- anacor::bitterlingBitterling
- anacor::galtonGalton's RFF data
- anacor::glassGlass data
- anacor::maxwellMaxwell's data
- anacor::sleepingSleeping Bags
- anacor::spiderHunting spider data
- anacor::sroleSrole Data
- anacor::tocherTocher's eye/hair color data.
- aspect::duncanDuncan dataset
- aspect::galoGALO dataset
- aspect::wurzerInternet terminals
- betareg::CarTaskPartition-Primed Probability Judgement Task for Car Dealership
- betareg::FoodExpenditureProportion of Household Income Spent on Food
- betareg::GasolineYieldEstimation of Gasoline Yields from Crude Oil
- betareg::ImpreciseTaskImprecise Probabilities for Sunday Weather and Boeing Stock Task
- betareg::LossAversion(No) Myopic Loss Aversion in Adolescents
- betareg::MockJurorsConfidence of Mock Jurors in Their Verdicts
- betareg::ReadingSkillsDyslexia and IQ Predicting Reading Accuracy
- betareg::StressAnxietyDependency of Anxiety on Stress
- betareg::WeatherTaskWeather Task with Priming and Precise and Imprecise Probabilities
- carData::AMSsurveyAmerican Math Society Survey Data
- carData::AdlerExperimenter Expectations
- carData::AngellMoral Integration of American Cities
- carData::AnscombeU. S. State Public-School Expenditures
- carData::ArrestsArrests for Marijuana Possession
- carData::BEPSBritish Election Panel Study
- carData::BaumannMethods of Teaching Reading Comprehension
- carData::BfoxCanadian Women's Labour-Force Participation
- carData::BlackmoreExercise Histories of Eating-Disordered and Control Subjects
- carData::BurtFraudulent Data on IQs of Twins Raised Apart
- carData::CES112011 Canadian National Election Study, With Attitude Toward Abortion
- carData::CanPopCanadian Population Data
- carData::ChileVoting Intentions in the 1988 Chilean Plebiscite
- carData::ChirotThe 1907 Romanian Peasant Rebellion
- carData::CowlesCowles and Davis's Data on Volunteering
- carData::DavisSelf-Reports of Height and Weight
- carData::DavisThinDavis's Data on Drive for Thinness
- carData::DepredationsMinnesota Wolf Depredation Data
- carData::DuncanDuncan's Occupational Prestige Data
- carData::EricksenThe 1980 U.S. Census Undercount
- carData::FloridaFlorida County Voting
- carData::FreedmanCrowding and Crime in U. S. Metropolitan Areas
- carData::FriendlyFormat Effects on Recall
- carData::GSSvocabData from the General Social Survey (GSS) from the National Opinion Research Center of the University of Chicago.
- carData::GinzbergData on Depression
- carData::GreeneRefugee Appeals
- carData::GuyerAnonymity and Cooperation
- carData::HartnagelCanadian Crime-Rates Time Series
- carData::Highway1Highway Accidents
- carData::KosteckiDillonTreatment of Migraine Headaches
- carData::LeinhardtData on Infant-Mortality
- carData::LoBDCancer drug data use to provide an example of the use of the skew power distributions.
- carData::MandelContrived Collinear Data
- carData::MigrationCanadian Interprovincial Migration Data
- carData::MooreStatus, Authoritarianism, and Conformity
- carData::MplsDemoMinneapolis Demographic Data 2015, by Neighborhood
- carData::MplsStopsMinneapolis Police Department 2017 Stop Data
- carData::MrozU.S. Women's Labor-Force Participation
- carData::OBrienKaiserO'Brien and Kaiser's Repeated-Measures Data
- carData::OBrienKaiserLongO'Brien and Kaiser's Repeated-Measures Data in "Long" Format
- carData::OrnsteinInterlocking Directorates Among Major Canadian Firms
- carData::PotteryChemical Composition of Pottery
- carData::PrestigePrestige of Canadian Occupations
- carData::QuartetFour Regression Datasets
- carData::RobeyFertility and Contraception
- carData::RossiRossi et al.'s Criminal Recidivism Data
- carData::SLIDSurvey of Labour and Income Dynamics
- carData::SahlinsAgricultural Production in Mazulu Village
- carData::SalariesSalaries for Professors
- carData::SoilsSoil Compositions of Physical and Chemical Characteristics
- carData::StatesEducation and Related Statistics for the U.S. States
- carData::TitanicSurvivalSurvival of Passengers on the Titanic
- carData::TransactTransaction data
- carData::UNNational Statistics from the United Nations, Mostly From 2009-2011
- carData::UN98United Nations Social Indicators Data 1998]
- carData::USPopPopulation of the United States
- carData::VocabVocabulary and Education
- carData::WVSWorld Values Surveys
- carData::WeightLossWeight Loss Data
- carData::WellsWell Switching in Bangladesh
- carData::WomenlfCanadian Women's Labour-Force Participation
- carData::WongPost-Coma Recovery of IQ
- carData::WoolWool data
- cardidates::carditestArtificial Data Set: 3 Years of Phytoplankton
- cobs::DublinWindDaily Wind Speeds in Dublin
- cobs::USArmyRoofsRoof Quality in US Army Bases
- cobs::exHeSmall Dataset Example of He
- cobs::globtempAnnual Average Global Surface Temperature
- coin::CWDCoarse Woody Debris
- coin::GTSGGastrointestinal Tumor Study Group
- coin::alphaGenetic Components of Alcoholism
- coin::alzheimerSmoking and Alzheimer's Disease
- coin::asatToxicological Study on Female Wistar Rats
- coin::gliomaMalignant Glioma Pilot Study
- coin::hohnloserLeft Ventricular Ejection Fraction
- coin::jobsatisfactionIncome and Job Satisfaction
- coin::malformationsMaternal Drinking and Congenital Sex Organ Malformation
- coin::mercuryfishChromosomal Effects of Mercury-Contaminated Fish Consumption
- coin::neuropathyAcute Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
- coin::ocarcinomaOvarian Carcinoma
- coin::photocarMultiple Dosing Photococarcinogenicity Experiment
- coin::rotarodRotating Rats
- coin::treepipitTree Pipits in Franconian Oak Forests
- coin::visionUnaided Distance Vision
- colorspace::USSouthPolygonPolygon for County Map of US South States: Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina
- colorspace::max_chroma_tableCompute Maximum Chroma for Given Hue and Luminance in HCL
- cops::BankingCrisesDistancesBanking Crises Distances
- cops::matchphiDistances of MATCH-ADTC modules
- copula::SMI.12SMI Data - 141 Days in Winter 2011/2012
- copula::gasoilDaily Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices from 2003 to 2006
- copula::lSMISMI Data - 141 Days in Winter 2011/2012
- copula::lossLOSS and ALAE Insurance Data
- copula::rdjDaily Returns of Three Stocks in the Dow Jones
- copula::uraniumUranium Exploration Dataset of Cook & Johnson (1986)
- copulaData::NELS88National Education Longitudinal Study Data
- copulaData::nursingHomesWisconsin Nursing Homes Utilization Data
- cordillera::CAClimateIndicatorsCountyMedianClimate Change Indicators of Californian Counties
- corpora::BNCInChargeOfCollocations of the phrase "in charge of" (BNC)
- corpora::BNCbiberBiber's (1988) register features for the British National Corpus
- corpora::BNCcomparisonComparison of written and spoken noun frequencies in the British National Corpus
- corpora::BNCdomainsDistribution of domains in the British National Corpus (BNC)
- corpora::BNCmetaMetadata for the British National Corpus (XML edition)
- corpora::BNCqueriesPer-text frequency counts for a selection of BNCweb corpus queries
- corpora::BrownBigramsBigrams of adjacent words from the Brown corpus
- corpora::BrownLOBPassivesFrequency counts of passive verb phrases in the Brown and LOB corpora
- corpora::BrownPassivesFrequency counts of passive verb phrases in the Brown corpus
- corpora::BrownStatsBasic statistics of texts in the Brown corpus
- corpora::DistFeatBrownFamLatent dimension scores from a distributional analysis of the Brown Family corpora
- corpora::KrennPPVGerman PP-Verb collocation candidates annotated by Brigitte Krenn (2000)
- corpora::LOBPassivesFrequency counts of passive verb phrases in the LOB corpus
- corpora::LOBStatsBasic statistics of texts in the LOB corpus
- corpora::PassiveBrownFamBy-text frequencies of passive verb phrases in the Brown Family corpora.
