococcal infections in France 1985-1997
  825. surveillance::momo
    Danish 1994-2008 all-cause mortality data for eight age groups
  826. surveillance::n1
    RKI SurvStat Data
  827. surveillance::n2
    RKI SurvStat Data
  828. surveillance::q1_nrwh
    RKI SurvStat Data
  829. surveillance::q2
    RKI SurvStat Data
  830. surveillance::rotaBB
    Rotavirus cases in Brandenburg, Germany, during 2002-2013 stratified by 5 age categories
  831. surveillance::s1
    RKI SurvStat Data
  832. surveillance::s2
    RKI SurvStat Data
  833. surveillance::s3
    RKI SurvStat Data
  834. surveillance::salmAllOnset
    Salmonella cases in Germany 2001-2014 by data of symptoms onset
  835. surveillance::salmHospitalized
    Hospitalized Salmonella cases in Germany 2004-2014
  836. surveillance::salmNewport
    Salmonella Newport cases in Germany 2004-2013
  837. surveillance::salmonella.agona
    Salmonella Agona cases in the UK 1990-1995
  838. surveillance::shadar
    Salmonella Hadar cases in Germany 2001-2006
  839. surveillance::stsNewport
    Salmonella Newport cases in Germany 2001-2015
  840. survey::DatA
    Database of household expenses for two sampling frames
  841. survey::DatB
    Database of household expenses for two sampling frames
  842. survey::PiklA
    Database of household expenses for two sampling frames
  843. survey::PiklB
    Database of household expenses for two sampling frames
  844. survey::apiclus1
    Student performance in California schools
  845. survey::apiclus2
    Student performance in California schools
    data.frame|126 x 40
  846. survey::apipop
    Student performance in California schools
  847. survey::apisrs
    Student performance in California schools
  848. survey::apistrat
    Student performance in California schools
  849. survey::crowd
    Household crowding
  850. survey::election
    US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
  851. survey::election_insample
    US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
  852. survey::election_jointHR
    US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
  853. survey::election_jointprob
    US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
  854. survey::election_pps
    US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
  855. survey::fpc
    Small survey example
  856. survey::hospital
    Sample of obstetric hospitals
  857. survey::mu284
    Two-stage sample from MU284
  858. survey::myco
    Association between leprosy and BCG vaccination
  859. survey::nhanes
    Cholesterol data from a US survey
  860. survey::salamander
    Salamander mating data set from McCullagh and Nelder (1989)
  861. survey::scd
    Survival in cardiac arrest
  862. survey::yrbs
    One variable from the Youth Risk Behaviors Survey, 2015.
  863. systemfit::GrunfeldGreene
    Grunfeld Data as published by Greene (2003)
  864. systemfit::KleinI
    Klein Model I
  865. systemfit::Kmenta
    Partly Artificial Data on the U. S. Economy
  866. systemfit::ppine
    Tree Growth Data for Ponderosa Pine
  867. Thresher::savedReap
    Thresher and Reaper Simulated Data
  868. Thresher::savedSims
    Thresher and Reaper Simulated Data
  869. Thresher::sigma
    Thresher and Reaper Simulated Data
  870. tm::acq
    50 Exemplary News Articles from the Reuters-21578 Data Set of Topic acq
  871. tm::crude
    20 Exemplary News Articles from the Reuters-21578 Data Set of Topic crude
  872. TopKLists::breast
    Sample data from breast cancer expression
  873. TopKLists::input
    Sample input for TopKSpace functions
  874. TopKLists::space
    Sample input for TopKSpace functions
  875. tscount::campy
    Campylobacter Infections Time Series
  876. tscount::ecoli
    E. coli Infections Time Series
  877. tscount::ehec
    EHEC Infections Time Series
  878. tscount::influenza
    Influenza Infections Time Series
  879. tscount::measles
    Measles Infections Time Series
  880. VarSelLCM::heart
    Statlog (Heart) Data Set
  881. WayFindR::edgeColors
    GPML GraphingR Data
  882. WayFindR::edgeTypes
    GPML GraphingR Data
  883. WayFindR::nodeColors
    GPML GraphingR Data
  884. WayFindR::nodeShapes
    GPML GraphingR Data
  885. wordspace::DSM_GoodsMatrix
    A Scored Co-occurrence Matrix of Nouns Denoting Goods (wordspace)
    matrix|240 x 4
  886. wordspace::DSM_HieroglyphsMatrix
    A Small Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  887. wordspace::DSM_SingularValues
    Typical Singular Values of a Term-Context Matrix (wordspace)
  888. wordspace::DSM_TermContext
    Example of a Term-Context Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  889. wordspace::DSM_TermContextMatrix