- corpora::VSSA small corpus of very short stories with linguistic annotations
- cotram::spidersBavarian Forest Spider Data
- crch::RainIbkPrecipitation Observations and Forecasts for Innsbruck
- deSolve::ccl4dataClosed Chamber Study of CCl4 Metabolism by Rats.
- DPQ::pt_Witkovsky_Tab1Viktor Witosky's Table_1 pt() Examples
- DPQmpfr::qbBaha2017Accurate qbeta() values from Baharev et al (2017)'s Program
- dtw::aami3aANSI/AAMI EC13 Test Waveforms, 3a and 3b
- dtw::aami3bANSI/AAMI EC13 Test Waveforms, 3a and 3b
- expm::matStigStig's "infamous" Example Matrix
- fExtremes::bmwRetTime Series Data Sets
- fExtremes::danishClaimsTime Series Data Sets
- FFD::sheepDataSimulated test data frame of Austrian sheep holdings.
- fImport::amexListingProvider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
- fImport::h15ListingProvider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
- fImport::nasdaqListingProvider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
- fImport::nyseListingProvider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
- fImport::oandaListingProvider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
- fImport::stoxxListingProvider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
- fImport::swxListingProvider Listing of Symbols and Descriptions
- fPortfolio::ECON85Assets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::ECON85LONGAssets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::GCCINDEXAssets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::GCCINDEX.RETAssets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::LPP2005Assets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::LPP2005.RETAssets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::SMALLCAPAssets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::SMALLCAP.RETAssets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::SPISECTORAssets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::SPISECTOR.RETAssets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::SWXAssets Data Sets
- fPortfolio::SWX.RETAssets Data Sets
- frontier::front41DataData provided with Tim Coelli's Frontier 4.1
- frontier::riceProdPhilRice Production in the Philippines
- frontier::telecomTelecommunications Providers
- fuzzySim::rotif.envRotifers and environmental variables on TDWG level 4 regions of the world
- fuzzySim::rotifersRotifer species on TDWG level 4 regions of the world
- GenAlgo::diversityResults of a Genetic Algorithm
- GenAlgo::fitterResults of a Genetic Algorithm
- GenAlgo::meanfitResults of a Genetic Algorithm
- GenAlgo::recurseResults of a Genetic Algorithm
- GenAlgo::tourData09Tour de France 2009
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::ArkansasRiverSoil Electrical Conductivity
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::SandP500S&P 500
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::ghypLargeParamParameter Sets for the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::ghypLargeShapeParameter Sets for the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::ghypSmallParamParameter Sets for the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::ghypSmallShapeParameter Sets for the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::gigLargeParamParameter Sets for the Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::gigSmallParamParameter Sets for the Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::hyperbLargeParamParameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::hyperbLargeShapeParameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::hyperbSmallParamParameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::hyperbSmallShapeParameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::mamquamSize of Gravels from Mamquam River
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::nervePulseIntervals Between Pulses Along a Nerve Fibre
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::nigLargeParamParameter Sets for the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::nigLargeShapeParameter Sets for the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::nigSmallParamParameter Sets for the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::nigSmallShapeParameter Sets for the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::resistorsResistance of One-half-ohm Resistors
- GeneralizedHyperbolic::trafficIntervals Between Vehicles on a Road
- genoPlotR::bartoComparison of 4 Bartonella genomes
- genoPlotR::bboneMauve backbone of 4 Bartonella genomes
- genoPlotR::chrY_subsegComparisons of subsegments of the Y chromosome in human and chimp
- genoPlotR::comparisonsThree genes data set
- genoPlotR::dna_segsThree genes data set
- Gifi::ABCABC Customer Satisfaction
- Gifi::galoGALO dataset
- Gifi::gubellGuttman-Bell dataset
- Gifi::hartiganHartigan's Hardware
- Gifi::houseHouse
- Gifi::mammalsMammals dataset
- Gifi::neumannNeumann dataset
- Gifi::roskamRoskam dataset
- Gifi::senate07Senate votes 2007
- Gifi::sleepingSleeping Bags
- Gifi::smallSmall dataset
- GPArotation::Harman8Example Data from Harman
- GPArotation::NetherlandsTVFactor Example from Wansbeek and Meijer
- GPArotation::box20Example Data from Thurstone
- GPArotation::box26Example Data from Thurstone
- integIRTy::CN_NOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::CN_TOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::Expr_NOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::Expr_TOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::Methy_NOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::Methy_TOvarian Cancer Datasets
- isotone::mendotaNumber of freezing days at Lake Mendota
- isotone::pituitarySize of pituitary fissue
- isotone::posturoRepeated posturographic measures
- JM::aidsDidanosine versus Zalcitabine in HIV Patients
- JM::aids.idDidanosine versus Zalcitabine in HIV Patients
- JM::pbc2Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
- JM::pbc2.idMayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
- JM::prothroPrednisone versus Placebo in Liver Cirrhosis Patients
- JM::prothrosPrednisone versus Placebo in Liver Cirrhosis Patients
- lagsarlmtree::GrowthNUTS2Determinants of Regional Economic Growth
- lagsarlmtree::WeightsNUTS2Spatial Weights for European Union NUTS2 Regions
- latticeExtra::EastAuClimateClimate of the East Coast of Australia
- latticeExtra::SeatacWeatherDaily Rainfall and Temperature at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport
- latticeExtra::USAge.dfUS national population estimates
- latticeExtra::USAge.tableUS national population estimates
- latticeExtra::USCancerRatesRate of Death Due to Cancer in US Counties
- latticeExtra::ancestryModal ancestry by County according to US 2000 Census
- latticeExtra::biocAccessHourly access attempts to Bioconductor website
- latticeExtra::gvhd10Flow cytometry data from five samples from a patient
- latticeExtra::postdocReasons for Taking First Postdoctoral Appointment
- loa::lat.lon.meuseExample data for use with loa
- loa::roadmap.meuseExample data for use with loa
- lokern::xSimSimulated Linear plus Exponential Peak
- Matrix::CAexAlbers' example Matrix with "Difficult" Eigen Factorization
- Matrix::KNexKoenker-Ng Example Sparse Model Matrix and Response Vector
- Matrix::USCountiesContiguity Matrix of U.S. Counties
- Matrix::wrld_1degContiguity Matrix of World One-Degree Grid Cells
- Mercator::CML1000CML Cytogenetic Data
- Mercator::CML500CML Cytogenetic Data
- Mercator::fakeclinCML Cytogenetic Data
- Mercator::fakedataCML Cytogenetic Data
- Mercator::lgfFeaturesCML Cytogenetic Data
- metRology::GUM.H.1Example H.1 from the _Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement_
- metRology::PbLead in wine
- metRology::RMstudyCollaborative study results for metals in a reference material certification study
- metRology::apricotCollaborative study results for fibre content in an apricot test material
- metRology::chromiumChromium data for two different materials included in an interlaboratory study
- metRology::potassiumPotassium data for two different materials included in an interlaboratory study
- mlogit::CarStated Preferences for Car Choice
- mlogit::CatsupChoice of Brand for Catsup
- mlogit::CrackerChoice of Brand for Crakers
- mlogit::ElectricityStated preference data for the choice of electricity suppliers
- mlogit::FishingChoice of Fishing Mode
- mlogit::GameRanked data for gaming platforms
- mlogit::Game2Ranked data for gaming platforms
- mlogit::HCHeating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in California
- mlogit::HeatingHeating System Choice in California Houses
- mlogit::JapaneseFDIJapanese Foreign Direct Investment in European Regions
- mlogit::ModeMode Choice
- mlogit::ModeCanadaMode Choice for the Montreal-Toronto Corridor
- mlogit::NOxTechnologies to reduce NOx emissions
- mlogit::RiskyTransportRisky Transportation Choices
- mlogit::TrainStated Preferences for Train Traveling
- modEvA::rotif.modsRotifer distribution models
- mpm::Famin81AFamin81A Data...
- mpm::GolubGolub (1999) Data...
- mpm::Golub.grpGolub (1999) Data...
- mpmi::ctsA group of simulated continuous variables
- mpmi::discA group of simulated categorical (discrete) variables
- multcomp::adeventAdverse Events Data
- multcomp::cholesterolCholesterol Reduction Data Set
- multcomp::cmlChronic Myelogenous Leukemia survival data.
- multcomp::detergentDetergent Durability Data Set
- multcomp::fattyacidFatty Acid Content of Bacillus simplex.
- multcomp::litterLitter Weights Data Set
- multcomp::mteptMultiple Endpoints Data
- multcomp::recoveryRecovery Time Data Set
- multcomp::sbpSystolic Blood Pressure Data
- multcomp::trees513Frankonian Tree Damage Data
- multcomp::wasteIndustrial Waste Data Set
- multiColl::KGKlein and Goldberger data
- multiColl::theilHenri Theil data
- NameNeedle::illuNamesCell Line Names
- NameNeedle::illuTypeCell Line Names
- NameNeedle::rppaNamesCell Line Names
- NameNeedle::sf2NamesCell Line Names
- NewmanOmics::GSE6631Datasets to Illustrate the Newman Tests
- NewmanOmics::LungPairDatasets to Illustrate the Newman Tests
- oompaData::clinical.infoExperimental info for the prostate cancer data set
- oompaData::expression.dataMicroarray expression data on prostate cancer
- oompaData::gene.infoGene information for the prostate cancer data set
- oompaData::lung.clinicalLung Cancer Gene Expression Dataset
- oompaData::lung.datasetLung Cancer Gene Expression Dataset
- party::readingSkillsReading Skills
- partykit::HuntingSpidersAbundance of Hunting Spiders
- partykit::WeatherPlayWeather Conditions and Playing a Game
- pcalg::gmBGraphical Model 5-Dim Binary Example Data
- pcalg::gmDGraphical Model Discrete 5-Dim Example Data
- pcalg::gmGGraphical Model 8-Dimensional Gaussian Example Data
- pcalg::gmG8Graphical Model 8-Dimensional Gaussian Example Data
- pcalg::gmIGraphical Model 7-dim IDA Data Examples
- pcalg::gmI7Graphical Model 7-dim IDA Data Examples
- pcalg::gmIntGraphical Model 8-Dimensional Interventional Gaussian Example Data
- pcalg::gmLLatent Variable 4-Dim Graphical Model Data Example
- PCDimension::spcaSample PCA Dataset
- pems.utils::pems.1example data for use with pems.utils
- pems.utils::pems.schemereference data for use with pems.utils
- pems.utils::ref.chemreference data for use with pems.utils
- pems.utils::ref.dieselreference data for use with pems.utils
- pems.utils::ref.petrolreference data for use with pems.utils
- pems.utils::ref.unit.conversionsreference data for use with pems.utils
- plasma::mirESCAESCA type data
- plasma::tfESCAESCA type data
- Polychrome::Dark24Light and Dark 24-Color Palettes
- Polychrome::Light24Light and Dark 24-Color Palettes
- Polychrome::alphabetA 26-Color Palette
- Polychrome::colorsafeA 10-Color Palette Distinguishable By COlor-Deficit Individuals
- Polychrome::glasbeyThe 32-color Glasbye palette
- Polychrome::isccColor Names From the Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC)
- Polychrome::palette36A 36-Color Palette
- Polychrome::sky.colorsPolychrome Color Palettes
- POT::ardieresHigh Flood Flows of the Ardieres River at Beaujeu
- PST::SRHLongitudinal data on self rated health
- PST::SRH.seqLongitudinal data on self rated health
- PST::s1Example sequence data set
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_ActivityFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_AtomPairFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_Daylight_FPFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_DragonFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_LcalcFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_OutcomeFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_PipelinePilot_FPFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_QuickPropFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_moe2DFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_moe2D_FPFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::AquaticTox_moe3DFathead Minnow Acute Aquatic Toxicity
- QSARdata::MP_DataMelting Point Data
- QSARdata::MP_DescriptorsMelting Point Data
- QSARdata::MP_OutcomeMelting Point Data
- QSARdata::Mutagen_DragonMutagenicity Data
- QSARdata::Mutagen_OutcomeMutagenicity Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_AtomPairBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_ClassBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_Daylight_FPBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_DragonBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_LcalcBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_OutcomeBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_PipelinePilot_FPBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_QuickPropBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_moe2DBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_moe2D_FPBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- QSARdata::bbb2_moe3DBlood-Brain Barrier Data
- qualV::obsObserved and Predicted Data of Phytoplankton
- qualV::simObserved and Predicted Data of Phytoplankton
- R2MLwiN::alevchemChemistry A-level results from one exam board
- R2MLwiN::bangSub-sample from the 1989 Bangladesh Fertility Survey (see Huq & Cleveland, 1990)
- R2MLwiN::bang1Sub-sample from the 1989 Bangladesh Fertility Survey
- R2MLwiN::bes83Subsample from British Election Study, '83.