    Example of a Term-Context Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  890. wordspace::DSM_TermTerm
    Example of a Term-Term Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  891. wordspace::DSM_TermTermMatrix
    Example of a Term-Term Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
  892. wordspace::DSM_Vectors
    Pre-Compiled DSM Vectors for Selected Words (wordspace)
    matrix|1677 x 50
  893. wordspace::DSM_VerbNounTriples_BNC
    Verb-Noun Co-occurrence Frequencies from British National Corpus (wordspace)
  894. wordspace::ESSLLI08_Nouns
    Noun Clustering Task from ESSLLI 2008 (wordspace)
  895. wordspace::RG65
    Similarity Ratings for 65 Noun Pairs (wordspace)
  896. wordspace::SemCorWSD
    SemCor Word Sense Disambiguation Task (wordspace)
  897. wordspace::WordSim353
    Similarity Ratings for 351 Noun Pairs (wordspace)
  898. WRS2::Leerkes
    Maternal Self-Efficacy
  899. WRS2::Pygmalion
    Pygmalion Data
  900. WRS2::WineTasting
    Wine Tasting
  901. WRS2::bush
    Bushtucker Foods
  902. WRS2::chile
    Chile Heat and Length
  903. WRS2::diet
    Diet and Weight Loss
  904. WRS2::electric
    The Electric Company
  905. WRS2::essays
    Academic Writing Data
  906. WRS2::eurosoccer
    European Soccer Leagues
  907. WRS2::goggles
    Beer Goggles Effect
  908. WRS2::hangover
    Hangover Symptoms
  909. WRS2::invisibility
    Cloaks of Invisibility
  910. WRS2::movie
    Movies and Aggressive Affect
  911. WRS2::picture
    Profile Pictures
  912. WRS2::spider
  913. WRS2::swimming
    Optimistic and Pessimistic Swimmers
  914. WRS2::viagra
    Effects of Viagra
  915. xtable::tli
    Math scores from Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS)
  916. zipfR::Baayen2001
    Frequency Spectra from Baayen (2001) (zipfR)
  917. zipfR::Brown.emp.vgc
    Brown Corpus Frequency Data (zipfR)
  918. zipfR::Brown.spc
    Brown Corpus Frequency Data (zipfR)
  919. zipfR::Brown.tfl
    Brown Corpus Frequency Data (zipfR)
  920. zipfR::Brown100k.spc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  921. zipfR::BrownAdj.emp.vgc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  922. zipfR::BrownAdj.spc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  923. zipfR::BrownImag.emp.vgc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  924. zipfR::BrownImag.spc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  925. zipfR::BrownInform.emp.vgc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  926. zipfR::BrownInform.spc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  927. zipfR::BrownNoun.emp.vgc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  928. zipfR::BrownNoun.spc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  929. zipfR::BrownVer.emp.vgc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  930. zipfR::BrownVer.spc
    Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
  931. zipfR::Dickens.emp.vgc
    Dickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
  932. zipfR::Dickens.spc
    Dickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
  933. zipfR::DickensGreatExpectations.emp.vgc
    Dickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
  934. zipfR::DickensGreatExpectations.spc
    Dickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
  935. zipfR::DickensOliverTwist.emp.vgc
    Dickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
  936. zipfR::DickensOliverTwist.spc
    Dickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
  937. zipfR::DickensOurMutualFriend.emp.vgc
    Dickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
  938. zipfR::DickensOurMutualFriend.spc
    Dickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
  939. zipfR::EvertLuedeling2001
    Samples of German Word Formation Affixes (zipfR)
  940. zipfR::ItaRi.emp.vgc
    Italian Ri- and Ultra- Prefix Frequency Data (zipfR)
  941. zipfR::ItaRi.spc
    Italian Ri- and Ultra- Prefix Frequency Data (zipfR)
  942. zipfR::ItaUltra.emp.vgc
    Italian Ri- and Ultra- Prefix Frequency Data (zipfR)
  943. zipfR::ItaUltra.spc
    Italian Ri- and Ultra- Prefix Frequency Data (zipfR)
  944. zipfR::TigerNP.emp.vgc
    Tiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
  945. zipfR::TigerNP.spc
    Tiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
  946. zipfR::TigerNP.tfl
    Tiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
  947. zipfR::TigerPP.emp.vgc
    Tiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
  948. zipfR::TigerPP.spc
    Tiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
  949. zipfR::TigerPP.tfl
    Tiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)