- R2MLwiN::cvdData from the 1998 Scottish Health Survey on cardiovascular disease status of 8804 respondents
- R2MLwiN::diag1Examination dataset
- R2MLwiN::fysioData on physiotherapy referrals from 100 general practices in the Netherlands, collected in 1987
- R2MLwiN::gcsecomp1Pupils' marks from GCSE exams (UK, 1989); complete cases only.
- R2MLwiN::gcsemv1Pupils' marks from GCSE exams (UK, 1989).
- R2MLwiN::heightHeight data.
- R2MLwiN::hungary1Hungarian component of 2nd International Science Survey, '84; see Goldstein 2003
- R2MLwiN::jspmix1Dataset of pupils' test scores, a subset of the Junior School Project.
- R2MLwiN::lips1Lips data
- R2MLwiN::lmdpDetails of deaths from all causes in England and Wales 1972-1992, taken from the local mortality datapack
- R2MLwiN::mmmecEC data on UV radiation exposure & malignant melanoma.
- R2MLwiN::ratsWeights of 30 rats, measured weekly over 5 weeks.
- R2MLwiN::reading1Students' reading attainment in inner London infant schools.
- R2MLwiN::tutorialExam results for six inner London Education Authorities
- R2MLwiN::wage1Simulated dataset of office workers' salary and other employment details.
- R2MLwiN::xcExamination scores of 16-year olds in Fife, Scotland.
- R2MLwiN::xc1Examination scores of 16-year olds in Fife, Scotland.
- RCytoGPS::cytoDataExample Cytoband Data
- RCytoGPS::cytobandLocationsCytoband Locations
- RCytoGPS::idiocolorsCytoband Locations
- RHRV::HRVProcessedDataHRVProcessedData
- robustbase::Animals2Brain and Body Weights for 65 Species of Land Animals
- robustbase::CrohnDCrohn's Disease Adverse Events Data
- robustbase::NOxEmissionsNOx Air Pollution Data
- robustbase::SiegelsExSiegel's Exact Fit Example Data
- robustbase::aircraftAircraft Data
- robustbase::airmayAir Quality Data
- robustbase::alcoholAlcohol Solubility in Water Data
- robustbase::ambientNOxCHDaily Means of NOx (mono-nitrogen oxides) in air
- robustbase::biomassTillBiomass Tillage Data
- robustbase::bushfireCampbell Bushfire Data
- robustbase::carrotsInsect Damages on Carrots
- robustbase::cloudCloud point of a Liquid
- robustbase::colemanColeman Data Set
- robustbase::condrozCondroz Data
- robustbase::cushnyCushny and Peebles Prolongation of Sleep Data
- robustbase::deliveryDelivery Time Data
- robustbase::educationEducation Expenditure Data
- robustbase::epilepsyEpilepsy Attacks Data Set
- robustbase::exAMExample Data of Antille and May - for Simple Regression
- robustbase::foodstampFood Stamp Program Participation
- robustbase::hbkHawkins, Bradu, Kass's Artificial Data
- robustbase::heartHeart Catherization Data
- robustbase::kootenayWaterflow Measurements of Kootenay River in Libby and Newgate
- robustbase::lacticLactic Acid Concentration Measurement Data
- robustbase::losLength of Stay Data
- robustbase::milkDaudin's Milk Composition Data
- robustbase::pensionPension Funds Data
- robustbase::phosphorPhosphorus Content Data
- robustbase::pilotPilot-Plant Data
- robustbase::possum.matPossum Diversity Data
- robustbase::possumDivPossum Diversity Data
- robustbase::pulpfiberPulp Fiber and Paper Data
- robustbase::radarImageSatellite Radar Image Data from near Munich
- robustbase::salinitySalinity Data
- robustbase::starsCYGHertzsprung-Russell Diagram Data of Star Cluster CYG OB1
- robustbase::steamUseSteam Usage Data (Excerpt)
- robustbase::telefNumber of International Calls from Belgium
- robustbase::toxicityToxicity of Carboxylic Acids Data
- robustbase::vasoVaso Constriction Skin Data Set
- robustbase::wagnerGrowthWagner's Hannover Employment Growth Data
- robustbase::woodModified Data on Wood Specific Gravity
- robustbase::x30o50Extreme Data examples
- ROI::US30Monthly return data for 30 of the largest US stocks
- RPointCloud::AML10.node287CyTOF Data
- RPointCloud::AML10.node287.ripsCyTOF Data
- RPointCloud::AripCyTOF Data
- RPointCloud::clinicalChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Clinical Data
- RPointCloud::daisydistChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Clinical Data
- RPointCloud::ripSingle Cell Data on T Regulatory (Treg) Cells
- RPointCloud::ripdiagChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Clinical Data
- RPointCloud::tmatSingle Cell Data on T Regulatory (Treg) Cells
- RPointCloud::tregSingle Cell Data on T Regulatory (Treg) Cells
- Rwave::A0Transient Signal
- Rwave::A4Transient Signal
- Rwave::B0Transient Signal
- Rwave::B4Transient Signal
- Rwave::backscatter.1.000
- Rwave::backscatter.1.180
- Rwave::backscatter.1.220
- sandwich::InstInnovationInnovation and Institutional Ownership
- sandwich::InvestmentUS Investment Data
- sandwich::PetersenCLPetersen's Simulated Data for Assessing Clustered Standard Errors
- sandwich::PublicSchoolsUS Expenditures for Public Schools
- SIBERG::dataListSimulated Data From 2-component Mixture Models
- SIBERG::parListSimulated Data From 2-component Mixture Models
- signal::wavExample wav file
- SillyPutty::eucdistAn example Euclidean distance matrix
- SillyPutty::trueGroupsAn example Euclidean distance matrix
- sirad::MetdataWeather data
- SkewHyperbolic::aisAustralian Institute of Sport data
- SkewHyperbolic::lrdjiDow Jones Log Return Data
- SkewHyperbolic::lrnokeurLog Returns of the NOK/EUR Exchange Rate
- SkewHyperbolic::skewhypLargeParamParameter Sets for the Skew Hyperbolic t-Distribution
- SkewHyperbolic::skewhypLargeShapeParameter Sets for the Skew Hyperbolic t-Distribution
- SkewHyperbolic::skewhypSmallParamParameter Sets for the Skew Hyperbolic t-Distribution
- SkewHyperbolic::skewhypSmallShapeParameter Sets for the Skew Hyperbolic t-Distribution
- Sleuth2::case0101Motivation and Creativity
- Sleuth2::case0102Sex Discrimination in Employment
- Sleuth2::case0201Bumpus's Data on Natural Selection (Humerus)
- Sleuth2::case0202Anatomical Abnormalities Associated with Schizophrenia
- Sleuth2::case0301Cloud Seeding
- Sleuth2::case0302Agent Orange
- Sleuth2::case0401Space Shuttle
- Sleuth2::case0402Cognitive Load
- Sleuth2::case0501Diet Restriction and Longevity
- Sleuth2::case0502The Spock Conspiracy Trial
- Sleuth2::case0601Discrimination Against the Handicapped
- Sleuth2::case0602Mate Preference of Platyfish
- Sleuth2::case0701The Big Bang
- Sleuth2::case0702Meat Processing and pH
- Sleuth2::case0801Island Area and Number of Species
- Sleuth2::case0802Breakdown Times for Insulating Fluid under different Voltage
- Sleuth2::case0901Effects of Light on Meadowfoam Flowering
- Sleuth2::case0902Why Do Some Mammals Have Large Brains for Their Size?
- Sleuth2::case1001Galileo's Data on the Motion of Falling Bodies
- Sleuth2::case1002The Energy Costs of Echolocation by Bats
- Sleuth2::case1101Alcohol Metabolism in Men and Women
- Sleuth2::case1102The Blood-Brain Barrier
- Sleuth2::case1201State Average SAT Scores
- Sleuth2::case1202Sex discrimination in Employment
- Sleuth2::case1301Seaweed Grazers
- Sleuth2::case1302Pygmalion Effect
- Sleuth2::case1401Chimp Learning Times
- Sleuth2::case1402Effect of Ozone, SO2 and Drought on Soybean Yield
- Sleuth2::case1501Logging and Water Quality
- Sleuth2::case1502Global Warming
- Sleuth2::case1601Sites of Short- and Long-Term Memory
- Sleuth2::case1602Oat Bran and Cholesterol
- Sleuth2::case1701Magnetic Force on Printer Rods
- Sleuth2::case1702Love and Marriage
- Sleuth2::case1902Death Penalty and Race
- Sleuth2::case2001Survival in the Donner Party
- Sleuth2::case2002Birdkeeping and Lung Cancer
- Sleuth2::case2101Island Size and Bird Extinctions
- Sleuth2::case2102Moth Coloration and Natural Selection
- Sleuth2::case2201Age and Mating Success of Male Elephants
- Sleuth2::case2202Characteristics Associated with Salamander Habitat
- Sleuth2::ex0112Fish Oil and Blood Pressure
- Sleuth2::ex0116Planet Distances and Order from Sun
- Sleuth2::ex0211Lifetimes of Guinea Pigs
- Sleuth2::ex0221Bumpus's Data on Natural Selection (Weight)
- Sleuth2::ex0222Cholesterol in Urban and Rural Guatemalans
- Sleuth2::ex0223Speed Limits and Traffic Fatalities
- Sleuth2::ex0321Umpire Life Lengths
- Sleuth2::ex0323Solar Radiation and Skin Cancer
- Sleuth2::ex0327Life Expectancy and Per Capita Income
- Sleuth2::ex0328Pollen Removal
- Sleuth2::ex0331Iron Supplementation
- Sleuth2::ex0332College Tuition
- Sleuth2::ex0333Brain Size and Litter Size
- Sleuth2::ex0428Darwin's Data
- Sleuth2::ex0429Exercise and Walking Time
- Sleuth2::ex0430Sunlight Protection Factor
- Sleuth2::ex0431Effect of Group Therapy on Survival of Breast Cancer Patients
- Sleuth2::ex0432Therapeutic Marijuana
- Sleuth2::ex0518Fatty Acid
- Sleuth2::ex0523Was Tyrannosaurus Rex Warm-Blooded?
- Sleuth2::ex0524Vegetarians and Zinc: An Observational Study
- Sleuth2::ex0621Failure Times of Bearings
- Sleuth2::ex0622A Biological Basis for Homosexuality
- Sleuth2::ex0723Old Faithful
- Sleuth2::ex0724Crab Claw Size and Force
- Sleuth2::ex0726Decline in Male Births
- Sleuth2::ex0727The Big Bang II
- Sleuth2::ex0728Number of Stories and Building Height
- Sleuth2::ex0729Male Displays
- Sleuth2::ex0730Brain Activity in Violin and String Players
- Sleuth2::ex0816Meat Processing
- Sleuth2::ex0817Biological Pest Control
- Sleuth2::ex0818Chernobyl Fallout
- Sleuth2::ex0820Election Fraud
- Sleuth2::ex0822Ecosystem Decay
- Sleuth2::ex0823Wine Consumption and Heart Disease
- Sleuth2::ex0824Respiratory Rates for Children
- Sleuth2::ex0825The Dramatic U.S. Presidential Election of 2000
- Sleuth2::ex0914Pace of Life and Heart Disease
- Sleuth2::ex0915Rainfall and Corn Yield
- Sleuth2::ex0918Speed of Evolution
- Sleuth2::ex0920Winning Speeds at the Kentucky Derby
- Sleuth2::ex1014Toxic Effects of Copper and Zinc
- Sleuth2::ex1026Thinning of Ozone Layer
- Sleuth2::ex1027Factors Affecting Extinction
- Sleuth2::ex1028El Nino and Hurricanes
- Sleuth2::ex1029Wage and Race
- Sleuth2::ex1115Election Fraud
- Sleuth2::ex1120Was Tyrannosaurus Rex Warm-Blooded?
- Sleuth2::ex1122Deforestation and Debt
- Sleuth2::ex1123Air Pollution and Mortality
- Sleuth2::ex1124Natal Dispersal Distances of Mammals
- Sleuth2::ex1217Pollution and Mortality
- Sleuth2::ex1220Galapagos Islands
- Sleuth2::ex1221River Nitrogen
- Sleuth2::ex1222Bush Gore Ballot Controversy
- Sleuth2::ex1317Dinosaur Extinctions-An Observational Study
- Sleuth2::ex1319Nature-Nurture
- Sleuth2::ex1320Gender Differences in Performance on Mathematics Achievement Tests
- Sleuth2::ex1414Blood Brain Barrier
- Sleuth2::ex1415Second Replicate of the Barrier Disruption Study
- Sleuth2::ex1417Tennessee Corn Yield Trials
- Sleuth2::ex1509Sunspot Counts for 1749-1948
- Sleuth2::ex1512Melanoma and Sunspot Activity-An Observational Study
- Sleuth2::ex1513Lynx Trappings and Sunspots
- Sleuth2::ex1514Trends in Firearm and Motor Vehicle Deaths in the U.S.
- Sleuth2::ex1515S&P 500
- Sleuth2::ex1605Nature-Nurture
- Sleuth2::ex1611Religious Competition
- Sleuth2::ex1612Wastewater
- Sleuth2::ex1613Flea Beetle Distinction
- Sleuth2::ex1614Pschoimmunology
- Sleuth2::ex1615Trends in SAT Scores
- Sleuth2::ex1708Pig Fat
- Sleuth2::ex1713Church Distinctiveness
- Sleuth2::ex1714Insurance
- Sleuth2::ex1914Mantel-Haenszel Test for Censored survival Times: Lymphoma and Radiation Data
- Sleuth2::ex1916Vitamin C and Colds
- Sleuth2::ex1917Alcohol Consumption and Breast Cancer-A Retrospective Study
- Sleuth2::ex1918The Donner Party
- Sleuth2::ex1919Tire-Related Fatal Accidents and Ford Sports Utility Vehicles
- Sleuth2::ex2011Space Shuttle
- Sleuth2::ex2012Muscular Dystrophy
- Sleuth2::ex2015Spotted Owl Habitat
- Sleuth2::ex2016Bumpus Natural Selection Data
- Sleuth2::ex2017Catholic stance
- Sleuth2::ex2018Fatal Car Accidents Involving Tire Failures on Ford Explorers
- Sleuth2::ex2115Belief Accessibility
- Sleuth2::ex2116Aflatoxicol and Liver Tumors in Trout
- Sleuth2::ex2117Effect of Stress During Conception on Odds of a Male Birth
- Sleuth2::ex2118HIV and Circumcision
- Sleuth2::ex2119Meta-Analysis of Breast Cancer and Lactation Studies
- Sleuth2::ex22.20Cancer Death of Atomic Bomb Survivors
- Sleuth2::ex2216Murder-Suicides by Deliberate Plane Crash
- Sleuth2::ex2222Emulating Jane Austen's Writing Style
- Sleuth2::ex2223Space Shuttle O-Ring Failures
- Sleuth2::ex2224Valve Failure in Nuclear Reactors
- Sleuth2::ex2225Body Size and Reproductive Success in a Population of Male Bullfrogs
- Sleuth2::ex2414Amphibian Crisis and UV-B
- Sleuth3::case0101Motivation and Creativity
- Sleuth3::case0102Sex Discrimination in Employment
- Sleuth3::case0201Peter and Rosemary Grant's Finch Beak Data
- Sleuth3::case0202Anatomical Abnormalities Associated with Schizophrenia
- Sleuth3::case0301Cloud Seeding
- Sleuth3::case0302Agent Orange
- Sleuth3::case0401Space Shuttle
- Sleuth3::case0402Cognitive Load
- Sleuth3::case0501Diet Restriction and Longevity
- Sleuth3::case0502The Spock Conspiracy Trial
- Sleuth3::case0601Discrimination Against the Handicapped
- Sleuth3::case0602Mate Preference of Platyfish
- Sleuth3::case0701The Big Bang
- Sleuth3::case0702Meat Processing and pH
- Sleuth3::case0801Island Area and Number of Species
- Sleuth3::case0802Breakdown Times for Insulating Fluid under different Voltage
- Sleuth3::case0901Effects of Light on Meadowfoam Flowering
- Sleuth3::case0902Why Do Some Mammals Have Large Brains for Their Size?
- Sleuth3::case1001Galileo's Data on the Motion of Falling Bodies
- Sleuth3::case1002The Energy Costs of Echolocation by Bats
- Sleuth3::case1101Alcohol Metabolism in Men and Women
- Sleuth3::case1102The Blood-Brain Barrier
- Sleuth3::case1201State Average SAT Scores
- Sleuth3::case1202Sex discrimination in Employment
- Sleuth3::case1301Seaweed Grazers
- Sleuth3::case1302Pygmalion Effect
- Sleuth3::case1401Chimp Learning Times
- Sleuth3::case1402Effect of Ozone, SO2 and Drought on Soybean Yield
- Sleuth3::case1501Logging and Water Quality
- Sleuth3::case1502Global Warming
- Sleuth3::case1601Sites of Short- and Long-Term Memory
- Sleuth3::case1602Oat Bran and Cholesterol
- Sleuth3::case1701Magnetic Force on Printer Rods
- Sleuth3::case1702Love and Marriage
- Sleuth3::case1801Obesity and Heart Disease
- Sleuth3::case1802Vitamin C and the Common Cold
- Sleuth3::case1803Smoking and Lung Cancer
- Sleuth3::case1901Sex Role Sterotypes and Personnel Decisions
- Sleuth3::case1902Death Penalty and Race
- Sleuth3::case2001Survival in the Donner Party
- Sleuth3::case2002Birdkeeping and Lung Cancer
- Sleuth3::case2101Island Size and Bird Extinctions
- Sleuth3::case2102Moth Coloration and Natural Selection
- Sleuth3::case2201Age and Mating Success of Male Elephants
- Sleuth3::case2202Characteristics Associated with Salamander Habitat
- Sleuth3::ex0112Fish Oil and Blood Pressure
- Sleuth3::ex0116Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per Capita
- Sleuth3::ex0125Zinc concentrations for two groups of rats
- Sleuth3::ex0126Environmental Voting of Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives
- Sleuth3::ex0127Environmental Voting of Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Senate
- Sleuth3::ex0211Lifetimes of Guinea Pigs
- Sleuth3::ex0218Peter and Rosemary Grant's Finch Beak Data
- Sleuth3::ex0221Bumpus's Data on Natural Selection
- Sleuth3::ex0222Male and Female Intelligence
- Sleuth3::ex0223Speed Limits and Traffic Fatalities
- Sleuth3::ex0321Umpire Life Lengths
- Sleuth3::ex0323Solar Radiation and Skin Cancer
- Sleuth3::ex0327Pollen Removal
- Sleuth3::ex0330Education and Income
- Sleuth3::ex0331Education and Income
- Sleuth3::ex0332College Tuition
- Sleuth3::ex0333Brain Size and Litter Size
- Sleuth3::ex0428Darwin's Data
- Sleuth3::ex0429Salvage Logging
- Sleuth3::ex0430Sunlight Protection Factor
- Sleuth3::ex0431Effect of Group Therapy on Survival of Breast Cancer Patients
- Sleuth3::ex0432Therapeutic Marijuana
- Sleuth3::ex0518Fatty Acid
- Sleuth3::ex0523Was Tyrannosaurus Rex Warm-Blooded?
- Sleuth3::ex0524IQ and Future Income
- Sleuth3::ex0525IQ and Future Income
- Sleuth3::ex0623Diet Wars
- Sleuth3::ex0624A Biological Basis for Homosexuality
- Sleuth3::ex0721Planetary Distances and Order from the Sun
- Sleuth3::ex0722Crab Claw Size and Force
- Sleuth3::ex0724Decline in Male Births
- Sleuth3::ex0725The Big Bang II
- Sleuth3::ex0726Orign of the Term Regression
- Sleuth3::ex0727Male Displays
- Sleuth3::ex0728Brain Activity in Violin and String Players
- Sleuth3::ex0729Sampling Bias in Exit Polls
- Sleuth3::ex0730Sampling Bias in Exit Polls 2
- Sleuth3::ex0816Meat Processing
- Sleuth3::ex0817Biological Pest Control
- Sleuth3::ex0820Quantifying Evidence for Outlierness
- Sleuth3::ex0822Ecosystem Decay
- Sleuth3::ex0823Wine Consumption and Heart Disease
- Sleuth3::ex0824Respiratory Rates for Children
- Sleuth3::ex0825The Dramatic U.S. Presidential Election of 2000
- Sleuth3::ex0826Kleiber's Law
- Sleuth3::ex0828IQ, Education, and Future Income
- Sleuth3::ex0829Autism Rates
- Sleuth3::ex0914Pace of Life and Heart Disease
- Sleuth3::ex0915Rainfall and Corn Yield
- Sleuth3::ex0918Speed of Evolution
- Sleuth3::ex0920Winning Speeds at the Kentucky Derby
- Sleuth3::ex0921Ingestion Rates of Deposit Feeders
- Sleuth3::ex0923Comparing Male and Female Incomes, Accounting for Education and IQ
- Sleuth3::ex1014Toxic Effects of Copper and Zinc
- Sleuth3::ex1026Thinning of Ozone Layer
- Sleuth3::ex1027Factors Affecting Extinction
- Sleuth3::ex1028El Nino and Hurricanes
- Sleuth3::ex1029Wage and Race
- Sleuth3::ex1030Wage and Race 2011
- Sleuth3::ex1031Who Looks After the Kids
- Sleuth3::ex1033IQ Score and Income
- Sleuth3::ex1111Chernobyl Fallout
- Sleuth3::ex1120Was Tyrannosaurus Rex Warm-Blooded?
- Sleuth3::ex1122Deforestation and Debt
- Sleuth3::ex1123Air Pollution and Mortality
- Sleuth3::ex1124Natal Dispersal Distances of Mammals
- Sleuth3::ex1125Ingestion Rates of Deposit Feeders
- Sleuth3::ex1217Pollution and Mortality
- Sleuth3::ex1220Galapagos Islands
- Sleuth3::ex1221Predicting Desert Wildflower Blooms
- Sleuth3::ex1222Bush Gore Ballot Controversy
- Sleuth3::ex1223IQ Score and Income
- Sleuth3::ex1225Gender Differences in Wages
- Sleuth3::ex1317Dinosaur Extinctions-An Observational Study
- Sleuth3::ex1319Nature-Nurture
- Sleuth3::ex1320Gender Differences in Performance on Mathematics Achievement Tests
- Sleuth3::ex1321Pygmalion
- Sleuth3::ex1416Blood Brain Barrier
- Sleuth3::ex1417Second Replicate of the Barrier Disruption Study
- Sleuth3::ex1419Clever Hans Effect
- Sleuth3::ex1420Diet Wars
- Sleuth3::ex1507Global Warming, Southern Hemisphere
- Sleuth3::ex1509Sunspots
- Sleuth3::ex1514Melanoma and Sunspot Activity-An Observational Study
- Sleuth3::ex1515Lynx Trappings and Sunspots
- Sleuth3::ex1516Trends in Firearm and Motor Vehicle Deaths in the U.S.
- Sleuth3::ex1517S&P 500
- Sleuth3::ex1518Effectiveness of Measles Vaccine
- Sleuth3::ex1519El Nino and the Southern Oscillation
- Sleuth3::ex1605Nature-Nurture
- Sleuth3::ex1611Religious Competition
- Sleuth3::ex1612Wastewater
- Sleuth3::ex1613Flea Beetle Distinction
- Sleuth3::ex1614Pschoimmunology
- Sleuth3::ex1615Trends in SAT Scores
- Sleuth3::ex1620Differential Gene Expression with RNA Sequencing
- Sleuth3::ex1708Pig Fat
- Sleuth3::ex1715Church Distinctiveness
- Sleuth3::ex1716Insurance
- Sleuth3::ex1914Mantel-Haenszel Test for Censored survival Times: Lymphoma and Radiation Data
- Sleuth3::ex1916Vitamin C and Colds
- Sleuth3::ex1917Alcohol Consumption and Breast Cancer-A Retrospective Study
- Sleuth3::ex1918The Donner Party
- Sleuth3::ex1919Tire-Related Fatal Accidents and Ford Sports Utility Vehicles
- Sleuth3::ex1921Diet Wars II
- Sleuth3::ex1922Diet Wars III
- Sleuth3::ex1923Who Looks After the Kids?
- Sleuth3::ex2011Space Shuttle
- Sleuth3::ex2012Muscular Dystrophy
- Sleuth3::ex2015Spotted Owl Habitat
- Sleuth3::ex2016Bumpus Natural Selection Data
- Sleuth3::ex2017Catholic stance
- Sleuth3::ex2018Fatal Car Accidents Involving Tire Failures on Ford Explorers
- Sleuth3::ex2019Missile Defenses
- Sleuth3::ex2113Vitamin C and Colds
- Sleuth3::ex2115Belief Accessibility
- Sleuth3::ex2116Aflatoxicol and Liver Tumors in Trout
- Sleuth3::ex2117Effect of Stress During Conception on Odds of a Male Birth
- Sleuth3::ex2118HIV and Circumcision
- Sleuth3::ex2119Meta-Analysis of Breast Cancer and Lactation Studies
- Sleuth3::ex2120Clever Hans Effect
- Sleuth3::ex2216Murder-Suicides by Deliberate Plane Crash
- Sleuth3::ex2220Cancer Deaths of Atomic Bomb Survivors
- Sleuth3::ex2222Emulating Jane Austen's Writing Style
- Sleuth3::ex2223Space Shuttle O-Ring Failures
- Sleuth3::ex2224Valve Failure in Nuclear Reactors
- Sleuth3::ex2225Body Size and Reproductive Success in a Population of Male Bullfrogs
- Sleuth3::ex2226Number of Moons
- Sleuth3::ex2414Amphibian Crisis and UV-B
- smacofx::BankingCrisesDistancesBanking Crises Distances
- smacofx::corpsepaint
- smacofx::koller
- SpatialExtremes::alt.matInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::coordInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::coordInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::lat.vecInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::lon.vecInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::maxima.summerInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::metadataInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::minima.winterInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::rainInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::windAnnual maxima wind gusts in the Netherlands.
- stops::BankingCrisesDistancesBanking Crises Distances
- stops::Pendigits500Pen digits
- stops::SwissrollSwiss roll
- surveillance::MMRcoverageDEMMR coverage levels in the 16 states of Germany
- surveillance::abattoirAbattoir Data
- surveillance::campyDECampylobacteriosis and Absolute Humidity in Germany 2002-2011
- surveillance::delevalSurgical Failures Data
- surveillance::fluBYBWInfluenza in Southern Germany
- surveillance::fooepidataToy Data for 'twinSIR'
- surveillance::h1_nrwrpRKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::haHepatitis A in Berlin
- surveillance::ha.stsHepatitis A in Berlin
- surveillance::hagelloch1861 Measles Epidemic in the City of Hagelloch, Germany
- surveillance::hagelloch.df1861 Measles Epidemic in the City of Hagelloch, Germany
- surveillance::hepatitisAHepatitis A in Germany
- surveillance::husO104HospHospitalization date for HUS cases of the STEC outbreak in Germany, 2011
- surveillance::imdepiOccurrence of Invasive Meningococcal Disease in Germany
- surveillance::imdepifitExample 'twinstim' Fit for the 'imdepi' Data
- surveillance::influMenInfluenza and meningococcal infections in Germany, 2001-2006
- surveillance::k1RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::m1RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::m2RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::m3RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::m4RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::m5RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::measles.weserMeasles in the Weser-Ems region of Lower Saxony, Germany, 2001-2002
- surveillance::measlesDEMeasles in the 16 states of Germany
- surveillance::measlesWeserEmsMeasles in the Weser-Ems region of Lower Saxony, Germany, 2001-2002
- surveillance::meningo.ageMeningococcal infections in France 1985-1997
- surveillance::momoDanish 1994-2008 all-cause mortality data for eight age groups
- surveillance::n1RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::n2RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::q1_nrwhRKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::q2RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::rotaBBRotavirus cases in Brandenburg, Germany, during 2002-2013 stratified by 5 age categories
- surveillance::s1RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::s2RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::s3RKI SurvStat Data
- surveillance::salmAllOnsetSalmonella cases in Germany 2001-2014 by data of symptoms onset
- surveillance::salmHospitalizedHospitalized Salmonella cases in Germany 2004-2014
- surveillance::salmNewportSalmonella Newport cases in Germany 2004-2013
- surveillance::salmonella.agonaSalmonella Agona cases in the UK 1990-1995
- surveillance::shadarSalmonella Hadar cases in Germany 2001-2006
- surveillance::stsNewportSalmonella Newport cases in Germany 2001-2015
- survey::DatADatabase of household expenses for two sampling frames
- survey::DatBDatabase of household expenses for two sampling frames
- survey::PiklADatabase of household expenses for two sampling frames
- survey::PiklBDatabase of household expenses for two sampling frames
- survey::apiclus1Student performance in California schools
- survey::apiclus2Student performance in California schools
- survey::apipopStudent performance in California schools
- survey::apisrsStudent performance in California schools
- survey::apistratStudent performance in California schools
- survey::crowdHousehold crowding
- survey::electionUS 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
- survey::election_insampleUS 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
- survey::election_jointHRUS 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
- survey::election_jointprobUS 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
- survey::election_ppsUS 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
- survey::fpcSmall survey example
- survey::hospitalSample of obstetric hospitals
- survey::mu284Two-stage sample from MU284
- survey::mycoAssociation between leprosy and BCG vaccination
- survey::nhanesCholesterol data from a US survey
- survey::salamanderSalamander mating data set from McCullagh and Nelder (1989)
- survey::scdSurvival in cardiac arrest
- survey::yrbsOne variable from the Youth Risk Behaviors Survey, 2015.
- systemfit::GrunfeldGreeneGrunfeld Data as published by Greene (2003)
- systemfit::KleinIKlein Model I
- systemfit::KmentaPartly Artificial Data on the U. S. Economy
- systemfit::ppineTree Growth Data for Ponderosa Pine
- Thresher::savedReapThresher and Reaper Simulated Data
- Thresher::savedSimsThresher and Reaper Simulated Data
- Thresher::sigmaThresher and Reaper Simulated Data
- tm::acq50 Exemplary News Articles from the Reuters-21578 Data Set of Topic acq
- tm::crude20 Exemplary News Articles from the Reuters-21578 Data Set of Topic crude
- TopKLists::breastSample data from breast cancer expression
- TopKLists::inputSample input for TopKSpace functions
- TopKLists::spaceSample input for TopKSpace functions
- tscount::campyCampylobacter Infections Time Series
- tscount::ecoliE. coli Infections Time Series
- tscount::ehecEHEC Infections Time Series
- tscount::influenzaInfluenza Infections Time Series
- tscount::measlesMeasles Infections Time Series
- VarSelLCM::heartStatlog (Heart) Data Set
- WayFindR::edgeColorsGPML GraphingR Data
- WayFindR::edgeTypesGPML GraphingR Data
- WayFindR::nodeColorsGPML GraphingR Data
- WayFindR::nodeShapesGPML GraphingR Data
- wordspace::DSM_GoodsMatrixA Scored Co-occurrence Matrix of Nouns Denoting Goods (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_HieroglyphsMatrixA Small Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_SingularValuesTypical Singular Values of a Term-Context Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_TermContextExample of a Term-Context Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_TermContextMatrixExample of a Term-Context Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_TermTermExample of a Term-Term Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_TermTermMatrixExample of a Term-Term Co-occurrence Matrix (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_VectorsPre-Compiled DSM Vectors for Selected Words (wordspace)
- wordspace::DSM_VerbNounTriples_BNCVerb-Noun Co-occurrence Frequencies from British National Corpus (wordspace)
- wordspace::ESSLLI08_NounsNoun Clustering Task from ESSLLI 2008 (wordspace)
- wordspace::RG65Similarity Ratings for 65 Noun Pairs (wordspace)
- wordspace::SemCorWSDSemCor Word Sense Disambiguation Task (wordspace)
- wordspace::WordSim353Similarity Ratings for 351 Noun Pairs (wordspace)
- WRS2::LeerkesMaternal Self-Efficacy
- WRS2::PygmalionPygmalion Data
- WRS2::WineTastingWine Tasting
- WRS2::bushBushtucker Foods
- WRS2::chileChile Heat and Length
- WRS2::dietDiet and Weight Loss
- WRS2::electricThe Electric Company
- WRS2::essaysAcademic Writing Data
- WRS2::eurosoccerEuropean Soccer Leagues
- WRS2::gogglesBeer Goggles Effect
- WRS2::hangoverHangover Symptoms
- WRS2::invisibilityCloaks of Invisibility
- WRS2::movieMovies and Aggressive Affect
- WRS2::pictureProfile Pictures
- WRS2::spiderArachnophobes
- WRS2::swimmingOptimistic and Pessimistic Swimmers
- WRS2::viagraEffects of Viagra
- xtable::tliMath scores from Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS)
- zipfR::Baayen2001Frequency Spectra from Baayen (2001) (zipfR)
- zipfR::Brown.emp.vgcBrown Corpus Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::Brown.spcBrown Corpus Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::Brown.tflBrown Corpus Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::Brown100k.spcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownAdj.emp.vgcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownAdj.spcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownImag.emp.vgcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownImag.spcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownInform.emp.vgcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownInform.spcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownNoun.emp.vgcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownNoun.spcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownVer.emp.vgcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::BrownVer.spcBrown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::Dickens.emp.vgcDickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::Dickens.spcDickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::DickensGreatExpectations.emp.vgcDickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
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- zipfR::DickensOliverTwist.emp.vgcDickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::DickensOliverTwist.spcDickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::DickensOurMutualFriend.emp.vgcDickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::DickensOurMutualFriend.spcDickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::EvertLuedeling2001Samples of German Word Formation Affixes (zipfR)
- zipfR::ItaRi.emp.vgcItalian Ri- and Ultra- Prefix Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::ItaRi.spcItalian Ri- and Ultra- Prefix Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::ItaUltra.emp.vgcItalian Ri- and Ultra- Prefix Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::ItaUltra.spcItalian Ri- and Ultra- Prefix Frequency Data (zipfR)
- zipfR::TigerNP.emp.vgcTiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
- zipfR::TigerNP.spcTiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
- zipfR::TigerNP.tflTiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
- zipfR::TigerPP.emp.vgcTiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
- zipfR::TigerPP.spcTiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
- zipfR::TigerPP.tflTiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)